

【作者】 陶广学

【导师】 田汉云;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 隋唐建立,结束了自东汉末以来近四百年的分裂。天下统一,南北之学亦归于统一。政治上北方统一南方,然而学术上北学却并入南学。唐太宗为了构建“大一统”的政局,加强了思想文化的建设,其中重要的一项举措就是诏国子祭酒孔颖达与诸儒撰定《五经正义》,统一经学。《正义》的修撰,使朝廷取得了学术权威的话语权。《礼记》又名《小戴礼记》,为西汉大儒戴圣编撰而成。自郑玄《礼记注》行世,遂配《周官》、《仪礼》,并称《三礼》,自孔颖达《正义》行世,遂配《周易》、《尚书》、《毛诗》、《左氏春秋》,并称《五经》。郑注简奥,孔疏详赡,并形成互补。自宋代以来,《礼记》经、注、疏合刻,郑注、孔疏珠联璧合,代表了《礼记》学迄今最高的著述成就。清儒新疏《十三经》,唯阙《谷梁传》与《礼记》新疏。时至今日,《礼记正义》之成就仍无法逾越。本文即以孔颖达《礼记正义》这一经学名著作为研究对象。本文的写作以《礼记正义》为核心,以唐前《礼记》学的发展为纵线,以其发展的政治、历史、文化为背景,以《正义》的学术成就为横截面,紧密围绕《正义》文本展开多角度诠释,进行跨学科研究,以期略识中国古代礼学之博大。再由此经,以窥中国经学之精深。本文共包括绪论,《礼记》称名及成书考释,唐前《礼记》学概述,《礼记正义》的修撰与版本考述,《礼记正义》校勘考释,《正义》对《礼记》经注的文本考论,《礼记义》训诂考释,《礼记正义》人物、名物与制度考证,《礼记正义》的经学与政治思想等九章内容。第一章绪论,主要阐述《礼记》的学术价值意义与重要成果、孔颖达《礼记正义》研究的学术意义及研究现状,以及本文的写作思路与研究方法等。第二章集中考释《礼记》这部典籍的称名与成书两个问题。本章梳理了《礼记》历史上的多个称谓,如《小戴礼记》、《小戴记》、《礼》、《记》等,最终定名为“礼记”的历程。关于《礼记》成书,本文主张《礼记》成书问题实际应包含全书“成书”与具体篇章“成篇”两个方面。据此,本文列举了东汉以来《礼记》具体成篇的二十二家解说与考证成果;又重点比较分析了关于《礼记》一书编撰成书的七种主要说法:西汉戴圣编纂说,叔孙通编纂说,成于六国说,汉儒编纂说,伪托戴圣编纂说,马融、卢植删定说,河间献王之徒编纂说等。对以上诸说,本文皆一一辨析其正误、得失。第三章主要概述唐前《礼记》学发展情形。西汉礼学伴随着“大一统”的政局而兴起,《礼记》即在此背景中编撰成书。东汉以来,治《礼记》学者日益众多,《礼记》学著作蔚为大观。本章写作有两条线索,一是以《礼记》学著述成就为重点,对两汉、三国魏晋、南北朝至隋唐之际近八百年的《礼记》学作以鸟瞰,大致勾勒其发展的脉络,以梳理清楚唐初孔颖达等修撰《礼记正义》的学术渊源。另一条线索是描述东汉至隋唐这段历史中《礼记》学术地位不断提升的过程,及其相关的政治、文化、文学、学术等诸多原因,从而揭示唐修《五经正义》弃《周礼》、《仪礼》二经而选疏《礼记》的历史背景。第四章主要论述《礼记正义》的修撰过程与考述其版本流传情况。一代之治,即一代之学。贞观之治在思想文化方面的最重要举措之一,就是修撰《五经正义》。围绕《礼记正义》的修撰,本章首先考辨经学大师孔颖达主要的生平事迹,指正部分文献记载的混乱或讹误,尤其对孔颖达与唐太宗的交往及其学术著述成就两方面进行重点讨论,强调孔颖达领衔修撰《正义》所具备的学术成就、人格素养与政治机遇,并揭示唐修《五经正义》弃经选记的政治原因。其次,本章考察了《五经正义》的初撰与修定的历程,并考证其修撰具体年限、成书卷数、不同称名。关于《礼记正义》的版本,本章以其历史沿革为线索,主要考述《礼记正义》成书以来的唐代写本、宋以后的刻本(如单疏本、合刻本)、今人整理本等,其中又以宋、元、明、清四代的合刻本之传承、流变为重点论述内容,并比较分析诸版本之优劣。第五章主要考释了《礼记正义》中的校勘情况。《礼记正义》校勘成果丰富,蔚为大观。其校勘内容主要包括对《礼记》、郑玄《礼记注》的校勘,还有对郑注校勘的复校、对其它相关经史典籍的校勘等四个方面。本章首先考释孔疏校勘《礼记》经、注的所采用的多种版本,其次以实例归纳孔疏校勘中采取的对校法、本校法、他校法、理校法等具体方法。孔疏校勘,除了方法多样外,还具有广集众本,择善而从,尊重郑义,详析原因,大量存异、存疑等特点。最后,指正孔疏部分的校勘失误,并将其概括为当校而未校、从郑校而误、不从郑校而误、误驳前贤所校、依据伪书误校等五种情形。第六章主要讨论《礼记正义》关于《礼记》及郑注文本的考论。《礼记正义》的考论主要包括四个方面内容:首先是对《礼记》一书的作者(包括成书、成篇问题)进行了考论。孔疏认为“《礼记》之作,出自孔氏”,其写作方式“错总鸠聚,以类相附”最后由戴圣编撰而成。其次则就《礼记》一书的性质、内容以及各篇题旨、要义展开论述与归纳。孔疏对《礼记》各篇的认识值得肯定处甚多。以上是其文本考论的主要内容。再次是对《礼记》部分篇章进行结构分析,总结其文法义例。最后还对郑玄《礼记注》进行发凡起例。孔颖达具有明确的训诂思想,认为训诂即“通古今之异辞,辨物之形貌,则解释之义尽归于此”,主张维护儒经之纯洁,遵循“疏不破注”之原则,强调解经言之有据的态度,提倡语言简朴的风格。《礼记正义》训诂内容丰富,方法多样,可视为训诂学著作之典范。本文于第七章对其训诂成果进行归纳总结,以揭示其训诂成就。《礼记正义》的训诂内容可以分为释词、释句、释段、释篇等四个层次进行考察,而以释词为重点。本文首先将其释词法概括为义训法、声训法、形训法三种,其中又以义训法为重点,可归纳总结出数十种凡例,足见《正义》训诂之博大。其次简要归纳《正义》释句、释段之法。整体上看,《礼记正义》的训诂实绩体现了孔颖达的训诂理念。最后据前贤成果,辨析、指正了《正义》中部分训释误例,并将其归纳为因误解经、注而误,强解经、注而误,从郑注误而误,以及训释自相矛盾等四种情况。礼学本是实学。本文第八章主要论述《礼记正义》对相关人物、名物、礼制的考证情形。孔疏对《礼记》及郑注中所涉及的历史与传说人物,皆有所训释,达数百人之多。而其所考证的名物,范围极广,种类众多,可略分动植物、器物、宫室、天文地理四大类。《正义》重点考证的是礼仪制度,古礼名目繁杂,文献残缺,《正义》考证翔实,学术价值极高,故大有功于礼学之处。本文根据郑注、孔疏学术倾向,以吉、凶、宾、军、嘉“五礼”为纲,择要讨论《正义》关于各种礼仪制度的考证。此外,孔疏还考证了其他政治制度。本章最后对孔疏考证讹误亦略作辨正。《礼记》优于《周礼》、《仪礼》之处,关键在于其对礼义的阐发。《礼记正义》不但善于考证制度,而且阐发义理亦多有独到、深刻之发明。本文第九章集中论述《礼记正义》所蕴含的丰富礼(经)学思想与政治思想。本章首先总结孔颖达纯化儒学的具体表现;重点则论述孔疏关于对礼的起源、制作、意义的认识,以及对礼的践行、礼学著述的理念等;然后从孔颖达对礼与政治关系的讨论、对封建国家建构“大一统”思想的宣扬、以及对忠孝仁义伦理道德的阐释等多角度,考察《正义》以礼治国为核心的政治思想。结语简述《礼记正义》的学术成就,评价其在礼(经)学史上的意义。总之,本文的写作,以《礼记正义》为中心,以汉至唐《礼记》学为线索,以《正义》多方面成就为横截面,力图多角度、多层次地全面、客观考察、揭示孔颖达《礼记正义》的学术成就。

【Abstract】 With the foundation of the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, the separation of China since Wei Jin period was ended, leading to the unity of the country and the southern and northern academic sects. To forge a more unified nation, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty took measures in the cultural field, one of which was to unify Confucian Classics, which were split into many sections. Kong Yingda and other Confucian experts were asked to comment and explain the Five Classics. As a result, the Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics consisting of170volumes was compiled, enabling the Tang Dynasty to possess the voice in the academic field.Compiled by Dai Sheng, a Confucian scholar in the Western Han Dynasty, the Book of Rites is one of "Three Rites"; The Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites compiled by Kong Yingda is deemed as one of "Five Classics". The thesis studies the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites from many perspectives and conducts a multidisciplinary research. The thesis is composed of nine chapters, namely, introduction, naming of the book, brief summary of the book before the Tang Dynasty, compilation, proofreading, semantic studies, explanation of people, things and systems in the book, and analysis of thoughtsChapter One introduces the academic significance of the Book of Rites, importance of studying the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites compiled by Kong Yingda, and the research methods adopted in the thesis.Chapter Two focuses on naming and compiling of the Book of Rites. It reviews various titles (like Xiaodai Liji, Xiao Dai Ji, Li, Ji, etc.) and the selection of the Book of Rites in the end. The thesis believes that the Book of Rites consists of two parts, compiled into a book and into a volume. Furthermore, it illustrates the seven interpretations regarding compiling of the Book of Rites and comments on their strengths and weaknesses.Chapter Three deals with studies on the Book of Rites by reviewing the the relevant studies in about800years in the Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms and Wei Jin Period to the Southern and Northern Dynasties before Sui and Tang Dynasties. The other clue is to describe the rising academic importance of the Book of Rites and relevant political, cultural and academic reasons to reveal the academic background for the compilation of Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics in the Tang Dynasty.Chapter Four focuses on the process of compiling the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites and different versions. At first, it analyzes the life of Kong Yingda by putting the emphasis on his communication with Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty and his achievements to highlight his outstanding academic success, character and political opportunities. Then, it discusses the initial compilation and edition of the Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics to reveal the political reasons for the compilation. In terms of its versions, it surveys the manuscript in the Tang Dynasty, block-printed editions and the copy edited at present.Chapter Five concentrates on emendation of the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites, examining the version, emendation methods and contents and Notes to Book of Rites by Zheng Xuan, summarizing the characteristics of Kong Yingda’s emendation and pointing out some errors.Chapter Six discusses the textual research on Book of Rites in the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites. It analyzes and summarizes Kong Yingda’s investigation of the compilation of Book of Rites, naming of each chapter, comment and structural analysis of its some chapters before discussing their strengths and weaknesses.Chapter Seven focuses on the semantic studies in the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites. The chapter summarizes Kong Yingda’s thoughts on the semantic studies and then analyzes those studies from the four levels of explaining words, sentences, paragraphs and texts. The chapter puts the emphasis on explaining words by observing the explanation from the perspectives of meaning, sound and structure. It summarizes the explanation of sentences and paragraphs briefly. In the end, it distinguishes and points out some explanation errors in the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites.Chapter Eight discusses the explanation of people, things and social rites in the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites. It is observed that the book explains those ancient various rites in details. Depending on the academic thoughts of Zhang Xuan and Kong Yingda, the chapter attaches the priority to the explanation of rites system based on the system of "Five Rites".Chapter Nine discusses the rich and deep thoughts about rites in the Explanatory Notes to Book of Rites. On the one hand, it summarizes Kong Yingda’s understanding of origin and significance of rites, fulfillment of rites, his thoughts on books of rites. On the other hand, the thesis explores its political thoughts by analyzing Kong Yingda’s discussion of the relation between rites and politics, advocating the opinion of unity, elaborating loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and justice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

