

Research of City Sports Development in the Process of Constructing Harmonious Society

【作者】 齐书春

【导师】 李建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本研究首先研究了城市社会体育、城市竞技体育、城市学校体育自身和谐以及三者之间和谐发展的有关问题,并提出了相应的自身和谐模式。其次,研究了城市体育如何与城市卫生、城市教育、城市文化等相关社会系统维持和谐的问题,并提出了相应的共享模式。最后,研究了城市体育如何融入城市管理、城市规划、城市生态从而促进城市和谐发展的问题,并提出了相应的参与模式。通过研究,本研究认为:区域城市公共体育服务发展均等化是城市社会体育和谐发展的理念基础;人均公共体育资源量提高是城市社会体育和谐发展的物质基础;社区体育是实现城市社会体育和谐发展的有效载体;加强对城市弱势群体的体育关照是促进社会体育和谐发展的紧迫任务。促进体育赛事、竞技体育项目发展与城市特色相符是城市竞技体育发展理念;加强体育后备人才建设,强化对运动员文化教育,以及建立运动员社会保障机制是发展基础;减少城市竞技体育不当甚至违法、犯罪行为,以及移植民主作风,重塑教练员与运动员关系是发展路径;促进城市竞技体育区域发展均衡,以及促进城市竞技体育项目均衡发展是紧迫任务。学校体育教学目标和内容与新课标要求相符是城市学校体育发展理念;扩展体育课程资源是发展基础;增加体育教师数量,以及加强体育教师培训力度是发展路径:真正落实学校各项体育活动是紧迫任务。为了促进城市竞技体育与城市社会体育和谐发展需要实现体育自身价值与体育社会价值的和谐统一;需要注入“全民健身与奥运同行”的理念;需要树立竞技体育与社会体育互相取予的意识。为了促进城市社会体育与城市学校体育和谐发展需要转变观念,理顺条块;需要构建和谐制度环境,推进城市社会体育与城市学校体育和谐发展;需要抓好共生界面建设,多元主体共同推进;为了促进城市竞技体育与城市学校体育和谐发展,需要对竞技体育进行教材化处理;应致力于培养体育氛围、塑造体育文化、促进人的全面发展,并应注重体育竞赛的杠杆推动作用。在构建和谐社会进程中,城市体育与城市教育之间通过实施“体教结合”共享模式,推动城市体育系统与城市教育系统和谐互动,资源共享,推进学校体育发展,培养更多高素质竞技体育人才,最终实现以学校体育作为社会体育和竞技体育发展的基础和结合部,全面促进我国体育事业发展;城市体育与城市教育之间通过实施城市学校社区体育一体化共享模式,打破彼此隔离的状态,实现互相渗透、有机结合,进而共享资源,促进城市学校以及城市社区体育可持续发展。通过对城市社区体育组织和城市社区卫生组织进行有效整合,城市体育与城市卫生推进实施健康管理与社区体育共享模式,依托社区体育在线健康管理系统、社区体育俱乐部、社区卫生服务中心等平台,发挥社区体育指导员的主导作用,在政策法律的保障和经费及各种资源的支持下,运用健康管理理论、方法,普及体育健康知识与技能,进行体育健康行为(参与)干预,提高居民健康素质和生活质量。城市体育与城市文化之间推进实施城市体育与城市文化的“多元结合”共享模式,推动城市体育与城市文化体系各个组成部分和谐互动、资源共享,从而促进城市体育与城市文化共同发展。为了促进城市和谐发展,城市体育参与模式的实施,重在参与路径建设:体育参与城市管理,从体育促进城市社会功能性整合、城市社会制度性整合以及城市社会认同性整合三个路径入手;体育参与城市规划路径包括体育参与城市生活圈规划,参与城市扩展规划;参与城市更新规划;城市大型体育赛事举办、体育旅游等体育休闲产业项目建立以及城市多种公共体育设施建设参与城市生态环境优化。

【Abstract】 At first, this subject study harmonious development of city social sports, citysports and city school sports, as well as harmonious development among them, andbring forwarded the corresponding self-harmony mode of them. Secondly, this subjectstudy city’s sports and how to maintain harmony with health and education as well asculture of city and the corresponding shared mode. Finally, this subject study how thecity sport Integrate into management, city planning, city ecology so as to promote theharmonious development of city as well as the corresponding modes of participation.Through research, the subject regarded that:Per capita amount of resources is the material basis to improve public sportsharmonious development of city social sports; equalization of regional city publicsport services is the idea of harmonious development of city social sports; take morecare of vulnerable groups is the urgent task of city social sports harmoniousdevelopment; community sports is an effective carrier to achieve harmoniousdevelopment of city society sports.To promote the harmonious development of city sports, city sports need to put anend to illegal, criminal behavior; promote balanced development of regional citycompetitive sports; reshaping the relationship between coaches and athletes;strengthen cultural education and protection of athletes, to promote sports reservepersonnel development; to promote sporting events and sports consistent with the cityfeatures.To promote the harmonious development of city school sports, it need to followthe curriculum requirements, set the appropriate course content; expand physicaleducation resources, alleviate bottlenecks in city schools; implementation of thevarious school sports activities, make it truly become a part of physical education.To promote the harmonious development of the city sports and city social sports itneed to achieve unity and harmony of values of sports itself and sports social value;develop concept of "fitness with the Olympics"; establish sense of competitive sportsand community sports develop to take to with each other; to promote the harmoniousdevelopment of city sports and city social sports with various methods. To promotethe harmonious development of city social sports and city school sports need tochange the concept and rationalize the power pattern; to build a harmonious systemenvironment and multiple subjects take part in the development; To promote theharmonious development of city sports and city school sports need to make materialsprocessing of sports; and developing sports atmosphere, shaping the sports culture,promoting the overall development objectives; focus on the leverage role of sportscompetitions.City sports and city education can implement shared mode of “physicaleducation combine with education”, that in a new period of building a harmonious society, follow the "people-oriented" concept of scientific development, promote citysports system and city education system harmonious interaction, sharing resourcesto develop high-quality sports talent, promote school sports development, andultimately to make a social basis for the development of social sports and sports, tofully promote the development of China’s sports system and built its operationprocess.City Sports and city education can also implement sharing mode of integratedcity school sports and community sports that city schools and city community sportsthrough a certain institution system and organizational environment, safeguardmeasures to break the separated state from each other to achieve mutual penetration,combination, and thus share resources, promote the sports of city schools andcommunity sustainable development.City sports and city health can implementsharing mode of health management+community sports, it is the mechanisms,institutions and the whole process that through effective integration and sharing oforganization and resources of city sports and city communities, relying on communitysports online health management system, community sports clubs, community healthservice centers and other platforms, and sports instructors play a leading role, and inthe support of policy and funding, using health management theories and methods, topromote physical education and health knowledge and skills to enhance the quality ofthe health of residents and for the purpose of improving the quality of residents’ healthand quality of life, through a variety of ways to publicize health knowledge, healthbehavior of sports (participation) interfere with the operation.City sports and cityculture can implement shared mode of “multiple combination” that is the system andoperation procession of city sports and city culture system components interactharmoniously, sharing resources, so as to promote city sports and city culture developtogether.City sports participation mode that based on city marketing is a means ofmarketing city, that in order to enhance city management level, boost city planning,optimize city ecology so as to attract and promote more resources to enhanceharmonious development of city, and to meet the needs of city people’s material andcultural life.

【关键词】 城市体育和谐发展模式
【Key words】 city sportsharmonydevelopmentmodel
  • 【分类号】G812.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1561

