

Research on the Football Competition Intelligence Theory and Illustration

【作者】 刘宇

【导师】 刘丹;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来我国各级水平足球队在国际赛场全面溃败,究其原因,除了技不如人外,情报工作开展的不利和对竞赛对手的不了解是加剧球队赛场失利、拉大和对手差距的重要原因之一。因此,为了迅速提高我国高水平球队在国际赛场上的竞技成绩,需要对足球运动竞赛情报开展专题研究,形成一套完整的足球运动竞赛情报理论、建立一套高效的足球运动竞赛情报工作方法和流程,为球队研究竞赛对手、获得赛场优胜服务。本研究以情报学理论为支撑,运用实地考察法、访谈法、文献资料法、比较法、问卷调查法、个案分析法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等方法,以我国高水平足球队为例,对我国足球运动竞赛情报进行理论研究,对我国高水平足球队运动竞赛情报工作现状进行全面、系统地分析和研究。获得的详细主要成果和结论如下:一、理论部分结论⑴在情报相关领域理论基础上对运动竞赛情报理论体系进行初探式构建,应当包含基本概念、功能与作用、竞赛情报内容、竞赛对手分析理论、竞赛情报系统体系等几个方面内容。⑵足球运动竞赛情报理论源于情报学理论,隶属于情报学范畴,属于体育情报和竞争情报的共同交叉下位概念。足球运动竞赛情报以球队为主体,以竞赛情报为研究对象,以其本身所蕴含的智能型与情报科学发展的方向不谋而合。运动竞赛情报代表着情报科学研究发展的新方向,会成为体育情报科学研究的核心领域。⑶理论上,足球运动竞赛情报应当包括:本方备战比赛信息、竞赛对手、竞赛环境、竞赛策略和反竞争情报等几方面的内容。⑷运动竞赛情报系统的理论基础是竞争情报系统,我们可以根据竞争情报的业务流程理论将整个竞赛情报系统分为竞赛情报收集子系统、竞赛情报分析子系统、竞赛情报服务子系统等三个部分。二、实证调查研究部分结论⑴目前,我国足球运动竞赛情报工作开展的现状具体表现为:①2011赛季我国高水平球队运动竞赛情报工作开展状况存在以下现象:我国高水平足球俱乐部球队足球比赛分析软件的配备与情报人员的配备呈现高度一致性;目前我国足球比赛分析软件与专职情报人员配备比率呈现:国家级球队>中超参赛队>中甲参赛队>中乙参赛队,男子队>女子参赛队的现象;足球比赛分析软件的配备与俱乐部取得的成绩存在一定的正相关关系;配备专职情报人员和配备专业足球比赛分析软件的俱乐部绝大多数为外籍主教练团队。②我国大部分高水平足球队教练员对目前所在球队足球运动竞赛情报工作开展情况不太满意、认为应当开展足球运动竞赛情报工作并且肯定了其在球队备战中的作用重要性、对在球队配备专职情报人员持积极赞同观点。③获取足球运动竞赛情报的方法或手段主要包括:录制电视播放的竞赛对手球队比赛视频、现场观看或拍摄对手近期的比赛和登录互联网搜寻下载对手比赛视频等。而采用由第三方足球情报专业机构代理情报工作的方式在我国尚处于萌芽阶段。④最主要三种竞赛情报源为电视台播放比赛、比赛现场和互联网。⑤目前我国高水平球队竞赛情报分析处理的主要方式为直接交给主教练处理、由专人按主教练要求手工剪辑整理和借助电脑足球软件处理。由第三方情报机构有偿代理处理的方式在我国运用非常少,只有中国男子国家队曾有过类似的体验经历。⑥赛前备战竞赛情报工作环节中,组织队员观看的经过剪辑的视频片断最合适的播放时间长度为20分钟以内。⑵我国高水平球队赛前备战需要收集的足球运动竞赛情报内容包括:竞赛对手信息、竞赛环境信息、本方球队信息、执法比赛的裁判员信息和反竞赛情报信息。①本队的竞赛情报信息主要包括:队员生理机能指标与身体状态、队员心理状态、队员伤病及停赛等情况和训练与比赛技战术数据等内容。②我国高水平足球队教练员期望在赛前备战竞赛情报工作中获得竞赛对手的信息主要包括:竞赛对手比赛技战术数据和视频、主要比赛阵型和人员配备、主要攻守战术的打法、定位球的配合特点、对方核心队员的特点、对方教练员排兵布阵和临场指挥的习惯及特点、此役对其成绩的影响、对手的实力及作风和对手近期的动态如热身赛情况等。③竞赛环境情报信息应当主要包括赛地地理位置、气候、场地设施、交通、食宿和球迷观众的赛场氛围、当地的文化习俗等因素。④足球运动竞赛情报收集工作中包括的裁判员信息为:裁判员的职业判罚习惯及特征、裁判员的生活地域、文化政治等背景和该场比赛对裁判员的判罚和心态可能产生的影响等。⑤目前我国高水平足球队赛前备战工作中有意识开展针对竞赛对手的反竞赛情报工作的球队数量较少,尚不足三成。球队所采用的反竞赛情报工作方法中频繁使用的有赛前集中封闭训练、赛前公开训练和热身赛时让队员穿无号码球衣和雪藏核心、有威胁力的队员。⑶目前我国高水平球队使用足球比赛软件系统为足球运动竞赛情报工作服务的总体情况比较落后,配备使用专业足球比赛软件系统的球队数量大约仅占全国高水平球队的十分之一。⑷目前制约我国高水平球队竞赛情报工作的主要原因为:球队、俱乐部决策层重视程度不够;情报工作专项财力投入的不足;缺乏专业的专职情报人员和技术设备;缺乏充足的情报信息源;收集情报信息的手段和方法单一、落后;缺乏专业的足球竞赛情报主题的专题培训;球队内工作人员缺乏竞赛情报工作意识和知识。⑸完善和进一步加强我国高水平球队的足球运动竞赛情报工作,应当采取的主要对策或建议:国家有关足球管理部门和俱乐部加大对竞赛情报工作的重视;国家足球管理部门和俱乐部加大竞赛情报专项的人力、物力投入;向国外足球强国学习竞赛情报先进理念、技术手段和方法;构建国内足球竞赛情报系统和数据库,扩大情报信息源;开展足球竞赛情报工作专题培训;有关体育院校和机构大力开展专职情报人员培养和培训;引进世界先进的足球分析系统软件。

【Abstract】 In recent years, our football teams of all levels have got defeated in the international arena.Besides our inferior skills, the main reason for the failure is that we did not carry out theintelligence work and did not know the opponents well.Therefore, in order to improve the competitive score of our high level teams in internationalfields, this paper carries out an intelligence research and forms a complete set of footballcompetition intelligence theory and effective methods and processes, so as to serve the study ofopponents and winning of the game.Supported by the theory of information science, the research, with the method of field work,interview, literature, comparison, questionnaire, case analysis, mathematical statistics and logicanalysis method, carries out a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the intelligence situationof the high level football teams in China. The main findings and conclusions are as follows:Ⅰ Theoretical conclusions(1) Based on the intelligence theory of related fields, this paper makes a preliminary constructionof athletic competition intelligence theory system. It shall include the basic concept, function, thecompetition information’s content and the information system construction, etc.(2)Football competition intelligence theory is based on the theory of information science,affiliated to the category of information science, and belongs to the subordinate concept of sportsintelligence and competitive intelligence. Football competition intelligence takes the team as themain body and the competition intelligence as the research object, which coincides with its owninherent intelligence and the direction of information science development. Sports competitionintelligence represents the new direction of the development of information science research and itwill become the core field of the scientific research of sports information.(3)Theoretically speaking, football competition information includes the preparations for the game,opponents, competition environment, competition strategy and the competitive intelligence etc.(4)Sports competition intelligence is based on the theory of competitive intelligence system.According to the process of competitive intelligence, the whole competition intelligence systemcan be divided into three parts: the subsystem of competition intelligence collection, thesubsystem competition information analysis and the subsystem competition intelligence service.Ⅱ Empirical conclusions(1)The current situation of China’s football competition intelligence work is as follows:①In the2011season, the following rules exist in our high level football teams’ intelligence work:there is high consistency of football game analysis software in our high level football clubs withthe intelligence personnel. The current ratio of football analysis software and professionalintelligence staffing takes on the following phenomenon: national teams>Chinese super footballteams>Chinese division2teams>Chinese division3teams, the men’s teams,>women’s teams.There is a positive correlation between the use of match analysis software and clubs scores. It isnoted that clubs with intelligence personnel and professional football match analysis softwaremostly have teams coached by foreigners.②Most coaches of our high level football teams are not very satisfied with the current intelligencework in the team. They affirm its importance in the preparation for the game and hold a positiveview about having professional intelligence personnel.③The football competition information can be acquired by recording the game on the television, watching on spot or shooting opponents ‘recent games and downloading game videos from theInternet. The use of the third party as an agent is still in the embryonic stage in China.④The three important sources of competition information are TV game, the game live and theinternet.⑤Currently, the information analysis of high level teams is handed directly to coach, who thenassigns the person to manually edit with the aid of computer software paid proxy’s processingmethod by third party agencies is very rarely used in China, except the Chinese men’s nationalteam.⑥In the work of pre-season competition intelligence, the appropriate length of time to watch thevideo clips is within20minutes.⑵The football competition information that our high level teams need to collect pre-seasonincludes opponents, environment, our own team information and referees.①The team’s competition information mainly includes the players’physiological fitness index andphysical status, mental state, injuries and suspensions, and training and tactical data and so on.②The opponents’information that our high level football team coaches expect to getpre-season mainly includes the game’s tactics data and video, the game formation and players, themain offensive and defensive tactics, characteristics of set pieces, core members of the opponents,the coach’s habits and characteristics of lineup and touchline instructions, the influence of thecompetition on its score, the opponent’s strength and style, and recent going-on such as thewarm-up match etc.③Competition environment information shall consist of the match location, climate, facilities,transportation, accommodation and athletic atmosphere of audience, local cultural practices andother factors.④The referee’s information contains the professional penalty habits and characteristics, theirliving area, cultural, political background and the game result’s influence on referees.⑤)At present, there are only30%of high-level football teams that carry out anti-competitionintelligence before games.The teams’ anti-competition intelligence methods frequently used are as follows: pregame closedtraining, pregame public training, wearing numberless jerseys in warming-up, conceal the coreand threatening players.(3)At present, the overall situation of using software to serve the football competition intelligenceis far from satisfactory. Teams equipped with professional football software accounts for onlyabout1/10of the national high level teams.⑷The followings are the main reasons that restrict our competition intelligence’s progress in highlevel teams. Teams and the club decision-makers don’t pay enough attention; financial investmentis not adequate; professional intelligence personnel and technical equipment are insufficient; thereis a lack of adequate information sources; the methods of information gathering are single andbackward; there is short of special training of the professional football intelligence; intelligencestaff don’t have enough awareness and knowledge.(5) In order to improve and further strengthen football competition intelligence work of high levelteams, the following main countermeasures and suggestions should be taken. Footballmanagement departments and clubs should increase the attention to the competition intelligence;national football management departments and clubs should bolster spending of manpower, andmaterial resources investment; we should learn advanced concepts, techniques and methods from foreign football powers; information systems and databases of domestic football competitionshould be built, the sources of intelligence information should be expanded; special training onfootball competition intelligence should be conducted; sports institutions and organizations shouldvigorously carry out the cultivation and training of full-time intelligence staffs; advanced footballanalysis system software should be introduced.

  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】423

