

Formation Mechanism and Regulation of Super-high-yielding Population in Wheat Following Rice

【作者】 丁锦峰

【导师】 郭文善;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在稻麦两熟条件下,选用中筋小麦品种扬麦20,于2010~2012两年采用不同基本苗、施氮量、施氮比例及追氮时期调控建立不同产量水平群体,探索稻茬小麦超高产群体(9100kg~9400kg·hm-2)产量结构及群体形成特征及其与高产群体(8200kg~8500kg·hm-2)间的差异,分析超高产群体形成的营养物质积累、分配与利用特征、碳氮代谢及光合生理特性,并从养分利用、对籽粒产量和品质及经济效益影响角度评价稻茬小麦超高产关键栽培技术的可行性与实用性,以期明确稻茬小麦超高产栽培的关键技术组合,为长江中下游流域稻麦轮作区小麦大面积高产及超高产应用提供理论与技术支撑。主要结果如下:(1)两年试验结果一致表明,稻茬小麦超高产群体穗数、每穗粒数及千粒重均高于高产群体,但差异均不显著。其栽培途径是合理确定群体起点获得适宜穗数,在此基础上主攻每穗粒数与千粒重,使三者协调增加。扬麦20品种超高产产量构成指标为穗数515±20×104·hm-2、每穗粒数48.5±1.5粒/穗、千粒重37±2g。(2)试验明确了稻茬小麦超高产群体群体质量指标特征,要求茎蘖结构动态合理,越冬始期茎蘖数是最终穗数值的0.9~1.3倍,高峰苗1250×104~1500×104·hm-2、茎蘖成穗率约40%;孕穗期、开花期、乳熟期LAI分别在6.5~7.0、5-6、4-4.5,花后维持较高的LAI;适量增加孕穗期至开花期干物质积累量,扩大花后干物质积累量是超高产群体的物质基础,孕穗期至开花期、开花期、开花期至成熟期及成熟期干物质积累量分别在2900kg~3600kg·hm-2、12500kg~13700kg·hm-2、7200kg~7600kg·hm-2、19500kg~21000kg·hm-2,花后干物质积累量对产量的贡献率约为90%,经济系数0.4左右。(3)稻茬小麦超高产群体养分积累特征与高产群体相比,拔节期前氮、磷、钾积累相近,拔节至开花期、开花期及成熟期氮、磷、钾积累量较高;成熟期籽粒氮、磷、钾积累量较高;花后氮素转运量较高,花后磷素及钾素转运量适宜。超高产群体百公斤籽粒吸氮、磷、钾量,氮、磷、钾素利用效率及收获指数与高产群体差异均不显著。(4)研究提出了稻茬小麦超高产栽培矿质营养诊断及利用效率指标:拔节期、拔节期至开花期、开花期、开花期至成熟期及成熟期氮素积累量分别在84kg~98kgh·hm-2、104kg~117kg·hm-2、195kg~205kg·hm-2、37kg~49kg·hm-2、234kg~246kg·hm-2;花后营养器官氮素转运量在138kg~144kg·hm-2。拔节期、拔节期至开花期、开花期、开花期至成熟期及成熟期磷素积累量分别在17kg~21kg·hm-2、28kg~31kg·hm-2、46kg~50kg·hm-2、18kg~24kg·hm-2、66kg~74kg·hm-2;花后营养器官磷素转运量在23kg~26kg·hm-2。开花期、成熟期钾素积累量分别在430kg~450kg·hm-2、366kg~408kg·hm-2;花后营养器官钾素转运量在91kg~100kg·hm-2。百公斤籽粒吸氮、磷、钾量分别在2.87kg~3.04kg、0.82kg~0.85kg、4.57kg~4.87kg;氮、磷、钾素利用效率分别在32.93kg~34.86kg·kg-1、113.60kg~121.28kg·kg-1、20.56kg~22.02kg·kg-1;氮、磷、钾素收获指数分别在0.72~0.77、0.64~0.67、0.095-0.112。(5)稻茬小麦超高产群体整个生育期植株糖、氮含量及糖氮比的变化特征是,在越冬始期至拔节期具有较高的碳、氮营养和协调的碳氮比,孕穗期至开花期具有高可溶性糖、氮含量,花后具有高碳素积累量,成熟期糖氮比较低。稻茬小麦超高产栽培碳氮营养的诊断指标:孕穗期、开花期、乳熟期及成熟期植株糖含量分别在14.56%~16.78%、14.52%~16.82%、10.59%~11.23%、1.62%~1.76%,氮含量分别在1.55%~1.64%、1.47%~1.57%、1.28%~1.30%、1.15%~1.20%,糖氮比分别在9.37~10.25、9.80~10.69、8.29~8.77、1.41~1.48。(6)研究了稻茬小麦超高产群体剑叶光合与衰老特性,表明超高产群体花后剑叶SPAD值、净光合速率及活性氧保护酶(POD、CAT及SOD)活性均高于高产群体,MDA含量低于高产群体,在籽粒灌浆成熟期(花后14天至28天)差异更为明显。超高产群体在籽粒灌浆期剑叶具有SPAD值及光合速率衰减速率慢、POD、CAT及SOD酶活性高和MDA含量低的特性。(7)初步提出了稻茬小麦超高产关键栽培技术组合:基本苗225×104.hm-2、施氮量210kg·hm-2、氮肥比例为基肥:壮蘖肥:拔节肥:穗肥3:1:3:3、剑叶露尖追氮组合不同气候年型均实现超高产,为超高产最佳密肥组合;基本苗150×104·hm-2,施氮量262.5kg·hm-2.氮肥比例3:1:3:3、孕穗期追氮及基本苗225×104·hm-2、施氮量262.5kg·hm-2.氮肥比例3:1:3:3、剑叶露尖或孕穗期追氮组合在正常气候年型可实现超高产。在此基础上构建形成了稻茬小麦超高产栽培技术体系:11月1日前后播种,基本苗宜在225×104.hm-2,条播,行距30cm,播深3-5cm;施氮量宜在210kg·hm-2,施磷量宜在126kg·hm-2,施钾量宜126kg·hm-2,基肥:壮蘖肥:拔节肥:穗肥采用3:1:3:3,基肥于播种前施用,壮蘖肥于4叶期施用,拔节肥于叶龄余数2.5时施用,穗肥于剑叶露尖或孕穗期施用,磷、钾肥50%基施,50%于叶龄余数2.5时追施。(8)评价了本试验稻茬小麦超高产条件下的氮素利用率、品质及经济效益特征,表明超高产最佳密肥组合(基本苗225×104·hm-2、施氮量210kg·hm-2、氮肥比例3:1:3:3、剑叶露尖追氮)具有高氮肥农学效率和氮肥当季利用率,且氮素利用效率及氮收获指数较高;籽粒加工品质和面粉糊化特性与高产栽培基本一致,且蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量及出粉率较高,低谷粘度、峰值时间及糊化温度较高;投入低,经济效益高。

【Abstract】 Wheat populations at two different yield levels in rice-wheat rotation, including high-yield population (8000kg~8500kg·hm-2, hereinafter as HY) and super-high-yield population (9100kg~9400kg·hm-2, hereinafter as SHY), were established by agronomic management on the medium-gluten wheat, Yangmai20(Triticum aestivum L.). From2010to2012, the field experiments were conducted at32combinations of two planting densities (150×104·hm-2and225×104·hm-2), two applications of nitrogen amount (210·hm-2and262.5kg·hm-2), two nitrogen applied ratios of basis:tillering:elongation:booting (3:1:3:3and5:1:2:2), and four nitrogen topdressing stages (flag leaf stage, booting stage, heading stage and anthesis). This study investigated the differences between HY and SHY in grain yield components and population formation indexes. In addition, the characteristics of nutrient accumulation, distribution and utilization, carbon-nitrogen metabolism and photosynthetic were analyzed. By analyzing and evaluating the effects of different cultivation technologies on fertilizer use efficiency, wheat quality and economic profit, the best cultivation technology achieving SHY was proposed. These could provide theoretical and technological support for wheat high-yield and super-high-yield production in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The main results are as follows:(1) The results of two testing years consistently showed that, the synchronous increase of number of ears, grains per spike and1000-grain-weight was the key point in achieving SHY. On the basic of right ear number, the synchronous increase in grains per spike and1000-grains-weight was the strategy for achieving SHY. The number of ears, grains per spike and1000-grain-weight of SHY were510±20×104·hm-2,48±1.5and37±2g, respectively.(2) In terms of results, the structural characteristics of SHY were explicit. For SHY, on the basic of suitable stems and tiller dynamics, the ratio of No. of stems and tillers at the beginning of wintering stage to No. of ears, No. of stems and tillers at elongation stage and percentage of effective stems were0.9~1.3,1250×104~1500×104·hm-2and about40%, respectively. The LAI of SHY at the stages of booting, anthesis and maturity were6.5~7.0,5~6and4~4.5, respectively. And post-anthesis LAI was maintained higher as compared with HY. Besides, the moderate increase in dry matter accumulation amount (DMAA) from booting to anthesis, especially the increase in DMAA after anthesis, laid a solid material foundation for the construction of SHY. The DMAA of SHY during the interval from booting to antheis and from anthesis to maturity were2900kg~3600kg·hm-2and7200~7600kg·hm-2, separately. The dry matter amount of SHY at anthesis and at maturity were12500kg~13700kg·hm-2and19500kg~21000kg·hm-2, respectively. The contribution rate of post-anthesis DMAA to yield of SHY was around90%. Coefficient of economics (HI) of SHY was around0.4.(3) The results also showed that N, P and K accumulation amounts (hereinafter as NAA, PAA and KAA) of SHY before elongation were suitable. And during the interval from emergencing to elongation, there were no observable differences in these parameters between HY and SHY. From elongation to anthesis, at anthesis and at maturity, NAA, PAA and KAA of SHY were higher than those of HY. Compared with HY, NAA, PAA and KAA of SHY in grains at maturity were higher. N translocation amount (NTA) of SHY from vegetative organ at anthesis to grain was higher as compared with HY, but P and K translocation amount (PTA and KTA) were relatively suitable. In terms of the two parameters (a) N, P and K amounts producing100kg grain and (b) the use efficiency and harvest index of N, P and K, there were no significant differences between HY and SHY.(4) The mineral nutrition diagnosis indexes for SHY were suggested as follows:NAA at elongation, from elongation to anthesis, at anthesis and from anthesis to maturity were84kg~98kg·hm-2,104kg~117kg·hm-2,195kg~205kg·hm-2,37kg~49kg·hm-2and234kg~246kg·hm-2, respectively. And NTA from total organs were138kg~144kg·hm-2.PAA at elongation, from elongation to anthesis, at antheis, from anthesis to maturity and at maturity were17kg~21kg·hm-2,28kg~31kg·hm-2,46kg~50kg·hm-2,18kg~24kg·hm-2and66kg~74kg·hm-2, respectively. And PTA from total organs were23kg~26kg·hm-2.KAA at anthesis and at maturity were430kg~450kg·hm-2and366kg~408kg·hm-2, respectively. And KTA from total organs was91kg~100kg·hm-2.The N, P and K amount producing100kg grain were2.87kg~3.04kg,0.82kg~0.85kg and4.57kg~4.87kg, respectively. N, P and K use efficiency were32.93kg~34.86kg·kg-1,113.60kg~121.28kg·kg-1and20.56kg~22.02kg·kg-1, respectively. In addition, N, P and K harvest index were0.72~0.77,0.64~0.67and0.095~0.112, respectively.(5) Soluble sugar content, nitrogen content and soluble sugar to nitrogen ratio (hereinafter as C/N) dynamics in SHY plants were analyzed. Compared with HY, from the beginning of wintering stage to elongation, soluble sugar content and nitrogen content in SHY plants were higher, and C/N was relatively suitable. From booting stage to anthesis, soluble sugar content and nitrogen content in SHY plants were higher. After anthesis, SHY plants could accumulate more carbon. But at maturity, C/N in SHY plants was lower as compared with HY.The carbon-nitrogen nutrition diagnosis indexes for SHY were suggested. At the stages of booting, anthesis, milk-ripe and maturity, soluble sugar content were14.56%~16.78%,14.52%~16.82%,10.59%~11.23%and1.62%~1.76%respectively, nitrogen content were1.55%~1.64%,1.47%~1.57%,1.28%~1.30%and1.15%~1.20%, respectively, and C/N were9.37~10.25,9.80~10.69,8.29-8.77and1.41~1.48, respectively.(6) Flag leaves photosynthetic and senescence characteristics of SHY were clarified. Compared with HY, SPAD reading, photosynthetic rate (Pn) and the activities of SOD, POD and SOD in flag leaves after anthesis were higher, but MDA content was lower. These differences between SHY and HY were more significant at grain-filling stage (from the14th to28th day after anthesis). At grain-filling stage, in flag leaves of SHY, SPAD reading and Pn declined slower, the activities of SOD, POD and SOD were higher, and MDA content was lower as compare with HY.(7) A preliminary cultivation technology achieving SHY was developed. There were four cultivation technical combinations achieving SHY. The best was the combination of planting density225×104·hm-2, nitrogen amount210kg·hm-2, nitrogen applied ratio of basal:tillering: jointing:booting3:1:3:3and topdressing nitrogen at flag leaf stage, which could achieve SHY in different climatic type year. The other combinations could achieve SHY only in normal climatic year, i.e., combination of planting density150×104·hm-2, nitrogen amount262.5kg·hm-2, nitrogen applied ratio3:1:3:3and topdressing nitrogen at booting stage, and combinations of planting density225×104·hm-2, nitrogen amount262.5kg·hm-2, nitrogen applied ratio3:1:3:3and topdressing nitrogen at flag leaves stage or booting stage.The SHY cultivation technology system was established as follows. The suitable seeding date is around1st November. The seeds are sown at a planting density of225×104·hm-2by drill sowing, with a line spacing of30cm and a seedling depth of3cm~5cm. The applied amount of N, P and K are kept at210kg·hm-2,126kg·hm-2and126kg·hm-2, respectively, with an nitrogen application ratio of3:1:3:3at the stages of basal, tillering, jointing and booting. The fertilizer at the stages of basal, tillering, jointing and booting should be applied before sowing, at the4th leaf stage, at the remaining leaf age of2.5, and at the flag leaf stage or booting stage. Half amount of P and K is applied before sowing, and the remained half is applied at the remaining leaf age of2.5. (8) Fertilizer use efficiency, grain quality and economic profit of SHY technology were also evaluated. Among32combinations in the experiments, the best combination achieving SHY (planting density225×104·hm-2, nitrogen amount210kg-hm-2, nitrogen applied ratio3:1:3:3and topdressing nitrogen at the flag leaf stage) was generally better. In consequence, for SHY best combination, nitrogen agronomic efficiency (NAE) and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency (NUE) were highest, and utilization efficiency (NUTE) and nitrogen harvest index (NHI) were generally high. The SHY cultivation technology didn’t severely affect grain processing quality and flour pasting parameters. Grain protein content, wet gluten content and flour yield, flour trough viscosity, peak time and pasting temp were even increased. Compared with other combinations, the SHY best combination could achieve the highest economic profits at a relatively low total cost.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

