

Research on Convergent Growth of Sports Industry

【作者】 李燕燕

【导师】 高雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球产业融合趋势的迅猛发展,体育产业新型业态诸如马拉松旅游、高尔夫城市地产、冰雪旅游、赛马游憩休闲产业、电子竞技运动等不断涌现,体育产业融合趋势亦正逐步增强。体育产业融合成长,即根据产业演进的客观要求,突破产业界限,充分利用工业革命和科技成果,采用新兴的经营理念和管理模式,有力扩展体育产业发展空间,在体育及其相关产业渗透、重组与交叉中实现区域资源的优化配置,从而构建新的产业价值链,进而取得体育产业创新型发展。从产业价值链的视角看,体育产业融合成长使原本分立的产业价值链部分或全部实现动态重构,通过体育产业发展的创新模式,提高资源利用率,更大范围实现区域经济效益和社会效益的有机统一。就交易成本而言,体育产业融合成长,要求企业跨体育从事多角度经营管理,注重组织创新并实现外部市场交易企业内部化。本文拟在产业经济学、区域经济学、社会学等理论的指导下,以产业融合为视角,立足体育产业自身的产业特性和基本特征,通过其他产业融合发展的借鉴吸收和体育产业融合相关案例的分析与总结,重点探讨我国体育产业融合的动力因素、模式及效应分析,以期实现产业融合应用研究的创新。本文研究结果如下:(1)体育产业融合是基于体育消费需求高级化、价值主张变迁、技术创新、政府管制等干预,体育产业内部或与其他产业间,产业要素相互交叉、渗透导致原有产业边界模糊或收缩,进而形成新的产业形态的动态发展过程。其基本特征为:需求主导性、价值延展性、创新系统性、规制协调性。根据不同产业范围内产业价值链链解构与重构特征,体育产业融合可分为重组型融合、交叉型融合、综合型融合。(2)产业演进规律、技术进步与创新、消费需求高级化、体育企业竞争与协同、政府政策导向共同构成了体育产业融合的动力系统。一般来说,体育产业融合可分为技术渗透式、功能复合式、市场共拓式和资源共享式四种不同的融合模式。(3)以奥林匹克花园的创立为标志,体育社区实现了体育与房地产硬件与软件双重对接与渗透,并整合品牌格调与多元功能实现了社区的升级。(4)在西方发达国家,由于市场经济的高度发展、滑雪旅游需求的持续繁荣、休闲娱乐生活方式的不断发展,滑雪旅游融合发展程度较高,已经成长为一门独立的、较为成熟的融合型产业体系。(5)鄂西神农架林区旅游总产值变动1%,引起GDP正向变动约0.0419%;GDP变动1%引起旅游总产值变动0.2706%;林区旅游产业综合关联度为0.3586。从竞技滑雪、大众滑雪健身到滑雪休闲旅游度假,神农架国际滑雪场的市场定位随着需求格局的变迁,不断实现产品与业务的创新发展。冬季滑雪旅游成为该林区旅游裂变式发展的重要支撑。(6)推进我国体育产业融合发展的对策主要包括:以“大融合”统领泛体育产业未来发展、培育和壮大具有市场竞争力的体育企业、以管理体制改革实现多产业对话与协调机制、以体育产业集群推进体育产业融合发展、注重融合型体育人才的培养。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global industrial convergence trends,the new layout ofsports industry are emerging, such as marathon tourism, golf city real estate,ski touring,sportsreal estate, horse racing leisure industry and e-sports. The trend of industrial convergence isalso strengthening.The sports industrial integration includes the following aspects: accordingto the objective requirements of industrial evolution, break industry bounds, make full use oftechnological achievements of industrial revolution, adopt new business ideas andmanagement models,extend the development of space in sports industry, realize regionalresource allocation in sports and penetration, recombination and cross of relatedindustries,and to build a new industry value chain, achieving the innovativedevelopment.From the perspective of the industry value chain theory, convergent growth ofsports industry to make the value chain reconfiguration accomplished through thedevelopment of innovative models, improve resource utilization, achieve greater scope ofeconomic benefits and social effects.In terms of Transaction costs, the growing integration ofthe sports industry requires companies to engage in multi-angle management, focusing onorganizational innovation and realizing external transaction interiorization.Under the guidance of industrial economics, regional economics and sociology, the paperanalyzes the characteristics and basic feature from the perspective of industrial convergencethrough related cases of the development of other industries and the integration of sportsindustry.The results in this paper are as follows:(1)Based on the high level of sports consumption, the change of value proposition,technology innovation and government regulation and intervention, the integration of sportsindustry is a dynamic development process of forming new industry conformations on thebasis of intercross and interpenetration among different industries which lead to the shorten orvague of original industry boundary. Its basic characteristics are:systemic innovation,demanddominant,value extension,regulation coordination. According to the scope that the industryinvolves and covers, and combined with the characteristics of the industry chain and industryrestructuring in the dynamic development process of the integration of sports industry, it can be divided into three parts: restructuring amalgamation, cross amalgamation and integratedamalgamation.(2)The basic rule of the sports industry development, technology innovation, high-levelsports demand, the competition and coordination of sports enterprise and governmentguidance constitute the motivating factor of the sports industry amalgamation. Generallyspeaking, the amalgamation can be divided into four different models: the osmosis technology,multiple functions, market extension and resource sharing.(3) Marked with the foundation of the Olympic garden, sports community realizeddouble docking and infiltration of the hardware and software in the real estate, and integratebrand style and multiple functions to achieve the upgrading of sports community.(4)In the western developed countries, due to the high development of market economy,a sustained boom of Ski travel demands, and the continuous development of leisure lifestyle,the ski tourism integration development degree is higher than before, which has grown into anindependent and mature integrated industrial system.(5)The output value of the western HuBei ShenNongJia tourism has changed1%, whichleads to about0.0419%of GDP positive changes;1%change in GDP causes0.2706%changein gross output value of tourism; Tourism industry comprehensive correlation degree is0.3586. From competitive ski and popular ski fitness to ski leisure tourism resort,with thechange of demand patterns, ShenNongJia international ski resort market positioning isrealizing the innovation of the product and business development.Winter ski tourism hasbecome the important support of the fission type development of tourism.(6)The integration of the development of China’s sports industry will have beenenhanced through the five measures: the future development of the Pan-sports industry isguided by the "great fusion",nurture and grow the sport enterprise market competitiveness,achieve multi-industry management system dialogue and coordination mechanisms byreforming management system, promote the development of integration of sports industry bythe sports industry cluster,focusing on integration of sports talents cultivation.

【关键词】 体育产业融合创新产业链
【Key words】 sports industryconvergentinnovationindustry chain

