

The Construction of the Evaluation Model in the Research and Development for the Disabled Based on the D-S Evidence Theory

【作者】 李菁

【导师】 杨再淮;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 体育器材是体育运动的硬件之一,是进行体育运动的物质保障。因此,合理地研发体育器材,是提高我国体育运动质量和竞技运动水平的一个重要因素。单从体育器材研发的方法来看,无论是健全人、残障人、竞技体育还是大众体育,在器材研发的步骤上都是大同小异的,都需要经过产品成型和生产改进这两大步骤,而在这两大步骤中“评价环节”始终贯穿其中,它对新器材的研发成功与否起着至关重要的作用。本研究将Dempster和Shafer共同创立的D-S证据理论引入到体育器材的研发中,并基于该理论探讨我国体育器材研发过程中的群决策融合问题。论文基于D-S证据理论的分析方法,为体育器材的评价环节构建了一个评价模型,并建立了一个评价指标体系,运用该模型评价自行研发的聋人篮球遥控发光提示器,整个过程为我国体育器材研发中的评价环节,提供了一种新的思路和方法。另外,本研究自主研发了的发光提示器,能够帮助聋人运动员在激烈的比赛中及时接到提示信息,并通过实验研究逐步改进和完善提示器的性能,尽可能的解决目前聋人篮球比赛中及时暂停比赛难的问题,为残障人运动尽一份绵薄之力。论文的主要研究内容如下:(1)从D-S证据理论中挑选出与本研究有关的重要概念和公式,总结该理论所涵盖的各种计算方法及其优缺点,从中选定一个适合于本研究的合成算法,并通过一个简单的算例构建在体育器材研发中引入D-S证据理论的理论假设。(2)在聋人篮球比赛中,由于运动员自身的听力限制,使裁判员示意暂时停止比赛的信息不能够及时传达给比赛中的运动员,导致运动员和裁判员发生不必要体力浪费。本研究基于以上原因,利用无线遥控的基本原理,设计了一款能够遥控发光并且便于携带在运动员身上的提示器,以替代传统的摇彩旗方式,达到快速、有效停止比赛的目的。(3)通过对被试者的视野差异分析,得到被试者和正常人的视野范围没有显著性差异和被试者对不同颜色的视野大小排序是:“黄色>红色>绿色”的实验结果,该实验结果不仅避免了被试者由于视野的异常使得实验数据无效的可能,更重要的是不同颜色的排序为提示器选用的LED颜色提供了理论依据。(4)通过10场比赛,对自制提示器和彩旗在比赛用时和裁判耗时方面进行比较,得到在听力障碍者的篮球比赛中,由于产生的违例和犯规次数不同,所以这两种方式在比赛用时(毛时间)方面无显著差异,但在每次裁判的耗时上存在显著差异,使用提示器的裁判耗时要明显短于使用彩旗。(5)建立群决策团队和自制遥控发光提示器的评价指标体系,并运用D-S证据理论的方法获得专家对评价指标的赋权,通过访谈得到专家的评价意见,量化后运用D-S证据理论的集结方式进行合成计算,最终得到专家群体对自制遥控发光提示器的评价结果。通过研究证明D-S证据理论的合成算法在专家赋权方面不但优于传统的专家赋权法,而且比起特征值法、序关系分析法(FMEA)、层次分析法(AHP)又相对简单,同时运用相同的算法能够完成群决策信息的合成,而且在数据的处理上也可以通过统计软件进行相应的公式编辑计算,效率相对较高。

【Abstract】 Sports equipment is one of the hardwares in sports, which is regardedas the material guarantee. Therefore, reasonable research anddevelopment of the sports equipment is an important factor to increasethe quality of sports and level of athletics in our country. On theresearch methods of sports equipment, the procedures of equipment R&D aresimilar no matter for the abled and the disabled, or the competitive sportsand the popular sports. Equipment R&D is divided into two steps---productshaping and product improvement,in which “evaluation process” runsthrough them and plays a key role in the success of the new equipment R&D.This research brings the D-S theory founded by Dempster and Shafer intothe sports equipment R&D and discusses the problem of group decision andproof fusion in the procedure of sports equipment R&D. This paper adoptsthe analytical method of D-S evidence theory to evaluate home-madeprompters that is remote control and luminous for the deaf in thebasketball match. We try to offer a new idea and method of sports equipmentR&D for our country. Moreover, the home-made luminous reminders in thisresearch can help the deaf athletes receive prompt messages in time ina tight game. We hope to improve the performance of reminders throughexperimental researches and try our best to solve the troubles deaf peoplehave in basketball matches.The major research contents:(1)The author chooses related and important concepts and formulas andsums up each kind of calculating method and its advantages anddisadvantages, and then choose a right synthesis algorithm for thisresearch. By using a simple calculation example, we apply the D-S evidencetheory in sports equipment R&D.(2)Because of the hearing limit in the deaf basketball matches,suspension signals could not passed to athletes, which leads tounnecessary energy wasting of referees. Due to the above reasons, wedesigned this prompter that could glow with remote control and is easyto carry on athletes to replace the traditional method of waving colorfulflags that suspends the game quickly and effectively. (3)Through the analysis of visual diversity, we found no obviousdifferences between the deaf person and normal person and the vision sizesof different colors are sorted as:”yellow>red>green”. Thisexperimental result helps not only avoid invalid data caused by unusualview, but also provide theory basis of choosing the right color of LEDon the reminders.(4)Through10matches played, we compared the difference of competitiontime and judgement time by using the homo-made reminder and colored flags.The result shows that there is no obvious difference caused by frequencyof violations and fouls by using two methods in game time (gross time).However, there is notable difference on judgement time--the time of usingreminder is makeable shorter than that of using flags.(5)The author of this paper establishes the team of group decision andthe evaluation system of the home-made, remote control and luminousreminders by using the method of D-S evidence theory. We get experts’advices after interviewing them, and synthetically calculate byquantifying those advices and using the assembly mode. Finally, the authorachieves the evaluation of the reminders. We approves by research thatsynthetical calculation in D-S theory is not only superior to traditionalexpert weighting method, but also easier than Eigenvalue Method, FMEA,AHP.The author uses the same calculation method to finish the syntheticof group decision information and use statistical software to edit andcalculate formula on data processing, which make the whole processrelatively more efficient.


