

Research on Theory and Practice of Mining Legacy Strip Pillar with Paste Backfilling

【作者】 王光伟

【导师】 周华强;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 膏体充填回收遗留条带煤柱已成为当前“三下”采煤的主要方法之一。膏体充填开采能够取得最好的地表沉陷控制效果,但也面临“降本提效”的巨大压力。本文结合膏体充填回收条带煤柱的特点,从以下方面进行了分析研究:(1)配制新型速凝早强的膏体充填材料,为取消凝固班缩短充填开采循环周期提供条件。(2)从控制地表沉陷和保证工作面安全的角度出发,给出充填工作面支护强度的确定方法,为优化液压支架设计,降低制造成本提供理论依据。(3)根据膏体充填工作面顶板移动变形规律,建立了充填体与直接顶相互作用模型,为合理匹配充填步距和膏体材料早期强度性能提供依据。(4)通过模拟试验验证了“采空区活化”的影响,给出了活化程度的评价方法,为膏体充填回收条带煤柱地表沉陷预测提供参考。在常规水泥型膏体的基础上,开发研制了胶结料型膏体和速凝型膏体,并对三种类型膏体的力学性能指标进行了试验测试。结果表明,胶结料型膏体和速凝型膏体具有凝固时间短、早期强度高的特点,为缩短充填采煤循环周期提供了条件,代表了膏体材料的发展方向。膏体充填工作面支护强度的设计不仅要考虑满足控制覆岩及地表沉陷的需要,还要满足抵抗膏体料浆侧压力的需要,这是充填开采与垮落法开采的区别之一。本文给出了充填工作面支护强度的理论计算公式,分析研究了倾斜工作面支架受膏体料浆侧推力的影响,指出了料浆侧推力是造成支架设计支护强度偏高的主要原因。因此,速凝型膏体也是降低支架设计支护强度和制造成本的必然选择。充填体与直接顶相互作用的两端固支梁模型为分析充填体早期强度阶段直接顶的稳定性提供了理论计算方法,通过中等稳定顶板和不稳定顶板条件下的两个典型算例,给出了充填步距的确定过程,并对主要影响因素进行了敏感性分析,算例指出,速凝型膏体对于加大充填步距,提高充填开采效率十分有利。模拟试验验证了膏体充填回收遗留条带煤柱时“采空区活化”的影响,提出了采空区活化影响程度的评价方法,并对各影响因素进行了正交计算分析,结果表明,采空区活化对地表沉陷影响的主要因素是条带采宽,充填体的强度次之。介绍了岱庄煤矿膏体充填工业性应用情况,并将本文研究成果应用于岱庄煤矿膏体充填开采方案的设计,理论计算与实际应用结果比较接近。

【Abstract】 It is one of the main methods of Three Under coal mining to recycle the left stripcoal pillars by paste filling. Paste filling mining can achieve the best effect insubsidence control. But in the meantime, the method faces great pressure of reducingcost and promoting efficiency. Based on the characteristics of recycling strip coalpillars by paste filling, the dissertation has made analyses and researches from thefollowing aspects:(1) Having made up the new type of rapid hardening paste fillingmaterial, which provides the condition to shorten the cycle of filling mining.(2)Having put forward the method of determining the supporting strength of fillingworking face for the sake of subsidence control and working face safety, whichprovides the theoretical basis for enhancing hydraulic support design and reducingmanufacturing cost.(3) Having built the interaction model of the filling body and theimmediate roof according to the moving and deforming rules of paste filling workingface roof, which provides the basis for matching filling interval and the early strengthperformance of paste material.(4) Having verified the influence of goaf activation bysimulation tests and put forward the evaluating method of activation degree, whichprovides references for subsidence prediction of recycling strip coal pillars by pastefilling.We have developed cementing paste and rapid hardening paste on the basis ofconventional cement paste and have tested the mechanical performance indexes of thethree types of paste. The result suggests that cementing paste and rapid hardeningpaste have such qualities as rapid hardening and high strength at early period whichprovides the condition to shorten the cycle of filling mining. They represent thedeveloping direction of paste material.One of the differences between filling mining and caving mining is that thedesign of supporting strength on the paste filling working face has to meet therequirements of controlling overlying rock and subsidence and resisting the lateralpressure of paste. The dissertation puts forward the theoretical formula of supportingstrength on the filling working face and analyzes the influences of lateral thrust frompaste material on the support of the slant working face. We hold that the lateral thrustfrom paste material is one of the reasons for higher supporting strength of supportdesign. Therefore, rapid hardening paste is an inevitable choice to reduce supportingstrength of support design and the manufacturing cost. The clamped beams model of the interaction of the filling body and theimmediate roof provides the theoretical calculating method to analyze the stability ofthe immediate roof at the early strength period of the filling body. We provide thedetermining process of filling interval through two typical calculating examples underthe conditions of medium stable roof and unstable roof. We also make a sensitivityanalysis of the major influence factors. Calculating examples point out that rapidhardening paste is favorable to increasing filling interval and improving filling miningefficiency.Simulation tests have verified the influence of goaf activation in the process ofrecycling strip coal pillars by paste filling. We put forward the evaluating method ofgoaf activation degree and make an orthogonal calculation analysis of variousinfluencing factors. The result indicates that the main influencing factor of goafactivation on subsidence is strip mining width, next to which is the strength of thefilling body.The dissertation introduces the situation of industrial application of paste fillingin Daizhuang Coal Mine. The research findings of the dissertation have been appliedin the design of paste filling mining scheme in Daizhuang Coal Mine. The result oftheoretical calculation is close to that of practical application.


