

An Empirical Study on the Development of Guangxi Silk Industry in the Context of "Sericulture Moving from East to West"

【作者】 祁广军

【导师】 尹成杰; 齐顾波;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国是种桑养蚕的发源地,至今仍是世界茧丝绸生产、加工与贸易第一大国,在国际市场上占据着主导地位。长期以来,我国蚕丝业主产地主要分布在江苏、浙江等东部地区。但从上世纪九十年代中期起,我国东部地区蚕桑生产规模逐步缩减,桑蚕茧产量占全国总产量的比重逐步下降。进入新世纪,随着我国加入WTO和实施“西部大开发”,国家有关部门顺势提出了“东桑西移”产业发展战略。地处西部地区的广西,紧紧抓住机遇大力推进蚕丝业发展,短短10年异军突起,用两个5年迈出了坚实的两大步。即第一步“十五”末桑蚕茧产量跃居全国第一,第二步“十一五”末桑蚕丝产量登上全国首位,从而发展成为全国最大的桑蚕茧丝生产与加工基地。本研究以“东桑西移”为时代背景,运用理论与实证研究相结合、定性与定量分析相结合,即主要通过文献研究、实地调查、问卷调查,以及比较分析与统计分析等方法,对广西蚕丝业发展进行系统研究。在综合产业结构理论、竞争优势理论、生命周期理论、创新理论等相关理论基础上,建立了广西蚕丝业发展研究理论框架。围绕经济效益、政府政策、科学技术三大关键要素,重点研究广西在承接东部蚕丝业转移过程中,产业链各环节取得的实质性发展成效、存在的突出问题;研究分析各大要素对推动产业发展所起到的作用,以及各要素之间的相互关系;同时探讨推进广西蚕丝业实现可持续发展的有效途径。本研究的主要结果如下:(一)我国蚕丝业产业转移存在其必然性,地处西部地区的广西有效有序的承接了东部产业转移。蚕丝业为劳动密集型产业,表现出由发达地区向欠发达地区转移的趋势。2000年以来,广西桑园面积、蚕茧产量和生丝产量占全国比重逐年加大,规模效益迅速扩大,并连年位居全国总量第一,在我国乃至世界占据着举足轻重的地位。其中广西首先承接第一产业种桑养蚕的转移,随后第二产业茧丝加工再转向广西,成功实现了“东桑西移”和“东丝西移”。同时“东桑西移”以来广西蚕丝业产业生命周期处在快速成长阶段,各项主要经济指标呈现持续快速增长的良好发展势头。与全国蚕丝业发展进入一个衰退期相比,广西蚕丝业表现出一个朝阳产业的基本特征,成为现阶段促进广西农业增效、农民增收和县域经济发展的优势特色产业。(二)经济效益、政府政策和科学技术三大要素相互联系、相互作用,共同推动广西蚕丝业的快速发展。其中,经济效益是驱动产业发展的推手,政府政策是引导产业发展的关键。在自然资源禀赋和市场需求拉动下,政府通过加强制度创新、推进公平竞争、放开蚕茧市场,同时加大政策引导和财物扶持,组织发动蚕农种桑养蚕,鼓励企业投资办厂;广大蚕农和加工企业在较高经济效益驱动下,转变为自主发展生产的行为意愿,从而实现资源的有效配置和要素的自由流动,促进产业规模不断扩增、产业结构和产业布局不断优化调整,使市场在资源配置中起到决定性的作用。此外,在经济效益驱动和政府政策引导等内外因素的共同作用下,为广西蚕丝业科技创新注入了动力,有力的支撑了产业发展和产业升级。从而在理论和实证上阐明了我国“东桑西移”花落广西的根本所在。(三)现阶段广西蚕丝业发展表现出较强的内部优势和一定的内部劣势,同时发展机遇与威胁挑战共存。突出表现的优势为资源禀赋优、比较效益高、科技创新强、市场机制活、政府支持大、管理体制顺等;同时也存在基础设施脆弱、茧丝质量欠佳、精深加工滞后、资金投入不足、技术人才紧缺、经营组织松散等劣势。另现阶段广西蚕丝业的主要发展机遇表现在国家扶持政策力度加大、区域经济合作步伐加快、市场需求持续稳定增长、区域产业中心正在形成等;但市场价格变化多端、国内外竞争日益激烈、其他替代品构成威胁、其他高效农作物影响以及自然灾害发生频繁等多种威胁与挑战无时不在。鉴此,本研究构建了SWOT分析矩阵,通过产业发展战略对策模型,提出了广西蚕丝业发展应坚持“发挥优势、克服劣势、利用机会、化解威胁”,选择符合实际并切实可行的产业发展战略对策,进一步做大、做强、做长、做优广西蚕丝业,全面提升广西蚕丝业在国内外的地位和影响力,促进产业大省向产业强省迈进,续写我国“丝绸之路”新篇章。

【Abstract】 China is the birthplace of mulberry planting and silkworm rearing, and lays at the top of the world in the production, processing and trade of silk until now, which makes China in the dominant place in the international market. In China, the main production base of sericultural industry was long distributed over the eastern region, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces. But the scale of cocoon production in eastern region was gradually reducing, and the cocoon yield proportion of national output in eastern region steadily falling since the mid1990s. In the new century, with our country entering WTO and the implementation of the "western development", the development strategy of "Sericulture transferring from East to West" was put forward by relevant national departments. Located in the western area, Guangxi has seized the opportunity to develop sericulture energetically. The sericulture in Guangxi has achieved two steps in10years, the first step was that the cocoon yield has ascend to the first place in the country at the end of "the tenth five-year" plan, the second step was that the silk production was on the top of the country at the end of "the eleventh five-year" plan. Guangxi is becoming the largest production and processing base of silk in China.This paper made systematic research on the development of sericulture in Guangxi under the background of "Sericulture transferring from East to West", combined the research methods of theory and practice, the analysis method of qualitative and quantitative. The specific methods were document research, field investigation, questionnaire survey, comparative analysis and statistical analysis etc. Based on industrial structure theory, competitive advantage theory, life cycle theory, innovation theory and so on, this research established a research theory framework of the development of sericulture in Guangxi. Concerned on three main factors as economic benefits, government policy, science and technology, emphasis on researching the substantial achievements and existing problems in all the process of industrial chain during the transfer process of sericulture from eastern place; analyzed the effect that the main factors promote industrial development, and their relationship; studied on the effective way that promoted the sustainable development of sericulture in Guangxi at the same time. The following conclusions could be drawn from the study:1. It is inevitability for the industrial shift of sericulture in China, and Guangxi has effectively and orderly facilitated the shift of sericultural industry from east to west. Sericulture is a labor-intensive industry, which indicating the trend that sericulture would transfer from developed regions to developing regions. Since2000, the area of mulberry field, cocoon yield and silk yield of Guangxi accounted for more and more proportion of nationwide year by year, the scale benefit was rapidly improved, and the cocoon yield in Guangxi have ranked first in the country for several years, which help Guangxi played a decisive role in China and even the world. The first shift of sericultural industry for Guangxi was mulberry planting and silkworm rearing, and the second shift was silk processing, both of them had succeeded in "Sericulture transferring from East to West" and "Silk transferring from East to West". Moreover, the development of sericulture in Guangxi was in the rapid growth stage since the time of implementing "Sericulture transferring from East to West", the main economic indicators are all in the rapid growth. Compared with the recession period of national sericulture, the sericulture in Guangxi shows the basic characteristics of a sunrise industry, and has been a new advantageous and characteristic industries that promoted the peasant incomes and intra-county economic development in Guangxi.2. Economic benefits, government policy, science and technology relate and interact with each other, jointly promoted the rapid growth and development of Guangxi sericulture. Economic benefit is the means to promote industrial development. Government policy is the key to guide the development of the industry. Through intensifying institutional innovation, promoting fair competition, opening cocoon markets, strengthening policy guidance and increasing financial support, the government organized farmers to plant mulberry and rear silkworm, encouraged enterprises to invest and set up factories with some measures under the resource endowment and market demand. The farmers and enterprises transferred a behavioral intention of the independent development of sericultural production under the high economic benefits, so that realized the effective allocation of resources, the free flow of production factors, and promoted the expansion of the industry scale, the optimization of the industrial structure and industrial layout, which help the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources. Furthermore, under the combined action of the internal and external factors of economic benefits and government policy, there are new dynamics infused to promote the science and technology innovation of sericulture in Guangxi, strongly supported the industrial development and industrial upgrading. Therefore, this is the basic reason that "Sericulture transferring from East to West" founded on Guangxi, and this research showed this with theory and practice.3. The development of sericulture in Guangxi have some inner advantages and some inner disadvantages at the present stage, the opportunities and challenges were coexist. The advantages included that resource endowment, the high comparative profit, the strong innovation of science and technology, the flexible market mechanism, lots of government support and the appropriate management system, etc. At the same time, there were also some inner disadvantages, such as weak infrastructure, inferior silk quality, lagging deep-processing, insufficient capital investment, deficit technical personnel and the poor organization management, etc. In addition, there were some other advantages for the developing opportunities of sericulture in Guangxi, such as the policy support of government is increasing, the cooperation of regional economy is strengthen, the market demands is sustained and stable growth, the center of regional industry is forming and so on; but there also were some challenges that the market prices of cocoon and silk are highly fluctuating, the competition from home and abroad is increasing, silk is substituted for other fibres, some natural calamities are happening frequently, and other efficient crops are affecting the sericulture, etc.Therefore, this research has constructed the SWOT analysis matrix. Through the model of industrial development strategies, suggested the development of Guangxi sericulture should insist "produce an advantage, overcome disadvantages, take the opportunity and defuse the threat", so that to select the fitting industrial development strategies, further make sericulture in Guangxi become bigger, stronger and excellent, promote its status and influence in the national and international market, and build the new"Silk Road".


