

Research on Signalized Intersection Capacity in Conditions of Ice and Snow

【作者】 刘春晓

【导师】 张亚平;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 冰雪天气是我国北方冬季普遍会遇到的气候现象,冰雪天气包括降雪状态和冰冻状态。在降雪期间,雪花影响驾驶员视线,降低路面摩擦系数,车辆行驶环境恶劣,驾驶员驾驶舒适性变差、操作变复杂;在降雪之后,路面在昼夜交替时结冰,驾驶员在信号交叉口红绿灯转换之间制动操作复杂、舒适度降低;这些情况都容易使驾驶员出现精神紧张、视觉疲劳等不舒适感觉,交通运行效率与行车安全性均较正常路面低。国内外研究表明,开展冰雪条件下信号交叉口通行能力的研究对于道路规划、防灾抗灾、提高路网运行效率有着重要作用。根据降雪强度分别研究了正常天气、小雪、中雪、大雪、暴雪天气下冰雪路面的基本特征,并根据调查数据分析了冰雪条件对路段通行能力的影响。分别建立了降雪条件下能见度同降雪强度、摩擦系数与降雪厚度、摩擦系数同冰冻强度的关系模型,同时建立了降雪和冰冻条件下路段车流速度模型。将冰雪路面分为降雪条件、冰冻条件、降雪和冰冻条件,在此基础上剖析了冰雪条件下信号交叉口的交通流特性模式,通过交通调研、数据分析,研究不同冰雪条件下的路面特性和信号交叉口的交通流特性,包括冰雪条件下速度、路面摩擦系数、穿越间隙等,进行不同冰雪条件下的相互比较以及同正常天气条件相应特性的研究对比。从交叉口信号控制出发,分别研究了信号周期时长和绿信比的优化方法,以冰雪条件下的排队长度为判定依据,引入信号交叉口需要优化的判定矩阵,从而确立冰雪条件下信号配时中的周期时长和绿灯时长优化方案,并考虑实际冰雪条件下驾驶的难度和车辆运行特征,采用轨迹法和车辆速度特征优化黄灯时长,完成冰雪条件下信号交叉口的配时优化方案。以哈尔滨市典型交叉口嵩山路-淮河路和红旗大街-淮河路的数据为例,利用Vissim仿真软件对优化方案进行仿真研究。以冰雪条件为出发点,在信号配时优化的基础上,分析研究了影响交叉口通行能力的主要因素,包括气候因素、车道功能因素和车道宽度因素。在此基础上,分别基于HCM法和停车线法对信号交叉口通行能力的计算模型进行了修正。在HCM法的基础上,将影响冰雪条件下信号交叉口通行能力的因素综合考虑,标定了冰雪条件下影响信号交叉口通行能力的综合参数;在停车线法的基础上,对各参数进行标定,按照降雪天气和冰冻条件进行分类研究各参数,并给出了各种状态下的参数值。通过修正后的模型计算降雪、冰冻以及降雪和冰冻条件下信号交叉口的通行能力,并对模型计算结果和实际观测值进行比较。标定了冰雪条件下信号交叉口的延误模型,主要反映在能见度和摩擦系数对服务水平的影响上,并将其作为信号交叉口服务水平评价的一个重要指标。通过调查数据的整理分析,建立了冰雪条件下信号交叉口车辆到达率的修正系数,其主要考核因素为能见度和摩擦系数,最后标定了不同权重下该修正系数的各个参数。在现有服务水平评价体系基础上,从层次分析的角度建立了冰雪条件下信号交叉口服务水平评价的指标体系,提出了评价标准建议。最后对“十”字型信号交叉口和“T”字型信号交叉口在冰雪条件下的服务水平进行了评价,验证信号配时优化后冰雪条件下交叉口服务水平的变化。

【Abstract】 During the snowing, the snowflakes would affect the driver’s sight, reduce friction coefficient of pavement, make the vehicle traffic environment worse, lesson the driving comfort and make the operation complicate; After the snowing, the road will froze which makes the braking operation complicate and lesson the comfort during the signal intersection traffic light conversion; It’s easy for the driver to be uncomforTable, just like nervous and visual fatigue, etc. While the traffic efficiency and traffic security is lower than the normal pavement. The researches at home and abroad show that the study on the Signal intersection capacity in the snow have an important role on the improving road planning, preventing and fighting natural adversities and improving the efficiency of the network.According to snowfall intensity, basic features of the ice and snow road under the conditions of normal weather, light snow, moderate snow, heavy snow and extremely heavy snow are studied respectively. Based on the survey data, the influence of the ice and snow conditions on the road traffic capacity is analyzed as well with the establishment of the relationship mode between the visibility under snow condition and the snowfall intensity, friction coefficient, as well as the visibility between the snowfall thickness, friction coefficient, and the freezing intensity. Meanwhile, the traffic flow rate mode on the ice and snow conditions is built.The ice and snow conditions can be divided into three types, namely, snowing, freezing and ice-snow mixture. The traffic flow feature mode of the signal intersection under such condition is analyzed on this basis. Through traffic survey and data analysis, the road features under different ice-snow conditions and the traffic flow features of signal intersections are studied, which includes the rate, road friction coefficient and crossing gap under ice-snow conditions. As a result, a comparative study is carried out for the corresponding features under ice-snow conditions and normal weather conditions.Based on the intersection signal control, we respectively studied cycle length and split optimization method. According to the snow and ice conditions of queue length to determine the basis, we introduce matrix needed to determine the optimal signal intersection. Therefore, we established the signal timing of the cycle length and green light time optimization solution in the ice and snow condition. And considering the actual difficulties of driving and vehicle running characteristics under the snow and ice conditions,locus method is used to optimize the yellow light time and vehicle speed characteristics, and complete intersection signal timing optimization scheme under the condition of ice and snow. Take a typical intersection-Huaihe road in Harbin and Songshan road, Hongqi street-Huaihe road data for examples, we use the VISSIM simulation software, make the simulation study on the optimization scheme.For the signal intersection capacity in the snow and ice conditions, we consider the snow and ice conditions as a starting point and base on the signal timing optimization, analyzing the main factors which influence the intersection capacity, including climate, lane function and width. On this basis, respectively, based on HCM method and stop line method, we correct the signal intersection capacity calculation. Based on the HCM method, we overall consider the factors which affect signal intersection capacity in the ice and snow condition and calibrate the overall parameters which affect the signal intersection capacity in the snow and ice conditions. On the basis of stop line method, we calibrate variable parameters, respectively study on variable parameters according to snow weather and frozen conditions and present parameter values in the different conditions. Through the revised model, we calculate the traffic capacity of signal intersection, compare various capacities under the condition of ice and snow, and compared with normal signal intersection traffic capacity in the normal weather.Calibration signal intersection delay model under the condition of ice and snow, which mainly reflected in the visibility and the friction coefficient’s impact on service level, and use it as a signal of an important index of evaluating intersection service level. Through the analysis of survey data and esTablelishing signal intersection traffic arrival rate correction coefficient in the ice and snow condition according to actual situation, its main evaluation factors are visibility and friction coefficient, and finally calibrate under the different weights the correction coefficient of each parameter. On the basis of existing main service level evaluation system, based on the hierarchical analysis,we esTablelish signal road intersection service level’s evaluation index system, at the same time we introduce the selecting process of each index in the evaluation system and evaluation standard. And use the method for Huaihe road, Hongqi street and compare and overall evaluate the intersection signal timing optimization in operation condition, and validate intersection service level after the signal timing optimization under the condition of ice and snow road.


