

The Exploration of the Anti-corruption Legal System in China

【作者】 吴朝军

【导师】 张培田;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律史学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在以建设法治国家为目标的今天,阻滞我国法治建设一个非常重大的问题就是贪腐,贪腐已成为了我们社会健康肌体上的一个恶性肿瘤,日益侵害其他正常肌体,而且有愈演愈烈的趋势,如果不加以有效遏制和及时惩治,最终必将吞噬我们改革开放以来的一切建设成就。历史富于启示,以史为鉴,可以知兴替,人类的发展从来是个历史的过程,从来都是在历史中发展进步。因此,及时预防和有效惩治贪腐现象,需要吸取古今一切反贪治贪的有效方法和举措,扒梳和整理我们的反贪腐历史,从中总结并发现贪腐的一般规律和立廉反腐的手段和方式,为我们提供理论的指导和经验的借鉴。本文正是将六十年前一场规模浩大的以惩治贪腐为目的的“反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义”运动作为研究对象,在“三反”运动开展的全国宏观背景下从西南地区“三反”运动的运行情况着手,全面审视这场建国初期开展的著名的反贪腐斗争实践。本文力图通过在对这一运动在西南地区的运行状况进行详细描述的和研究的情况下,弄清楚新中国廉政法制体系初步形成的过程和其中值得借鉴与汲取的方式或举措,进而透析出廉政法制建设的一般规律和宝贵教训,为更好地完善我国当代廉政法制建设系统中的重点、难点的突破,提供宝贵的经验借鉴和理论支撑。本文的绪论部分主要就选题的目的和意义,研究现状及问题,研究视角和方法以及相关概念和研究资料做了说明。除绪论部分外,全文共分为六章。分别从“三反”运动开展的背景,“三反”运动的发动与廉政法制建设的草创,“三反”运动的深入与廉政法制的调试,“三反”运动的结束与廉政法制的创制以及对“三反”运动意义和廉政法制建设的评价与反思这五个章节展开,最后一章通过归纳得出惩贪治腐的根本途径在于廉政的法制化这一观点。文章通过上述内容尝试对“三反”运动的全貌和西南地区“三反”运动的详细情况进行论述,并在此基础上得出经验教训,为以后的廉政建设提供经验和参考。第一章:“三反”运动开展的背景。本章主要考察了建国初期“三反”运动开展的历史背景。“三反”运动的发生有着深刻的国际国内背景,其因增产节约运动的开展而引发,是新民主主义革命以来在对贪腐行为斗争建立起来的理论与经验的自然结合与实践。从国内情况来看,“三反”运动前,新中国面临加快经济的恢复,促进经济发展的问题,其面临大量财政赤字急需填补,建设资金匮乏等一系列问题。另外,进一步巩固政权,整理革命队伍以及培养改造干部,调整与民族资产阶级的关系以应对国内各种势力的冲击,也是一个很复杂但是很重要的问题。而从国际情况来看,抗美援朝战争持续近一年时间,且久拖不决,严重地消耗着国内生产的成果,因此如何尽快摆脱这样的窘境也是一个很棘手的问题。最后,由于开展“三反”运动之前,因为国民党旧法统被宣布废除,因此“三反”运动也是在一个相对的法制“空白”区间展开的。虽然面临诸多困难,中国共产党仍然在保持了跳出历史“周期律”的信心和决心,在警惕资产阶级“糖衣炮弹”的理论指导下,采用了从新民主主义革命以来开展反腐败斗争所积累起来的群众运动方式的经验展开了建国以后对贪腐的第一场“重大战役”。第二章:“三反”运动的发起与廉政法制的草创。本章主要关注“三反”运动的初步发动以及在此过程中廉政法律的草创,另外对西南地区开展“三反”运动的初步情况做了论述。“三反”运动始于1951年11月1日,东北局向中央作《关于开展增产节约运动,进一步深入反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义斗争的报告》,由于贪污腐化的情况越来越严重,因此报告反映出的贪污现象受到中央的高度重视,中共中央于同年12月1日发布《关于精兵简政,增产节约,反对贪污、反对浪费和反对官僚主义的决定》。该文件是全国性开展“三反”运动的重要标志。《关于精兵简政,增产节约,反对贪污、反对浪费和反对官僚主义的决定》作为廉政建设的草创性文件阐明了“三反”运动开展的意义,范围和程序,但是其并非严格意义上的法律文件,且缺乏严格的法律形式和规范性表达。在全国的统一指导下,西南地区也开始开展了“三反”运动。在运动开展初期主要经历了“学习文件,筹建组织”和“检查坦白,群众检举”两个步骤。这两个步骤初步揭露了西南地区的贪污、浪费和官僚主义倾向,但同时也暴露出运动开展不平衡,运动表现得较为激进以及将运动范围斗争扩大化等诸多问题。第三章:“三反”运动的深入与廉政法制的调适。本章主要关注“三反”运动在深入过程中全国的情况以及这一时期廉政法制的调整,同时指出了西南地区在这一阶段反对贪污过程中的问题。“三反”运动在全国发动起来以后不久,就逐渐转入到打击大贪污犯的方向上。这一阶段明确了打击大贪污犯的必要性、大贪污犯的标准,打击大贪污犯的方法和策略等问题。而随着运动的深入,中央的廉政法制建设也进行了调整。前一阶段由于僵化地分配和安排打击大贪污犯的人数、部门、时间等做法,导致了“三反”运动在打击大贪污犯过程中出现了严重的偏差。但后来经及时发现,并通过颁布《中央节约检查委员会关于处理贪污、浪费及克服官僚主义错误的若干规定》等文件和政策的方式,逐渐将运动中对于贪污犯的打击拉回到正轨。该文件也是“三反”运动深入阶段表明廉政建设思路变化,并以此继续处理贪污犯的暂时的依据。西南地区打击大贪污犯的运动基本在中央的布置下进行,也因为关于大贪污犯、小贪污犯的指标、名额与时间的等问题的僵化规定,在运动进行的过程中产生了诸多违法现象,例如造成贪污犯被吊打,贪污犯自残、自杀,家属自杀等恶劣的情况。这些情况在中央及西南各地不断发布的政策及规定的命令下,在经过政策调整和说明后均得到了缓解。第四章:“三反”运动的完成与廉政法制的创制。本章主要关注“三反”运动的结束与新中国廉政法制体系的创立。“三反”运动在经历10个月后,于1952年10月开始走向结束。结束阶段主要的工作就是将运动中抓到的贪污分子给予适当的惩罚,另外对贪污分子贪污的赃款赃物予以追缴。本着严惩贪污金额多,影响恶劣,坦白少的贪污犯;宽免贪污数额小,退赃情况好和坦白多的贪污分子的原则,“三反’运动的完成获得了巨大的成功。随着处理贪污分子的需要,中央先后颁布了《关于“三反”运动中成立人民法庭的规定》、《中央节约检查委员会关于追缴贪污分子赃款、赃物的规定》、《中华人民共和国惩治贪污条例》等规定,这些文件形成了新中国廉政法制建设的基本样式和制度创建,尽管这些文件还有明显不足,但至此,新中国对贪腐的治理从审理依据、审理机构、赃物追缴等方面都形成了制度化的建设。西南地区依据上述文件及相关精神,据此对贪污分子进行了处理,将之前阶段过激做法导致的错案、假案予以了纠正,受处理的贪污犯的数量明显下降。西南地区“三反”运动所获的胜利也促进了西南各地廉政制度的建设,并培育了良好的社会风气。第五章:“三反”运动与新中国廉政法制建设的反思与评价。本章就“三反”运动开展的意义和新中国通过“三反”运动建立的廉政法制进行了反思。“三反”运动为新中国积累了建设资金,支援了朝鲜战争;净化了社会陋俗,开创了良好风气,另外还纯洁了党的风气,巩固了政权稳定,这些作用不可磨灭。但是由于“三反”运动发动的方式是群众运动,在运动中难免会造化社会秩序混乱。另外,由于新中国对国民党的旧法统予以废除,使得新中国在打击贪污行为的时候更多的是通过政策及运动方式予以驱动,这种做法导致法律本身容易出现缺陷,也容易使得政策和法律相混淆,并由此代替法律,对法制建设一定的不利影响。结语:本部分通过对“三反”运动的总体考察得出的结论,认为无论是个人命令还是群众运动,都不是长期反腐的最优选择。因为法律独特的作用和效力,使得其成为最佳的廉政实现方式,因此廉政法制化是遏制贪腐的必由之路。

【Abstract】 Nowadays with the construction of rule of law as the goal, the biggest problemundermining the construction of rule of law is corruption. Corruption has become the cancerof our society and impairing the function of other systems with the trend of deterioration. If itis not held back in time, it will harm the whole achievement we’ve got so far since theReform and Opening. History is for revelation and prediction of thrive and decline, and theevolution of human society is a process of history. Accordingly, precaution and preclusion ofcorruption need a thorough study of the effective methods of anti-corruption in history, so asto grope the characteristic of corruption and to extract the measure of anti-corruption.This article takes the big scaled “Three-Antis” Movement sixty years ago as the studyingobject, starting from the background of regional “Three-Antis” Movement in the southwest,and gives a solid inspection on the famous anti-corruption practice ever in the early period ofChina. By studying the movement in the southwest region, the article tries to figure out theshaping of early construction of the law system in China and the worthy moves and stepstaken, so as to further outline the order and experience within, which is aimed to betterimprove our present anti-corruption law system construction and provide a precious theorybasis.The prolegomenon of this article clarifies the significance of the topic choice, theproblem being studied, the perspective of research, relative concept and studying material.Apart from the prolegomenon, the article breaks down to six chapters. It starts with thebackground of the movement, and studies the draft idea of the initiation, the tryout of themovement, the ending of the movement, the creation of anti-corruption legal system, thesignificance of it and the retrospect overall, with the expectation of furnishing usefulexperience and guidance for the construction of future anti-corruption legal system.Chapter One: the background of the“Three-Antis” Movement. This chapter studiesthe historical background of the“Three-Antis” Movement in the early period of China.The“Three-Antis” Movement gad a profound interior and exterior background. It is triggeredby the Movement of production promotion and retrenchment, and is the combination ofexperiential theory and natural practice of the anti-corruption activities since thenew-democratic revolution. From the perspective of domestic situation, before the “Three-Antis” Movement, the newly founded China was in face of expediting economyresurrection, propelling the continuous development of economy, in which the huge gap offiscal deficit needed to be filled in and construction fund was in huge need as well. In addition,it was a complicated and yet urgent issue to manage the revolution team, foster cadre, keepthe relationship of the national bourgeoisie class and cope with the forces domestic andabroad. As for as the international situation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Koreahad lasted for nearly a year, which had gravely consumed the GNP and posed a tough issue toget rid of the predicament. Last, since the old law of Nationalist Party had been abolishedbefore the “Three-Antis” Movement, the legal basis of the Movement was in a blank region.In confidence and decision to jump out the historical periodic order, and in guidance of thetheory of guarding against the sugar-coated bullets of bourgeois, the form of mass movementsince the new-democratic revolution against corruption was taken.Chapter Two: the draft idea of initiation of the“Three-Antis” Movement. Thischapter focuses on the initial moves of the movement and the draft idea of the anti-corruptionlaw in the process, and the discourse upon the preliminary phase of the “Three-Antis”Movement in the southwest region is included. The “Three-Antis” Movement commenced inNovember,1st,1951, when the northeast bureau reported to the Central Committee about adocument named “The Report of Practicing Production Promotion and Retrenchment, andFurther Continuing the Anti-corruption; Anti-waste; Anti-bureaucracy”. In consideration ofthe graving matters of corruption, the Central Committee showed great concern and issued“The Decision on Simplification of Policy, Production Promotion and Retrenchment, andAnti-corruption; Anti-waste; Anti-bureaucracy”, which is a sign of the “Three-Antis”Movement throughout the country.“The Decision on Simplification of Policy, Production Promotion and Retrenchment, andAnti-corruption; Anti-waste; Anti-bureaucracy”, as the draft document for anti-corruptionconstruction, illustrated the significance of the movement, and defined the range andprocedure, however, it was lack of strict legal form and regulatory narrative. Under theunified direction of the country, the southwest region started the “Three-Antis” Movement.The early period of the movement experienced two phases of “document study andorganization establishment” and “Confession and Report”. These two phases revealed theinclination of corruption, waste, and bureaucracy in the southwest, and exposed the issues ofimbalance, radicalness, and out of range of the movement. Chapter Three: The propelling of “Three-Antis” Movement and the adjustment ofthe anti-corruption law. This chapter focuses on the propelling of “Three-Antis” Movementand the adjustment of the anti-corruption law, and points out the problems during the givenphase of the anti-corruption in the southwest region. Shortly after the initiation of the“Three-Antis” Movement, the big movement of fighting big corruption criminals followed. Inthis phase, the necessity of fighting big corruption criminals, the definition of big corruptioncriminals, and the countermeasure of fighting against them were defined. With the propellingof the movement, the Central Committee adjusted the law of anti-corruption. In the previousphase, due to the demand of certain numbers of corruption criminals assigned to individualdepartment, huge deviation was caused during the “Three-Antis” Movement. By laterpublishing documents like “The Regulatory Rules on Correcting Corruption, Waste andBureaucracy and Other Issues by The Retrenchment and Inspection Committee of the CentralCommittee”, the movement was held back on track. This document showed the change in theways and ideas of the “Three-Antis” Movement, and was also the temporary referenceguidance of punishment of the corruption criminals. The movement of fighting big corruptioncriminals in the southwest region was basically under the command of the Central Committee,and due to the rigid task of big and minor corruption criminals to be caught, radical situationsrose in the process, such as causing suicide family members of corruption criminals andsevere punishment. These phenomena were mitigated under the command of the CentralCommittee with all kinds of policies and documents.Chapter Four: the closure of the “Three-Antis” Movement and the establishment ofthe legal system of anti-corruption. This chapter mainly focuses on the closure of the“Three-Antis” Movement and the establishment of the legal system of anti-corruption of thenewly founded China. After10month’s movement, the “Three-Antis” Movement graduallycame to an end in October,1952. Appropriate punishment was given to the corruptioncriminals and the proceeds concerned were reimbursed. Following the principle of strictlypunishing those with huge corruption proceeds, grave society impact and little confessions,and condoning or absolving those with small amount of corruption proceeds which werereturned. The “Three-Antis” Movement gained huge success. For the need to punishcorruption criminals, the Central Committee promulgated several rules including “theDecision on establish the People’s Court in the process of the Three-Antis Movement”,“theRegulatory Rules of Reimbursement of corrupted proceeds by the Retrenchment and Inspection Committee of the Central Committee”,“Regulations of Anti-corruption of thePeople’s Republic of China”, and these rules constructed the basic pattern of the constructionof anti-corruption legal system in China. Although improvement was needed, but theyprovided a solid basis for the judgment reliance, judgment institutions and proceedsreimbursement, and systematically prepared for the closure of the “Three-Antis” Movement.Following the rules above, the southwest region punished the criminals by law, and previousradical measures were rectified, and the amount of corruption saw large declination. Thevictory in the movement in the southwest region set a good example and form sound societyhabits.Chapter Five: the Retrospect and evaluation of anti-corruption legal systemconstruction in China in the process of the “Three-Antis” Movement. This chapterreviewed the significance of the movement and the construction of anti-corruption legalsystem. The “Three-Antis” Movement accumulated construction fund for China, supportedthe War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea; and it cleansed the society habits, formedhealthy atmosphere, and purified the air in the Party and consolidated the reign, which werenot to be forgotten. In the meantime, the“Three-Antis” Movement was a mass movement,which inevitably caused some chaos. In addition, due to the abolishment of the old laws of theNationalist Party, the movement of anti-corruption was driven by regulatory rules and policies,and led to the confusion of law and rules, the temporary replacement of laws by rules, whichput the construction of law system in disadvantage.At last, through the research of The “Three-Antis” Movement we have to clearly realizethat neither individual order nor mass movement is the best choice for long termanti-corruption, and because of the unique effect of the law, we must construct the legalsystem to do the long term work of anti-corruption.


