

Study on Ecological Stability of Sand-fixation Plantation Forest in Huangyangtan

【作者】 邢存旺

【导师】 黄选瑞; 刘俊;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林培育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 人工防风固沙林生态系统稳定性,是决定其生态功能持续发挥的重要前题。论文以河北省张家口市黄羊滩沙地不同类型人工固沙林(草)为研究对象,界定了人工固沙林生态稳定性定义和内涵,并构建起人工固沙林稳定性评价体系。分别树种、年龄和配置模式,选取了22个有代表性的林分(草地)进行了标准地调查。针对人工固沙林营造目的和特点,利用固定标准地实测数据,采取隶属度和层次分析法等数学方法,对人工固沙林的生物学稳定性、抵抗力稳定性和功能稳定性,及其综合稳定性进行了分析评价,并对该地区主要植被类型稳定类型进行了划分,以此为基础,提出了相应的经营对策。主要研究结果如下:(1)生物学稳定性通过树种组成、林分生长量、林下更新种类组成、林地草本盖度、林分郁闭度5项指标组成的生物学稳定性评价指标体系对林分生物学稳定性评价结果表明:由柠条、沙地柏、樟子松、沙枣、侧柏、白榆、沙地柏、黄柳、新疆杨和紫穗槐等10个树种营造的纯林和混交林,其生物学稳定性达到中度以上水平;小叶杨、刺槐和小美旱杨等3个树种林分处于中度生物学稳定状态;由差巴嘎蒿和沙打旺营造人工草地,处于较低生物学稳定状态。(2)抵抗力稳定性通过落叶指数、感病指数组成的抵抗力稳定性评价指标体系对林分抵抗力稳定性评价结果表明:沙枣、樟子松、柠条、侧柏、紫穗槐、沙地柏、差巴嘎蒿等营建的纯林与混交林,干旱胁迫期间未发生落叶指数较低,未发生病虫害,表现出高度抵抗力稳定性;白榆和黄柳纯林,在干旱胁迫期间表现为较高落叶指数,有轻度病虫害,抵抗力稳定性中度;杨树、刺槐林,在干旱胁迫期间虽然病虫害感染轻度,但落叶指数较高,甚至表现为不同程度的植株死亡,抵抗力稳定性最低。(3)由地表输沙量、土壤容重、孔隙度、持水量、机械组成等土壤物理性质和N、P、K、有机质含量等化学性质及其林内温湿度等小气候效益指标构成的林分功能稳定性评价指标对林分功能稳定性评价结果表明:小叶杨×刺槐林、白榆林、侧柏林以及柠条林功能稳定性最高;功能稳定性较差的林分有小叶杨、刺槐和小美旱杨。(4)对林分生物学稳定性、抵抗力稳定性、功能性稳定综合评价结果表明:综合稳定性较高的林分依次是,柠条林、樟子松林、沙地柏林、沙地柏×紫穗槐林、侧柏林、樟子松×紫穗槐林、榆树林、沙枣林;柠条×差巴嘎蒿林、白榆林、黄柳林、新疆杨纯林四种人工林呈现出中度稳定性;综合稳定性最低的人工植被,排序为小美旱杨>小叶杨与刺槐混交林>小叶杨与杏树混交林>刺槐林>差巴嘎蒿>沙打旺。

【Abstract】 The dissertation focuses on the sand-fixation forest ecosystem in Huangyangtan.Based on tree species, stand ages and distribution patterns,22sample stands (grasslands)were chose and investigated. In the light of the planting conditions and managementobjectives of sand-fixation forests, the ecological stability was determined.12factorsrelated to growth, resistance, as well as protection function of the stands were chose, andevaluation index system was established to assess the stability of sand-fixation forestecosystem in study area. Using subordinate function value method of fuzzy mathematics,combining with the factor weights, the stability degrees of different stand types wascomprehensively evaluated. Additionally, management measures and strategies to improvethe stand stability were presented after the analysis of the current situation of sand-fixationplantations. The results showed as follows:1. Biological stabilityBased on indicators related to species compostion, stand growth, species compostionof regeneration seedlings, grass cover and stand canopy closure, we analyzed the biologicalstability of the study stands. Results indicated: the biological stability of ten pure or mixedforest types including Caragana Korshinskii, Sabina vulgaris, Pinus sylvestnis var,Elaeagnus angustifolia, Platycladus orientalis, Ulmus pumila, Salix gordeivii, Populusbolleana Lauche and Amorpha fruticosa, reached middle or high level. the biologicalstability of stands including Populus simonii, Robinia pseudoacacia, Populussimonii×(Populus pyramidalis+Salix matsudana) showed middle level. However, grassstand with Artemisia halodendron and Astragalus adsurgens was under the condition oflow level of biological stability.2. Resistance stabilityThe dissertation showed that forest diseases and insect pests were not main disturbingfactors impacting ecosystem health of sand-fixation forest in Huangyangtan. There weretotal11stands and grasslands with high resistance stability, including Elaeagnusangustifolia, Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica, Caragana Korshinskii, Platycladusorientalis, Amorpha fruticosa, Sabina vulgaris, Artemisia halodendron. These plotsdidn’t appear defoliation phenomenon or lower deciduous index during drought stress period. However, pure stands including Ulmus pumila and Salix gordeivii showed middleresistance stability as the indicators of severe defoliation phenomenon and light insectpests. Forest stands including populus and Robinia pseudoacacia presented the lowestresistance stability, because of higher deciduous index and occurrence of tree death underdifferent stress conditions.3. Function stabilityBased on indicators related to soil characteristic of sediment discharge, bulk density,porosity, soil water holding capacity and mechanical compostion, indicators related tochemical characteristic of N, P, K and organic matter, and indicators related to climateincluding temperature and moisture of forest, we analyzed the functional stability of thestudy stands. Results indicated: forests including mixed forest of Populus simonii andRobinia pseudoacacia, Ulmus pumila, Platycladus orientalis as well as CaraganaKorshinskii showed higher function stability. And forests including Populus simonii,Robinia pseudoacacia and Populus simonii×(Populus pyramidalis+Salix matsudana)showed lower functional stability.4. Based on the analysis results of biological, resistance and functional stability, thestability of sand-fixation plantation was integratedly evaluated by using the methods ofweighted mean and subordinate function. The highest stability of ten sample standspresented the order of Caragana Korshinskii> Pinus sylvestnis var>Sabinavulgaris>Caragana Korshinskii>mixed stand of Amorpha fruticosa and Sabinavulgaris>Platycladus orientalis>Platycladus orientalis>mixed stand of Amorphafruticosa and Pinus sylvestnis var>Ulmus pumila>Elaeagnus angustifolia. Four standsin middle stability level were mixes stand of Artemisia halodendron and Astragalusadsurgens, Ulmus pumila, Salix gordeivii, and Populus bolleana. And the lowest stabilityof stands showed the order of Populus simonii×(Populus pyramidalis+Salix matsudana),mixed forest of Populus simonii and Robinia pseudoacacia> mixed forest of Populussimonii and Prunus armeniaca>Populus simonii> Robinia pseudoacacia>Artemisiahalodendron> Stragalus adsurgens.


