

Research on the Theory and Practice of Specialized Physical Quality Training for Chinese Elite Baseball Athletes

【作者】 杨至刚

【导师】 叶国雄;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 棒球是以棒打球为主要特点的同场集体对抗性球类运动项目。随着现代棒球技战术水平的日趋完善,专项身体素质水平的高低在棒球运动中显得越来越重要。但是目前来说,我国棒球项目在国际上成绩较低,在亚洲也一直没有冲入前三,运动员专项身体素质水平已经成为公认的弱点。在这种情况下,很有必要对棒球运动项目特征进行全面而深入的分析,并对我国优秀棒球运动员专项身体素质训练特征进行较为系统和深入的研究,探寻存在的问题与原因,以及在此基础上建立我国优秀棒球运动员位置专项身体素质指标与评价体系。这将对提高我国棒球运动员专项身体素质训练的科学化水平方面,无论在理论还是方法上都具有一定的实用价值。本文研究的主要内容是:棒球运动项目特征;我国优秀棒球运动员专项身体素质训练特征;我国优秀棒球运动员位置专项身体素质指标体系的构建;我国优秀棒球运动员位置专项身体素质评价指标标准的建立;我国优秀棒球运动员位置专项身体素质的诊断。本文主要运用文献资料法、调查法、观察法、测试法、逻辑分析法以及数理统计法,最后得出以下结论:1.针对高水平棒球运动员,棒球运动项目属于体、智能主导类同场集体对抗性非身体直接接触项群,其主要供能方式以ATP-CP为主,具有旋转功能的肌肉在棒球运动员投球、击球用力中起到主要作用。2.棒球运动员专项身体素质是棒球运动员完成专门动作技术、战术所具备的与专项紧密结合的运动素质,其中快速力量、动作速度、加速与变向能力以及功能柔韧性是主要专项身体素质。棒球运动员有不同的专项位置,不同的位置其专项身体素质特征也有所不同。根据不同位置的个性和共性,可分为位置专项身体素质和基本专项身体素质;根据进攻与防守特征,又分为进攻专项身体素质和防守专项身体素质。3.通过对我国优秀棒球运动员专项身体素质训练特征的研究发现:专项身体素质训练中训练方法与手段的选择上较为单一;功能性与专项性训练不够突出;一般身体素质练习过多;实际训练负荷量过大,强度低,而且耐力性练习过多;准备活动和恢复不够充分;比赛过少以及准备期过长。其主要影响因素依次是训练因素、生理因素和心智因素,而体能训练理念与方法成为训练因素中的首要影响因素。4.通过指标的筛选和指标权重的确定,建立了我国优秀棒球运动员位置专项身体素质指标体系。棒球运动员位置专项身体素质的一级指标是专项速度、专项力量、专项灵敏、专项柔韧,不同的位置其三级指标与权重不同。5.棒球运动员位置专项身体素质指标评价体系的建立主要采用百分位数法,主要包括单项指标评价标准、综合评分评价标准以及等级评价标准。根据不同位置棒球运动员专项身体素质指标的共性建立了棒球运动员基本专项身体素质单项指标评分标准和等级标准。6.棒球运动员位置专项身体素质的诊断主要包括总体态势诊断和个体态势诊断。采用帕雷托法对总体态势进行诊断,可以发现我国棒球运动员位置专项身体素质存在的整体优劣势状态,相对而言,专项柔韧性是优势素质,而专项灵敏性是最劣素质,专项速度和专项力量偏弱;采用雷达分析法对个体态势进行诊断,可以发现运动员个体的位置专项身体素质优势指标和劣势指标。

【Abstract】 Baseball, with patting as its main characteristic, is a kind of collective andantagonistic ball game. With the rapid development of the modern baseball techniquesand tactics, the importance on specialized physical quality has also gain more andmore attention. At present, however, little breakthrough has been made in the field ofbaseball in our country. Our nation has never been the top three, even in Asia, andweakness in specialized physical quality is no longer a secret. Under suchcircumstances, it is necessary to make a broad and deep analysis on the characteristicsof baseball, and have a systematical and thorough research into the training ways onspecialized physical quality of excellent sportsmen in our nation,so that we can havean better understanding of the problem as well as its cause, and set up an index and anevaluating system of positioning specialized physical quality of excellent baseballplayers in our nation. It will help to improve the science of training on specializedphysical quality, and has its practical value both theoretically and methodically.The essay is mainly about: the characteristics of baseball; the training ways onspecialized physical quality of excellent baseball players in China; the construction ofthe evaluating system, as well as the index of specialized physical quality of excellentbaseball players in China; the diagnosis and cure of problems in baseball players’specialized physical quality.Through the usage of referencing materials, interviewing experts, devisingquestionnaires as well as observation, testing, logical analysis and statistics, I havecome to the following conclusions:Firstly, baseball is a kind of sports that necessitate sportsmen’s mental andphysical strength. Although with no direct body touch, it belongs to the antagonisticsports so that sportsmen have to compete together in the same field collectively.Therefore, the main supply of energy is ATP-CP, with rotatable muscle as the mainmuscle on pitching and hitting.Secondly, the equipment with specialized physical quality enables a baseballplayer to finish specialized action so as to carry out techniques and tactics. Amongthem, quick strength, quick reversal, accelerating ability, speed of actions andfunctional flexibility are the main qualities. The difference in the specialized positionleads to the distinction in specialized physical quality. According to the difference inindividual and collective characteristics, the quality can be divided into positioningspecialized physical quality and basic specialized physical quality. Similarly, thequality can be parted into attacking specialized physical quality and defensivespecialized physical quality.Thirdly, according to the research into the training ways on specialized physicalquality of excellent baseball players in our country, I have found the followingsituations: the choices of training methods remain single; little emphasis has been paidon functional and specialized training; training on basic exercises take too much time,the capacity of training is too big yet with a low intensity, and exercises on endurance is too much; time for warm up and recovery of energy is not enough, the schedule fortraining and competition is not reasonable, with the preparing time too long, and thecompeting time too short. The main influencers are as follows: training factor,physical factor and psychological factor. Besides, method and concept of physicaltraining are playing the most important roles in the training factor.Fourthly, with the selection and ascertaining of the index and its weight, I haveset up an evaluating system of positioning specialized physical quality of excellentbaseball players in our nation. The first-grade index contains specialized velocity,specialized strength, specialized sensitivity and specialized flexibility. The weight ofthe index varies from different places.Fifthly, the construction of the evaluating system of positioning specializedphysical quality of baseball players adopts the centesimal measure, and it mainlyincludes single index of evaluation, comprehensive index of evaluation as well as thegrading system. According to the common characteristics of the specialized physicalquality of baseball players in different positions, the basic single index and gradingsystem of specialized physical quality are constructed.Last but not least, the diagnosis of positioning specialized physical qualitymainly includes the overall tendency and the individual tendency. If adopting thePareto analysis to diagnose the overall tendency, it is not difficult to find that baseballplayers in our nation have obvious advantages and disadvantages. Comparatively,specialized flexibility is the advantage with specialized velocity and specializedstrength as shortcomings. Similarly, we can also find advantages and disadvantages inindividual tendency of in specialized physical quality of sportsmen.


