

Formation and Transformation Process of Educational System for High Physical Education Major in New China

【作者】 彭建军

【导师】 谢雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以新中国高等体育专业教育制度的形成与变迁过程为宏观背景,以中国体育专业教育(独立体育学院、综合性(师范)大学体育院、系)为具体研究对象,从新中国高等体育专业教育制度的演变历程、新中国高等体育专业教育制度发展演变的主要特点及其形成原因、新中国高等体育专业教育制度的演变对今天乃至未来我国高等体育专业教育的发展、改革和创新的启示三个角度切入。通过对新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成与变迁历史过程的具体考证,以我国的社会历史背景和全国高等教育的发展历史为依托,以新中国高等体育专业教育制度在这一背景中的产生、发展和变化为主线,以史为鉴,从历史的角度考察和研究新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成、发展的脉络以及相关的推动因素,分析不同历史阶段高等体育专业教育制度发展演变过程,探寻中国高等体育专业教育制度的发展轨迹与规律,总结新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成的规律性经验,揭示新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成与变迁的阶段特征,拓展高等体育专业教育理论研究新的领域和空间,丰富和深化高等体育专业教育理论和教育史研究的内容,填补我国高等体育专业教育发展史方面的或缺,开辟高等体育专业教育理论研究新的生长点,以期为探索有中国特色的高等体育专业教育发展之路提供参考和历史借鉴。依照上述研究思路和逻辑顺序,本文主要围绕以下几方面的内容展开论述:(1)新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成的基础——中国近代体育教育之追溯。本部分以近代体育专业教育制度在中国的形成和发展演变历程为主线索,内容主要包括近代体育教育产生的历史背景和起源、近代体育专业教育制度的初步确立与发展历程等方面内容展开分析考察。(2)新中国高等体育专业教育制度的初创和形成。本部分着重对新中国高等体育专业教育的基本结构框架——单科性体育学院、综合性(师范)大学体育系、科形成过程的特点及其原因进行考察,对院系调整的目的、过程、方法及其新的高等体育专业教育制度的特点进行实证分析,力求分析理清新中国高等体育专业教育制度基本框架的确立过程。(3)新中国高等体育专业教育制度的全面拓展。本部分主要从微观和宏观教育两方面对新中国高等体育专业教育的专业设置、课程体系、学位制度、研究生教育、招生、毕业生分配等各种制度的形成、发展和变迁过程进行考察,探讨新中国高等体育专业教育制度体系的形成、发展和完善过程,以全面地把握新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成与变迁过程的实质与全貌。本文的主要研究成果及结论为:1.对新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成与变迁的整个历史发展进程进行了系统的梳理和具体考证,形成了一个较为完整、客观的新中国高等体育专业教育制度史料链,填补了我国高等体育专业教育史在这一研究领域的空白。2.从历史的角度考察和探究了新中国高等体育专业教育制度形成、发展的脉络以及相关的推动因素,分析了不同历史阶段我国高等体育专业教育发展演变过程,探寻了我国高等体育专业教育的发展轨迹与规律,总结了我国高等体育专业教育形成的历史经验和教训,揭示我国高等体育专业教育形成与变迁的阶段特征。3.在上述研究的基础上,得出如下结论:(1)新中国高等体育专业教育制度的变迁规律为:①社会政治、经济制度变革是高等体育专业教育制度变迁的初始动力;②教育规律和学术属性是高等体育专业教育制度变迁的基本前提;③人的全面发展是高等体育专业教育制度变迁的客观宗旨;④文化传承是高等体育专业教育制度变迁的本质需求。(2)新中国高等体育专业教育制度的基本特征为:①多元化行政约束机制;②行业化集权管理体制;③“衙门化”办学模式。(3)新中国高等体育专业教育制度变迁的路径为:①“自上而下”的变迁途径;②“强制性”的变迁方式。(4)新中国高等体育专业教育制度发展变迁的根本性启示.为:①理顺高等体育院校与政府的行政管理关系,强化学校的办学自主权;②高等体育专业教育的发展应与所处的社会制度环境相适应;③高等体育专业教育既要适应社会政治、经济的发展,又不能偏离其自身发展的规律;④加强教育立法,促进高等体育专业教育的民主化、法制化;⑤倡导民主办学、教授治学,还学术权力于学术;⑥高等教育去“行政化、衙门化”

【Abstract】 This subject takes formation and transformation process of educational system forhigh physical education major in New China as a macro background, takes Chinesephysical education major (independent physical education institutes, physicaleducation institutes and departments in comprehensive (normal) university as aconcrete research object. It follows such basic research principles as unification ofhistory and logic, unification of conclusion and deduction, unification of experienceand dialectic thinking under guidance of dialectical materialism and historicalmaterialism of Marxism. In the specific research pro cess, it gives consideration toboth micro analysis on selected points and macro discussion on the entire field toinsist a history research principle of “Value Neutrality”. For research method, itmainly uses historical method and concurrently refers and absorbs certain methods ofmodernization theory, education and sociology etc. It uses method of comparison anddemonstration to deploy restrictive research for formation and transformation ofeducational system for high physical education major in New Chin a based on thepredecessors’ existing research achievements. On basis of sorting and tappingeducational information of modern and contemporary high physical education major,it starts with three aspects from evolvement course of Chinese modern andcontemporary high physical education major, main features and causes ofdevelopment and evolvement of system for high physical education major in NewChina, inspiration of evolvement for system for high physical education major in NewChina to development, reform, and innovation of present even future high physicaleducation major in China. Through concrete textual research of formation andtransformation historical process of system for high physical education major in NewChina, it relies on Chinese social and h istorical underground and development historyof national high education, takes generation, development, evolution, and change ofeducational system for high physical education major in New China under thisbackground as a main clew to make an overall anal ysis, investigation, and research onmeso level. It thinks and explores formation and transformation of system for highphysical education major in China. Efforts are made to more fully and truly reveal itshistorical original form. Keeping in mind the pas t, it reviews and researchesformation, development sequence, and relevant propelling factors of system for highphysical education major in China, analyses development and evolvement process ofhigh physical education major in China at various historical phases, exploresdevelopment track and laws of high physical education major in China, summarizeshistorical experiences and lessons of high physical education major in China, revealsphase characteristics of formation and transformation of high physical e ducationmajor in China, develops new field and space of theoretical research of high physicaleducation major, enriches and deepens contents of theory of high physical educationmajor and research of educational history, fills the gap of development histo ry of highphysical education major in China, and pioneers a new growth point to research theoryof high physical education major to further deepen research on high physicaleducation major in China and provide for exploring development path of highphysical education major with Chinese characteristics with important historicalparameters and references. According to the above-mentioned ideas and logical sequence, it deploys research to form a research content system with clear hierarchicalstructure, and integral sections. This text consists of introduction, text, and conclusion,totally three sections.Section1-Introduction: It introduces process of subject selection and explainsvalue of subject selection and significance of research. It also sorts and organizessome concepts related to subject selection, reviews history and current situation ofacademic research in this field, and points out approaches and paths for articleresearch.Section2-Text: The text consists of three sub-sections, totally eight chapters. Sub-section1takes formation and evolution course of modern physical education in Chinaas a main clew to deploy analysis and investigation for historical underground andorigin of modern physical education as well as preliminary establishment anddevelopment course of educational system of modern physical education for purposeof necessary theoretical foundations for upcoming research. Sub-section2focuses oninvestigation to features and causes of formation process for educational system ofhigh physical education major in New China. It also demonstrates and analyzespurpose, process, and method for adjustment institutes and departments as well asfeatures of educational system for new physical education major so as to exploreestablishment pr ocess of basic framework for educational system of high physicaleducation major in New China. Sub-section3investigates formation, development,and transformation process for such educational systems as major setup, coursesystem, degree system, educatio n of postgraduate, recruitment, and distribution ofgraduate etc. for physical education major in New China from both micro and macrolevel of education to explore formation, development, and improvement ofeducational system of high physical education maj or in New China for purpose ofholding essential and overall prospective for formation and transformation process ofeducational system of high physical education major in New China in an all-roundway.Section3-Conclusion: The conclusion consists of Cha pter10and concludingremarks, totally two sub-sections. On basis of above-mentioned analysis and research,it briefly and clearly evaluates formation and transformation process of educationalsystem of high physical education major in New China. Emphasis is paid to concludebasic laws and characteristics for formation and transformation process of educationalsystem of high physical education major in New China. It also summarizes historicalexperiences and lessons for formation and transformation process of educationalsystem of high physical education major in New China, especially manycontradictions and defects as well as inspiration and prospect for physical educationmajor in new era, for purpose of providing historical reference and effective ration alhelp for development and reform of high physical education major in New China atpresent even in the future.


