

A Study on the Culture of Temple Roofs Decoration in Southern Fujian, Eastern Guangdong and Taiwan

【作者】 王永志

【导师】 唐孝祥;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 庙宇乃闽、粤、台三地信仰之寄托及其庶民文化之荟萃,屋顶装饰内容与装饰形式,完整体现此三地庶民文化的时代性与地域性。藉由装饰图像的分析研究认识蕴藏于审美现象背后的审美意涵与审美规律,是美学研究向建筑历史探索和理论落实的重要贡献。本文以广泛而扎实的调研,对闽南、粤东、台湾这文化与地缘关系深厚紧密的三地庙宇屋顶装饰进行分析,藉由建筑学、文化学、图像学等跨学科领域的角度,析以功能性、文化性、地域性之论证,解读装饰图像隐藏的深层蕴意与文化象征,揭示长久以来隐匿于闽、粤、台三地庙宇屋顶,晦而未明的审美逻辑关系与理论系统。三地区庙宇高度相似的建筑布局与风格,归因于相似的自然环境与同源的文化背景,深受封建文化与礼教制度的影响,呈现于和谐有序、敬天重人、师法自然、细腻琐碎、亲海而艳彩的装饰风格。装饰体量、图样、材料与技法之差异,则导因于地域性气候、社会、物产、经济与科技发展之差异,以致于形成台湾之装饰形式、图样、体量、材料较闽粤两地更多元且丰富。经多层次之装饰解读,导引出三地文化承袭建构潜在共性、地域特性造就审美风格、以及时代发展导引审美价值的建筑审美文化特征,藉由“敬”、“畏”的态度与五行、风水的理论克服潜在恐惧,体现以海为主的文化属性,凝聚出紧密且浓烈的认同感,衍生出追高竞丽的炫耀性,并汇聚形成纳新守旧以博采兼融的审美价值。庙宇屋顶装饰呈现三地人民坚守的传统精神、追寻的生存价值,藉由从建筑美学入手之审美文化研究,是真正深入认识三地建筑、文化、社会差异,理解地域性文化当前处境与困境之手段,也是探求地域性潜在文化、建立彼此深层互动的有效方法,对庙宇屋顶装饰此重要文化资产除极需予以重视,更应投入更高度之研究与保护。

【Abstract】 Temples in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan represent their local popular culture and arethe home for believers to sustain their faith. The contents and styles of the decoration on theirroofs fully reflect the features of the times and localities of the popular cultures in theseregions. By means of analytical research on those decorative icons, the recognition of thesignificance and the rules behind those aesthetic phenomena is the great contribution of theaesthetic research to the materialization of the architecture theories and to the substantialexploration of the architecture history. This study uses comprehensive and solid research toanalyze temple roofs decoration in the regions of southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong andTaiwan. Through the understanding of local social environment and regional culture, thisstudy extracts from the decorative icons on temple roofs their in-depth meanings anddiscovers their symbolic role in the culture. This study also uncovers the vague aesthetic logicrelationship and aesthetic theoretical system, both of which have long been hidden behind thetemple roofs decoration in the above three regions.Through exploration in relevant literatureas well as analysis of investigation results, it becomes clear that the similarity of the templearchitectural layouts and styles among the three regions is due to their similar naturalenvironment and the similar cultural background. Deeply influenced by the feudal culture andthe Chinese Confucian doctrines, temple decorations in all the three regions imitate thedelicacy and subtlety of their natural environment, using bright colors and showing aconnection with the sea. They also demonstrate the sense of harmony and order as well as therespect to gods and to people. Differences among the three areas in terms of volume, patterns,materials and techniques are due to their regional differences in climate, societies, productsand their development in economics and technology. Consequently, Taiwan’s roof decorationsare more diverse and rich in their styles, volume, patterns and materials than that of thetemples in Fujian and Guangdong. Via multi-faceted analysis in these décor, this study elicitsthe common features shared by the three regions. These features include the intangiblecommonality deriving from the same cultural inheritance, the similar aesthetic stylesdeveloping in the vicinity and the shared architecturally aesthetic culture guided by itscontemporary aesthetic value. It was with the‘respectful’ and‘fearful’ attitude and the compliance with the theories of the Five Elements and Feng Shui that people in these regionscould overcome their deep-rooted fear, furthermore, materializing their sea-oriented culturalproperty as well as holding up a strong sense of social identity. Meanwhile, this people highlypraised the honor earned from achieving advances and beautifulness, thus, developing aconvergent aesthetic value which not only retained the traditional characteristics but alsoaccepted the new.As temple roof decorations display the traditional spirit and the humanvalue for pursuing, this important cultural asset ought to be given proper attention. By thein-depth study in aesthetically cultural research, the architectural, cultural, and socialdifferences of the three regions are made clearer. Moreover, this study serves as a means tomore understanding of the current situation and the plight of their regional cultures. Also, thisstudy suggests an effective way to the exploration of the potential regional culture and to theestablishment of an in-depth interaction among one another.

  • 【分类号】TU-86;TU238
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】511
  • 攻读期成果

