

The Study of Optimizing and Upgrading Our Country’s Sports Industrial Structure

【作者】 杨倩

【导师】 姚颂平;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪以来我国体育产业的发展取得了一定的成效。然而,不可否认的是,我国的体育产业无论是产值规模、生产效率,还是对国民经济的贡献上与发达国家相比,都存在非常大的差距。我国体育产业在发展过程中也曝露了一些结构性的问题和矛盾,地区产业间和产业内存在较为严重的结构失衡的现象,已经阻碍了体育产业的健康可持续发展。因此,进行体育产业结构的优化,是我国体育产业发展的实践对体育产业结构的研究提出的迫切要求。然而,在以往的体育产业结构优化的研究中,学者较多地运用定性的方法进行论证,也忽视了体育产业在空间上的集聚,以及最终形成体育产业集群的过程对推动体育产业结构优化升级的作用。本文在研究和借鉴相关理论和实践的基础上,将体育产业集群作为推动体育产业结构优化升级的一个有机组成部分,对我国体育产业结构在统计数据的基础上运用灰色关联分析法进行了研究和论证,最终提出我国体育产业结构优化升级的思路和政策建议,为我国体育产业结构政策的制定提供借鉴,以促进我国体育产业的全面快速发展。本文综合运用了文献资料法、访谈法、灰色关联分析法、拉格朗日插值法、个案研究法、实地观察法、德尔菲法对我国体育产业结构优化升级进行了细致的研究和分析,得出以下结论:一,我国体育产业结构不合理,结构水平不高。具体表现在:体育产业供求结构不协调、关联关系不协调、增长速度不均衡、比例关系不均衡、核心产业比重过小、产业组织规模小以及产业内技术水平低下,迫切需要进行产业结构的优化升级。二,我国体育健身休闲业与国民经济的关联较为紧密,国民经济的发展对体育健身休闲业有较强的带动作用。发展体育健身休闲业符合我国经济结构调整的方向,在国家宏观经济向好,经济保持快速增长的背景下,应当将发展体育健身休闲业作为迅速扩充体育产业主体产业规模,实现体育产业结构合理化的突破口。再者体育健身休闲业与竞赛表演业之间也存在较为紧密的依存关系,体育健身休闲业的发展可以带动竞赛表演业的发展。三,竞赛表演业与体育产业内部其他细分产业之间存在着广泛的联系。竞赛表演业是体育产业内最具有主导产业潜质的产业部门,然而,我国竞赛表演业与体育中介业和体育培训业之间没有形成明显的关联关系,体育产业内部存在关联断裂。应当通过深化体育管理体制改革,实现体育资源的市场化配置,修复竞赛表演业与其他产业部门之间的关联,培育与扶持相结合,将竞赛表演业培养成为我国体育产业的主导产业部门。四,体育产业集群的形成与政府的行为紧密相关,是在政府推动、市场拉动和产业集聚体自组织驱动三者共同作用下形成的。体育产业在空间上集聚形成的产业集群,可以促进创新、增强体育产业的竞争力,推动体育产业结构优化升级。体育用品制造业和体育用品服务业及体育用品销售业这两类集群形成影响因素在组成和重要程度上有较大差异,前者更依赖于当地相关制造业基础和原材料获取的便利性,而后者在形成上一方面有赖国家深化体制改革,消除进入壁垒,另一方面对区域经济发展水平、体育消费水平和体育传统文化的依赖程度很高。五,从长远来看,要实现我国体育产业结构的全面优化升级必须解决目前我国体育产业结构中存在的所有问题;短期内以体育健身休闲业为突破口,培育扶持竞赛表演业,推进体育产业集群的形成将可以提高资源的配置效率,迅速扩大体育市场规模和提高交易效率,为最终实现体育产业结构的全面优化升级打下基础。

【Abstract】 Our country’s sports industry has achieved some progress since the beginning of21th century. However, we cannot deny the fact that not only in output value scale,production efficiency, but also the contribution to the national economy, our country’ssports industry is not as good as the advanced countries. There are still some problemsand contradictions and a rather serious phenomenon of unbalance among industries indifferent districts and even in the sports industry itself during the developing processof our country’s sports industry, which have prevented our country’s sports industryfrom further developing in a durable and healthy way. Thus, during the developmentof our country’s sports industry, we have to optimize sports industrial structure.However,as for the sports industry structure optimization study in the past,scholarsmainly used qualitative research,and ignored the sports industry’s agglomeration inspace, and they did not see the function of the sports industry cluster’s formingprocess in promoting the optimization of sports industry structure eventually. Basedon former research and reference for the related theory and practice,we regard thesports industry cluster as an organic part of the process of optimizing sports industrystructure,and we take advantage of the grey relational analysis method to analyzestatistical data of sports industry structure,and at last we put forward some ideas andsuggestions of how to optimize our country’s sports industry structure,which,wehope,may make our country’s sports industry develop rapidly as well ascomprehensively.A series of research methods are used in the paper,including literature datamethod, interview method, and gray correlation analysis method, Lagrangeinterpolation method, case study research method, field observation, the Delphimethod,to make a careful study and analysis of China’s sports industry structureoptimization,and here are some conclusions:Firstly,China’s Sports Industry structure is unreasonable. The structure is at alow level which is reflected in the following aspects: the sports industry supply anddemand structure are inconsistent; the association with others is uncoordinated; thegrowth rate is unbalanced; the proportion of core industries is too small;the industrialscale is only at a small scale and the industry itself has only a low level of technology.All of these must lead to an urgent upgrade and improvement of the industrialstructure.Secondly,our country’s sports and leisure industry is closely related with thenational economy. The development of the national economy has a great and positiveinfluence on the development of the sports and leisure industry. Developing the sportsand leisure industry should be in accordance with our country’s economic structureadjustment. When China’s overall economy maintains rapid growth,we shoulddevelop the leisure industry to strengthen the main sports industry. Doing so willnecessarily bring on the desired rationalization of the sports industry’s structure.Moreover,the fitness and leisure industry are also closely dependent upon sportscompetition and the demonstration industry. In fact they are all dependent upon each other; therefore the former’s development will also promote the latter’s.Thirdly, the sports competition and demonstration industry has extensiverelations with other fragmented sectors within the sports industry. The sportscompetition and demonstration industry has a great potential of becoming the leadingindustry within the sports industry. However, the sports competition anddemonstration industry has no obvious relationship with sports agencies and thetraining industry,i.e.,the relationship among the sports industry is fragmented.Therefore,we should speed up the industrial upgrading and market allocation ofsports resources and renovate the relationship among the sports competition anddemonstration industry and other sports industries. We must make the sportscompetition and demonstration industry become the dominant industry within thesports industry as a whole by further reforming the sports management system.Fourthly,the formation of the sports industry cluster is closely related to thegovernment’s policy. The formation of the sports industry is under the guidance of thegovernment, the market and the industry cluster. The sports industry’s rationalizationwill promote the reformation of the industrial clusters into a whole and will alsopromote further innovation, strengthen the sports industry’s competitiveness andpromote the sports industrial structure’s upgrading. There are lots of differencesbetween how the sports goods manufacturing and the sports services are formed; thesedifferences will therefore cause influential factors when unifying or simplifying theirpresent fragmented nature. For example, the former depends more on localmanufacturing bases and raw materials that are easily accessed, while the latterdepends on two things: the increasing reformation of our country’s policy which is toeliminate entry barriers on the one hand, while on the other it still relies highly at theregional level on economic development level, sports consumption and the traditionalculture.Fifthly, in the long term, to achieve the overall structural optimization andupgrading of China’s sports industry, the problems that exist in the structure itselfmust be solved; in the short term, attention should be paid to the fitness and leisureindustry in order to foster and support the competitive and performance industry;promoting the sports industry cluster formation will improve the efficiency ofresource allocation and expand the market size and rapidly improve the businessbecause of people’s greater consumption of sports equipment. All this will lay thefoundation for the overall optimization and upgrading of the sports industry.


