

【作者】 袁岿然

【导师】 吴善中;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 红枪会起源于河南。它在民初经历产生和初步发展,二十年代中期以后迅速成长,“中外驰名”。①红枪会的活动对河南乃至整个华北局势产生了重大影响。民国初年社会秩序动荡,尤其是地处中原的河南政权迭次更替,“战事频仍,苛捐杂税,名目繁多,天灾水旱,无年无之,一般民众,既苦军阀之重敛,又遭土匪之骚扰,彼等于无可如何中,不得不设法自卫”,②加上“文化闭塞,风气卑陋,无教育无实业”,③尚武的乡风习俗等原因,红枪会因之产生。红枪会的组织制度具有指导性、约束性和程序性。内容大体包含成员构成、组织结构、暗语誓词、禁忌会规、仪式派别等方面。从职能上,红枪会组织分文、武两团部。其信仰在各地不一,总的来说信仰多神。其宗旨随着时势发展,经历了一个从自卫、防御再到进攻、索取,继而叛乱的演化过程。大革命时期的河南红枪会迅速崛起,出现大的发展,主要原因是河南民众遭受天灾人祸,受打击力度尤其沉重,其中军费庞大、苛捐杂税是直接原因,官绅支持是间接原因。组织类型有民众自发组织、地主豪绅组织和受政党影响组织三种,集中分布于豫西和豫南。河南红枪会传教抗官御匪,名声“大噪于一时”,④与各派政治势力的重关系纷繁复杂,尤其是和北洋军阀之间的关系更是忽敌忽友,不断穿插变化。在国民政府及中共的积极策动下,河南红枪会在北伐和农运中扮演了重要角色。然而,中共最终没有能够通过“拿得住”红枪会这个群众势力,⑤来实现对农民阶级的领导,农民运动在国民党新军阀的残酷镇压之下最终失败,红枪会走向沉寂。土地革命时期的河南“兵灾迭成,灾役频降,创钜痛深”,致使民众“水深火热之孑遗,求生不得,求死不能”。⑥因为前期的巨大影响,散居各地的红枪会仍然有不断的活动。中共河南党组织在开辟和巩固农村革命根据地时,为了团结一切可以团结的力量,对红枪会这个最大的民间革命势力采取了积极灵活的策略原则,争取了其中最大多数来支持革命。这样不仅壮大了革命阵营,而且积累了很多工作经验,最终形成了正确的枪会工作策略总方针,成功发动豫南信阳一带红枪会参与地方暴动和鄂豫皖革命根据地创建。抗战时期的河南半壁江山沦入敌手,河南民众在水深火热中倍受蹂躏。同时,“年年不断”的自然灾害使河南成为“无灾不备”、“集合了各种灾难的大成”的省份。①面对天灾人祸,河南当局节节败退,留下来的也只知贪污腐败,加重盘剥,造成各地政权“真空”,土匪横行。这一切使得红枪会不仅迅速“复活”,发展迅猛,而且由于国民党、共产党及日本侵略军三方政治势力的介入,出现了大分化、大组合。抗战初期的河南红枪会战绩显著。由于没有进步的思想指导,加上武器窳败,在敌人的军事压迫、政治引诱和收买下,抗战中期以后,除根据地的红枪会被成功改造,瓦解消亡以外,敌占区红枪会(除却浚县天门会)在日军的策动下逐渐失去抗日革命性,大都发展成为反动组织。同时期,冀鲁豫边区党委的枪会工作理论和实践均达到了前所未有的高度,中共河南党组织枪会工作日益成熟。抗战胜利以后,红枪会的生存空间变小,自身势力日益削弱,加上国民党大肆收编地方武装,并沿习前期对红枪会的庇护和利用政策,勾结河南红枪会进一步特务化、匪化,扮演反共反人民的角色,红枪会最终沦落为“反动会道门”甚至“土匪”的代名词,在河南解放后,被人民政府全面取缔。综观河南红枪会存在的整个历史时期,因为动荡的社会背景,及红枪会众自身无智识,领导权多被地主豪绅或国民党顽固派窃取,会众自身并没有明确的政治主张,不能明辨去从,一直改变不了被人利用的命运。当然,在不同的历史时期(除却解放战争时期),河南红枪会也起过一些进步作用。需要指出的是,红枪会在两个发展高峰期——大革命时期和抗日战争时期,一直面临来自国共两党的争取。和国民党不能与之展开有效的“合作”相比,中共枪会工作实践成就巨大,其实践经验的不断提升与枪会政策的日益成熟相辅相成,两者经历了一个交替互动的上升过程。一方面出台了相当多的策略细则,为最大范围内争取红枪会众,促进其组织的最终消亡作了很好的铺垫;另一方面,中共河南党的枪会工作实践也经历了从主动争取会首到发动会众再到组建革命性枪会的过程。另外,日本侵略军对河南红枪会的拉拢,建立在对华北农村的大量调查之上,通过对中共的策略分析,把中共视之为真正的对手,不惜与中共展开争取红枪会的拉锯战,争取民心的持久战。对日本侵略军的枪会政策及其实践演变,需要全面考察,科学分析。红枪会的发展命运并不掌握在自己手里,这一点是毋庸置疑的。

【Abstract】 The Red Spears was a people’s self-protection organization for resisting bandits in the early days of Republic China. It had inherited many characteristics such as adopting religion, preaching by the predecessors of Golden bell cover and the Boxers. It originated in Henan. From the early days of Republic China to the beginning of the People’s Republic of China, it had brought enormous revolutions to the Henan society. With the change of the current political situation, it had converted into semi-political organizations inclining to different factions. There was no doubt that it had promoted the development of the Henan society with the help of the Communists.This thesis constitutes6chapters. Chapter one introduces the Henan Red Spears’ background of its origin, including the factors of religion, warrior spirit, natural calamity, collective bustup, government’s corruption and conscription, backward agricultural economy and culture.Chapter two deals with the Red Spears’belief and framework, including blackart, mystification, disciplines, uniforms, weapons, and many similar groups, and etc. Its aim had undergone a process of development and change, from the defensive to claim to rebel process.The last four chapters talks about Henan Red Spears in the different historical period, especially in its two peaks, the period of the Great revolution and the War of resistance against Japan. As primary characteristics, it was controlled by different political factions. The relationship between a certain political faction and Henan Red Spears was delicate. It didn’t have any reliable ally. Compared with the effective cooperation and the KMT could not make and the Red spears, the Communists had achieved remarkable accomplishment in it. The practical experiences improving and the strategies increasingly mature were mutual. A new strategy for considerable promoted its organizational demise. Practice through a process that took the initiative to the first to launch the congregation to form a revolutionary Red Spears. It needs to be focused that Japanese invaders eventually concluded the Communists was his real rivals after a lot of investigation of rural area of North of China. Nevertheless。After many years’seesaw battles for the Red spears between the Communists, Japanese invaders was defeated finally. It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive investigation, scientific analysis of the Japanese invaders’policy and practice.During the Liberation War and the early years of the People’s Republic of China, it was completely controlled by the KMT to resist the communists by means of organizing the Red Spears. The communist government pointed out that in order to improve social conduct, all superstitious organizations must be dissolved. Eventually, the Red Spears was defended by the Communists. The development of the Henan Red Spears’fate depended on the others’strategy, not on its own nature.

【关键词】 河南红枪会背景组织活动
【Key words】 Henan Red SpearsBackgroundOrganizationActivity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

