

The Influences of Different Virtual Situations on Perception and Action Performance of Tennis Players

【作者】 杨勇涛

【导师】 张忠秋;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 知觉动作研究主要秉承两种不同的研究思路,即信息加工理论和生态学观点,它们代表了不同的知觉动作匹配水平。以信息加工理论为基础的传统知觉预判研究采用按键反应或口语报告等非代表性的反应方式探讨专家优势,是一种低水平的知觉动作匹配,生态学观点侧重用真实动作评价运动表现及专家优势,是一种高水平的知觉动作匹配。本研究以信息加工理论、生态学观点和情绪视角为切入点,以虚拟现实技术为支撑,以网球运动员为研究对象,对其接发球时的知觉动作表现进行了探讨。研究1证实了不同知觉动作匹配水平对接发球表现的影响,同时进一步支持了专家优势学说,丰富了知觉动作研究的成果;研究2以虚拟环境为情绪诱发手段,同时尝试模拟消极情绪发球情景,探讨情绪对网球运动员接发球表现的影响,结果也在一定程度上为情绪和运动表现之间的关系提供了支持。主要结果如下:(1)随着发球视频阻断时间的增加,一级运动员、二级运动员和业余爱好者的预判准确率均上升,反应时缩短。但在球和球拍接触前100ms时的预判准确率没有显著差异,约为随机概率(50%)。(2)按键反应的准确率高于动作反应的准确率,反应时多于动作反应的反应时;一级运动员动作反应的准确率显著高于业余爱好者,业余爱好者动作反应的准确率显著低于按键反应的准确率。与业余爱好者相比,一级运动员的接发球判断反应时更短,击球点靠前,时机更准确。(3)一级运动员口语报告和真实动作反应的准确率显著高于二级运动员和业余爱好者,一级运动员真实动作反应的准确率高于口语报告准确率,二级运动员和业余爱好者则相反且差异显著。(4)一级运动员口语报告反应时显著快于二级运动员和业余爱好者,一级运动员接发球时的身体启动时间显著早于二级运动员和业余爱好者,二级运动员身体启动时间显著早于业余爱好者,一级运动员和二级运动员的挥拍启动时间显著早于业余爱好者,一级运动员身体运动总时间显著多于二级运动员和业余爱好者,二级运动员也显著多于业余爱好者,一级运动员挥拍总时间显著少于二级运动员和业余爱好者,二级运动员挥动球拍的总时间显著少于业余爱好者。(5)积极虚拟环境中普通大学生的精力、愉悦感水平升高,紧张、愤怒、疲劳、状态焦虑水平降低,皮电、高频HRV显著升高;而消极虚拟环境中的精力、愉悦感水平降低,紧张、愤怒、疲劳、状态焦虑水平升高,皮电、呼吸、低频HRV显著升高,高频HRV显著降低。(6)消极情绪时的接发球时机判断明显延迟,反应时增加,T2区间一般接发球时机的次数显著增多,T1区间的最佳的接发球时机次数显著减少,T0和T3区间的错误次数增多。积极情绪对网球运动员接发球时机的判断没有明显影响。(7)消极虚拟发球情景能够诱发消极情绪,状态焦虑水平显著升高,愉悦度水平显著降低。(8)消极虚拟发球情境中,运动员的接发球表现下降。一级运动员和业余爱好者接发球时的身体启动时间和挥拍启动时间均显著增加,业余爱好者的挥拍总时间显著增加,一级运动员的挥拍总时间则没有显著变化。(9)不论是一级运动员还是业余爱好者,消极虚拟发球情景中的两次接发球表现均没有显著差异,但业余爱好者的变化稍大。结论:(1)知觉预判以信息加工为基础,信息量增加有利于运动员预判绩效的提高。一级运动员的预判准确率更高,反应时更快。(2)不同知觉动作匹配水平影响接发球表现,高水平的知觉动作匹配更能体现专家优势,一级运动员真实动作接发球的表现更好。(3)一级运动员能够更准确的把握接发球的时机,击球点更靠前,接发球的效率更高。(4)虚拟网球发球情境中,网球运动员有良好的接发球表现。(5)积极和消极虚拟环境能够诱发相应情绪,而消极虚拟环境诱发的情绪变化大,生理激活水平高。(6)消极情绪不利于运动员对接发球时机的预判,积极情绪对接发球时机没有显著影响,这可能是由于消极虚拟环境诱发消极情绪的延续效应长,积极情绪诱发积极情绪的延续效应短。(7)消极虚拟发球情景能够诱发消极情绪如状态焦虑,导致运动员的接发球表现下降。(8)一级运动员消极虚拟情景中的接发球表现优于业余爱好者,并表现出一定的专家优势。

【Abstract】 In two decades, researches on perception and action had been directed andconceptualized by two distinct frameworks, often referren to as the informationprocessing and ecological perspectives. The difference of two theories is the level ofperception action coupling. Traditional perception anticipation studies based on theinformation-processing framework, these studies often investigated expert superiorityby using nonrepresentative response modes, such as verbal report and button responseis a low perception action coupling level; while ecological theory represented a highlevel perception action coupling, those studies investigated expert superiority usingreal motor action, and is the advantage of perception action study in virtual sportsituations.In this study, we designed two different researches by using virtual realitytechnology to investigate the perception anticipation performance of tennis athletes onthe bases of information-processing theory, ecology theory and emotion view. Inresearch one, we investigated the influence of time occlusion on anticipation andperception action coupling level on receiving performance of tennis athletes by threeexperiments. In research two, we simulated emotion variables and investigated theeffects of virtual situations on inducing emotions and their influences on the receivingperformance of tennis athletes by another three experiments.Results:(1)For all participants(grade one athletes, grade two athletes and amateurs)theanticipation accuracy increased significantly with time occlusion increased,whileresponse time decreased. However, at the time of100ms before ball and racquetcontact, the anticipate accuracy of all participates were in fifty percent around.(2) The accuracy of pressing botton was higher than motor action accuracy, andresponse time was longer than motor action time. The motor action accuracy of gradeone athletes was significant higher than amateurs, and the motor action accuracy ofamateurs was significantly lower than the accuracy of press button. Compared withamateurs, the receiving reaction time of grade one athletes was much shorter, and hadmore reaction time in the area of optical hit time.(3) Both verbal report and real motor action accuracy of grade one athletes ishigher than grade two and amateurs, the real motor action accuracy of grade oneathletes is higher than verbal report, while grade two athletes and amateurs opposite.(4) The response time of verbal report of grade one athletes is significantlyshorter than grade two athletes and amateurs. There also had significant difference ofmotor action accuracy among grade one athletes, grade two athletes and amateurs.The starting time of body movement, swing racquet, the total time of body movementand swing racquet of grade one athletes is significantly better than grade two athletesand amateurs, and grade two athletes is also better than amateurs.(5) In positive virtual environment, the sense of vigor and pleasant increased significantly, while tension, anger, fatigue and state anxiety decreased significantly,and skin conduction, high frequency HRV increased significantly; while in negativevirtual environment, the emotion and physiological change is opposite.(6) Compared with baseline receiving time, the receiving time have nosignificant change in positive emotion state, while in negative emotion state, itdelayed significantly, which showed reaction time increased, T1decreased significantly,and T0, T2, T3area increased.(7) The negative virtual serving situation can induce negative emotions, withstate anxiety level increased significantly, and happiness decreased.(8)Compared with neutral emotion virtual serving situation, the starting time ofbody movement and swing racquet increased significantly both of grade one athletesand amateurs in negative emotional virtual serving situation, and the total time ofswing racquet of amateurs also increased significantly.(9) The first and second performance of both grade one athletes and amateurs innegative emotional virtual serving situation had no significant change, although with alarger variation of amateurs.Conclusions:(1) Perception anticipation is based on information processing, anticipationefficiency increased significantly with the information athletes perceived. Grade oneathletes have higher anticipation accuracy and faster response time than grade twoathletes and amateurs.(2) Different kinds of perception action coupling impact receiving performance,high perception and action coupling level can mostly reflect expert superiority. Gradeone athletes have a better receiving performance in real action.(3) Grade one athletes can perceive the receiving time more accurately, theircontact point far in front, and have a high efficiency of receiving.(4) Tennis athletes also have good receiving performance in virtual sportsituation.(5) Virtual environments could induce emotions effectively, with positiveinduced positive emotions and negative induced negative emotions. Negative virtualenvironment had a deep influence on emotions and physiology arousal level. Weindicated that virtual environments modulated by victual reality technology could beused as an effective emotion inducing method.(6) Negative emotions may damage athletes’ time perception, and influence theperception of receiving time, which showed response time increased significantly,while positive emotions had no significant influence on the anticipation of receivingtime, due to the longer of continued effect of negative emotions and shorter ofpositive emotions.(7) The negative virtual serving situation can induce negative emotions, and hada negative influence on receiving performance of athletes in real action condition.(8)The performance of grade one athletes is better than amateurs in negative virtual serving situation, and still reflects expert superiority a certain extent.

  • 【分类号】G845
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】286

