

Research on Stud’ents Healthy Sports Behavior Developing under Healthy City Vision

【作者】 郑家鲲

【导师】 沈建华;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 当前,我国正在大力推进健康城市建设,青少年是城市未来的主人,适应城市健康模式的转变及解决城市化进程中的健康问题,应对青少年体质健康持续下降,都要求青少年必须建立健康的体育行为和生活方式,增强自身维护健康的能力。基于这样的一个大背景,本研究以人的全面发展理论、教育理论、现代健康观等基本理论为理论支撑,以辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,采取思辨与实证、理论与经验相结合的原则,以中小学生健康体育行为现状为脉络,综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法等方法,从社会学、教育学、健康学、健康社会学等多视角研究中小学生健康体育行为培养问题。全文以“问题的提出——理论分析——现实分析——对策研究”的思路展开研究。主要研究结论如下:第一,健康行为是指个体或群体为了预防疾病、增强体质、维持和促进健康所采取的一切有利于自身及他人在身体、心理、社会适应性等方面保持良好、健康状态的各种行为和活动的总称。按照生活方式对健康的影响(侧重于生活方式的角度划分),可以把健康行为分为九类:认知行为、饮食行为、营养行为、睡眠行为、体育行为、医药行为、养生行为、管理行为、安全行为等。第二,健康体育行为是指人们有意识、有目的地以体育的方法或动作为基本手段,在健康的体育意识引领下,以科学的体育健身知识为指导,合理、规范地运用各种体育技能,以促进个体或群体身心健康和社会适应为主要目标的健康行为。健康体育行为按其表现形式,又可分为隐性健康体育行为和显性健康体育行为。隐性健康体育行为由体育需要、体育态度、体育价值观、体育卫生知识等构成。显性健康体育行为主要包括体育活动所用的时间和空间、体育活动的内容、体育活动的方式等方面。健康体育行为与其它的社会行为有许多共同的特征:主动性、目的性、规范性、可塑性、持续性,但也有其不同的个性特征:安全性、规律性、适宜性和阶段性。健康社会学依据、健康行为学依据、行为养成教育依据是健康体育行为提出的理论依据。第三,中小学生不健康体育行为主要表现在健康体育意识缺失、科学体育知识缺乏、体育技能不规范。健康体育意识缺失体现在:认为身体没病就是健康,就不用锻炼;体力劳动能代替体育锻炼;运动量越大,锻炼效果就越好;有感冒也要坚持体育锻炼。科学体育知识缺乏体现在:忽视体育运动前后的热身或放松活动;在雾天或雷电天气里仍然坚持运动;认为只要多运动、多出汗就能减肥;运动后大量饮水;空腹运动无碍健康;忽视体育健身运动环境卫生;运动损伤不会防范;不重视运动性疲劳;运动后随意进食;季节变化无关体育锻炼。体育技能不规范主要指在体育运动中动作不规范、技术不过硬、理解力不到位、能力不达标等。导致中小学生产生不健康体育行为的主要原因有学校因素、家庭因素、社区因素及学生自身因素等。第四,家校合作健康体育行为培养是指家庭和学校以促进中小学生养成健康的体育行为为目标,以充分发挥家庭的主体地位和学校的主导作用为抓手,以形成健康体育行为培养的家校合力为出发点,通过家庭和学校两种资源的优势互补和整合优化,有效地作用于共同的服务对象——学生而开展的双向互惠性活动。家校合作培养学生健康体育行为的理论依据为教育民主化理论、包容理论和共同责任理论。结合家校合作健康体育行为培养的必要性,提出实现家校合作培养学生健康体育行为的基本要求,即统一认识、明确分工、调整视野、发挥优势。第五,在分析界定学校健康体育行为培养的概念和意义的基础上,提出学校健康体育行为培养的目标包括六个方面:提高学生的健身科学知识水平;改善学生对待体育和健身的态度;培养学生的自我保健意识和能力;减少体育锻炼的误区及各种危害健康的因素;提高生长发育水平预防各种心理障碍,促进心理健康发展。根据学校的特点,学校健康体育行为培养的内容应包括七个领域:身体各部位的认识、体育锻炼的个人卫生与良好习惯、体育锻炼与饮食营养、体育锻炼与休息、体育锻炼与心理卫生、体育锻炼与身体的生长发育、体育锻炼的安全与创伤预防等。探讨了如何根据儿童青少年生长发育的不同阶段,把这七个领域的内容合理分配到五级水平中。学校健康体育行为培养的原则包括:健康教育与健康促进相结合原则;发展、预防与干预相结合原则;自助、互助与援助相结合原则;学校、家庭与社会相结合;知识、信念与行动相结合原则。第六,学校培养学生健康体育行为培养的策略是:(1)做好学生健康体育行为培养的顶层设计;(2)发挥体育教师在健康体育行为培养中的主导作用;(3)突出体育课在健康体育行为培养中的基础性地位;(4)培育能胜任学生健康体育行为培养的师资队伍;(5)创设健康体育行为培养的良好氛围。文中针对每一项策略,都提出了具体的可操作措施。第七,家庭健康体育行为培养是指在家庭范围内发生的,以亲子关系为中心,以培养家庭子女养成健康的体育生活方式和行为习惯为目标而进行的有目的、有针对性、形式灵活的教育活动,是在人的成长过程中,家庭(主要指父母)对个体(儿童青少年)在健康体育意识培养、体育知识传播和体育技能学习等方面实施的教育与影响,其主要形式为身体练习和体育娱乐活动。家庭健康体育行为培养的内容主要包括:培养子女积极参加体育活动的兴趣和爱好;培养子女掌握科学的体育锻炼方法;培养子女养成自觉锻炼身体的习惯。家庭健康体育行为培养的策略是:充分发挥家长的榜样示范作用;重视在体育锻炼中培养良好习惯;营造家校合作、一致养成的培养氛围;加强家庭体育的服务保障建设,提升家长培养能力;家长要树立正确的育人观和体育导向。

【Abstract】 Recently, in a healthy city construction process, the youngsters as the host of the county, they want to adopt the city healthy modal changing and deal with the healthy problems during the urbanization. These problems requires that the youngster must construct healthy sports behaviors life‐styles, and also they should enhance ability of maintain their own health. Based on the above‐mentioned, this subject discussed on the issues of cultivating primary and middle school students’ health sports behavior, which is the based on theory of human’s overall development, educational theory, modern health concept and so on, it is directed by dialectical materialism and historical materialism theory and takes the principles of combining theory and experience, using in the backdrop of the information, interview of expert, questionnaire method and logical analysis, this paper also do research from muti‐angles, such as sociology, pedagogy, health science and health sociology. The research design follows the principles: raise question, theory analysis, status analysis, and countermeasures study. The main result is as follows.Firstly, this thesis thinks, health behavior means that individuals or groups take actions many forms of activities, in order to make for oneself or others in body, mentality and social adaptiveness. According to the influence of the living style, it can divided the health behaviors into nine categories: cognitive behavior, dietary behavior, nutrition behavior, sleeping behavior, sports behavior, medical and health maintenance, managerial behavior and safe behavior.Secondly, health and sports behavior refers to the health behavior that the people who promoting the aims of the physical and psychological health and social adaptability consciously and purposeful. According to the performance points, health behavior can be divided invisible health behavior and visualization health behavior. The invisible health behavior indicated the sports requires, sports attitude, sports value, the content of sports, sports activities and so on. Sports health behavior has many common features with other social behavior: Initiative, purpose, normative, plasticity, persistent. But there are also some unique characters: security and regularity, harmony, and suitability, difference and diversity, periodic and variability. The health behavior theory basis is the health behavior theory, the behavior formation education and lifelong sport.Thirdly, the research found, primary and middle school students’ ill health sports behavior is mainly manifested lacking of sports health consciousness and scientific sports knowledge and less reasonable sports skills. Lacking of the sports health consciousness shows that ignore the warm‐up exercises before or after sports, do exercises in bad weather or illness. Lacking of scientific sports knowledge reflected in large amounts of exercises controlling, drinking too much water after exercises, exercise on an empty stomach, neglecting the hygiene of the sports environment and so on. Less reasonable sports skills included the poor sports abilities, nonstandard action, poor morality and lack awareness. There are many factors of the students’ unhealthy behaviors such as the school, family, community and the themselves. Fourthly, in this thesis, parent-school cooperative health sports development means family and school in order to promote to form an reciprocal activities for students by developing the student’ health behavior and using the complementary advantages and integrated optimization model. The basis theory of this training mode is the education democratization theory, comprehensive theology and theory of corporate responsibility. The parent-school cooperative health sports development put forward the basic requirements, they are unified understanding, a clear division, adjust the developing angles and give full play to each other’s advantages.Fifthly, based on the concept definition and meanings, setting six aims of the school health sports behavior development, they are, raise the students’ health science knowledge, alter the attitude on sports, develop the health maintenance and ability, decrease the mistakes and unhealthy points, improve the growth level, prevent the mental block and advance the mental health development. According to the feature of school, the content of school health behavior included seven realms:cognition of body parts, personal hygiene and good habits, physical exercises and diet, physical exercises and rest, physical exercises and mental health, physical exercises and growth, prevention of outdoor sports trauma. They are distributed into five level reasonable, according to the different growing stages of the youngsters.Sixthly, the focal point of the school health behavior development is the integration of physical and health education. The counter plan of the integration consists of changing thought, setting a new perception of physical and health education, enhancing the organization and management on school physical and health education, building a whole unitive set of teaching objective, curriculum scheme, teaching material system, examination and evaluation system and service management system, using various ways and forms to all-round implementation, training the teachers for the integration of physical and health education. This paper raise the some practical measures for every countermeasures.Seventhly, the family health behavior development, occurred within the family, is to foster children health sports life style and behavior habit as the goal which is centered on the parent-child relationship. During the growth of person, in the family especially the parents plays an important role in the health consciousness development, sports knowledge spreading and skills of physical education. The main forms are physical exercises and sporting and amusement activities. The concepts of family health behavior development comprise that cultivate children to engage in active sports interests and hobbies, to master the scientific method of physical exercise, to grasp the method of scientific physical exercise and the habit of taking physical exercise consciously. The strategy can give the children model demonstration effect, attaches great importance to cultivate good habit in physical exercise, create a parent-school cooperative atmosphere; it can also strengthen the construction of family sports service guarantee, improve parents training ability, during this process, Parents should change the ideas and set up correct sports guidance.


