

【作者】 杨丽娟

【导师】 周一平;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 马克思主义中国化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 1917年十月革命一声炮响,不仅发出了世界社会主义革命和建设的先声,也给中国送来了马克思主义。从1919年五四运动到1949年10月1日中华人民共和国成立30年间,赴俄取经的中国人前赴后继,络绎不绝。他们在社会主义苏俄实地考察后,撰写了有关苏俄政治、经济、军事、文化、历史、地理、社会、外交等方面最新动态的“苏俄通讯”。这些通讯刊载于国内的相关报刊或出书,在读者中产生了较大的反响。同期,中国也翻译了罗素、纪德、爱金生、秋田雨雀、斯诺等外国作者的“苏俄通讯”。20世纪上半叶的“苏俄通讯”,作为马克思主义“中国化”的新闻传播文本,具有独特的历史意义、丰富的理论意义与现实意义。“苏俄通讯”促进了马列主义、社会主义在中国的传播,推动了马克思主义中国化、大众化,推动了中国革命向前发展,对于今天的中国特色社会主义建设也有借鉴意义。对“苏俄通讯”研究,同样具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。本文在结构上包括绪论、上编、下编三个部分。绪论主要介绍了几个相关概念的界定,如“通讯”、“游记”、“驻外记者”、“苏俄通讯”及发表通讯的媒介等;厘清了研究的对象为1919年五四运动到1949年10月1日前的国内外“苏俄通讯”。分析了目前国内对“苏俄通讯”“总体不足、个别热点”的研究状况;阐明了选题的原创性、重要性和现实性;提出在系统地收集“苏俄通讯”文本资料的基础上,先从个案研究开始,再上升到对“苏俄通讯”的宏观研究,并采用整体研究、历史研究、跨学科研究及比较研究等方法。上编共分十章,属于总论部分。第一章20世纪上半期中外“苏俄通讯”文献概述。着重梳理了“20年代”、“30年代”、“40年代”等4个历史阶段中外作者的“苏俄通讯”文献传播情况,并对重要的通讯文献、重点作者及重要的刊发媒体作了介绍。第二章“苏俄通讯”作者队伍与传播媒介。阐述了中国“苏俄通讯”作者的现代转型轨迹,并对中国“苏俄通讯”的作者进行了分类。通过对“苏俄通讯”作者访苏频率的统计,可以看出作者对苏俄的关注度。同时分析了国内发表“苏俄通讯”的媒介的运作情况及出版环境的嬗变。第三章“苏俄通讯”的特色与视角。论述了“苏俄通讯”时代性、政治性、整体性与倾向性的内容特色,分析了“苏俄通讯”的写作特色:在语言上新闻叙事语言、资料介绍语言与形象语言互补;在选材上散点透视与焦点透视相结合,在论述方式上讲故事、善评论、互文式写作并举。第四章“苏俄通讯”的传播分析。阐述了“苏俄通讯”传播文本生成,强调一个完整的“苏俄通讯”传播文本由“主干”文本及附属文本构成。介绍了“苏俄通讯”大众传播、人际传播与自我传播的三类传播路径,论述了“苏俄通讯”的传播效果取决于时代的需要程度、作者观察与思考的深入及作品价值的重要性,并论述了“苏俄通讯”所遵循的相关传播规律。第五章中外作者“行走苏俄”的多重意蕴。分析了中国“苏俄通讯”作者“行走苏俄”的前提条件,归纳了作者们“行走苏俄”的原因。分别选取了“边境”、莫斯科、“离俄”等节点,剖析了中外作者“行走苏俄”的路线;在分析友俄与仇俄的态度基础上,介绍了陈启修、戈公振、斯诺等观察苏俄的方法。第六章“解读苏俄”:别求新声于异邦。介绍了“大”、“富”、“新”、“文”等几个关键词勾勒出苏俄新国家形象;说明了苏俄通过新宣传、新教育打造新人类;通过对莫斯科及红场等新空间的介绍,突出了苏俄政治空间与社会制度的变迁。同时,带有时代特征的标语口号的嵌入,强调苏俄力图塑造新话语的努力。第七章“解读苏俄”:日常社会生活探究。通过“街头”、“公园”、“剧院”、“单位”等框架,解读苏俄民众在社会主义制度下的日常社会生活,选取面包意象、红头巾意象作为苏俄民众生活的典型分析。论述了苏俄民众日常社会生活的基本特征:突出集体生活,淡化私人家庭生活;突出革命生活,淡化宗教神圣生活;突出新式生活,淡化传统生活。第八章“解读苏俄”:另类镜像。分析了“苏俄通讯”负面宣传的基本表现,剖析了媒介的阶级立场是负面宣传造成的主因,并介绍了“苏俄通讯”负面宣传的一些手法。第九章“苏俄通讯”与马克思主义“俄国化”。在论述马克思主义“俄国化”的基础上,分别阐述了“苏俄通讯”与苏俄革命和建设、“苏俄通讯”与“苏俄理论”及“苏俄通讯”与苏俄传统文化等3对重要议题的关系。第十章“苏俄通讯”与苏俄经验的“中国化”、“世界化”。在分析中国学习吸纳苏俄经验的前提与基础上,从“苏俄通讯”角度解读苏俄经验“中国化”的具体内涵:在经济上实行计划经济、在政治上实行无产阶级专政、在文化教育上推行社会主义宣传教育、在生活上推行共产主义生活方式等等,并阐述了苏俄经验“中国化”带来的重要启示。在分析苏俄经验“世界化”的历史前提与理论依据的基础上,解读苏俄经验的“世界化”的理论内涵与普遍意义。下编共分十章,属于分论部分。第十一章瞿秋白、俞颂华“苏俄通讯”比较。介绍了20世纪20年代中国最早赴苏采访的新闻记者——瞿秋白、俞颂华赴苏俄采访前的思想状况与成因,概述了瞿秋白、俞颂华“苏俄通讯”的大体轮廓与基本议题,评价了瞿秋白、俞颂华“苏俄通讯”的价值,对两人通讯也作详细的比较。第十二章抱朴、张民权“苏俄通讯”比较。介绍了中国早期两位无政府主义者抱朴、张民权20世纪20年代赴苏俄访问背景及两人“苏俄通讯”的主要内容,并对二者通讯作了细致的比较。第十三章陈独秀、李大钊“苏俄通讯”比较。分析了20世纪20年代陈独秀、李大钊两位中共创始人的苏俄之行及“苏俄通讯”的基本内容,并对两人通讯作详细的比较。第十四章蒋介石、沈玄庐“苏俄通讯”比较。介绍了1923年“孙逸仙博士代表团”的苏俄考察,论述了两位代表人物——蒋介石、沈玄庐的“苏俄通讯”主要内容及苏俄之行后两人提出的“中国策略”,并比较了两人“苏俄通讯”的异同。第十五章徐志摩、胡适“苏俄通讯”比较。介绍了20世纪20年代现代中国著名的英美派自由主义知识分子徐志摩、胡适的苏俄之行,并在解读两人“苏俄通讯”文本的基础上比较了两人通讯的异同。第十六章胡愈之、林克多“苏俄通讯”比较。在解读20世纪30年代胡愈之及林克多“苏俄通讯”文本的基础上,比较了两人通讯的异同,强调了两篇通讯观察视野及语言方式的差别。第十七章曹谷冰、戈公振“苏俄通讯”比较。介绍了20世纪30年代两位新闻工作者——曹谷冰、戈公振的苏俄之行及两人的“苏俄通讯”的主要内容,比较了两人“苏俄通讯”的异同。第十八章丁文江、蒋廷黻“苏俄通讯”比较。记述了20世纪30年代中国两位自由主义知识分子——丁文江、蒋廷黻的苏俄之行与其“苏俄通讯”的主要内容,比较了两人“苏俄通讯”的异同。第十九章郭沫若、茅盾“苏俄通讯”比较。记述了20世纪40年代中国两位文豪郭沫若与茅盾赴苏俄访问的经过,论述了两人“苏俄通讯”的主要内容,比较了两人“苏俄通讯”的异同。特别强调,两者皆指出了社会主义是中国的必然前途。第二十章国外“苏俄通讯”译作选介。以洪福利《我在新俄罗斯的生活》、罗素《游俄之感想》、韦伯《苏俄实业界生活一瞥》、斯诺《战时苏联游记》为例,介绍20世纪“10”至“40”年代的国外“苏俄通讯”基本内容与在中国传播情况。

【Abstract】 The salvoes of the October Revolution in1917were not only the herald of the world socialist revolution and construction but also brought Marxism to China. During the30years from the May Fourth Movement of1919to the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October1,1949, an endless stream of Chinese went to the Soviet Union to study and research. After they conducted field research in Socialist Soviet Union, they wrote the "Soviet communications" about the latest development in politics, economy, military, culture, history, geography, society, diplomacy and some other fields of the Soviet Union. These communications were published in domestic newspapers and caused a strong repercussion among the readers. Over the same period, some Chinese also translated the communications of some foreign authors including Russell, Gide, Atkinson, Ujaku Akita, Snow.As the news spreading text of the "sinicization" of Marxism, the "Soviet communications" in the first half of the20th century had a unique historical significance, a rich theoretical significance and realistic meaning. It promoted the dissemination of Marxism and socialism in china as well as the "sinicization" and popularization of Marxiam. It also pushed Chinese revolution forward. Besides, it is instructive in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Furthermore, it has an important theoretical and realistic significance in the study of the "Soviet communications".The text includes three parts in structure, namely, introduction, part1and part2.The introductory section mainly introduces the definition of several related concepts. Such as "communication","travels"," foreign correspondent","communications in the Soviet Union" and media publishing communications. It also clarifies that the object of the study is "the Soviet communications" from the May Fourth Movement of1919to October1,1949from home and abroad. Furthermore, it analyzes the current study of the Soviet communications in terms of its general weakness and specific hotspot and illustrates the originality, importance and realism of the chosen topic. It proposes that on the basis of collecting text information of "the Soviet communications" systematically stari with the case study and then macro research on it by adopting methods including the overall research, historical research, interdisciplinary research and comparative studies.Part one includes ten chapters and belongs to the pandect.Chapter one is the overview of Chinese and foreign literature about "the Soviet communications" in the first half of the20th century. It combs the spread of literature about "the Soviet communications" and focuses on four historic stages from the "1920s","1930s""1940s". It introduces key documents, major writers and the important media publishing the communications.Chapter two is about the authors and the spread media of "the Soviet communications" It elaborates the modern transitional track of Chinese writers of the communications and classifies Chinese authors of the "Soviet communications". We can see the degree of concern the authors show for the Soviet Union by estimating the frequency these authors visited there. Meanwhile, it analyses the operations of domestic media and introduces the changes in the publishing environment.Chapter three is the specialty and perspective of the "Soviet communications". It discusses the content features of the communications such as times, political nature, integrity and tendency. It introduces the writing perspective of the "Soviet communications":in terms of language news-narrating language, material-introducing language and figurative language complement one another; in terms of material choosing, the cavalier perspective combines with the focus perspective; in terms of ways of exposition, story-telling, commenting and intertextuality writing work together.Chapter four is the analysis of the spread of the "Soviet communications". Discuss the generation of the text spreading the "Soviet communications". Stress that a complete "Soviet communications" spreading text mainly consists of the "trunk" text and "subsidiary" text. Introduce the propagation paths of the "Soviet communications". They are mass communication, interpersonal communication and self-communication. Explain that the communicating effect relies on the need of the times, the observation and thinking of the authors and the value of the works. Discuss the rules the "Communications on the Soviet Union" follows in course of spreading.Chapter five is the multiple connotations of’Walks in the Soviet Union’by authors from home and abroad. It analyses the prerequisite of the’walks in the Soviet Union’embarked on by the Chinese authors of’communications in the Soviet Union" and concludes the reasons that Chinese writers conducted the walks in the Soviet Union. It also selects nodes including "border","Moscow","away from Moscow" and analyzes the routes of writers from home and abroad who embarked on "walks in the Soviet Union". Besides, it explains the methodology of observing the Soviet Union by Chen Qixiu, Snow and Ge Gongzhen based on the analysis of the pro-Russian and con-Russia attitudes. Chapter six "the interpretation of the Soviet Union":do not expect a new voice in other nations. It introduces several key words including "big","rich","new" and "text" which capture the contour of the Soviet Union as a new nation and illustrates that the country cultivated new people through new publicity and new education. It highlights the change in political space and social system of the Soviet Union through the introduction of the new space in Moscow and Red Square. Meanwhile, the incorporation of slogans reflecting the characteristics of the times emphasizes the vigorous bid by the Soviet Union to shape the new speech styles.Chapter seven "the interpretation of the Soviet Union":inquiry of daily social life. Interpret the day-to-day social life of the Soviet people under the socialist system through the framework of the "street","park","theater","units". Select bread image, red scarf image typical of the lives of the Soviet people to analyze. It discusses the basic characteristics of the daily social life of the Soviet people, namely, three "highlighting" and three "diluting highlighting the collective life, diluting private family life; highlighting revolutionary life, diluting religious life; highlighting new life, diluting traditional life.Chapter eight "the interpretation of the Soviet Union":distinctive mirror image. Analyze the basic display of the negative publicity of the "Soviet communications". Dissect that the main cause of negative publicity is the class stand of the media. It introduces several methods of the negative publicity of the "Soviet communications".Chapter nine is the "Soviet communications" and the "Russianization" of Marxism. It separately discusses the relationship between the "Soviet communications" and the Soviet revolution and construction, the "Soviet communications" and the "Soviet theory" and the "soviet communications" and the traditional Soviet culture on the basis of discussing the "Russianization" of Marxism.Chapter ten the "Soviet communications" and the "sinicization"and "globalization" of the Soviet experience. Interpret the concrete connotation of "sinicization" of the Soviet experience from the perspective of the "Soviet communications" based on the analysis of China’s absorbing the experience of the Soviet Union. The connotations include economically practicing planned economy, politically pushing proletariat dictatorship, pushing forward socialist propaganda and education in cultural and educational aspect, promote communist lifestyle in daily life. It also expounds important revelations drawn from the "sinicization" of the Soviet experience. Interpret theoretical meaning and universal significance of the "globalization" of the Soviet experience based on analyzing the historical premise and theoretical foundation of "globalization" of the Soviet experience.Part two includes ten chapters and belongs to minor arguments.Chapter eleven comparison between Qu Qiubai’s and Yu Songhua’s "Soviet communications". It introduces the state of mind of them before they visited the Soviet Union and the causes of it. It sketched the general outline and fundamental issues of their "Soviet communications" and evaluates the value of their communications. Besides, it makes a detailed comparison of their communications.Chapter twelve comparison between Bao Pu’s and Zhang Minquan’a "Soviet communications". Introduce the background where the two early Chinese anarchists visited the Soviet Union and the main contents of their "soviet communications". Besides, it makes a detailed comparison between their communications.Chapter thirteen comparison between Chen Duxiu’s and Li Dazhao’s "Soviet communications". Analyze the visit to the Soviet Union embarked on by the two founders of the Communist Party in the1920s-Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao and the basic contents of their communications. Besides, it makes a detailed comparison between their communications.Chapter fourteen comparison between Chiang Kai-shek’s and Shen Xuanlu’s "Soviet communications". Introduce the Soviet inspection of Dr. Sun yat-sen delegation in1923. Illustrate the main contents of "Soviet communications" of Chiang Kai-shek and Shen Xuanlu-two representative of Dr. Sun yat-sen delegation and the "China Strategy" proposed by them after their visit to the Soviet Union. Besides, it makes a comparison between their communications.Chapter fifteen comparison between Xu Zhimo’s and Hu Shi’s "Soviet communications" Introduce the visit to the Soviet Union in the1920s embarked on by Xu Zhimo and Hu Shi-two famous Anglo-American liberal intellectuals in modern China. Compare the differences and similarities of their communications on the basis of the interpretation of the text of the "Soviet communications".Chapter sixteen coparison between Hu Yuzhi’s and Lin Keduo’s "Soviet communications", Compare the differences and similarities of their communications on the basis of a detailed interpretation of the text of their "Soviet communications" in the1930s. Emphasize the differences of their communications in terms of view and language style.Chapter seventeen comparison between Cao Gubing’s and Ge Gongzhen’s "Soviet communications". Introduce the visit to the Soviet Union embarked on by two journalists in the1930s--Cao Gubing and Ge Gongzhen and the main contents of their communications. Compare the differences and similarities of their communications.Chapter eighteen comparison between Ding Wenjiang’s and Jang Tingfu’s "Soviet communications". It details the visit to the Soviet Union embarked on by two liberal intellectuals in the1930s-Ding Wenjiang and Jang Tingfu and the main contents of their communications. It also compares their differences and similarities.Chapter nineteen comparison between Guo Moruo’s and MaoDun’s "Soviet communications". It provides a detailed account of the visits by Guo Moruo and Maodun, two literary masters of POC in the1940s and discusses the main contents of their communications. It also compares the differences and similarities of Maodun’s and Guo Moruo’s communications. It emphasizes that the two communications point out that socialism is the inevitable cause china will embark on.Chapter twenty is the introduction of the translated books on the "Soviet communications". Take Hong Fuli’s "My life in New Russia", Russell’s "Impression of the Soviet Tour", Weber’s "A Glimpse of Life in Soviet Business" and Snow’s "Soviet Travels in Wartime" as examples to introduce the basic contents and the spread of foreign "Soviet communications" in China from1910s to1940s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

