

The Training Theory System in Core Components of Competitive Ability of Unarmed Combat Events High Level Athletes Study on Sanda

【作者】 周维方

【导师】 赵光圣;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 随着空手道被列为2020年夏季奥运会待进入项目,徒手格斗对抗类项群在奥运会中所占比重越来越大。由于高水平运动员竞技能力发展阶段特征、承担比赛任务的重要性以及伤病等原因,对训练过程的效率和针对性要求更高;又因为运动员竞技能力各子能力发展具有非衡性特征,因此在对高水平运动员进行训练时围绕对竞技能力起决定作用的组分开展训练是提高训练效率和针对性的关键。从项群理论可知,徒手格斗对抗类项群主要包括拳击、柔道、跆拳道、散打、空手道和摔跤等项目,从比赛特征来说,散打所使用的技法种类最多、体能要求也相对最高、战术形式相对最复杂,对运动员竞技能力要求全面,所以本文选择以散打运动为例进行训练理论体系的研究。本研究主要以系统科学基本理论、运动训练理论和专项训练理论为支撑,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等对徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力中起决定作用的组分训练理论体系展开研究,所得主要结论如下:1、徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分是指由体能和技能两个子能力在动员机制作用下通过协同而形成的对该项群高水平运动员竞技能力系统功能实现起决定作用的统一体。2、徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练是一个复杂的系统工程。首先,系统是训练活动开展的结构基础、信息是实现训练系统功能增值的保证、控制是实现训练系统功能的手段,系统、信息和控制是徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练理论体系研究中必须解决的问题;其次,实现训练目标又是一个训练系统各构成要素之间、竞技能力核心组分各构成要素之间以及训练系统与竞技能力核心组分之间的协同过程。3、徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练理论体系是指由若干互相联系、互相制约的与运动员训练有关的理论所构成的整体,主要包括徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分界定、系统观下的竞技能力理论、竞技能力核心组分训练的系统理论、竞技能力核心组分训练的控制理论和竞技能力核心组分训练的反馈控制理论几个部分。每一部分研究内容如下所述:1)徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力理论内容主要从系统科学视角下对该项群其运动员竞技能力的基本特征、竞技能力运行机制、竞技能力核心组分的特性和竞技能力核心组分功能实现的效应基础几个方面展开的研究。2)徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练的系统理论主要是从控制内容系统、竞技能力核心组分训练中信息系统和竞技能力核心组分训练控制系统几个方面展开的研究,每一部分又是由若干分支组成。3)徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练的控制理论主要是从徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练中的控制任务定位、控制方式定位、竞技能力核心组分训练计划执行控制和控制原则等几个方面展开了研究。4)徒手格斗对抗类项群高水平运动员竞技能力核心组分训练的反馈控制理论研究主要是从反馈控制训练系统结构及其功能、反馈控制训练系统的运行机制和进行反馈控制训练应该遵循的基本要求几个方面进行的研究。

【Abstract】 As Karate will be listed as one project of the2020summer Olympic Games, theproportion of Unarmed combat events in the Olympic Games become more and morehigher. Due to the developing stage characteristics of high level athletes competitiveability,the important duty of them taking and injury reasons, so it is more highruquest to the process of training efficient and pertinence. Due to the disequilibriumcharacteristics of athletes’ competitive ability developing, so around thedecidingcomponents of the competitive ability to carry out the training is the key toimprove the training efficiency and pertinence to high level athletes. From XiangQuntheory, Unarmed combat events mainly including Boxing, Judo, Karate, Taekwondo,Sanda, and etc..From the technique characteristics of different projects, the types ofsanda techniques be used in the match are the most, which requesting to athletes’competitive ability is the most comprehensive.So I take Sanda for example to researchthe training theory system. The research mainly with the basic theory of systemscience, theories of sport training and specific training theory as the support and usingthe literature material law, expert interview method, questionnaire survey method,mathematical statistics and logic analysis in studing to the training theory system onhigh level athletes’ competitive ability decisive components of unarmed combatevents, the main conclusions are as follows.1.Core components of competitive ability of unarmed combat events high levelathletes is refers to the physical fitness and skills under the effect of mobilizationmechanism through coordination and formation of the group of high level athletescompetitive ability system functions to achieve an decisive unity by two subability.2. Training to Core components of competitive ability of unarmed combat eventshigh level athletes is a complicated system engineering, the system is the structure ofthe training activities.Firstly, information is the guarantee to parlay function of thetraining system, the control of training is means to realize the system function.System,information and control are the problems which must be solved in researchingUnarmed combat events core components of high level athletes competitive abilitytraining theory system;Secondly,realizing the goal of training is a collaborativeprocess in elements of training system, elements of core components of competitiveability, between training system and core components of competitive ability when betrained.3. Core components of competitive ability of unarmed combat events high levelathletes training theory system is to point to a whole which composed by a number ofinterrelated, mutual restriction of athletes training related theory.which includingdefinition about core components of competitive ability of unarmed combat eventshigh level athletes, competitive ability theory under systematic perspective, system theory about core components of competitive ability training, control theory aboutcore components of competitive ability training, and feedback control theory aboutcore components of competitive ability training. Every part of the research content isas follows:1)Competitive ability theory of unarmed combat events high level athletesmainly research under systematic perspective which include the basic features of thegroup of athletes competitive ability, operation mechanism of competitive ability, thecharacteristics of core components of competitive ability and the foundation of corecomponents of competitive abilities’ function realizing and so on.2)System theory about core components of competitive ability of unarmedcombat events high level athletes training research mainly from the system of controlcontent, the information system of core components of competitive abilitytraining,and the control system of core components of competitive abilitytraining.Each part is also composed of several branches.3)Control theory about training to Core components of competitive ability ofunarmed combat events high level athletes research mainly from core components ofcompetitive ability of unarmed combat events high level athletes training in theorientation of control tasks, in the orientation of control mode, execution controllingof core components of competitive ability training program,and the control principleof training and so on.4)Feedback control theory about Core components of competitive ability ofunarmed combat events high level athletes training research mainly from structureand function of the training feedback control system, operation mechanism offeedback control system and the basic requirement of the training feedback controlsystem when running.

  • 【分类号】G852.4;G808.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】430
  • 攻读期成果

