

On Human Resource Management of Basketball Teachers of High Physical Educational Institutions

【作者】 贾丽娟

【导师】 杨鹏飞;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 民智则国强,实现民智,则要兴教育,教育质量的高低又取决于人,对人的资源的科学管理是21世纪世界发展的主流,是推动经济发展、促进社会进步的重要途径,对高等体育院校篮球教师人力资源管理的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。高等体育院校篮球课程的发展对我国篮球运动的发展起着重要的支撑作用,对高等体育院校篮球教师进行科学有效的人力资源管理,能够合理的配置教师人力资源,充分发挥教师的积极性和创造性,深层次地挖掘教师的潜能,使教师的素质能够更加适应篮球课程的需要,对高等体育院校篮球课程的发展,以及对我国篮球运动的发展都将起到重要作用。同时,对高等体育院校篮球教师这一较小组织进行人力资源管理研究,可以发挥其改革窗口的作用,可以为高等体育院校乃至高校教师人力资源管理研究提供思路及参考。本文以我国现有14所独立高等体育院校的篮球教师人力资源管理为研究对象进行研究,论文首先分析了了我国高等体育院校篮球教师人力资源现状及人力资源管理存在的问题,并通过实证分析对我国高等体育院校篮球教师人力资源管理研究思路进行构建。本文对高等体育院校人力资源管理的研究是以资源动态配置为基础,结合三元激励机制和多维绩效考核系统进行的。高等体育院校篮球教师人力资源管理体系研究在资源配置方面,提倡动态配置。根据篮球课程的发展定位,对教师的构成比例进行合理配置,并重点对篮球教师人力资源的获取、培训和开发方面进行了优化。其次,从教学行为、科研行为、集体工作行为三个维度构建了高等体育院校篮球教师三元激励机制。在对篮球教师绩效评定的研究中,通过分析现行篮球教师绩效考核过程存在的问题与缺陷,提出了教师全面考核的原则,给予指标集成的篮球教师绩效考核表,构建了包括教学成果、科研成果、隐性教育投入、集体或团队工作贡献四个模块的高等体育院校篮球教师人力资源管理多维绩效考核体系。

【Abstract】 Only when people are intelligent can country be strong. To realize the intelligence ofpeople, the education must be propagated. However, human being is the decisive factor ofteaching quality. In21stcentury, the scientific management of human resources,the crucialway to push forward economic development and social progress, is the main trend ofdevelopment all over the world. What’s more, it also has practical significance for theresearch on human resource management of basketball teachers in colleges and universities.The development of basketball disciplines of high physical educational institutes plays acrucial role in the development of basketball in china. The scientific and effective humanresource management of basketball teachers in physical colleges and universities can realizethe rational allocation of teachers’ human resource and take full advantage of initiative andcreativity of physical teachers. Potential abilities of basketball teachers should be tapped fromdeep depth to adapt the quality of physical teachers to meet the requirement of basketballdisciplines. All of these elements would definitely play an important role in the developmentof basketball disciplines in physical colleges and universities as well as the development ofbasketball in our country. Simultaneously, conducting human resources management researchon basketball teachers in physical colleges and universities which is a relatively smallorganization can bring its function of reform model into full play and provide concepts andreference for human resource management of teachers of physical colleges and universitiesand of teachers of higher education.This thesis conducted an empirical study on human resource management of basketballteachers of the existing14P.E. institutes and universities in our country. Firstly, it analyzedthe present situations and problems of human resource management of basketball teachers ofphysical colleges and universities of our country and constructed the concepts of humanresources management of basketball teachers in our country’s physical colleges anduniversities through an empirical study. The research is mainly based on dynamic resourceallocation and combined with three dimensions inspire mechanism and various dimensionsperformance appraisal system. As to the resource allocation, it advocates dynamic resourceallocation. The ratio of teachers would be rational allocated according to the location of development of basketball disciplines and the emphasis would be laid on the optimization ofacquisition, training and development of human resource of basketball teachers. Secondly, thethree-dimension incentive mechanism of teachers of basketball teaching and research sectionhas been constructed from the three dimensions of teaching behavior, researching behaviorand collective working behavior. During the study of the performance appraisal of teachers,through analyzing the present problems and shortcomings in the process of performanceassessment, the principle of all-round assessment of teachers and providing index-integratedtable of performance appraisal of teachers were proposed, thus the system of variousdimensions performance appraisal of teachers of human resources of basketball teaching andresearch section of physical colleges and universities in our country has been constructed.

  • 【分类号】G841-4;G647.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】113

