

Research on the Essence and Value of Basketball

【作者】 李彦龙

【导师】 孙义良;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 为研究篮球运动的本质与价值之所在,本研究依据黑格尔的本质论、价值理论、需求理论、质量互变理论为基础,从篮球运动起源时期的篮球游戏、奥运会时期竞技篮球、篮球以课程的形式进入学校时期的学校篮球、大众参与时期的大众篮球、职业化时期的职业篮球、特殊时期的篮球外交到20世纪末期的篮球表演、21世纪初期的篮球文化,按照篮球运动的本质与价值的拓展过程,以篮球运动的本质与价值为研究对象,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、历史研究法、案例分析法、比较法相结合的研究方法,研究主要观点如下:1、篮球运动本质与价值是随着社会发展和人们的需要而不断拓展,不断丰富的。起源时期,篮球运动技战术单一,规则简单,篮球运动的本质就是游戏,人们参与篮球运动的目的是获得快乐,主要价值就是娱乐。2、由于篮球运动的趣味性,得到了世界各国人们喜爱,迅速成为了奥运会项目。此时,篮球运动的本质已不仅仅是一种游戏,更是强对抗下的比准。其主要价值也不仅仅是娱乐,更是运动员在奥运赛场上挑战极限,超越自我,彰显生命活力,为国争光。3、奥运会时期,篮球运动得到了迅猛的发展,很快篮球以课程形式进入学校这个育人环境里,成为了教育青少年学生的一种育人手段,此时,篮球运动的本质与价值得到了进一步拓展,学校篮球运动的本质是育人课程,其主要价值为教育。4、篮球游戏的趣味性、竞技篮球的引领性以及学校篮球的良好开展,使篮球运动得到了广大人们群众喜爱,大众篮球参与范围广、身体对抗小、随意性大、娱乐性强、形式简单、易组织,表明大众篮球是人们健身娱乐的一种体育活动方式,其本质为“修身养性”,价值是满足锻炼人群健康的需要。5、篮球运动的迅猛发展和广大球迷的喜爱与需求,世界各大洲逐渐开始了篮球运动职业化,运动员通过提供专业化的技能竞赛,获得丰厚的利润,职业化时期,篮球运动的本质与价值得到了进一步的拓展,已经成为一种功利性质的专业化劳动,职业篮球的价值主要是经济价值。6、在特殊时期,应社会和国家政治的需要,多个篮球外交的案例证实,篮球运动的本质拓展为沟通与交流,篮球运动的价值已经超越了篮球的范畴,对协调国际关系、激发爱国热情、振奋民族精神、增强民族凝聚力起着重要的作用,其主要价值体现为政治价值。7、20世纪末期,篮球专业化水平的提高,篮球竞赛与表演给人们以美的享受,通过探讨篮球运动的精美绝伦的技巧美、变幻莫测的战术美、激烈的对抗美、人体的自然美、团结战斗的精神美、胜利时的喜悦美与失败中的悲壮美,结果表明美学视角下篮球竞赛与表演的本质是美,其主要价值是欣赏价值。8、21世纪初期,篮球运动已经成为了一种文化,其本质与价值得到了进一步拓展,通过对篮球文化的概念、分类以及特征进行论述,并从文学的角度分析和讨论了篮球运动本质与价值。结果表明,篮球文化的本质是“化人”与“人化”,篮球运动具有了文化的价值。9、高度概括篮球运动的“本质”是:“源于原始意义上的游戏活动,但又随着社会的变迁不断附加游戏规则或适应人们欣赏特征的更高级的人文体育运动”。篮球运动的“价值”是“满足人们休闲娱乐与欣赏的需要,引领健康的生活方式,增进人们之间的团结,促进社会的稳定,彰显国家实力,并是人类创造财富的基石”。10、篮球运动本质与价值的特质是项目的发展性、需求的主导性、价值的拓展性。关系是“承前启后”、“相互作用”、“相互包含”、“相互依存”、“递进发展”的。表现形式是多样化发展、多渠道衍生、多形式运用、多维度展示。功能作用主要是具有影响力、吸引力、融合力、创新力。

【Abstract】 In order to study basketball’s essence and value, this study is based on the essence of Hageltheory, value theory, demand theory, quality mutual changed theory from the basketball movementoriginated in entertainment basketball, during the Olympic Games basketball, and basketball tocourses of forms entered school times of school basketball, and mass participation times of massbasketball, and professional times of career basketball, and special times of basketball diplomaticto20th century late of basketball performances, and21st century early of basketball culture, Inaccordance with the nature and value of basketball development process, based on the nature andvalue of basketball as the subjects, literature, historical analysis, expert interviews, case studies, acomparative law study on the combination of methods, research main points are as follows:1. Basketball essence and value is expanding with the development of society and the people,enrich the. During the period of the origin, basketball tactics single, simple rules, essence ofbasketball is a game, people play basketball to get happiness, its main value is entertainment.2. Due to the interest of basketball has been popular with people all over the world, and quicklybecame an Olympic sport. At this point, the essence is not just a game of basketball, is underintense confrontation. Its main value is more than just entertainment, more athletes at theOlympics to push the limits, beyond the self, highlighting the vitality and glory to the country.3. During the Olympic Games, basketball has developed rapidly, soon to enter the schoolbasketball curriculum form the educational environment, as a means of educating, education ofyoung students at this time, the essence and value of basketball has been further expanded, natureof school basketball is education course, its main value promotion education.4. The basketball game interesting, basketball and good school basketball, the basketballmovement gained people’s favorite, the populace basketball in range, the body against small,optional sex is big, strong entertainment, simple, easy, show that the basketball is a sports fitnessentertainment, its essence is "self-cultivation", value is meet the needs of health exercise crowd.5. The rapid development of basketball and the fans ’ favorite and demand, professional basketballin all continents of the world gradually begins, by athletes to provide professional skillcompetition, reap huge profits, the professional, the nature and value of basketball has beenfurther expanding, has become something of a utilitarian nature of specialized labor, majoreconomic value is professional basketball.6. At special times, and political needs of the community, with multiple basketball diplomacy caseconfirmed that the essence of basketball development for communication and exchanges, thevalue of basketball has gone beyond the scope of basketball, valued for harmonious internationalrelations and boosting the national spirit, inspire patriotism, enhanced national cohesion plays animportant role, its main value to political values.7.20th century late, basketball specialization level of improve, basketball race and performances to people to beauty of enjoy, through discussion basketball movement of superb of skills beauty,and vagaries of tactical beauty, and fierce of confrontation beauty, and human of natural beauty,and solidarity fighting of spirit beauty, and victory of joy beauty and failed in the of stirring beautyof characteristics, results indicates that aesthetics perspective basketball race and performances ofnature is beauty, its main value is ornamental value.8. Beginning of the21st century, basketball has become a culture, its essence and value have beenfurther expanded, through to discuss the concepts, classifications and characteristics of basketballculture, and from the perspective of literary analysis and discussion of the basketball sport natureand value. Results indicate that basketball is the essence of the culture of “Influences man” andthe “Human’s socialization”value of basketball culture.9. The basketball movement “essence” is:“from the original meaning of the game, but with thechange of society continue to additional rules or meet people and ornamental characteristics ofhumanistic sports more advanced”. The basketball movement “value” is “satisfy the people’sentertainment and ornamental needs, leading a healthy life style, enhance the unity among thepeople, promote social stability, highlight the national strength, and is the cornerstone of wealthcreated by mankind”.10. Basketball essence and value is the nature of project development, the demand oriented, valuedevelopment. Relationship is “link”,“interaction”,“reciprocity”,“interdependence”,“progressivedevelopment”. Form is diversification, multi-channel, multi form, derived using multi dimensiondisplay. Function mainly has influence, attraction, fusion, innovation.

【关键词】 篮球运动特征本质价值拓展
【Key words】 BasketballFeaturesEssenceValueExpand

