

The Research on Quality Control Behaviors of Green Food Producers

【作者】 张婷

【导师】 吴秀敏;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 随着世界工业化步伐的加速,生态环境恶化,资源日益衰减,农产品质量安全问题日益频发,消费者对安全、优质食品的需求与日俱增。发达国家率先开始发展节约资源,环境友好,健康营养的有机食品。为了实现从“农田到餐桌”的农产品全程质量控制,我国政府在1990年开始发展健康、安全、优质的绿色食品。2004年以来,中央连续6个1号文件都提及绿色食品的发展,十七届三中全会明确提出“支持发展绿色食品”。从20多年的发展来看,绿色食品近年来发展势头迅速。截止2012年6月,我国绿色食品企业已有6000余家,产品总数超过17000个。基于严格的标准体系,绿色食品代表“安全、优质、营养”的食品,绿色食品生产者的质量控制行为直接决定绿色食品的质量。因此,对绿色食品生产者质量控制行为的研究,并且提出激励生产者生产绿色食品的对策建议具有很强的现实意义。国内外学者对安全食品生产者行为主要从生产者对食品安全的动机、生产者质量控制行为、生产者食品安全行动的效益等方面进行了广泛研究,大量实证研究的结果表明,生产者的质量控制行为受到多种因素的影响。本文以“企业+农户”产业模式为例,对绿色食品生产者质量控制行为进行研究,以计划行为理论、激励理论、委托——代理理论、交易费用理论为主要理论依据,构建农户与绿色食品企业的质量控制行为分析框架,以四川省绿色食品生产农户与绿色食品企业实地调研数据为依据,运用因子分析方法、二项Logistic模型分别分析农户和绿色食品企业的质量控制行为,分析影响农户与绿色食品企业实施质量控制行为的主要因素,以及农户与绿色食品企业双方的合作行为,在此基础上提出促进我国绿色食品发展的对策建议。论文共分为八个部分,主要研究结论如下:第一,通过对农户绿色蔬菜质量控制行为的分析,影响农户实施质量控制行为因素按照显著程度依次为:绿色蔬菜预期收益、农户对与绿色食品企业的合作评价、农户质量控制特征、绿色蔬菜生产成本以及农户个人特征等。第二,通过对绿色食品企业质量控制行为分析,企业对质量控制的态度积极,认为产品质量控制与企业生存与发展紧密相关。实施绿色食品认证对企业成本的增加依次为:生产设施建设费用、销售费用、人力成本和认证、检测费用。实施绿色食品认证对企业收益的影响主要表现为:顾客满意度提高、产品销量增加、产品销售价格的上升、企业经济效益提高,以及提高企业知名度、增强企业实力等方面。企业实施食品质量控制机制分析表明,企业实施绿色食品认证的动机主要是为了提高企业产品知名度,扩大企业影响力;企业实施产品质量管理最大瓶颈是原材料质量控制难度大,绝大多数企业认为实施产品质量培训对提高产品质量有积极作用,企业对政府绿色食品质量管理作用的评价良好,企业对自身实施质量控制效果评价良好。第三,通过对绿色食品企业产品质量控制行为从显性激励和隐性激励两个方面分析,得出企业实施质量控制行为的影响因素主要包括企业自身特征、政府监管因素和市场激励因素等因素。通过对企业实施质量控制行为影响因素的实证分析,其中,企业自身特征因素中“企业管理者受教育年限”变量,政府监管因素中“政府惩罚力度”变量,以及市场激励因素中“产品是否实现优质优价”变量、“实施绿色食品认证后企业成本收益变化”变量和“产品销量变化”变量等五个变量对企业产品质量控制行为有显著影响作用。第四,通过对绿色食品企业与农户合作行为研究,发现农户与企业的单次博弈结果为非合作的纳什均衡;农户与企业的重复博弈结果为达到帕累托最优状态,形成良性的稳定合作关系;投入专业性投资时,资产专业性越强,契约稳定性越强。影响农户履约行为的因素包括农户个人特征、农户道德风险行为、是否有资产专用性投资、契约形式和奖励机制等因素。通过农户履约行为的实证分析,农户道德风险行为因素中“农户与企业合作后受益变化”变量和“农户是否有资产专用性投资”变量,契约形式因素中“契约价格的确定”变量和“货款支付方式”变量,奖励机制中“是否有奖励机制”变量等五个变量对农户履约行为有显著影响作用。绿色食品企业与农户合作关系的治理包括合约治理和关系治理,其中关系治理方式包括信任、互惠和互动三个方面,关系治理在维护农户与绿色食品企业合作稳定性方面发挥了重要的作用。本文的创新之处为:第一,研究对象的创新。消费者对绿色食品有需求,但是目前供给不足。生产者加强质量控制和绿色食品的供给至关重要。由于我国绿色食品发展的历史并不长,在实践中,“企业+农户”是一种主要模式,也是一种有效的模式。本文紧紧围绕绿色食品市场中生产主体行为,将“企业+农户”模式中绿色食品生产者质量控制行为作为研究对象,以此来展开研究,在研究对象的选择上具有一定的新颖性。第二,研究内容的创新。已有文献中对绿色食品生产者的质量控制行为研究较少,本文除单独分析绿色食品企业、签约农户的质量控制行为以及探究其影响因素之外,还将绿色食品企业与农户的行为结合起来进行研究,分析二者行为的博弈以及对签约农户的履约行为及影响因素进行理论分析和实证分析,在研究内容上具有一定的创新性。第三,研究结论的创新。本文通过对绿色食品生产农户实证研究,得出影响农户实施质量控制行为的显著影响因素。通过对绿色食品企业实证研究,得出影响绿色食品企业实施质量控制行为的显著影响因素。通过对绿色食品生产农户履约行为实证研究,得出影响农户履约行为的主要因素。这些实证研究结论为促进我国绿色食品产业发展提供了决策依据。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of the pace of industrialization in the world, the deterioration of the ecological environment, the increasing attenuation of resources and the increasingly frequent problem of the quality and safety of agricultural products, the consumers’ demand for safe and high quality food is growing day by day. Developed countries take the lead in developing the organic food which can save resources and is environmentally friendly, healthy and nutritious. In order to achieve the full quality control of agricultural products "from farm to fork", the Chinese government in1990began to develop green food which is healthy, safe and of high quality. Since2004, six consecutive No.1central documents have mentioned the development of green food and government has explicitly put forward to support the development of green food in the Third Plenary Session of Seventeenth Central Committee. In the20years of development, green food industry has developed very fast. By June2012, China has more than6,000green food enterprises which produce the total of more than17,000products. Based on the strict standard system, green food stands for’safety, high quality and nutrition’. The green food producers’ behaviors directly determine the quality of green food. Therefore, the research on quality control behaviors of green food producers and proposing the countermeasures of incentive for producers of green food has a strong practical significance.Domestic and foreign scholars have carried out extensive researches on the motives of food safety, the quality control behaviors and the benefit of food safety behavior of safe food producers. A lot of empirical studies show that the quality control behaviors of green food producers are affected by various factors. We take the "enterprise+farmers" mode of green agricultural industrialization for example to study the quality control behaviors of green food producers, apply the theory of planned behavior, incentive theory, the principal-agent theory, transaction cost theory, form the analytical framework of quality control behaviors of green food producers and farmers, base on the local data of green food producers in Sichuan and apply the factor analysis method, binomial Logist model to analyze respectively the main factors which influence the quality control behaviors of farmers and enterprises, the implementation of quality control behaviors, cooperative behaviors between enterprises and farmers. Based on that, we put forward suggestions to promote China’s green food development. The research consists of eight parts. Main research conclusion is as follows.First, by analyzing the green vegetable quality control behaviors of farmers, the factors which influence the quality control behaviors of farmers, according to the significant level are the expected return of green vegetables, the cooperative evaluation of farmers to enterprises, quality control features of farmers, the cost of green vegetable production and farmer’ personalities.Second, the research shows that enterprises have a positive attitude towards quality control because they think enterprises’survival and development are closely related with product quality control. Implementation of green food certification increases the constructive facilities cost, sales cost labor and certification testing fees, but it will influence the benefits of enterprises by improving customer satisfaction, product sales, product price, enterprise economic benefits, enterprise popularity and enhancing enterprise strength, etc. The analysis also shows that the motivation of enterprises to implement green food certification is to improve product popularity and enterprise influence. The enterprise biggest bottleneck in the implementation of the product quality control is to control the quality of raw materials. Most of enterprises believe that the implementation of the product quality training play a positive role in improving product quality. The green food enterprises believe that governmental management is significant and the enterprises themselves find that the implementation of quality control have a good effect.Third, the factors of the implementation of quality control of green food enterprises, analyzed with the use the incentive theory from both explicit and implicit aspects, are enterprise own characteristic, government regulation and penalties, market share change and cognitive extent of enterprises to reputation mechanism. And the factors affecting the behaviors of enterprise quality control are empirically analyzed. Among them, education of corporate managers, the strength of punishment from government, the product which is in high quality and high price, cost and benefits changes of green food enterprises after the implementation of certification have a big impact on the quality control behaviors of enterprises. Fourth, through the green food enterprises and farmers cooperative behavior research, we find that a single game between enterprises and farmers is non-cooperative Nash equilibrium, repeated game to achieve the pareto optimal state, to form the stable cooperative relationship. When we put into some professional investment, the more professional the investment is, the stronger of the contract stability. The main factors affecting the performance of farmers are farmers’ personal characteristics, farmers’ moral hazard behavior characteristics, whether farmers have special assets investment in their production, the form of contract, corporate incentive mechanisms for farmers. Among them, the farmers’income changes, whether there is specific asset investment, the price of the contract, the payment for goods, incentive mechanisms have significant influence on farmers’ performance behaviors. In the management of cooperation between enterprises and farmers which includes contractual management and relationship management, relationship management in the cooperation between green food enterprises and farmers includes trust, mutual benefit and interact, which becomes more and more important in maintaining the stability of the cooperation between enterprises and farmers.The innovation of this paper is:first, the research object is innovative. Consumer demand for green food, but the present supply is shortage. It is crucial to producers to strengthen quality control and Green Food supply. Because of the short history of green food development in our country, in practice,"enterprise+farmers" is a main mode,but also an effective mode. The paper focuses on producers main behavior of Green Food market, and make the Green Food producers quality control behavior as the research object. Therefore, the object selection in this paper has certain novelty.Second, the research contents are innovative. Few studies on the quality control behaviors of green food producers in existing literature behavior researches.In this paper, the research contents is all about quality control behaviors of green food producers, including enterprise and farmer, which including factors affecting the implement of quality control behaviors,and combine research the enterprise and farmers behavior, make game analysis of two behavior.By theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of the contracted farmers performance and influencing factors. This article has certain novelty in its contents.Third, the research conclusion is innovative. Based on the empirical study on the Green Food farmers, the paper draw a conclusion of the significant influence factors of farmers quality control behavior. Based on the empirical study on the Green Food enterprise, the paper draw a conclusion of the significant influence factors of enterprise quality control bahavior. Based on the empirical study on the Green Food farmers’ performance, the paper draw a conclusion of the significant influence factors of farmers performance. The conclusion provides decision-making basis for promoting the development of Green Food industry in China.

  • 【分类号】F324;F322
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1123
  • 攻读期成果

