

Research on the Legal System of the Inclusive Finance

【作者】 马建霞

【导师】 岳彩申;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 阿玛蒂亚·森说过:“不平等思想既非常简单又非常复杂,说它简单是因为这种思想可以直接让人获得一个直观的印象,但是另一方面,它又是一个极其复杂的概念。以致对该概念任何一种阐述都是有争议的。”随着阶级社会的产生,人类的不平等问题就一直相伴而生,人类始终在探求社会不平等的根源并苦苦求解社会正义,竭力追寻着减少贫困,消除不平等的社会良策。当然人类追求的此种平等只能是一种趋近的平等,或者说尽可能的平等,因为完全的平等在人类可预见的相当长的时期内是不可能实现的,但这并不妨碍我们去努力追寻尽可能的平等,至少我们应给予社会中每一个有意愿改善自身境遇的主体以适当的改善条件和机遇。中国步入21世纪之后,不平等问题成为我们面临的突出问题。历经30多年的改革开放,中国创造了日益丰富的国民财富,也造就了经济迅速腾飞的辉煌,但总体而言中国的经济发展是不均衡的,日益严重的贫富悬殊成为困扰执政党的一道难题。不断扩大的城乡差距、日益严重的经济发展不均衡以及让人忧心忡忡的贫富悬殊已经成为我国经济实行改革开放所付出的沉重代价和高昂成本,大量存在的低收入者和农民获得收入增量的机会很少,能力有限,日益悬殊的社会贫富差距直接导致社会的极大不稳定和不和谐,社会整体发展的活力都受到极大抑制。目前中国不均衡的经济发展现状,特别是不发达地区的落后经济发展,直接阻碍了中国经济整体快速均衡的发展,还有一直受制于资金瓶颈的中小企业融资难问题以及我们长久以来关注的“三农”问题等等所有这一切成为我国经济健康发展的严重障碍。经济学的短边定理其实早已形象地揭示出了均衡发展的好处,正如决定木桶盛水量的不是最长的木板而是最短的那块木板一样,决定经济发展整体效果的也不是经济最发达的群体而应该是经济最不发达的那一部分,即我们常说的弱势群体。当前,我国政府已经意识到经济均衡发展的重要意义,因为这既符合经济发展的规律,同时也是适应中国现阶段发展的基本要求。伴随着中国经济的飞速发展,中国政府越来越关注民生,特别是弱势群体的经济发展问题。对于社会的经济弱势群体,比如农民、下岗职工、城市贫民以及中小企业、不发达地区用什么方式去消除他们和社会富裕阶层之间横亘的发展的鸿沟,古往今来政治家法学家创造出很多对策,比如道尔顿转移原则认为:从富人那里拿出一单位的收入给穷人会增加整个社会的福利,同时也可降低不平等的程度。如何从富人那里拿这一单位,当然最直接的方式就应该是通过税收的方式,增加富人的税负,并将国家集中起来的税收通过转移支付、财政拨款等方式达致贫困阶层以此实现社会平等,还可以通过社会救助和捐赠等方式来减少社会的不平等。但一味的以福利和捐赠的方式来扶贫可能会助长穷人偷懒的惰性,比如有学者认为穷人之所以喜欢闲暇,并不是因为他们道德上有弱点,而是因为政府给了他们钱,这种不劳而获让他们游手好闲。美国社会学家与人类学家奥斯卡·刘易斯认为,出于经济的贫困,穷人更需要自强不息的进取精神,最忌讳安于现状、无所谓、懒惰和习惯于接受救济。如果福利金超过穷人社区内普遍的工资水平和劳动生产率水平,那么任何福利制度最终都会扩大贫困,并使贫困永久存续下去。难怪吉尔德说:“政府的救济会毁掉大多数依赖救济为生的人”。按照诺贝尔奖得主尤努斯教授的看法:穷人并不是天生的懒惰者和不求进取的人,他们缺少的只是一个机会和信任,如果能够给他们信任和改变命运的机会和资金支持,穷人就可以改变贫穷的命运并为社会创造财富和价值。经济学认为贫富问题的症结在于资本的短缺、市场机制的不健全、效率的低下以及社会消费不足等等,并将贫困的本质归结为产业与生产能力的贫困,并认为资本的持续投入和有效利用是解决贫困恶性循环的有效途径。要脱贫,靠的是制度建设与资本、市场的力量。贫困其实往往是达到某种最低可接受的目标水平的基本能力的缺失。可以这样说,贫困并不是单纯的个体福利数量上的少,而恰恰是贫困人口缺少追求个体福利的能力,比如贫困主体往往是因为缺少改善生活的生产资金。当今社会,金融对经济的增长发挥着核心作用,贫困主体获得资金支持很大程度上仍然依赖于信贷市场。但在发展中国家包括我国信贷市场普遍存在信贷歧视。金融的本性是逐利的,金融的特质是冷冰冰的,极力追求经济人利益最大化,在这个最不应该掺杂个人感情的领域现在面临这样的拷问,金融究竟应该严格地遵循逐利的本性,完全按照市场机制去配置资源,还是应该像经济学反思其是否应该带有伦理性一样,去反思,金融是不是也可以有选择地进行配置,在保证利润的前提下,是不是可以发挥其应有的一种社会责任,金融资本的配置是否可以有一些温情。基于此,很多有识之士包括国际社会在积极寻求各种途径探索金融对解决贫困问题的独特作用,又因为尤努斯模式的成功,小额信贷对于解决贫困的作用被不断地强调,而且乡村银行模式也被不断地复制,其影响日益扩大。通过开展小额信贷来解决贫困问题,进而通过构筑普惠金融促进制度来完成对弱势群体的金融服务和扶持已经越来越成为大家的共识。所谓普惠金融促进制度就是使得社会经济弱势群体都能够得到金融服务和扶持的制度。实际上,金融作为资金的融通方式,含义丰富,内容广泛。我们一般熟知的金融领域也不仅仅局限于银行业,还应该包含证券业、保险业、期货行业等等。对于弱势群体的普惠金融服务的内容也不单指信贷,还应该包括多种金融服务,包括储蓄、投资、保险和理财等。但是囿于篇幅所限,对于弱势群体的普惠金融服务,我们仅选择了信贷市场作为论述的重点,选择该角度进行重点论述的另一个重要原因是,笔者认为,普惠金融促进制度既然是对经济弱势群体的一种权利倾斜和金融支持,因为社会发展的贫富不均和经济发展的不均衡,以及发展中国家普遍存在的信贷歧视现象,所以对于经济弱势群体首先需要解决的是其信贷权利的可获得性和保障性,只有在弱势群体的信贷获得权能够得到普遍的满足后,普惠金融体系的构建在这方面初步取得成效之后,我们才会进入到普惠金融促进制度的下一个阶段,即为经济弱势群体提供多方面的金融服务。因此本文主要以信贷服务的可获得性为中心进行普惠金融促进制度的论述。以下论文的内容也是在这一含义之下进行论述的。事实上,我国在构筑普惠金融促进制度方面,特别是满足弱势群体的信贷可获得性方面,一直在做着不懈的努力。近几年,我国在制度创新方面积极引进孟加拉乡村银行模式,积极发展小额信贷,并在农村地区,降低金融机构进入门槛,允许各类新型金融机构的设立,典型的如小额贷款公司、村镇银行、农村资金互助社等的设立。如果我们将普惠金融促进制度作为一个系统工程来加以构建,具体的指导思想及方略应为如下几个方面:一方面,我们着手于现有的金融体系,进行一系列改革,以使得其能够发挥支援贫困地区和贫困人口的初衷。比如鼓励商业银行也可以开展小额信贷,担负一定的社会责任,目前有一些商业银行在这方面还是做出了卓越的成绩,如包商银行股份有限公司,独家发起设立了内蒙古达茂旗包商惠农贷款公司,发起成立了内蒙古固阳包商惠农村镇银行等四家村镇银行,加大了对农村金融的支持,并获得较好的收益,因为包商银行对于微小企业贷款的卓越成就,其董事长李镇西还获得2011经济年度的年度公益奖。另一方面,我们还要看到弱势群体按照自身情况,更应该和一些小规模的类似社区银行之类的金融机构相共生。所以我们要将重点放在一些新建的金融机构制度创新上。在我国,普惠金融体系主要惠及的应该是三农以及城镇贫困人口和中小企业,所以我们要通过农村信用社、小额贷款公司、村镇银行等新型的金融机构来完成对经济弱势群体的金融扶持,这有待于我们在制度安排上积极构建以期其更好地发挥作用。另外融资担保公司、社会征信体系以及民间金融、行业协会的配套建设,包括国家税收政策等激励都将是普惠金融促进制度整体架构的重要组成部分。本文的核心观点为:普惠金融促进制度的构建主要依靠商业性的金融机构和国家有效的制度供给来完成,并不主张单纯地依靠国家带有福利性质的扶贫制度来完成,包括我们已经构建的政策性金融制度也不应该是普惠金融促进制度中的重要角色。普惠金融促进制度主要应该通过相关制度构建积极引导民间资本进入,通过商业性的金融机构组织完成普惠金融的目标,同时积极倡导金融企业的社会责任,鼓励其向社会企业发展。这其中,政府的核心作用应该是积极创造有益的宏观经济环境和积极推动相关法律法规的尽快出台以及现有法律的立法完善。目前,国内学者对普惠金融促进制度作为一个系统性的整体来加以深入研究的较少,特别是从法学角度进行研究的更少,尽管目前一些学者提出了一些建设性政策建议,但大多局限于针对一些具体金融机构的零星和分散性建议,缺乏宏观的、全局性的法律对策,本文就是试图从经济法学的角度系统而全面地阐述我国普惠金融促进法律制度的构建。源于社会现实关心的问题导向型研究路径始终贯穿全文,努力提出解决问题的基本途径以及构建普惠金融促进的具体法律制度是本文的研究目的与向度。为此本文共分六章予以论述。第一章普惠金融促进制度的产生和历史源流这一章主要分为二部分,第一部分主要介绍了普惠金融体系概念提出的历史背景。特别将视角落到发展中国家,因为发展中国家普遍存在信贷歧视,因而在发展中国家构建普惠金融促进制度有着更为深远的历史意义。为准确把握普惠金融的含义,本章对普惠金融制度含义从多个方面进行了阐述,以便对该概念有更准确地把握。第二部分介绍了普惠金融促进制度的历史源流,这一部分主要追根溯源,从世界历史的角度上看,对弱势群体的金融扶持其实在人类历史上很早就存在,特别发展到现代社会,孟加拉国的乡村银行模式对世界各国的普惠金融促进制度的建立和发展产生了深远影响。在我国,长期以来主要是民间金融发挥了对民间主体的金融支持,新中国成立后,很长一段时间大一统的中央银行体制占据了统治地位,随着改革开放,市场经济体制的建立和完善,我国逐步建立起日益多元的金融机构组织,特别是一些新型的从事小额信贷的机构也普遍建立起来,普惠金融体系初步建立。第二章普惠金融促进制度的理论基础这一章主要从三个学科角度来对普惠金融促进制度的理论基础进行阐述。第一部分,从经济学的角度解读,这一部分主要介绍了发展经济学的能力观和发展观,特别介绍了阿·玛蒂亚森的观点。阿·玛蒂亚森认为人类在经济增长和自身发展中应该力求平衡,经济增长决不意味着人类自身的必然发展,经济发展应更多地关注人类自身的发展,特别是贫困人口的发展。从人本经济学的角度主要关注了经济学研究的原初意义应该落脚到人究竟因为什么活着,幸福的含义是什么,从这个角度上看经济发展的终极意义应该是关注人类的幸福。从上述这些经济学的观点中可以看出,普惠金融促进制度正是反思经济发展不应单纯以经济增长为唯一的追求目标,相反,人类的幸福和自身发展,公平正义始终应成为社会发展的终极意义,普惠金融促进制度的建立是应时代之需。而穷人经济学以舒尔茨的观点为代表,他认为农业是一国经济的基础,要关注农民和农业问题,更提出一国中如果贫富悬殊迟早会出问题,是不利于国家发展的。第二部分从经济伦理学的角度进行考察,这一部分主要介绍了尤努斯教授的金融伦理学思想。传统的信贷理论认为穷人是没有信用的,穷人是信贷的不可接触者。但尤努斯教授第一次掷地有声地提出:穷人也是有信用的,因为他们除了信用一无所有,信贷应该作为人权得到肯定和保护。第二部分从金融企业的社会责任来看,金融企业不仅仅要追求股东自身财富的最大化,而且要主动承担社会责任,比如对经济弱势群体的主动扶助,这也是符合现代金融企业发展的大势。第三部分从法学的角度来进行探讨。主要从法哲学对正义的解读进行探讨,特别是通过对罗尔斯的正义论进行研读,可以看出罗尔斯的正义论是对最少受惠者的最大利益的保护,而正义理论中又以利益分配理论为主要内容,利益分配就是要照顾到最弱势群体的利益。特别提到社会的正义应该通过建立一种合作体系,实现互惠互利。另外从法学中的另一个核心概念权利来看,经济弱势群体的生存权和发展权也是其作为社会主体的重要人权,理应得到尊重和保护。最后从经济法学科的角度看,经济法突破了传统学科以形式正义为追求目标的藩篱,更加强调对实质公平和正义的追求。而实质正义和公平就是通过对弱势群体的倾斜性保护,以此达到实质意义上的正义。第三章域外普惠金融促进制度的考察及对我国的启示这一章主要介绍了美国的立法实践,在发达国家其实也存在信贷歧视,针对信贷歧视现象,美国在这方面主要通过一系列法律来加以规制,特别有影响的法律是:《社区再投资法》,该法律虽然存在很多争议,但基本还是获得了很好的收效。对于欧洲国家的普惠金融实践,主要介绍了德国复兴银行的政策性贷款业务。因为普惠金融促进制度的核心是小额信贷,小额信贷主要的发源地就在亚非国家,所以这部分重点介绍了孟加拉和印尼等国的一些小额信贷制度。最后介绍了在非洲地区一些普惠金融的立法实践。针对上述的立法实践特别提出了对我国普惠金融促进法律制度的启示和借鉴意义。第四章中国构建普惠金融促进制度的重要意义这一章主要是分为二部分,第一部分论述了中国构建普惠金融促进制度对于转变社会经济发展方式的重要意义。中国目前贫富悬殊,经济增长方式应该主要从单纯追求增长到均衡发展特别是包容性增长过渡,这就要求更多地关注弱势群体的利益。第二部分论述了普惠金融促进制度主要的意义在于反贫困。追求富裕是人之常理,中国解决反贫困问题也很紧迫,普惠金融促进制度可以很好地改善贫困问题,另外普惠金融促进制度对金融制度自身变革也有着重要意义。第五章中国普惠金融促进制度的现状及面临的问题这一章分为两部分,第一部分介绍了中国在普惠金融促进制度方面的立法实践,第二部分介绍了中国普惠金融促进制度存在的主要法律问题。第六章中国构建普惠金融促进制度的法律对策这一章主要从以下部分加以阐述,首先阐述了普惠金融促进制度构建过程中要秉承的价值追求,即普惠理念下的公平价值和发展价值,第二部分阐述了二元信用市场结构下的政府责任,目前在中国金融市场基本形成了正规金融市场和准正规金融市场以及非正规金融市场,传统意义上,金融资本的逐利性直接决定了其应该被配置到最能产生效益的地方,因此按照市场机制进行金融资源配置应该是符合金融本性的,不过在普惠金融促进制度中,如果一味地强调市场的作用,那么被正规金融市场冷落的经济弱势群体无疑就成为了一种合理和必然的选择,但是显然这种结果并不利于整体经济的健康稳健发展,更不利于我们富民强国构建和谐社会目标的实现,因此,在普惠金融促进制度下政府责任要重新梳理和界定,首先政府不能任由市场机制在金融领域进行资源配置,应该努力担当起政府的职责,但是另一方面,政府在普惠金融促进制度中的地位和作用并不是毫无边界大包大揽的,政府同样要警惕管制失灵,注意自己作用的边界,应努力在构建宏观政策环境方面发挥作用而非主动介入具体金融机构的经营中,特别是在积极构建法律政策环境方面发挥重要作用。所以,在普惠金融制度构建中,政策性金融因其自身的局限性,面临变革,不应成为普惠金融促进制度的重要角色。最后针对前文中提出的普惠金融促进制度目前面临的法律问题,提出针对性的法律对策,重点有将弱势群体的经济发展权在宪法中加以明确规定,建立专门的普惠金融促进法律制度,建立激励性税收制度,建立金融企业社会责任评价体系,建立有效的监管机制,特别是在民间金融方面加强立法。

【Abstract】 Amartya Sen said "The uneven thought can be very simple and also can be verycomplicated. On one hand, Comparing with other thought, it is the easiest one of all thoughtsand an easier one that can make people has a direct impression. On the other hand, it is socomplicated concept that every definition of it is controversial." With the appearing of classsociety, it is accompanied by people’s unequal problem. Human always explore the root ofsocial inequality, painfully find the way out from social justice and do their utmost to seekthe best solution of reducing poverty and eliminating injustice.Though what people persuingis just a close even,for completely equality can not be achieved in such a long foreseeableperiod, people can not be stopped pursuing the equality of maximum possible.At least, weshould offer the appropriate good conditions and opportunities to people who attempts toimprove the situation of themselves.When china stepped into21century, uneven problem is the outstanding issue that we arefacing now. Through the30years reform and open, china created huge national wealth andaccomplished magnificently in the world rapidity economic development. However, on thewhole, our economic development is not balance, and now presents the more seriouspolarization of the rich and the poor. Although different people have different idea about thequestion of when we consider the social inequality, to some extent, constantlyexpand,overall unbalanced economic development and the polarization between the rich andpoor increasingly serious have been become the expensive cost and heavy price for Chinathirty years development. Now the question is, can we afford this cost yet? All sorts ofphenomena indicated that backward local economical lag development,especially "san nong"questions,has been formed the bottleneck of China social and economic stability anddevelopment.The low income earners and farmers get less opportunities to increase incomeand their abilities are limited. The gap between social rich and poor is so wide and that willlead to vastly dishamony and untability of society and will resist the activity of whole societydevelopment.For that, the balanced development has been raised recently, which not only fit for thecommon request of economic regulations but also satisfy the special demand of china currentsituation. Economics short side theorems present the benefits of balance. With china economy developing, goverment will pay more attention to the people’s livelihood,especially theproblems of economic development of the vulnerable groups.To the economic vulnerablegroups of society, like farmers,small businesses,laid-off workers and so on, what meansthat we can use to eliminate the development gap which between them and rich, ofcourse,lots of ways. For example, according Dalton transfer principle, pulling out a unitfrom the rich income to poor will increase the whole social welfare, meanwhile, reducing theextent of inequality. How to get it from the rich, and of course, a unit in the most direct way isthe tax, increasing the tax burden of rich, and the tax revenue concentrated by country willthrough transfer payment, financial allocation, social rescue and donation to reduce the socialinequality.While only use welfare and donation to help the poor would make them lazy, forexample, poor like leisure not for the shortcoming of moral,but the given money make themlike that. From American sociologist and anthropologists Oscar Lewis, because of povertypoor people need more self-improvement enterprising spirit, and should avoid satisfyingstatus quo, indifferent, lazy and used to accept charity. If the benefits more than the generalwage and labor productivity levels of the poor communities, any welfare system eventuallyexpand poverty, and make poverty on permanent existence. No wonder Gilder said:“government’s relief can ruin the majority who dependent reliefs”.However, according to economics, the key points of rich and poor problem are capitalshortage, imperfect market mechanism, low efficiency and social consumption shortage etc,and attributing the essence of poverty to the poverty of industry and productioncapacity.Thingking that the continuous investment and capital is the effective way to solvevicious cycle of poverty.To escape from poverty, what depending on is the system construction, capital andmarket strength. Poverty often is actually achieves some kind of lowest acceptable goal levelthe basic capability flaw. It can be said that poverty is not in pure individual welfare quantityfew, but is exactly the stricken people lacks the pursuit individual welfare’s capability Forinstance, the poverty subject often is because lacks improvement life the current fund forproduction.Today’s society, the finance affects the core function to the economical growth,the poverty subject earned the financial support still to rely on to a great extent the creditmarket. However, in developing country including our country credit market universal existence credit discrimination, the financial natural disposition is by profit, the financialspecial characteristic is icy, has filled the rational maximization, most shouldn’t dopeindividual sentimental in the domain similarly to face such interrogating and torturing now,actually the finance should follow strictly by the favorable natural disposition, defers to themarket mechanism to dispose the resources completely,and look like the economic toreconsider now it whether should have the ethicality to be the same, reconsiders, is thefinance may also have the choice to carry on the disposition, under the guarantee profit’spremise, may display its proper one kind of community responsibility, the financial capitaldisposition whether can have some tender feelings, constructs the Pratt and Whitney financepromotion system therefore to have the significant historic importance.In fact, our country is constructing the Pratt and Whitney finance promotion systemaspect to make the unremitting effort. In recent years, we introduce Bangladesh Country bankpattern positively in the institutional innovations aspect, which develops the jot creditpositively, and in the countryside area, reduces the financial organ to enter the threshold,permits each kind of new financial organ establishment, typically like petty loan company,villages and small towns bank and so on establishment. To construct the Pratt and Whitneyfinance promotion system, the concrete guiding principle and the plan should follow thebelow aspects:On the one hand, we begin in the existing financial system, carry on a series of reformsand enable to display the support poor area and the stricken people original intention.For instance, encouraging commercial Banks can also develop microfinance, currentlyhave some commercial Banks in this respect or made outstanding achievements, such as thecontractor’s bank, ltd., exclusively to launch the Inner Mongolia reaches kenmogi flagcontractor loan companies benefit and have launched the contractor of Inner Mongolia solidYang village four bank such as benefit, increasing the villages of rural bank financialsupport, and gain better returns,but what is more important, we will see disadvantaged groupsaccording to their size, more itself should be and some smaller similar financial institutionssuch as community Banks in symbiosis. So we want to focus on some new financialinstitution system innovation. In our country, the main benefit of financial Pratt&Whitneyand urban poverty should be the agriculture population and small and medium-sizedenterprises, so we should through the rural credit cooperatives, banks of new towns of financial institutions to complete the financial support economic disadvantaged groups, thisneeds to be in our system arrangement to its better role. Moreover the financing Bondingcompany as well as the folk financial profession association’s necessary construction, nationaltax policy will be Pratt and Whitney financial incentive to promote the overall frameworksystem of important constituent.This article core viewpoint is: The Pratt and Whitney financial promotion system’sconstruction mainly rely on commercial financial institutions and state effective institutionsupply to finish, urged simply rely on state welfare system with the poverty alleviation,including we have accomplished the policy financial system constructing it should not bePratt&Whitney the important role of financial promote system. Pratt&Whitney financialpromote system is mainly should actively guided through relevant system construction folkcapital, through commercial into financial institutions on financial goals, complete Pratt&Whitney and actively advocate financial the social responsibility of the enterprise,encouraging the social enterprise development. Among them, the core function of governmentshould actively create beneficial macroeconomic environment and actively promote therelevant laws and regulations on the existing law as soon as possible and to improve ourlegislation.At present, the domestic scholar of financial promotion system as a whole is furthersystematic integral to study, especially from the legal Angle less studied less, although somescholars put forward some constructive policy suggestions, mostly confined to financialinstitutions in some specific advice, sporadic and dispersion, the overall lack of macro legalcountermeasure. This article is from the Angle of trying to economic law system butcomprehensively promote legal illustrates Pratt&Whitney construction of the financialsystem. From the social reality concern customer-guided research path to the full text, it putsforward the basic way to solve the problem and put forward the research paper purpose anddirection of the construction of the Pratt&Whitney specific legal system of financialpromotion.This paper is divided into six chapters to discuss.Chapter One the Emergence and Origin of the Pratt and Whitney FinancialPromote SystemGenerally speaking, this chapter can be divided into two parts. The first part mainly dealswith the historical background of the emergence of Pratt and Whitney Financial System. It is significant for the developing countries to set up the Pratt and Whitney Financial PromoteSystem for its nation-wide Credit Discrimination. In addition, I will further elaborate on theconnotation of the Pratt and Whitney Financial System for the clarity sake. And the secondpart talks about the origin of Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System. From the point ofview of the world history, it has been a long time in human history to help the poor and theweak financially. In China, it was the informal financial that had a great support to the folkexistence for a time before the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, but after thefounding we had united central banking system. With the adoption of the policy of reform andopening up and the establishment and perfection of the economic system of marketing, Chinahas set up diversified financial institutions and organizations, especially the widespreademergence of credit institution specialized on microcredit. Under which circumstance, thePratt and Whitney Financial System comes into being.Chapter Two the Theory about Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote SystemIn this chapter, the theory about Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System will bediscussed based on three different scientific subjects.On the first part, I will talk about it from the point of the view of economics. It mainlyintroduced the ability view and development view of development economics, especially theAmartya Sen’s view on it. He assumes that people should seek the balance between theeconomic growth and self-development. The economic grows is by no means equals thepeople’s self-development. Instead, it should pay more attention to the development of humanbeings, especially to the poor. The preliminary meaning of the economics should rest on thequestion of what do the people live for and the meaning of happiness on the basis ofhumanistic economics. Accordingly, to focus on the human being’s happiness is the ultimategoal of economic development. From these economic views, we know that the role of Prattand Whitney Financial Promote System is to let people rethink the goal of economicdevelopment should not solely on the economic growth but the people’s happiness andself-development. And the happiness and self-development should be the ultimate goals ofsocial development. So in this sense, it is the times’ requirement to set up the Pratt andWhitney Financial Promote System.On the second part, I will approach it from the point of view of economic ethnics, whichwill mainly introduce the Professor Yunnus’s Financial Ethnics thought. It was traditionally believed in field of credit that the poor is less creditable and it is unacceptable to receive thepoor’s credit. But the Professor Yunus strongly believe that, for the first time, the poor iscreditable because they have nothing but credit and the credit as one of human rights shouldbe affirmed and reserved. From the view of the financial enterprises’ responsibility to society,they don’t only pursue the maximum profit of shareholders but to take social responsibility oftheir own accord, such as give the support to the poor. And this action is confined with themainstream of development of modern financial enterprisesOn the third part, I will deal with it from the point of view of law. It starts withdiscussion about what is justice from the view of Philosophy of Law, especially starts with thediscussion of Rawls on it. He supposes that just is maximum protection to the leastbeneficiary. And, in the field of justice theory, the main theory is about the distribution ofinterests which means the distribution should cover the interests of the poor. There is onething should be pointed out that the real justice of society is based on the cooperation,reaching the goal of mutual benefit. In addition, from the view of the other core conception inthe law—the right, the poor’s right of living and development is also the important socialhuman rights that should be respected and reserved. At last, from the view of the economiclaw, we know that it was the economic law that breaks the traditional subjects which pursuethe goal under the guidance of formal justice to reinforce the goal of the real justice. And weget the real justice through the protection to the poor and the weak.Chapter Three the Investigation to the Overseas Pratt and Whitney FinancialPromote System and the Enlightenment to China.This chapter manly introduces the practice of legislation in America. As the matter offact, there is credit discrimination in developed countries. Confronted with this phenomenon,the American government drew up many laws to control it. Among these laws, there is onelaw that is most influential, and that is the Community Reinvestment Act. Although it getslots of controversy, it gains very good results basically. And the good results almost due to themicrocredit which is core of the Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System. The birthplaceof microcredit is Asian and African countries, so the main attention will be paid to theintroduction of the microcredit system in Bengal and Indonesia, etc. By the way, there aresome introduction about the practice of legislation of Pratt and Whitney Financial System inAfrican areas. Finally, taking the previous introduction to the practice of legislation in foreign countries as the guidance, I conclude my own inspiration and significance towards ourcountry.Chapter Four the Significance for China to Set up the Pratt and WhitneyFinancial Promote SystemBasically, this chapter can be divided into three parts. The first part will expound thereason for China to set up Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System. In short, it is theneed for transformation of social economic development. In recent years, there is a huge gapbetween the poor and the rich, if we want to transform the recent situation of solely focus onthe economic growth to the all-round development, we should pay more attention to theinterests of the disadvantage groups. The second part will illustrate the significance of Prattand Whitney Financial Promote System is to suppress poverty. It is acceptable for everyone topursue wealth, but for China, to suppress the poverty is also urgent. And the Pratt andWhitney Financial Promote System can fully address this problem. The third part will sate thesignificance of the Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System to the reform of the moneysystem.Chapter Five the Legal Question in the Process of setting up the Pratt andWhitney Financial Promote SystemThis chapter can be divided into two parts. The first part will introduce the practice oflegislation of the Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System in China and the second partwill introduce the existed legal questions during the construction of the Pratt and WhitneyFinancial Promote System.Chapter Six the Solutions about the construction of the Pratt and WhitneyFinancial Promote SystemThere are several parts to be elaborated on. Firstly, I will say that we should hold theidea of justice and development unswervingly during the construction of the Pratt andWhitney Financial Promote System. Secondly, I will talk about the role of government duringthe construction. The government should be on alert to overdo it, taking effort to lay downmacro policy and legal environment instead of interfering with the decisions of the financialinstitutions. So because of the limitation of the based finance, it should not be the leading partof the construction of the Pratt and Whitney Financial System when facing the changes.Thirdly, I will introduce the basic conception of the Pratt and Whitney Financial Promote System, which is the equality and freedom. At last, I will put forward the legalcountermeasures to the existed legal questions of the Pratt and Whitney Financial PromoteSystem previously.


