

A Study of the Influencing Factors and Effects of Western Regions Undertaking Industrial Transfer

【作者】 陈飞

【导师】 李铁;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 城镇管理与区域规划, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 新一轮的西部大开发战略给西部地区带来了新的历史机遇,在扩大内需,促进区域经济平衡发展的形势下,国内区际产业转移已势不可挡。因此,对于西部来说,当前止是其承接产业转移的一个非常有利时期。西部地区该如何充分利用自身的条件,创造机遇,合理有效的承接产业转移,推动产业的跨越式发展和工业化发展,进而加快统筹城乡一体化的进程,将是当前西部地区面临的一个重大问题。为了厘清当前西部地区承接产业转移的规律和特点,本文采取归纳比较法、层次分析法、多元回归分析法、面板数据模型等方法,研究了我国西部地区当前承接产业转移现状、存在的问题,现行的扶持西部地区承接产业转移的政策体系,承接产业转移的机遇与挑战,对现有承接产业转移的因子评价、影响西部地区承接产业转移的各种因素,以及西部地区承接产业转移的经济效应、社会效应和环境效应。研究结果表明:当前而西部地区承接产业转移呈现出如下特征:资源密集型等少数产业集中分布在中部、西部地区,并且近年来比例逐年上升;电子通信计算机等技术密集型和劳动密集型的产业在西部地区重要省份如重庆,四川等省份的比例逐年上升。西部地区承接产业转移的规模逐渐加大,承接的产业层次不断提高,西部地区承接产业转移的方式不断创新,承接产业转移园区的建设对吸引产业转移具有很强的示范效应。此外,西部地区各省市之间承接产业转移差距较大,内部竞争激烈,部分地区存在环境污染与生态破坏问题。在研究西部地区承接产业转移的影响因素时发现,政府政策、市场发育程度、资源环境三方面的因素影响较大,其中政府的土地政策、产业政策、地区的收入水平、市场规模、资源禀赋因素是影响产业转移的非常重要因素;产业发展、生产要素对产业转移的也有着较为重要的影响,其中,生产要素中的资本、劳动力因素对产业转移的影响要明显大于科技因素的影响;而基础设施、公共服务、国际化程度、文化习俗等因素的相对影响较小。但使用面板数据进行回归实证的结果却略有差异:对西部地区承接产业转移有积极影响的前两大因素是土地价格为代表的政府政策和以邮电业务为代表的公共服务,而劳动力则在西部地区承接产业转移中所体现的作用并不明显,即当前西部地区劳动力数量优势并不是吸引产业向西部地区转移的主要因素。对于西部地区承接产业转移的效应研究表明,产业转移对西部地区经济增长带动效果明显,在产业结构方面,西部地区主要承接了东部发达地区的工业产业转移,传统农业和现代服务业向西部地区转移并不明显;产业转移在促进西部地区就业和收入效果上也较为明显,但西部地区在承接产业转移时需要考虑生态环境承载力。本文最后针对国家和地方政府两个层面提出了政策建议:制定承接产业转移的总体规划方案,进一步完善基础设施和公共服务设施建设,改善西部地区投资环境,合理引导资金进入产业转移领域,降低产业转移的制度成本,增加西部地区人力资本积累,降低用工成本,建立产业转移和承接的监测体系。地方政府应结合本地区实际情况有选择地承接产业转移,制定财政、税收和土地方面的优惠政策,重点解决承接产业的平台建设资金瓶颈,创新承接产业转移的方式和模式,坚持绿色环保发展路径。

【Abstract】 The new round of China western development strategy for the western region has brought new historical opportunities in the situation of expanding domestic demand and promoting balanced regional economic development, and the trend of the domestic industry transfer has been overwhelming. How to take advantage of the China western region of the conditions of their own, how to create opportunities, how to undertake industrial transfer reasonably and effectively, how to promote leapfrog development and industrialization development of the industry, and then how to speed up the process of integration of urban and rural, will be a major issue facing the current China western region.Main conclusions of this paper include:Currently, western regions undertaking the industrial transfer showed the following characteristics. The proportion of resource-intensive and a few other industries are concentrated increasingly in the central and western regions in recent years;Proportion of technology and labor-intensive industries such as Computers and other electronic communications industries are concentrated increasingly in the western region provinces such as Chongqing, Sichuan and other provinces. Undertaking industrial transfer park construction in attracting industrial transfer has a strong demonstration effect.. In addition, industrial transfer in the western region provinces are very dirffrents. Internal competition is significant in some areas, and there is the problem of environmental pollution and ecological damage.In the study of influencing factors of industrial transfer to western regions,we found infrastructure and public services The impact of two factors is centered among the seven factors, the degree of market development and the degree of internationalization in the rearward position; second, the government’s policy, resource endowments, cost of production factors that affect the western China of the top three industries to relocate an important factor, the number of labor force industries to relocate to the western region has a negative effect, labor quality and structural constraints to the western regions to undertake the transfer of industries; third, in the western region of the eastern region to undertake major resource-based industries industrial transfer, including the transfer of the more obvious are oil and gas exploration industry, coal mining industry, non-metallic mining industry, petroleum and coking industry and other natural resource endowments type industry, there is also an internal difference is too large, the local environmental pollution destroying the ecology, and the western region to bring pressure on employment and industrial competitiveness; fourth, the transfer of industries in the western China’s economic growth to improve the effect is obvious, the western region to improve the industrial structure, industry shift in the western region to promote employment and income effect is also more obvious, but to undertake the transfer of industries in the western region to consider when ecological carrying capacity. Finally, two from national and local government levels respectively western regions to undertake industrial transfer planning, reduce various costs, optimize the investment environment, improve their ways of undertaking policy recommendations.

  • 【分类号】F127;F279.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2018

