

Research on the Key Techniques of Highway Capacity Improvement under the Network Environment

【作者】 刘庆法

【导师】 陈红;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 高速公路作为经济社会发展的重要基础设施之一,是覆盖度广、机动性灵活、服务质量高的交通运输方式。在基本现代化新征程中,需要高速公路更好地发挥先行军作用,为产业转型和结构调整增进提供先导性、基础性支撑。特别是随着高速公路基础设施由大规模建设阶段向经营管理阶段逐步转移,以及高速公路路网管理和服务水平全面提升的大背景下,给高速公路交通建设、养护和管理提出了更高的要求。因此,需要高速公路在现代化建设进程中,能够更好地顺应人民群众安全便捷舒适出行的新期待,以信息化智能化为引领,进一步提升公路交通行业创新能力,适应产业结构调整、新型城镇建设和生态文明建设对高速公路发展的新要求。综上,在完善高速公路网络基础设施网络的同时,系统地研究高速公路网路网容量提升关键技术和方法,制定合理高效的路网容量提升方案,将有助于改善路网环境下的运输能力和效率,发挥其可达性、安全性、高效性、衔接性和舒适性等五大交通功能,提升高速公路网系统运行效率和服务质量。本文以高速公路路网容量为研究对象,在既有高速公路理论研究的基础上,重新诠释高速公路交通功能,提出了以可达性、安全性、高效性、衔接性和舒适性为五大功能特征的交通功能基本特征。在此基础上,结合高速公路网交通功能的内涵和基本特征,在分析高速公路交通功能影响因素的基础上,重点研究了路网环境下高速公路路网容量提升的关键技术和方法。论文的主要工作包括以下几方面:(1)首先对高速公路网交通流特性进行了详细分析。研究车辆行驶在高速公路基本路段时的车道变换、车速离散性等微观交通现象,在对称双车道元胞自动机模型的基础上,提出了一种引入了车辆速度控制规则、车道宽度控制规则和弹性安全换道间距规则的高速公路基本路段交通流元胞自动机模型。该模型通过控制速度变量和车道宽度变量,分析了大车比例及所制定的车辆换道规则等条件对高速公路路段交通流特性的影响,并利用MATLAB软件对不同条件下高速公路路段基本特性进行仿真。分析结果表明:所建模型能够模拟车辆在高速公路基本路段区域的时空变化特征;高速公路基本路段的基本特性受车速离散性、车道宽度和车道变换三者共同的影响较大,同时呈现出不同的交通拥挤等现象;提出的元胞自动机模型将可改善道路的通行能力、提高道路资源的利用效率。(2)在分析整个高速公路路网容量影响因素的基础上,考虑高速公路交通出行特性,从不同的交通出行需求形态出发,基于双层数学规划模型,构建了路网容量基本模型、路网容量极限模型和路网容量扩张模型。针对三种路网容量模型,设计了基于多智能系统的蚁群算法求解路网容量基本模型,基于局部线性优化的遗传模拟退火算法求解路网容量极限模型,基于相继平均法的遗传算法求解路网容量扩张模型。最后以山东省高速公路为例对模型进行了实例验证。分析结果表明:通过路网容量基本模型可以计算出路网的实际高速网容量;极限模型可以进一步挖掘路网容量的潜力,得到更为充分利用下的路网容量;扩张模型通过确定路网中的瓶颈路段并进行改造,进一步的提升网容量。三种情形下的路网容量模型为最优的路网规划、路网改造和研究路网容量提供了有效的理论依据。(3)以复杂网络理论为基础,对高速公路交通网络容量的可靠性进行了分析。首先,构建了高速公路网络的拓扑结构,分析了高速公路网拓扑结构的统计特性。其次,阐释了网络连通可靠性、时间可靠性和容量可靠性。针对容量可靠性,构建了高速公路网容量可靠性双层规划模型,以满足路段容量的约束条件作为双层规划模型中的上层规划,以随机用户均衡模型作为双层规划模型中的下层规划,采用灵敏度分析法和蒙特卡洛仿真模拟相结合的求解方法对其进行求解。最后,对网络进行随机和蓄意两种攻击方式,考察在两种攻击下网络的抗毁性与鲁棒性特性,并给出了实例分析。分析结果表明:服务水平越高,OD对的容量可靠性越大,当服务水平不断降低时,容量可靠性降低速度变快。路网容量可靠性模型能够较好地体现不同路网容量要求下的路网容量可靠性,可为高速公路网规划、后期运营管理及路网扩容提供理论借鉴。(4)在分析高速公路区域降级路网供需平衡的基础上,基于高速公路区域降级路网交通流平衡理论,提出了路网环境下高速公路网容量提升控制技术。通过分析高速公路网结构的脆弱性与鲁棒性,建立瓶颈路段、重要节点(枢纽)影响范围的路网拓扑结构(区域降级路网)。在此基础上,提出了路网环境下高速公路主线控制方法和匝道控制方法。根据驾驶员对出行路径判断的不确定性,引入后悔理论视角下的出行选择行为,建立了出行路径选择的随机后悔最小化模型,与随机效用最大化模型进行对比,分析出行路径选择结果的差异性。最后,以山东省高速公路为例对其容量提升控制技术进行了仿真验证。分析结果表明:对于出行者在不确定条件下对其所选择的出行路判断的不确定性,采取容错技术下的出行路径诱导是有效的,在路网环境下采取路径诱导、主线控制和匝道控制能够使得高速公路网容量提高。

【Abstract】 As one of the important infrastructure, highway is a transport mode of a cover wide,mobility, quality of service and high flexible and also the foundation of moderncomprehensive transportation system. In the new journey of basic modernization, needhighway to play the leading role better, to provide a basic support of the industry transition,structure adjustment and development of agglomeration. Especially with the highwayinfrastructure from large-scale construction stage to transfer management stage, as well asagainst this background which highway network management and service levels improve,significantly enhance the ability of innovation of science and technology, highway and naturalenvironment, humanistic environment, the rapid development of regional urban, highway notonly carries road traffic, but also carries the city traffic which put forward higher requirementsof the highway traffic construction, maintenance and management. Therefore, the highway inthe modernization process can look forward better to adapt the new people safe andconvenient travel in comfort, make the intelligent information technology as the guide, tofurther improve the highway traffic industry innovation ability, the new requirements for thedevelopment of highway industry structure adjustment, the new town construction andecological civilization construction. In conclusion, at the same time with the improvement ofhighway network infrastructure network, study related the technology and method to improvethe traffic function of highway network systematically, draw up reasonable and efficienttraffic function promotion plan, will help to improve the road network transport capacity andefficiency, develop its accessibility, safety, efficiency, convergence and comfort of five trafficfunction, to improve the highway network system operation efficiency and service quality.The capacity of highway network was studied in the paper, the traffic function ofhighway was reinterpreted based on the existing theoretical research of highway. Thetransport capacity and efficiency of a given traffic conditions were also described in the paper.Five functional characteristics of safety, efficiency, connectivity and comfort were proposedas the basic characterstics of the traffic function. Therefore, on the basis of the analysis ofhighway traffic function and the connotation&features of highway network traffic capability, the key techniques and methods of enhancing the capacity of the road network under thehighway network environment were in-depth studied. The paper‘s main work includes thefollowing aspects:(1) The traffic flow characteristics of highway network were analyzed in detail. Themicroscopic traffic phenomena of lane changing, speed discrete for vehicle traveling onhighway was researched in the paper. On the basis of a symmetric double-lane cellularautomaton model, the rules of vehicle speed controlling, lane width controlling, Flexiblesecurity lane change spacing, a basic freeway traffic flow cellular automaton model waspresented. By controlling the variable of speed and lane width, the impact on highwaycapacity of the proportion of carts and formulated rules, lane changing conditions wasanalysized, and MATLAB was used in the paper to simulate the highway capacity underdifferent conditions. The results showed that: the model can simulate the temporal and spatialof vehicles on the basic section of highway, Basic freeway capacity by discrete speed, lanewidth and lane change influenced the three common, while showing a different phenomenasuch as traffic congestion, Cellular automata model proposed will improve road capacity,improve resource utilization efficiency of road.(2) On the basic of analysis the factors affecting the highway network capacity,considering the traffic features, the different forms of transportation demand and the bi-levelmathematical programming model, the paper build the general road network capacity model,the limit road network capacity model and the network capacity expansion model. For thethree kinds of road network capacity, the paper design the limit model to solve the networkcapacity based on local linear optimization genetic simulated annealing algorithm, and theexpansion model to solve the network capacity based on the successive average method ofgenetic algorithm model. Shandong provincial highway was as an example to validate themodel. The results show that, the capacity of the road network through the basic model cancalculate the actual speed network capacity Way network; limits of the model can be furthertap the potential of the road network capacity, the capacity of the road network to get moreleverage under; expansion of road network model by determining the bottlenecks and roadreconstruction, further improved network capacity. Road network capacity model under threescenarios for the optimal planning of road network, road network reconstruction and research capacity of the road network provides an effective theory.(3) Based on complex network theory the reliability of highway network capacity can beanalyzed. Firstly, the highway network topology structure is constructed and the statisticalproperties of the highway network topology are analyzed. Secondly, the connectivityreliability, travel time reliability as well as capacity reliability is elucidated. For the capacityreliability we establish a bi-level programming model, in which road segment capacityconstraint is chose as the upper planning and stochastic user equilibrium model as the lowerplanning. A combination of sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation can solve thebi-level programming model. Finally, the network invulnerability and robustness charactersare studied under the random attack and deliberate attack. Through a case study we canachieve that, the higher level of service, the greater capacity reliability of OD. Also it can befound that when level of service decrease, the reducing speed of capacity reliability increaserapidly. Road network capacity reliability model can give a better reflection of road networkcapacity reliability in different road network capacity requirements. At the same time it cangive a theoretical reference for highway network planning, management, operation, togetherwith network expansion.(4) After analyzing the balance between supply and demand of regional downgradehighway network, on the basis of regional downgrade highway network traffic flowequilibrium theory, this paper proposed key technologies and methods to enhance trafficfunction under highway network environment. By analyzing the vulnerability and robustnessof highway network structure, highway network topologies (regional downgrade highwaynetwork) are established which can reflect the affected area of bottleneck sections andimportant nodes (hubs) of the road. And then, highway mainline control and ramp controlmethods under highway network environment are proposed. Taking the uncertainty whendrivers choose their travel into account, using travel choice behavior under regret theoryperspective, route choice random regret minimization model are established and differences inroute choice results are analyzed comparing with random utility maximization model. Theresults show that, route guidance using fault-tolerant technology is effective dealing with theuncertainty when travelers choose their travel paths under uncertain conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

