

On the Evolution of Science and Technology Thought of CCP in the New Period

【作者】 刘建城

【导师】 吴国林;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 19世纪以来,马克思主义与科学技术一直是人类历史舞台上两股最活跃的力量,而且两者之间的联系非常密切。进入21世纪后,科技革命继续蓬勃发展,并以信息化、生态化和全球化的最新态势深刻地影响着整个人类社会。而马克思主义理论在经历了一个多世纪的考验后,继续焕发出新的勃勃生机。在中国,中国共产党带领勤劳智慧的中国人民,在建设中国特色社会主义理论的指引下,在向共产主义理想拼搏奋进的道路上实现着一个又一个人类社会发展的奇迹。作为这两个伟大历史发展力量共同推动的一个结果,中国科学技术事业在新时期也实现了历史性的跨越式发展。作为二十世纪自然科学一个最新发展的系统科学和系统论,在从自然科学的角度对马克思主义唯物辩证法做出了新的继承和丰富的同时,也提供了一种重要的方法论和崭新的思维方式,对社会科学领域问题的思考也有着重要的参考和启发作用。新时期以来,我国的科技实力迅猛发展,实现了世界科技发展史上迅速崛起的伟大奇迹。基于我国新时期以来科技发展的事实,本文将尝试提出并分析的这样一个问题:新时期以来中国科学技术实力为什么如此之快地实现其跨越式发展?这个发展的路径机制和路径是如何的?我们可以从中得到什么启示?围绕以上问题,本文将参考马克思主义唯物辩证法的现代发展——系统论方法之中的概念体系和思维方式,将我国新时期中国特色社会主义建设阶段党的科技思想和理论、实践层面的科技战略、方针政策,以及科技思想和政策的科技实践成果,以明晰的形式对其组成要素和结构进行解读和分析。然后在此基础上,重点分析新时期党的科技思想在不同历史阶段演进的理论和逻辑脉络,并分析原因和总结经验。文章主要分为以下四个部分:第一部分,在绪论中将细致介绍本文研究的出发点,主要考察的问题,应对问题的逻辑思路以及所要应用的方法论、主要的文献来源等,并对相关研究的现状进行梳理、分析和总结,最后介绍本文的若干创新点和研究的意义;第二部分,在文章的第二章将对本文所讨论的“新时期”,“科技思想”,“新时期党的科学技术思想”,及“演进”等核心概念进行了解析和界定,并对新时期党的科学技术思想的理论渊源进行了探索和梳理。最后,介绍了系统论方法论与马克思主义哲学之间的关系,以及这一方法论对研究中国特色社会主义阶段中科学技术思想及科技事业的发展这一社会现象的可行性与优势。第三部分,包括文章的第三到第六章,也是文章的主体部分。这部分将视野聚焦在在我国的政治和经济社会环境内,科技思想如何在理论和实践上驱动科技水平和实力快速提升的运行机制和路径上。考察新时期各个历史阶段中,科学技术思想如何具体化为各项科学技术政策,并最终得以实现在各项科技和经济社会成果之中。我党关于如何发展科学技术的观点和理论,构成了特定时期内科技思想的主体内容之一,而作为一个执政党的科技思想在很大程度上是一种对策性的思想,与科学技术政策有着不可分割的内在关系,但同时又有明显的区别。因而,考察一定历史阶段内科技思想与科技政策的内在联系,以及科技思想如何演化为科技政策并最终在实践中结出累累硕果,是考察科技思想“演进”一个应有的纬度。第四部分,即第七章。对前述四章对新时期以来科技工作领域的运行机制,科技水平得以快速提升和科技成果得以实现的路径进行了初步探索的基础上,本章将对新时期科技思想理论作为一个整体,从科技理论的主体内容入手,分析理论整体中各主要组成要素在不同历史演化和继承发展的具体内容和特点。最后,文章从中概括出党的科学技术思想在新时期这一特殊的历史阶段所具有一般性的特征,以及科技工作中突显出的主要经验与启示。

【Abstract】 Since19thcentury, Maxism and Science and Technology have been the most twodynamic powers in the world, and the relationship between the two is very close. In21stcentury, science revolution has impacted the whole human society with new information,ecological and global trend. After tribulations in more than an entire century, the Maxismshows its vitality continually. In China, the communist party of China has leaded our diligentand wisdom Chinese people, with instruction of the socialist theory with Chinesecharacteristics, realized many development miracles ahead to the Communism. As one resultof the two powers, China’s science and technology also realizes a leap-forward developmentafter the Reform and Opening.As a new development of natural science in20thcentury, on one hand, the system theorymakes a new contribution to Maxism dialectics. On the other hand, the system theory itselfis one important part of natural science; it offers an important methodology and thinkingpattern with its contributions to our country’s science cause. This new kind of methodologyand thinking pattern does not only mean a lot to the work in natural area, it also plays animportant role in social science.In more than30years in the New Period, our country’s science and technology strengthdevelops rapidly, and realizes a great miracle in the history of the whole word. About china’sscience development in history, English scholar once posted a famous “Needham’s GrandQuestion”, also known as “the Needham Question”: Why China had been overtaken by theWest in science and technology, despite its earlier successes. This question is based on areality that its failure in science before1949, while, based on the reality that our nation’sdevelopments in science and technology since the Reform and Opening, this dissertationwould like to propose such a question: Why and how China’s science and technology causehas realized it leap-forward development so rapidly in the New Period? And comes thefollowing question: What can we learn from this historical process? With this thinking, thisdissertation will apply methodology of system theory into the analyses to the development ofchina’s science and technology cause in the New Peirod. This dissertation has four parts asfollow.The introduction part will introduce in detail how this dissertation begins, its mainsquestions, logical approaches to questions and methodologies, and also literature sources. Itwill introduce related researches, and main creative claims and conclutions. The second partwill briefly definite the concept of “new period”,“Science and Technology Thought of CCP in the New Period”, and its theoretic origins. And also the history, conceptions, methodologies,and its application of Systematology, both in natural science and social science, and also itsrelationship with Maxism. This last part will engage to explain why it is applicable in thephenomenon of science and technology development in new period in China.The third part is the main part of this dissertation, and it has four chapters, from chapter3to chapter6. This part will focuses on the operations system of science and technology inChina. To explorer how Science and Technology Thought of CCP was concretized intopolicies, and realized in various scientific and technological achievements. Claims andtheories of CCP on how to develop science and technology, constitutes the main body ofScience and Technology Thought in special period, and also has countermeasure character. Ithas inner relationship with science and technology policy, and has difference in the meantime.So, discuss the inner relationship between Science and Technology Thought and science andtechnology policy, is an indispensable part when we discuss the “the evolution of Science andTechnology Thought of CCP”.The fourth part, which is chapter7. On the base of discussion of operation frame ofscience and technology field in the four chapter forehead, this part will focuses on the mainpart of Science and Technology Thought of CCP and treats it as a whole, to discuss how itselements evolutes and develop. With this job is done, this dissertation summarizes inspirationsin the science and technology field since the new period began.


