

Study on Groundwater Pollution Risk Assessment of Abandoned Coal Mine

【作者】 李庭

【导师】 冯启言;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 环境科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 由于煤炭资源枯竭、资源整合以及淘汰落后产能等因素,我国大量煤矿已经或濒临关闭。矿井关闭停止排水后,矿井水位将快速回弹,矿井水携带井下污染物通过采动裂隙、断层、封闭不良钻孔等通道造成地下水串层污染,关闭矿井的地下水污染已成为废弃矿井突出的环境问题之一。由于废弃矿井地下水动力场和水化学环境高度复杂性,目前地下水污染风险评价方法和相关技术规范无法适用废弃矿井地下水污染风险的评价,对废弃煤矿区地下水资源的保护与管理造成很大困难。因此,本文在全国范围矿井水调查与分析的基础上,研究了废弃矿井典型污染因子及水化学特征,基于地下水污染风险的理论,构建了适用于评价废弃矿井地下水污染风险的指标体系及模型,开发了废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价软件,并建立了废弃煤矿地下水污染风险管理技术流程。论文主要研究成果如下:(1)对我国重要的产煤区269个煤矿的矿井水进行了调查或采样测试,探讨了矿井水化学特征的区域差异性,根据水质特征将我国矿井水分为常见组分矿井水、酸性矿井水、高矿化度矿井水、高硫酸盐矿井水、高氟矿井水以及含特殊组分矿井水这6种类型,识别了我国矿井水中的特征污染因子,包括硫酸盐、铁锰、矿化度、pH值、氟化物及微量有机物;有机污染物中VOCs主要为取代苯类和低碳卤代脂肪烃类,SVOCs主要为硝基苯类、氯苯类、多环芳烃和酯类。(2)调查了两淮基地、鲁西基地以及峰峰、沈阳、焦作矿区的煤矿关闭情况,重点分析了徐州、淄博等典型衰老矿区的废弃矿井地下水污染案例,根据污染源和污染途径,提出了废弃矿井地下水污染模式:①废弃矿井塌陷积水入渗污染;②废弃矿井地表固体废物淋溶污染;③顶板导水裂隙串层污染;④底板采动裂隙串层污染;⑤封闭不良钻孔串层污染;⑥断层或陷落柱串层污染;(3)提出了废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价“两源一通道”(污染源、水源地、污染通道)的指导思想,基于地下水污染风险理论,构建了废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价指标体系及评价模型。评价指标包括污染源(废弃矿井)、污染通道、污染受体(目标含水层或水源地)三个一级指标以及15个二级指标,并依据相关的标准、技术导则、经验值、统计分析进行了分级,利用层次分析法对所有指标权重赋值,最后基于迭置指数法,采用加权求和法建立了废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价综合指数模型;(4)基于.Net平台,使用C#语言及数据库技术对废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价综合指数模型进行了可视化编程,设计开发了废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价系统软件,并应用评价系统,分别对徐州韩桥、淄博洪山、邹城唐村煤矿进行了评价,评估结果与实际情况相符,证明了评价模型及软件系统具有较好的适用性;(5)系统总结了国外关闭煤矿环境风险管理的先进经验,分析了我国关闭煤矿地下水风险管理存在的主要问题。以风险评估理论为指导,提出了关闭煤矿地下水风险管理的技术流程,内容包括前期调查、风险评估和风险管理与防控等主要环节。上述研究成果加深了对我国废弃矿井污染机理的认识,构建的废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价指标体系依据充分,提出的废弃矿井地下水污染风险评价与管理技术流程对加强资源枯竭型矿区地下水资源的保护工作提供了重要的技术支持。

【Abstract】 Due to the depletion of resources, resource integration and eliminate backwardproduction capacity, a number of mines will be closed. After the mine stopping thedrain, mine water would quickly rebound, and underground mine water carryingpollutants contaminated groundwater would cross through mining fissures, faults,closed adverse drilling, that caused underground water cross strata pollution, thusgroundwater pollution because of mine closure has becoming one prominentenvironmental problem in abandoned mines. Since the hydrodynamic field andabandoned mine water highly complex chemical environment, the currentgroundwater pollution risk assessment methods and related technical specificationscannot be applied on abandoned mine groundwater. Groundwater resources protectionand management were very difficult. Therefore, based on a nationwide survey andanalysis of mine water, this paper categorized the water pollution types, proposedabandoned mine groundwater pollution model, built evaluation model on minegroundwater pollution risks which was based on the theoretical risk of groundwaterpollution, developed the abandoned mine groundwater pollution risk assessmentsoftware, and established a risk-based assessment of groundwater pollution fromabandoned mines risk management technology processes. Main research results areshown as follows:(1) The mine water samples of269coal mines in the major coal-producingregions were investigated and tested, and the chemical characteristics of mine waterregional differences were discussed. According to the characteristics of the water,mine water including the following categories, common components mine water, acidmine water, high salinity mine water, high sulphate mine water, fluoride mine waterand special component mine water., and the paper identified the characteristics of themine water pollution factors, including sulfates, iron and manganese, high salinity, pH,fluoride and trace organics.(2) The paper investigated the situation about mine closing in Huainan-Huaibeiregion, west Shandong region with Fengfeng, Shenyang, Jiaozuo, and analyzed theabandoned mine groundwater pollution case in Xuzhou and Zibo. Based on thesources of pollution and pollution pathways,6pollution models were proposed:1)Infiltration pollution by abandoned mine subsidence water;2) Leaching pollution by abandoned mine solid waste;3) String pollution by roof layer water flowing fractured;4) String pollution by bottom layer of polluted mining fissure;5) String pollution bybad drill enclosed layer;6) String pollution by fault or collapse column string.(3) This paper proposed abandoned mine groundwater pollution risk assessment"two sources and one channel"(pollution, water source, pollution channel). Based ontheory of groundwater pollution risk assessment, this paper created abandoned minegroundwater pollution risk evaluation index system and evaluation model. Evaluationindicators contained the three-level indicators including pollution (abandoned mine),pollution channel, pollution receptor (target aquifer), and15secondary indicators.And cluster analysis, expert advice, hierarchical analysis, expert scoring methods forall indicators were graded and weight. Based on the principles and methods of thefinal index Diego, this paper established abandoned mine groundwater pollutionweighted comprehensive risk assessment exponential model.(4) Based on.Net platform, C#language and database technology, abandonedmine groundwater pollution risk assessment index model of visual programming wasdesigned, and the abandoned mine groundwater pollution risk assessment system wasdevelop. By the evaluation system, Xuzhou Hanqiao mine, Zibo Hongshan mine andZouocheng Tangcun mine were evaluated. The results were consistent with the actualsituation, that proved the evaluation model and the software system had betterapplicability.(5) This paper summarized the risk management status and advanced experienceon coal mine closure, analyzed the risk management of closed mines groundwaterproblems. Based on risk assessment theory, the risk management processes for mineclosing was developed, including preliminary investigation, risk assessment and riskmanagement, and risk prevention.The research results deepened the understanding of abandoned mine pollutionmechanism. Abandoned mine groundwater pollution risk evaluation index system wasbased on sufficiently. The abandoned mines groundwater pollution risk assessmentand the risk management technology provided important technical support for theresource-exhausted mining groundwater environmental protection.


