

Research on the Development of Hakka Culture

【作者】 廖文

【导师】 谭元亨;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 当今世界,文化与经济、政治相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用日益突出。在中国,国家层面的文化发展战略是建设和谐文化,其主要任务是构建社会主义核心价值体系、建设中华民族共有精神家园、传播中国文化价值等。其中,对传统文化的传承是建设和谐文化的重要环节。因此,马克思主义中国化的继续推进,绕不开与传统文化的结合,这既是历史必然,也是具有时代性的研究课题。中国是个多民族国家,而民族内部由于历史传统、语言、社会经济生活等方面的差异,又存在着“亚民族”的情况,在同一民族内部形成不同的族群。这些族群是构建“多元一体”的中华民族的重要单元,也是具有相对文化独立性的实体。其中,客家族群是一个拥有特殊迁徙历史、坚守汉文化传统的汉族族群,人口数量上亿,主要分布于华南地区、台湾、香港等地,另有近两千万人广泛分布于世界各地。客家族群文化是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,以其文化的重要性、特殊性和特别的魅力,引起国内外人文研究学界的普遍关注。科学发展视域中的客家族群文化发展研究,是对客家族群、客家族群文化进行尊重传统、立足现代、面向未来的提炼总结的过程,这个过程同时也是发现过程、整合过程、参与过程、实践过程、改进过程、创新过程,甚至是一种精神洗礼升华的过程,它超越经验层面和研究层面,具有更强烈的现实意义。本研究的目的,就是在东西文化大交融的背景下,在面临新时期文化大发展大繁荣的机遇和挑战的背景下,思考如何用科学发展的视域,尊重传统,激活文化内源的生命力,“以人为本”、“博采众长”、“创新发展”地传承客家族群文化。本文以马克思主义中国化的最新成果——科学发展的文化思想的立场、观点和方法,综合运用社会学、人类学、历史学、心理学等多学科手段开展研究:通过对史料的梳理,界定客家族群的相关概念,探讨客家族群的形成历程及其文化特征,进而系统呈现客家族群及文化“多元演进”的动态进程;运用文化观察的方式分析客家族群文化的本位和普泛化精神,进行文化比较和批判,构建科学发展的客家族群文化的多学科研究框架,揭示出客家族群强烈的自我探索、自我理解和自我实现的文化动力;通过对“全球化”、“现代化”冲击下的客家族群文化发展现状的调研,寻找族群传统文化保护与文化现代化发展之间的平衡,提出在科学发展视域中构建面向未来的客家文化发展圈、实现客家文化“承”与“传”的思考。

【Abstract】 Culture, integrated with economy and politics reciprocally, has become more and moreimportant in its role and effect in enhancing comprehensive national strength at presettimes.In China, the cultural development strategy on national level is to build harmoniousnational culture, with the major goals of constructing the system of socialistic core values,building up common spirits for our nation, and exporting Chinese culture to the world, etc.The inheritance of traditional culture is the essential part of constructing harmonious nationalculture.In this sense, it is crucial and necessary for us to study the topic----CulturalDevelopment of Hakka People in Scientific Development for the purpose of continuallypromoting the Sinicism of Marxism.China is a country with various ethnic groups. Due to the differences of traditions,languages, and economic and social life within each group,sub-ethnic groups have beenformed.Thesesub-ethnic groups are the unique parts that form pluralistic integration of ournation.Hakka People,with a unique history of migration and a pride in inheriting Chinesetraditional culture, is the sub-ethnic group in the Han nationality. Ithas a population of over100million mainly living in South China region, Taiwan and Hong Kong, with about20million living overseas.Hakka culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, andits significance, uniqueness and charisma have drawn a wide range of attention fromresearchers of human studies domestically and internationally.The research on Hakka cultural development in the view of scientific development is aprocess based on the respect for cultural traditions, and a process based on present situationand faced for the future. It is also a process to discover, integrate, participate, practice,improve, andinnovate Hakka culture per se. In addition, it is a process to refresh our mind,beyond the empirical level of experience and the meaning of research. All these are of greatsignificance.The aim of this research is to pave a road to respect our traditions and activate the culturein the complex cultural background with a purpose of inheriting the culture of Hakka Peoplecreatively, based on people-oriented perspectives and the spirits of learning widely fromothers, against the backdrop of culture blending of the East and the West.Based on the viewpoints and methods of scientific development, the latest result of theSinicism of Marxism in China, we resort to different analysis and research methods of variousdisciplines, including sociology, anthropology, history, psychology, to sort out historicalmaterials, define relevant concepts of the Hakka culture and inquire into the formation process and cultural characteristics of the sub-ethnic group. In this way, we havesystematically drawn up a picture for cultural development of the group. We use the methodof observation to analyze the targets, compare the targets with others, and construct amultidisciplinary research system for in-depth discovery. As a result, we found that the HakkaPeople had a motivation of self-exploration, self-understanding and self-realization. Bystudying the current situation of the Hakka People under the influence of globalization andmodernization, and searching for a balance of cultural protection and development of theethnic group, we put forward an idea of constructing a cultural-orientated development circleto impart and inheritthe Hakka culture.


