

Study on Development of Community College in China Based on Lifelong Learning

【作者】 刘春朝

【导师】 罗承选;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 科技与教育管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前,终身学习逐渐成为人们的生活方式和价值追求。城市社区人口结构的多元化和居民教育需求的多样化,迫切需要方便灵活、多种多样的教育方式和教育服务。立足社区、服务社区的社区学院很好地满足了这种需求。同时,在我国作为终身学习和社区教育重要载体的社区学院,正肩负着推动我国高等教育大众化、发展终身教育、构建学习型社会的历史重任以及加快推动我国由人力资源大国向人力资源强国转变的历史使命,日益受到了党和政府的高度重视,被赋予更多的期望和责任。社区学院在我国尚处于萌芽和起步阶段,与美国、加拿大、德国等国家的社区学院相比,我国社区学院的建设与发展存在着较多的理论困惑和实践问题。以终身学习视角系统研究我国社区学院的发展问题具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。本课题利用质性和定量研究相结合的方法,从理论和实证两个维度对我国社区学院发展进行了系统的研究。通过梳理国内外关于社区学院研究文献,并在明晰相关概念间逻辑关系的基础上,界定了我国社区学院的内涵:我国社区学院是以专科教育为主,集高等学历教育、职业教育、继续教育和社会文化生活教育于一体,具有职业性、社区性和综合性的高等教育机构;剖析了目前我国社区学院发展的现状和价值诉求,在对比国外社区学院发展历程和特点的基础上,探讨了我国社区学院的外部定位、内部定位及其定位的指导思想。通过专家访谈、问卷调查和焦点团体讨论等实证研究,提炼了我国社区学院发展的影响因素,构建了我国社区学院发展影响路径模型。在上述研究的基础上,作为社区学院研究的结论和对策建议,提出了政府宏观引导、社区具体推动、社会团体积极参与、企业倾力支持和学院自主建设的社区学院发展的“五元驱动”思路,构建了以动力机制、运行机制、整合机制、激励机制和保障机制等“五大机制”为核心支撑的社区学院发展模式。

【Abstract】 In recent years followed the national politics economic restructuringcomprehensive to be thorough and the social economy continues to develop, theeconomy and society have made great progress with the enormous improvement andenhancement of people’s material well-being life. At present, as the important carrierof life-long learning and community education, the community college shoulders thehistorical task of boosting the higher education popularity, life-long learningdevelopment and construction of the learning society. As a result, it undertakes moreexpectations and responsibilities and its development has given high attention by theCommunist Party and the government.As a new institution in China, compare with thelong-developing history, the perfect theoretical system and the mature developingmodel of the community college in the developed countries like America, Canada andGermany, the construction and development of China’s community college are still inthe primary and experimental stage, therefore it has come across many theoreticalconfusions and practical problems. Thus the need of the research of communitycollege seems more urgent and essential.This research has been carried out theoretically and practically regarding toChina’s community college. The findings and conclusions are as follows:1.Definition of the community college: The community college in China mainlandis established in accordance with the needs of the community system reformation. Itmainly focuses on the vocational training, and also contains higher education,non-academic education, and social cultural education. Meanwhile, in order toconstruct life-long learning education and life-long learning system, the communitycollege enhances the higher vocational education, develops community educationactivities, and improves the community adult education network, which makes ahigher education institution with the professional, community-based andcomprehensive characteristics.2.Development positioning of community college in china based lifelong Learning:based on the logistical relationship analysis between the analysis of communitycollege development orientation and life-long learning, this research has came up witha conception for China’s community college development orientation. The guidanceidea of its development is the Scientific Outlook on Development. Its central functionis located at education function, consultation service, cultural service function and learning society function. Its major characteristic is based on the community andserves for the community. Finally, this research sets the community college as thelife-long learning higher education institution.3.The influencing factors and influencing route model of community college. Thisresearch was carried out through expert interviews, questionnaires, literature reviewand central points’ discussion, by which confirms the major influencing factors ofcommunity college development are from the following five systems: dynamicmechanism, cooperation mechanism, integration mechanism, prompting mechanismand assurance mechanism. Based on the above mechanisms, the influencing routemodel of community college development is constructed and verified.4.The countermeasures of boosting the community college development. Thisresearch centers the orientation of community college to build the community collegedevelopment model of government macroscopic guidance, practical communityenhancement, active participation of social groups, fully support from enterprises andself-construction of the college. Accordingly, the countermeasures of supportingcommunity college development are decided as dynamic mechanism, cooperationmechanism, integration mechanism, prompting mechanism and assurance mechanism.In the future research subjects, the following aspects should be deepened:expending the research targets, research ranges and research perspective.


