

【作者】 郭爱涛

【导师】 钱宗武;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《尚书》是我国最早的政史文献汇编。从汉代至今,历代诸多学者对《尚书》做了大量的整理、考辨以及研究工作。《孔传》作为《尚书》的注疏语料,一直是经学研究的热点。《孔传》文本形成时代、作者等问题,仍然存在争议。这就需要我们采用新的理论和方法进行深入研究,而语言学方法是一个很好的选择。语言具有时空性,其表层结构与深层结构具有比较鲜明的差异性。语言具有社会性,任何文献语言都可以体现出那个时代的语言规则和表达习惯。《孔传》出现的时期是处于上古汉语向中古汉语发展的一个阶段。在语言特征上,不但具有其本身语言的时代性特点,也具有明显的继承性、过渡性等特点。本文通过计量的方法,考察《孔传》所有虚词,并进行详尽的描写以及系统的比较研究,客观、全面地反映《孔传》虚词的实际概况,从而揭示汉语虚词发展的规律与特点。同时,为文献学、训诂学、经学和学术史的研究提供有价值的研究资料,也为旷日持久的《孔传》辨伪提供新的方法和新的证据。论文在结构上分为上、下编。上编为《尚书孔传》副词研究;下编为《尚书孔传》代词、连词、介词、语气词、助词研究。凡7章。第一章是《孔传》副词的分类及其特点。主要从副词在句中的语法意义角度,将副词分为判断、时间、程度、状态、疑问、关联、范围、劝令、否定、推度等十类,逐一分析每个副词特点,揭示副词的静态语义的分布情况以及每个副词在具体组合关系中呈现的动态意义。第二章是副词的词频分析及其与古文《尚书》、清华简副词的比较研究。第一节是《孔传》副词词频的统计总表及其分析,主要是对《孔传》副词的数量、类别和个体副词频率进行考察,揭示其内在规律与特点。第二节是《孔传》副词与古文《尚书》副词的比较研究,主要从副词的数量、频率、语音形式、表义特征等方面揭示二者的差异性。第三节是《孔传》副词与清华简副词的比较研究,主要从副词的数量、频率等方面分析两者之间的联系与不同之处。第三章是《孔传》代词的功用及其特点。第一节是人称代词的用法及其特点。第二节是指示代词的用法及其特点。第三节是疑问代词的用法及其特点。前三节主要是运用定性与定量相结合的方法,逐一考察每个代词的特点,并解释与分析代词在实际语境中的意义和功能。第四节是代词总表及其分析,主要是比较各类代词和代词内部的词频,进而揭示《孔传》代词词频存在明显差异、语法功能呈现集中化等规律与特点。第四章是《孔传》连词的类型、用法及其特点。第一节至第八节主要是从连词的语法功能角度,将连词分为顺承、假设、递进、并列、选择、让步、因果、转折等八类,并通过定量与定性相结合的方法,对每一个连词进行描写归纳、解释与分析。第九节是连词总表及其分析,主要是考察每一类连词的使用频率以及分布情况,进而揭示《孔传》连词的使用频率存在不均衡,单音节连词占据优势,语法功能比较齐备,分工比较明确等规律与特征。第五章是《孔传》介词的语法功能分析。第一节至第五节主要是从介词在句子中的功能角度,将介词分为五类:表与动作行为有关的工具、条件、方法和依据,表与动作行为有关的对象,表与动作行为有关的原因或目的,表与动作行为有关的时间,表与动作行为有关的处所或范围,并作详细的描写归纳、解释与分析。第六节是介词词频统计及其分析,主要是从介词的使用频率角度对《孔传》介词进行考察与分析,揭示出不同类、不同个体介词出现频率特点。第七节是关于介词“于”和“於”的讨论,从历时角度指出二者的出现与使用在不同时代存在明显差异。第六章是《孔传》语气词的语用特征。第一节至第三节主要是根据语气词在句子中的语法意义,将语气词分为表陈述语气、表疑问语气、表感叹语气等三类,进而对每一个语气词进行描写归纳、解释与分析,揭示每个语气词在句中所具有的语法意义。第四节是语气词词频统计及其分析,主要是从频率角度对《孔传》语气词进行考察、统计与分析,揭示其内部出现频率、形式与跨类情况等存在差异性。第七章是《孔传》助词的类型及其语用特点。第一节至第三节主要是根据助词的语法功能,把助词分为结构助词、语助词、语缀助词等三类;并通过定量与定性相结合的方法,对每一个助词进行描写归纳、解释与分析。第四节是助词词频统计及其分析,并对助词“之”和“是”进行讨论,指出两者的历时变化特征。研究表明,《孔传》虚词具有鲜明的语法特点和语用特征,对于汉语语法史的研究具有重要参考价值。《孔传》的有些虚词材料可以为《孔传》真伪的辨析以及成书年代的研究提供新的证据。当然,《孔传》虚词研究本身也可以为中国文献学研究提供方法论参考。

【Abstract】 Shangshu is China’s oldest collection of political and historical documents. Since Han dynasty, many scholars through the ages have been engaging themselves in the sorting out and textual researches of this Book. And Kongzhuang (or Kong Anguo’s Commentary), one of the earliest and most noted commentaries on Shangshu, has always been the hot point of the study of Confucian classics. There still remains a controversy over the problems as to when the text of Kongzhuan came into being and who authored it. Therefore, new theory and new methodology are required for an improved textual discrimination. Linguistic approach is, no doubt, a good choice in this regard. This is because language is both time-specific and space-specific, with striking differences between its surface structure and deep structure. In addition, language is social-related. The language in any literature has its epochal linguistic rules and expressive habits. Written at a time when the Chinese language was developing from remote and middle ancient Chinese to modern Chinese, Kongzhuan carries with it epochal, successive and transitional linguistic features. Based on an exhaustive investigation and a systematic study, utilizing the metrological method, the present dissertation gives an overall and objective description of the situation of the functional words in Shangshu, revealing the law and characteristics of the development of Chinese function words. The whole dissertation is composed of two parts and seven chapters. Part One focuses on the study of the adverbs of Kongzhuan, while Part Two on the pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, modal particles, and auxiliary words.Chapter One is "Adverbs in Kongzhuan:classification and characteristics". All the adverbs are classified into10categories in terms of their grammatical meanings, namely, adverbs of judgment, of time, of degree, of state, of question, of relation, of range, of advice/command, of negation, and of inference/conjecture. Every category is analyzed in detail to reveal both its static semantic meaning and its distribution, and its dynamic meanings as reflected in its combination with other words.Chapter Two is "Adverbs in Kongzhuan:frequency analysis and their comparison with those in Ancient Texts of Shangshu and in Qinghua Bamboo Slips. Section One is concerned with the statistical analysis of the adverbial word-frequency, with the aim to explore the number, category and word-frequency of each adverb and reveal its intrinsic rules and characteristics. Section Two deals with the comparison between adverbs in Kongzhuan and those in Ancient Text of Shangshu, focusing on disclosing their differences in number, frequency, phonetic form, and semantic features. Section Three is the similar adverbial comparison, but between Kongzhuan and Qinghua Bamboo Slips, mainly focusing on the number and frequency of the adverbs so that the relation and differences between the two will be revealed.Chapter Three is "Pronouns in Kongzhuan:functions and characteristics." Section One is concerned with the usages and features of the personal pronouns; Section Two, the usages and features of the demonstrative pronouns; and Section Three, the usages and features of the interrogative pronouns. With a combinational use of quantitative and qualitative analytic approaches, the previous three sections explore in each pronoun its characteristics, explaining and analyzing its meaning and function in its actual context. Section Four is the statistical analysis of all the pronouns in Kongzhuan summarized in a table. A comparison is made both among different categories and within the same category of the pronouns under question to reveal such rules and characteristics as the obvious pronoun occurrence-frequency differences and centralization of grammatical functions.Chapter Four is "Conjunctions in Kongzhuan:types, usage, and characteristics". Sections One to Eight classifies all the conjunctions in Kongzhuan, based on their grammatical functions, into eight categories:continuative conjunction, assumptive conjunction, progressive conjunction, coordinative conjunction, selective conjunction, concessive conjunction, causal conjunction, and adversative conjunction. With a combinational use of quantitative and qualitative analytic approaches, each conjunction is induced, explained and analyzed. Section Nine shows a table in which all the conjunctions in Kongzhuan are presented in classification. The statistical analysis explains the frequency and distribution of each category of the conjunctions in Kongzhuan and reveals such rules and characteristics as the frequency disequilibrium in the conjunction use, dominant position of monosyllabic conjunctions, quite complete grammatical functions and divisions.Chapter Five is "Prepositions in Kong Zhuan:grammatical function". Sections One to Five under this chapter classifies the prepositions, according to their syntactic functions, into five categories, which are all action-related:a) prepositions of tool, of condition, of method, and of basis; b) prepositions of object; c) prepositions of cause or purpose; d) prepositions of time; and f) prepositions of location or of range. Each category is described, interpreted, and analyzed in detail. Section Six is mainly concerned with the statistical analysis of the usage and frequency. Section Seven focuses on the developmental and changing features of the two particular prepositions于and於, with their occurrence and employment characteristics summarized from diachronic perspective.Chapter Six is "Pragmatic features of the modal particles in Kongzhuan". Sections One to Three classifies the prepositions, according to their grammatical meanings, into three categories:declarative modal particles, interrogative modal particles, and exclamatory modal particles. Section Four is the statistical analysis of the word-frequency of the modal particles, with the purpose of revealing the differences of their inner occurrence frequency, form, and cross-category nature.Chapter Seven is "Auxiliary words in Kongzhuan:types and pragmatic features" Sections One to Three classifies all the auxiliary words in Kongzhuan into three categories according to their grammatical functions:structural auxiliary words, modal auxiliary words, and affix auxiliary words. With a combinational use of quantitative and qualitative analytic approaches, the dissertation describes, interprets, and analyzes each of the modal auxiliary in detail. Section Four is concerned with the statistical analysis of the auxiliary word-frequency, with focus on "之"(zhi) and "是"(shi), revealing the diachronic variability of the two.It is shown that the function words in Kongzhuan have distinctive grammatical and pragmatic characteristics, which are of significant reference value to the study of the history of the Chinese language. Relevant facts about some of the function words can provide new proof for the determination of the book’s genuineness or falsity and of its composing time. The present study itself though, of course, can provide methodological reference for the study of the Chinese bibliography.

【关键词】 《孔传》虚词语法辨伪
【Key words】 Kongzhuanfunction wordsgrammardiscerning the false from the genuine
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

