

Precise Measurement of Gravitational Acceleration Based on the Cold Atomic Interferometer

【作者】 程冰

【导师】 林强;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 光学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文主要研究受激拉曼跃迁式冷原子干涉仪作为重力测量装置的设计、实现以及性能评估。精密重力测量在万有引力常数测定和引力波的检验等方面具有深刻的科学意义,而且在地质调查和矿藏勘探有实际的应用价值。冷原子干涉测量重力的原理是使用受激拉曼跃迁的双光子过程在原子自由下落过程分别记录原子下落距离,在原子的干涉的相位中得到正比于重力加速度的信息。冷原子干涉方法用于精密重力测量有比较好的灵敏度和相对高的采样速率。本论文涵盖了作者在博士期间的主要工作,包括干涉系统的搭建,激光光路的设计和组件,控制软件编写等。其中特别是调制转移光谱锁频,激光器锁相的改进,激光频率链设计,以及干涉仪的噪声和误差分析是工作的重点。第一章主要阐述基于冷原子干涉的重力加速度测量在国内外的研究进展以及研究的重要意义。第二章讲述拉曼式原子干涉仪的核心理论基础,即量子力学的量子态和系统的演化规律。具体来说,包括原子和光相互作用的理论,特别是光场下的偶极子势的相关结论,原子的物质波演化过程表达和用于原子干涉仪的示例。第三章主要详细讨论原子干涉仪的各种关键技术和实现方案。原子干涉仪是建立在冷原子激光冷却和俘获技术基础上的,还包括激光稳频和移频技术,激光功率放大技术,拉曼激光的锁相技术,以及后续原子态的探测技术。其中对于激光稳频的调制转移光谱和光锁相环进行仔细的理论分析和对于锁定环路的反馈分析,得到相应的锁定结果。第四章主要介绍原子干涉仪的控制软件技术、数据采集和分析技术,包括干涉仪控制主程序的设计原理、实现细节和关键技术阐释。另外对于程序的升级改进给出了明确的方向和程序框架。软件部分也包括对于采集信号后续分析软件的介绍和干涉仪系统中使用的自制信号发生器的控制部分设计和使用。第五章主要评价原子干涉仪作为重力测量装置的性能和优势。对于干涉仪的噪声水平和系统误差方面给出了评价方法。本文所完成的原子干涉仪在重力测量方面达到了较高的灵敏度。在200秒积分时间内,重力测量精度可以达到8uGal的分辨率,其等效灵敏度为1.1×10-7g/√Hz。我们研制的原子干涉型也可以用于长时间观察当地重力变化。我们在实验室内清晰地观测到了固体潮汐信号,并且实验的数据和理论相当吻合。目前对重力值的准确测量的评估,达到10-7g的相对精度。最后是论文的总结和下一步的展望。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the setup of cold atomic interferometer for precise measurement of gravitational acceleration based on the stimulated Raman transition is designed and implemented, and its performance is evaluated.In the first chapter, the importance of precise gravitational acceleration meas-urement is outlined. The history and the latest progress of cold atom interferometry research is reviewed.In the second chapter, the basic theory of atom interferometry is presented, which includes the interaction of light with atom and evolution of atomic quantum state. In specific, the transition in light field between two levels and stimulated Raman transition among three levels are solved using the quantum perturbation method. Based on these results, the interferometer is plotted and its sensitivity is calculated.In the third chapter, the hardware designs and related theories are introduced. The contents cover the laser frequency stabilization, optical phase lock loop, cold at-om source and atomic state detection technologies.In the fourth chapter, the software design used in this instrument is presented, in-cluding the instrument controlling, data collection and analysis in the form of design principle, code detail and possible improvement.In the fifth chapter, the detailed instrument performance evaluation is conducted including the base noise level and systematic error cancelling.The atom interferometer achieved in this thesis has high sensitivity in the meas-urement of gravity acceleration. The gravity measurement precision of8uGal is reached within200second integration time, which is equivalent to a sensitivity of1.1×10-7g/(?). This atom interferometer is also suitable to observe the long-term de-viation of the local gravity. The solid tide is clearly observed in our lab, which coin-cides with the theoretical results very well. The relative gravity precision of10-7g has been achieved. Finally, some conclusions and looking forward of this research are presented.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期

