

Study of Operation Management System and Toll Polity on Expressway

【作者】 姜岩飞

【导师】 郗恩崇;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路经济与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在1984年国务院出台的公路收费政策的支持下,经过将近30年的发展,我国高速公路的供给能力显著增强,运输服务水平不断提高,更为中国经济的持续高增长立下了汗马功劳,创造了良好的社会效益。然而在高速公路迅速发展的同时,高速公路暴露出来一些问题:在我国财政收入连年增加的情况下为什么还采取费收供给而不是税收供给,高速公路运营管理体制政企不分、垄断经营、效率低下,高速公路收费标准过高、收费期限混乱,收费经营权转让不规范,债务负担沉重、存在潜在风险等方面,归纳起来,以上问题主要是集中反映了我国高速公路运营管理体制及收费政策的不适。目前我国高速公路大规模建设阶段已经过去,未来建设和养护还需要一定资金投入,我国也正处于社会主义经济体制改革、行政管理体制改革、国有资产管理体制改革等改革的重要阶段,在此宏观形势下,展开高速公路的运营管理体制及收费政策研究便成为论文的选题方向和研究重点。首先,论述了高速公路运营管理体制及收费政策的基础理论。以高速公路的产生和发展为开始,对高速公路属性进行了深入剖析;界定了高速公路运营管理体制的内涵,就我国高速公路运营管理体制的演变趋势进行了分析;以公共产品理论为切入口,根据公共产品供给理论演绎出高速公路费收供给理论的合理性,也用经济模型予以解释,佐证了目前我国高速公路以收费为基础并匹配相应的政策体系的方向是正确的,同时对高速公路的收费标准、收费期限和收费豁免等主要收费政策理论进行了综述。以上为论文后续章节研究奠定理论基石。其次,分析了高速公路运营管理体制及收费政策的现状及困境。就我国高速公路运营管理体制的现状以省为单位进行了归纳,分析了面临的困境。从我国高速公路收费政策的发展历程切入,发现高速公路的收费政策主要包括高速公路的建设标准、站点设置、收费标准制定、收费期限制定、收费豁免安排、收费收入使用(只要针对政府还贷高速公路)以及收费权益转让等方面,聚焦得出高速公路收费政策中最核心的在于收费标准、收费期限和收费豁免的政策安排,通过现状分析,归纳了目前高速公路收费政策的困境。再次,就高速公路的运营管理体制改革进行了研究。高速公路运营管理体制的改革,是顶层设计的改革,核心就是要处理好高速公路发展过程中政府与市场的关系。本章主要对我国高速公路运营管理体制的改革目标定位、改革路径选择进行了阐述,根据现实情况设计了两种改革模式,并对中央投资高速公路资产管理的必要性及具体管理模式进行了论述。最后,研究了高速公路收费政策问题。主要围绕高速公路收费标准、收费年限、收费豁免等政策以及如何化解债务风险和规范特许经营提出具体的政策建议及改革思路。以匹配改革后的运营管理体制。通过以上研究,希望可以为我国高速公路良性发展提供有益借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the support of the toll road policy issued by State Council of People’sRepublic of China in1984, there is a noteworthy strengthening after30years ofdevelopment in relation to the supply capacity of expressways and increasedstandard of transportation services which led to a profound impact on the continuouseconomic growth and good social benefits. However, some problems regardingexpressway operation management exposed simultaneously with the rapiddevelopment of expressways, for instance, why not adopt tax supply instead ofcharge to supply under the circumstances of fiscal revenue increasing in successiveyears, integration of government administration with enterprise within theexpressway operation management system, monopoly, low efficiency, high toll ratescharge, disordered concession period, irregular transfer of toll road concession,massive debt burden and existed potential risks. Those summarized above can beserved as a whole to show that our expressway operation management system andtoll rates policy are not in order. Nowadays, the phase of large-scale construction ofexpressway came to an end, but a large sum of money still need to be invested inorder to maintain the road. Our country is at a significant stage of pursuing insocialist economic system reform, administrative system reform as well asstate-owned assets management system reform. Under these circumstances, theexpressway operation system and toll policy became the topic and research emphasisof the study.Firstly, research has been done referring to the basic theory of expresswayoperation management and toll policy. The emergency and development of theexpressway, to be used to deeply analyze the nature of expressway; defining theconnotation of expressway operation management system so as to analyze theevolution trend our expressway operation management system; the theory of publicgoods worked as a starter for expressing that the expressway supply theory isrationale, at meanwhile, economic models have also been adopted in order to showthat our expressway operation is in the right direction which based on tolling and several matching policies; major toll policy such as toll rates standard, concessionand fee waivers have been discussed. The mentioned above served as the theoreticalfoundation for the subsequent chapters.Secondly, the research has been done on the toll policy and the circumstances ofexpressway operation management system based on provincial scale so as to analyzethe main problems. From studying on toll policy, the core within the findings such asexpressway construction standard, site settings, toll rates standard, concession, feewaivers arrangement, use of proceedings (government loan expressway) andconcession transfer is toll rates standard, concession and fee waivers arrangement.Thirdly, the research has been done on the reform of the expressway operationmanagement system. The reform of the expressway operation management system isa top-level design with its aim to handle the relationship between the governmentand the market in the process of the development of expressway. The chapter mainlydiscussed the reform target and reform path selection of expressway operationmanagement; designed two kinds of reform model; demonstrated the necessity ofmanaging the assets of expressway whose investments from the central government.Finally, the research has been done on the toll polices of expressway whichmainly focused on proposing specific suggestions and reform ideas regarding thetopics, for instance, toll rates standard, concession, fee waivers, debt risks settlementand specification of franchise.It is expected that the above research can serve as a useful reference for how toachieve sound progress concerning expressway of china.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

