

【作者】 徐腾

【导师】 双传学;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 社会主义价值问题的研究,为我们深入认识社会主义提供了一个新视角。社会主义不仅是一种思想理论、一种实践运动、一种社会制度,也是一种价值理念。社会主义通过价值观理解其自身,形成自我意识。社会主义价值观是社会主义思想理论的内核,是社会主义运动的目的,社会主义制度的灵魂。社会主义核心价值观是社会主义独有的,反映社会主义基本的、长期稳定的社会关系及价值追求的价值理念,是支撑着社会主义运动长期发展的价值指向和价值准则。中国特色社会主义核心价值观的理论建构,离不开对空想社会主义价值观的批判和超越,对科学社会主义价值观的继承和发展,对中国传统价值观与现代市场经济价值观的超越和扬弃。空想社会主义“平等”、“劳动”、“幸福”、“博爱”、“社会和谐”的价值理想;科学社会主义“人的全面自由发展”的价值追求;中国传统价值观“和为达道”、“人为至贵”、“重义轻利”、“贵群舍己”、“生生口新”、“刚健自强”的价值资源:市场经济“自由竞争”、“平等互利”、“诚实守信”、“公平正义”、“民主法治”的价值理念,都应该成为当代中国社会主义核心价值观建构的理论来源。中国社会主义建设的生动实践,为中国特色社会主义核心价值观形成奠定了坚实的实践基础。在不断探索社会主义核心价值观的过程中,党的历代领导核心都作出了重要贡献。在毛泽东看来,社会主义价值主体足人民群众:社会主义价值目标是实现人人平等与全面自由发展;社会主义价值尺度是生产力标准和群众利益标准;社会主义价值实现路径是群众实践。邓小平认为,共同富裕是社会主义的价值目标;“三个有利于”是社会主义价值标准;发展市场经济是社会主义价值手段。江泽民提出的“三个代表”重要思想揭示了社会主义的根本价值取向;“三个文明”建设确立了社会主义的价值目标;“促进人的全面发展”彰显了社会主义的核心价值理念;“立党为公、执政为民”表明了社会主义的价值主体。胡锦涛在探索社会主义核心价值观的过程中,坚持了以人为本的价值取向;确立了和谐社会的价值目标;开创了全面协调可持续发展的价值实现路径:建构了四位一体的价值观念体系。他们的这些探索和认识,为我们进一步提炼和概括中国特色社会主义核心价值观提供了丰富的思想资源和科学的方法论指导。中国特色社会主义核心价值观的基本内涵主要包括以人为本、共同富裕、民主法治、公平正义、自由平等这五组观念。这五句话,彰显了党的最高纲领和最低纲领的有机统一,表明了社会主义初级阶段我国最广大人民群众的价值追求、价值意愿和价值选择,体现了中国特色社会主义在精神层面和价值层面的本质规定和现实要求,凝结了中国特色社会主义的精髓和要义。其中,以人为本是以最广大人民群众的根本利益为本,是科学社会主义价值理想“人的自由全面发展”在社会主义初级阶段的中国表达,是贯穿于中国特色社会主义始终的价值理念,是中国特色社会主义的本质属性和首要价值。共同富裕、民主法治、公平正义、自由平等既是当代中国社会主义的现实要求,又是以人为本的社会主义核心价值观的现实展开和实现手段。中国特色社会主义核心价值观的传播和践行,有着良好的现实基础和有利条件:马克思主义成为社会主流意识形态;中国特色社会主义制度体系逐步形成;社会主义先进文化的发展与繁荣;人民群众真切感受到改革发展带来的物质成果,等等。同时,也面临着一些问题和挑战:社会主义意识形态理论与实践的契合度不高;社会转型时期的价值冲突;全球化带来的多样化社会思潮;干部队伍中存在着消极腐败现象,等等。在当代中国,执政的中国共产党是社会主义核心价值观传播和践行的领导力量:各级政府是社会主义核心价值观传播和践行的责任主体;各类企业是社会主义核心价值观传播和践行的重要承担者;民间组织是社会主义核心价值观传播和践行的重要参与力量。社会主义核心价值观传播和践行,是一项长期的战略任务和复杂的系统工程,需要从社会主义初级阶段和干部群众思想实际出发,综合运用意识形态和非意识形态手段,通过思想教育、舆论引导、文化熏陶、实践养成、政策支持和制度安排等路径来进行,使其逐步内化为人们的价值观念,外化为人们的自觉行动。

【Abstract】 The research of socialist value problems, provides a new perspective for us to understand socialism In depth. Socialism is not only an ideological theory, a practical movement, a social system, but also a concept of value. Socialist values understood itself, and form self-awareness. Socialist valuesis the kernel of the theory of socialist ideology, is the soul of the purpose of the socialist movement socialist system. Socialist core values of socialism is unique, and reflect the basic socialist, the long-term stability of social relations and the value of the pursuit of values, supporting the value of long-term development of the socialist movement point and value criteria.The construction of the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is inseparable from criticism and beyond utopian socialist values, is the inheritance and development of scientific socialist values, is the discarding and beyond of traditional Chinese values and modern market economy values, the ideal value of Utopian socialism is "equality","labor","happiness","love","social harmony", the value of the pursuit of scientific socialism "of the comprehensive free development. Chinese traditional values and Road "artificially to you", emphasizing righteousness Lee "." the group gave himself "." raw birthday new. energetic self-reliance "value of resources, market economy" free competition "." equality and mutual benefit "," honest and trustworthy "."justice ", the values of democracy and the rule of law", are contemporary Chinese socialist core values to construct theoretical sources.Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, The lively practice of Communist Party of China lead Chinese people carried out socialist construction, is a realistic foundation formed by the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Continue to explore the process of socialist core value, the ancient core of leadership of the party have made important contributions. Mao Zedong argued that the value of the main body of the socialist masses, the value of the full and free development of the human, the measure of value is the standard of productivity standards and the interests of the masses, and value realization path masses practice.Deng Xiaoping socialism with Chinese characteristics as the values and ideals, common prosperity as the value of the target,"three benefits" as a standard of value, as the value of the means of the development of a market economy. With Jiang Zemin’s "Three Represents" important thought reveals the fundamental value orientation of socialism,"three civilizations" established the goal of socialist values,"to promote the comprehensive development" underlines the socialist core values,"Li Party for the public and governing for the people "and that the value subject of socialism. Hu Jintao in the process of exploring socialist core value, adhere to the people-oriented, value orientation, value goal of establishing a harmonious society, and create value to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development path, and construct a four-in-one system of values. Their exploration and understanding, we further refined and summarized the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics provide rich resources for thinking and scientific methodology guidance.The basic meaning of the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics includes four ideas:people-oriented, common prosperity, democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice. This four sentences, highlighting the organic unity of the party’s top program and minimum program, indicating that the value of the pursuit of the overwhelming majority of the people in the primary stage of socialism, the value of will and value choice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the spiritual dimension and value the nature of the provisions and the practical requirements of the level, condensing the essence and the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Among them, the people-oriented in the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of people-centered, values and ideals of scientific socialism,"the free and comprehensive development of the expression in the primary stage of socialism in China, is run through the philosophy and values of socialism with Chinese characteristics is always value The goal is an essential attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the primary value. Common prosperity, democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice is both contemporary Chinese socialist reality requires, and the reality of a people-oriented socialist core values to expand and the means of achieving. The implementation of the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an internal process, namely the transformation from "external constraints" to "internal constraints", is the process from heteronomy to self-discipline, the ultimate performance for all members of society conscious behavior. The path of realization of the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics, including education path, system path and psychological path of three categories. The education path including the main theoretical education, and public opinion to guide cultural infiltration, the practice of cognitive and other forms; system the path mainly include system Statute, policy and regulation forms; psychological path including cognitive accepted form of moral internalization. These are the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics important factors that play a leading role and means, it is a necessary part of the core values of theory into the inner beliefs and values of the actors.The practice of Jiangsu province is a sample of building the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In terms of content. Jiangsu given a distinct regional characteristics and practical connotation of socialist core values:the target of two first " and beautiful Jiangsu. the oriented value of scientific development and overall consideration, the pursuit value of enriching the people first, the goal of people’s livelihood, as three hit. three first "new era Jiangsu spirit, integrity and impartiality, civilized and harmonious value specification. In terms of the path of construction. Jiangsu explore the publicity and education, guide public opinion, cultural influence, typical lead the practice to develop, curing system insist on a combination of theoretical and practical, advanced and widespread combination, a combination of ideological education and institution building. Tradition and Time combined series of feasible paths, Jiangsu accumulated experience of enlightenment, the process of the target of combining the valuable experience.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

