

Modularization Design of Biomass Briquetting Machine and the Application of Ceramic Wear Resistant Materials

【作者】 赵兴涛

【导师】 张百良;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在化石能源日渐匮乏、能源形势日益紧张的今天,人类寻找替代或辅助能源并提高能源利用效率的要求显得愈加迫切。我国是一个农业大国,有丰富的农业生物质资源,生物质能源以其数量巨大,可再生、再转换、可运输、可储存的特点,是目前最具有发展前景的可再生新能源之一。生物质成型燃料是以农林剩余物为原料,挤压成型后的形成的一种洁净低碳的生物质可再生能源,由于能量密度高、燃烧特性好、燃烧后对环境危害小等优势而被广泛关注。我国在70年代末引进挤压型生物质成型机,早期技术发展和产品研究较为缓慢。到20世纪未,随着国际油价的高涨以及我国能源需要的急剧攀升,生物质能源得到飞速发展。近年来随着国家不继制订和出台拉动生物质成型燃料发展的政策,生物质成型燃料产业也在不断发展壮大。但生物质成型燃料在发展过程中也遇到一些瓶颈和障碍,由于生物质秸秆内含有较高的Si、Ca、Cl、K、Mg等矿质元素,以及在秸秆收集过程中带入的许多泥沙(SiO2),造成了在生物质挤压成型过程中对生物质成型设备的快速磨损,致使目前生产成型设备平均使用修复周期不超过300h,个别生产厂家采用45号钢不做任何热处理,其使用时间甚至不超过50h。生物质成型设备的快速磨损问题已成为制约其发展的一个瓶颈。围绕上述问题,本文主要做了如下研究和工作:1.对生物质成型设备的磨损机理进行了理论分析和研究;2.在理论分析的基础上,对活塞冲压式和平模式生物质成型设备进行了模块化设计;3.对适用于生物质成型设备上的耐磨材料进行了选择分析与研究;4.将耐磨材料应用于模块化设计的生物质成型设备,并进行了试验研究。通过上述研究与实验,取得如下研究成果:1.通过对生物质成型设备的磨损及受力分析可知,生物质成型设备的磨损主要属于磨料磨损,受微观切削机理控制。通过设备运行参数的改变,可以有效减小磨损。对于螺旋挤压式成型设备,减小螺旋杆的旋转速度能有效地减少磨损,对于模压式成型设备,同样也可以有效地减少磨损。2.对成型设备模块化设计,是解决磨损问题的重要方法之一。将成型机分做若干个功能化模块,对于易损部件模块采用统一标准,可以极大地提高成型设备的可维护性,延长整体设备的生产使用寿命。3.非金属材料应用是解决磨损问题的重要选择,陶瓷材料是以离子键、共价键为主的结合键,使得其具有高熔点、高硬度、低摩擦系数等许多有利于防止磨损的性能。4.通过陶瓷耐磨材料在生物质成型设备上的应用实验,证明氧化铝陶瓷耐磨材料在生物质成型设备上的应用是成功的。尽管氧化铝陶瓷管在生物质成型过程中,出现了裂纹和部分碎裂现象,但并没有破坏其自身完整性以及成型效果,用氧化铝陶瓷作为生物质成型设备的主要磨损部件材料,可以大大延长生物质成型设备的维修使用周期,具有积极的经济价值。

【Abstract】 Today, with the fossil energy increasingly scarce and energy situation is becomingincreasingly tense, There are more and more urgent requirements for searching supplementary andimprove energy utilization efficiency. China is a large agricultural country, which has richagricultural biomass resources, biomass energy is one of the most promising renewable energywith its large number, characteristics, transport renewable conversion and storage. Biomassbriquette fuel uses the agriculture and forestry residues as raw material, a clean, low carbonformed by extrusion molding of biomass renewable energy,which has been widely concerned dueto the high energy density, good combustion characteristic, and has less harmful after burning toenvironment.China imported extrusion type biomass briquetting machine in the late70’s, early technologydevelopment and product research more slowly. To twentieth Century, as rising international oilprices and rising sharply China’s energy needs, the development of biomass energy was rapid. Inrecent years, along with the national continue developing and introducing the biomass formingfuel development policy, biomass briquette industry has continued to develop.But the development process in the biomass briquette also encountered a number ofbottlenecks and obstacles, because the biomass straw contains higher Si, Ca, Cl, K, Mg and othermineral elements, as well as in many sediment (SiO2)into the straw collection process, resulting inthe biomass extrusion molding process of biomass briquetting equipment fast wear, resulting inthe production of molding equipment using the average repair period of not more than300h,individual manufacturers use45steel without any heat treatment, the use of time and not morethan50h. Rapid wear of biomass molding equipment has become a bottleneck restricting thedevelopment.Around the above problems, this paper made the following research:1. Analyzed and studied the wear mechanism of biomass briquetting equipment.2. Simple modular design the impact piston type peace mode biomass briquetting equipment.3. Analyzed and selected the suitable for biomass molding equipment on the wear-resistantmaterials.4. Carried out on modular design with biomass molding equipment, the application of ceramicwear-resistant material in biomass briquetting equipment wear part of experiments.Through the above research, the main achievements as follows:1. Through the analysis of wear and stress on biomass molding equipment, wear biomassmolding equipment is mainly abrasive wear, controlled by micro cutting mechanism. Theequipment operating parameters change, which can effectively reduce the wear. The extrusionmolding equipment screw and rotating speed of screw rod can reduce the wear effectively, thecompression molding equipment also can reduce the abrasion effectively.2. The module of molding equipment design is one of the important method for wear problems.The molding machine into several functional modules, the vulnerable part module accordingto the unified standards, greatly improve the molding equipment maintenance, production andprolong the service life of the whole device.3. Non-Application of metallic materials is very important to choice of wear. Ceramic materialsare bond to the ionic bond, covalent bond, so that it is high melting point, high hardness, lowfriction coefficient and many other helps preventing abrasion performance.4. The wear-resistant ceramic materials in biomass briquetting equipment on the application experiment, that the application of wear-resistant materials alumina ceramics in biomassbriquetting equipment is successful. Although appeared crack and fragmentation the in theprocess, did not damage its own integrity and the molding effect.Alumina ceramic wear partsas main materials of biomass molding equipment can greatly extend the biomass briquettingequipment repair cycle, has a positive economic value.


