

Structural Feature of Motion Information Pattern and Its Central Mechanism

【作者】 王丽岩

【导师】 李安民;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 最底层的思考是对事物单纯的知觉,而最高层的思考是将所有事物视为一个完整体系中的组成部分的领悟。----------柏拉图人脑对外界信息的感知是通过模式识别的方式完成的。所谓模式是由若干元素或成分按一定关系形成的某种刺激结构,也可以说模式是刺激的组合。模式识别过程是感觉信息与长时记忆中的有关信息进行比较,再决定它与哪个长时记忆中的项目进行最佳匹配的过程。心理学一直探寻这种自上而下的认知加工过程是基于怎样的特征进行模式识别。运动员长期运动训练获得的知识经验,为知觉模式识别的研究提供了一个独特的研究平台。根据认知心理学的相关研究,本研究假设一个运动技术动作,即为一个完整的信息结构模式。时间和空间信息是进行运动模式识别的关键结构模式。人在整合运动物体的信息时,其空间位置随时间而变化。因此空间信息和时间信息就成为运动识别的重要线索。视觉运动信息的识别依赖于对运动目标的空间和时间信息整合。运动信息的识别与视觉搜索行为相伴随,视觉搜索的模式直接影响着识别绩效。运动中以往的研究多从理论的角度上推测视觉搜索模式的重要性,并没有行为和机制层面上的互相验证。学者们对于动作识别的研究比较少,且研究结果不相一致。尽管研究者进行了大量的实证研究,但距此我们还不能详细的描述和解释运动员在运动情境中运动员基于怎样的信息模式和大脑机制对运动信息进行模式识别。因此本研究以认知心理学和认知神经心理学为视角,以运动信息加工过程为切入点,以模式识别理论为依据,采用专家—新手研究范式,综合运用眼动记录技术、事件相关电位技术、功能性磁共振技术,以乒乓球运动员对发球动作识别过程为手段,从信息结构模式和神经机制两个层面上对运动员运动信息识别过程的认知特征和心理机制进行考察,探讨运动信息加工过程中的模式结构特征和大脑皮层的中枢加工机制。本研究对于建立运动心理学中关于运动信息认知加工的理论体系,深入探讨运动信息认知加工的中枢机制、为提高运动员训练的有效性提供理论依据。研究结果显示:(1)在视觉搜索特征的研究中,乒乓球运动员对运动信息的注视持续时间大于运动新手;在发球动作的不同阶段乒乓球运动员的注视持续时间存在差异,击球阶段的注视持续时间最长,球飞行阶段的注视持续时间最短,乒乓球新手在不同的动作阶段注视持续时间不存在差异。在不同的动作阶段乒乓球运动员和乒乓球新手视觉信息获取的来源不同,乒乓球运动员以球拍和持拍手为动作识别的主要信息来源,而乒乓球新手以球为主要信息来源。(2)在模式结构验证的研究中显示,在光点视频条件下乒乓球运动员依据关键的运动学信息模式实现较好的识别绩效。时间结构和空间结构的改变影响乒乓球运动员动作识别正确率,而对识别时间没有影响,模式结构的改变对乒乓球新手识别绩效没有影响。(3)动作识别的认知加工进程和脑区功能耦合的研究显示,运动员与运动新手在早期视觉诱发电位运动员的P1潜伏期长于运动新手,在额区运动员N1的波幅大于运动新手;P300在枕区产生最大激活,且激活的时间长,PSW成分在枕区和顶区的激活最大,左半球激活的强度更大;900-1300ms的LNC表现在额叶-顶叶和中央运动区的激活,乒乓球运动员的激活小于乒乓球新手,左侧脑区的激活更大。半球内不同频段运动员发球动作识别的相干性结果显示在低频alpha频段双侧的顶额叶(P3F3、P4F4)和顶颞叶(P3T7、P4T8)、左侧顶叶与左侧中央运动区(P3C3)、左侧顶叶与左侧枕叶(P3O1)电极对运动专家低于运动新手。高频alpha频段运动专家在左侧脑区的顶叶与左中央运动区(P3C3)、左额叶(P3F3)、左枕叶(P3O1)和左颞叶(P3T7)相干性低于运动新手;而在低频beta段内左侧顶叶与额叶、中央区和颞叶也具有相同的趋势,高频beta频段则只在左侧顶叶和左侧额叶(P3F3)、左侧颞叶(P3T7)脑区间存在差异。半球间脑区的相干性结果显示,低频alpha频段在顶叶、额叶、枕叶和中央区运动专家与运动新手的相干性差异性显著,乒乓球运动员低于乒乓球新手,高频alpha和低频beta频段在中央运动区(C3C4)和顶叶(P3P4)存在差异。(4)动作识别的脑区激活研究中显示,发球动作识别过程中乒乓球运动员和运动新手在额叶左侧的额上回、额中回、中央前回,顶叶的顶下小叶和中央后回,颞叶的颞上回、额颞空间,和扣带回均显示了激活。乒乓球运动员大于乒乓球新手的激活脑区包括左侧中央前回、左侧额上回,双侧额中回,左侧中央后回,左侧舌回和双侧海马旁回。通过以上结果我们得出如下结论:(1)乒乓球运动员发球动作识别时运动信息搜索具有时间和空间上的优势。(2)模式结构的改变影响运动员的动作识别绩效。一个完整的技术动作的时间信息和空间信息够成了一个有空间和时间结构的模式。(3)乒乓球运动员动作识别的时间进程如下0-250ms为动作识别的感知觉察阶段,250-900ms为感觉信息与长时记忆进行比较阶段,900-1300ms为动作识别的匹配识别阶段。动作识别过程中表现为左半球优势效应。(4)乒乓球运动员额-顶叶网络在动作识别过程中起着重要作用。(5)乒乓球运动员发球动作识别时在额顶叶、颞顶叶、枕顶叶和中央运动区显示了功能耦合,并表现为左侧半球优势。乒乓球运动员在动作识别的编码和匹配识别阶段存在认知优势。综合以上研究结果,本研究的主要理论贡献是首先本研究提出了一个完整的技术动作,即为一个完整的信息结构模式,并对这种结构模式进行了验证,本研究以动作识别为主线,拓展了模式识别的研究内容。基于动态的信息基础上,系统揭示了运动员运动信息模式识别过程中的认知特征及神经心理机制。其次将基于时间发生先后的大脑活动特征与基于空间位置激活的特征结合起来,初步构筑运动信息动作识别的大脑活动过程脑区激活特征和精细的时间加工进程。采用眼动、ERP技术、fMRI技术为深入探讨运动员动作识别的时空整合机制提供了方法论上的支持。初步运用脑电频域分析探索了运动员动作识别的脑功能耦合特征,也是本研究方法上的创新。

【Abstract】 The lowest form of thinking is the bare recognition of the object. The highest, thecomprehensive intuition of the man who sees all things as part of a system.—PlatoThe perception of information is done by pattern recognition in human. Theso-called pattern is stimuli structures formed by a number of elements or componentsby a certain relationship to, it can be said pattern is a combination of stimuli. Patternrecognition is the process of matching between information in short term memory andlong term memory and the process of making decision about which item in the longterm memory is the best math. On what feature is this top-down process based? Thisis a question that psychologists have explored for many years. The knowledge andexperience gained by the long-term exercise of athletes, provides a unique platformfor the study of perceptual pattern recognition.Based on the related studies in the cognitive psychology, Hypothesis of thepresent study is that a technical action is a complete pattern. Temporal and spatialinformation is the key structural pattern during the pattern recognition of visualmotion. When integrating information of the moving object, its spatial position varieswith time. Temporal and spatial information is the important cues for motionrecognition.The recognition of the visual motion information depends on integrationof spatial and temporal information about the moving target. The motion informationrecognition is accompanied by visual search behavior. Visual search pattern directlyaffects the performance of recognition.Previous studies speculated the importance of visual search patterns from atheoretical point of view; however, there is little verification between behavior andmechanisms of perception. The study of motion recognition by scholars is relativelyrare, and the findings are not consistent. Although the researchers have done a largenumber of empirical studies, but we cannot describe and interpreted in detail by whatinformation pattern is motion information be recognized. By what information patterndoes the athlete recognized the motion information? What did the cerebral mechanismof this process?In this study, we based on the perspective of cognitive psychology and cognitiveneuropsychology, adopting motion information processing as the starting point, usingexpert-novice paradigm, together with the technology of event-related potentials,eye movement recording techniques and functional magnetic resonance technology,choosing table tennis players serve action recognition process as a means, to inspectthe cognitive characteristics and psychological mechanisms of athletes in the recognition process. This study will be important for the establishment of thetheoretical system of cognitive process of motion information in sports psychology, itwill also be important for exploring the central mechanisms of cognitive processing ofmotion information in-depth, it will provide a theoretical basis to improve theeffectiveness of the athletes training.The results showed:1) In the study of visual search features, table tennisathletes’ fixation duration was longer than the novice; table tennis players had theshortest fixation duration in the stage of ball flighting and the longest fixationduration in the hitting stage. There is no difference for novice gaze duration in thedifferent stages of action. There was difference in the source of information whenthey recognized the serve action. The racket and hold hand were the importantinformation source of action recognition for table tennis players. The ball was theimportant information source of action recognition for novices.2) In the study ofpattern structure validation, Under the point light vedio table tennis players havedachieved action recognition based on the key kinematic pattern.the change oftemporal and spatial information affected the performance of table tennis players,while there was no effect to novices.3) In the study of the time course of actionrecognition, compared with the novice, table tennis players evoked P1with the longerlatency in parietal and occipital lobe, N1with a larger amplitude frontal lobe.therewas larger amplitude and longer latency of P300in the occipital lobe, the sameapplied to PSW. During the900-1300ms, table tennis players evoked the smalleramplitude of LNC from frontal, parietal lobe and central lobe than that of novice.There was larger activation during the action recognition in the left hemisphere.compared to the novice, table tennis players exhibited lower coherence in bilateralparietal-frontal lobe(P3-F3and P4-F4electrodes) and parietal-temporal lobe(P3-T7and P4-T8electrodes), and between left particle lobe(P3) and left central, occipitallobe for low-alpha frequency in intra-hemispheric coherence, high-frequency alpha(left parietal-frontal lobe, parietal-temporal lobe, parietal-central lobe,parietal-occipital lobe), the same applied to lower-frequency beta; High-frequencybeta (left parietal-frontal lobe, parietal-temporal lobe);Inter-hemisphericlow-frequency alpha (frontal lobe, parietal lobe, central lobe), high-frequency alpha(parietal lobe, central lobe), low-frequency beta (parietal lobe, central lobe).4) In thestudy of cerebral activation during the action recognition, action recognition-relatedactivation was observed in the left inferior frontal gyrus, the left middle frontal gyrusand on the border between the inferior parietal lobule, the left inferior parietal gyrus,the left cingulate gyrus, the left superior temporal gyrus. Compared with novices,table tennis players showed higher activity in the Lingual gyrus and theParahippocampa gyrus.The result indicated:(1) Table tennis players showed outstanding advantagesboth in searching temporal and spatial information in the process of visual searchduring the action recognition.(2) A technical action is a complete pattern. Temporaland spatial information was the key structural pattern during the visual motion pattern recognition. The change of temporal and spatial information affected the performanceof table tennis players.(3) The time course of action recognition was as followed:0-250ms was the perceptual awareness stage,250-900ms was the stage of comparisonand analysis, and900-1300ms was the matching and identification phase of the actionrecognition. There was advantage during the action recognition in left hemispheric.(4)During the action recognition, the frontal-parietal network played an important rolefor the table tennis players.(5) Compared to novice, expert engaged in less corticalcommunication, particularly between left parietal association and frontal, central lobe.The results supported refinement of cortical functional coupling in expert.Based on the above results, the main theoretical contribution is concluded: First,the study proposed that a technical action was a complete pattern. We provedtemporal and spatial information was the key structural pattern during actionrecognition. Through the action recognition research we expanded the patternrecognition for the visual motion information. The study revealed the cognitivecharacteristics and neur-psychological mechanism of action recognition for the tabletennis players. Second, combined the feature of brain activity based on the time andthe spatial location of activation, we obtained the brain activation features and the finetime course during the action recognition. Using a combination of eye movement ERPtechnology, fMRI technology provides methodological support for further explorationof the spatial and temporal integration of athlete’s action recognition mechanism. Weuse time-frequency analysis to explore brain function coupling feature of the athleteduring action recognition. This was a innovation on the study method.

【关键词】 模式识别乒乓球运动员发球ERPfMRI眼动
【Key words】 Action recognitionTable tennis playersServeERPfMRIEye-movment

