

Research on the Content Effects on the High Temperature Performance and Application of the TLA Mixed Asphalt

【作者】 杨娥

【导师】 张肖宁;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 钢箱梁桥面沥青铺装是当前土木工程材料应用的国际性难题和研究热点,它是桥梁建设的关键技术之一,一直受到国内外桥面铺装专家的高度重视和关注。目前,比较常用的桥面沥青铺装方案主要有双层SMA类、浇注式类、沥青玛蹄脂混合料(MA)类和环氧类,其中MA混合料因具有突出的防水性能、抗老化性能、抗疲劳性能以及与钢桥面板良好的随从性和施工性,在钢桥面铺装中被认为是一种理想的材料,并在国外被广泛的应用。如今这类混合料在英国、日本等国已经形成一套完整的铺装技术规范,近年来被引入国内,并在多个实体工程中得以应用,但从使用效果看,沥青玛蹄脂混合料虽然在防水性能、低温抗裂性能、抗疲劳性能和经济方面均优于其它桥面沥青铺装材料,但是MA混合料也存在着非常明显的缺陷,即高温稳定性不足,容易产生车辙等早期病害。由于MA混合料中TLA混合沥青为其提供了40%的抗高温车辙变形性能,因而为深入分析和合理设计MA混合料,就需对MA混合料的组成材料,特别是TLA混合沥青的高温性能进行全面研究。根据国外关于MA混合料的设计和研究,MA混合料中TLA的掺量通常是为30%左右,本文依托的港珠澳大桥钢桥面MA混合料铺装层的设计研究项目,在参考香港MA混合料的成功铺装经验采用掺量为70%TLA混合沥青,为从理论上验证分析掺量70%TLA混合沥青对MA混合料高温稳定性的影响作用,就需对TLA混合沥青的组成材料和制备、TLA掺量对混合沥青高温力学性能影响等方面进行系统研究,研究70%TLA混合沥青对MA混合料高温稳定性的影响变化,这对于MA混合料的桥面铺装工程应用具有重要的理论指导意义。本文系统的研究了基于沥青桥面铺装使用的TLA混合沥青高温流变性能,建立了流变模型,并探讨了掺量对TLA混合沥青高温性能的影响、TLA混合沥青的高温变形特点以及对MA混合料高温稳定性能的影响规律。主要研究内容如下:1、在深入研究传统TLA混合沥青的制备与评价基础上,针对港珠澳大桥15.6Km钢箱梁桥面铺装工程的规模性,借鉴香港已有的TLA混合沥青成功的工程应用,考虑到桥址地区交通荷载组成和高温多雨的气候环境特点,采用TLA:70#沥青=70:30制备TLA混合沥青,分析TLA混合沥青的性能指标与TLA掺量和沥青标号的关系。2、鉴于MA在江阴大桥工程应用中出现的高温稳定性不足的问题,需从微观方面全面分析掺量70%TLA混合沥青的高温性能,并基于DMA法研究了TLA混合沥青的SHRP高温性能指标复数模量、车辙因子、相位角与频率、温度和掺量的变化关系;并基于稳态流变试验分析TLA混合沥青的零剪切粘度指标的变化规律。3、研究了不同掺量的TLA混合沥青的时温等效原理,将不同掺量的TLA混合沥青在不同加载方式下的移位因子进行计算对比分析;并基于剪切模量CAM主曲线方程对TLA混合沥青的高温流变共曲线进行分析,探讨了TLA混合沥青的高温流变参数指标与TLA掺量的关系,为采用70%TLA混合沥青提供理论依据。4、基于不同温度、应力水平下的重复蠕变恢复试验,分析不同掺量的TLA混合沥青高温变形特点和影响因素,并基于流变模型重点分析了70%TLA混合沥青的高温变形流变参数的变化规律;对不同掺量的TLA混合沥青与SBS改性沥青的高温变形差异研究,选择合适掺量的TLA混合沥青与SBS改性沥青应用于同种级配的混合料,基于车辙试验对比了TLA混合沥青与聚合物SBS改性沥青之间的高温抗变形差异。5、基于70%TLA混合沥青在桥面面铺装层中的应用研究,分析了MA混合料的高温稳定性能,研究了TLA在MA混合料的高温稳定性中的作用,并就MA车辙试验的高温稳定性能进行室外加速加载试验的验证,分析动稳定度与加速加载试验的车辙变形、硬度、贯入度、贯入度增量和冲击韧性之间的相关性。本论文从依托的工程项目所需70%TLA混合沥青的高温性能研究出发,基于DMA法分析了掺量对TLA混合沥青的高温性能影响规律,重点研究70%TLA混合沥青的高温性能变化规律及高温变形特点,从理论和实际两方面验证港珠澳大桥桥面铺装中采用掺量70%TLA混合沥青对提高MA混合料高温稳定性的作用和必要性,为桥面铺装中70%TLA混合沥青的实际生产和应用提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 The steel deck asphalt pavement is a difficult engineering problem and research focus athome and abroad. It is one of the key technologies of bridge construction, and has beensubject to a high degree of attention and concern at home and abroad deck pavement experts.At the present stage, the pavement program of domestic and abroad steel bridge deck aremain double-SMA type, Guss asphalt type, Mastic Asphalt t Mixes type, MEpoxy asphalttype,especially the Mastic Asphalt pavement type has higher waterproof, low temperaturecracking resistance, fatigue resistance, and economic aspects are superior to other types ofbridge asphalt pavement. But at the same mastic asphalt mixes there is a very obvious flaws,namely lack of high-temperature stability, prone to rutting and other early disease. BecauseTLA mixed asphalt provides40percent of its resistance to high temperature ruttingdeformation properties for the, and thus for the in-depth analysis and rational design ofmastic mixture, on the need for mastic mixture composed of materials, particularly hightemperature rheological properties of TLA conduct a comprehensive study, the paper relieson design research projects in Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Deck asphalt pavementmixture prepared from high-temperature mechanical properties of the constituent materialsand other TLA mixed Asphalt aspects of its systematic study and analyze the impact ofchanges to the high temperature stability of mastic asphalt mix, which has importanttheoretical significance for mastic asphalt mixes deck pavement engineering applications.The main contents are as follows:1.In the further study of traditional TLA mixed asphalt preparation and evaluation basis,according to the scale of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge15.6Km steel bridge deckpavement engineering, engineering application of TLA mixed asphalt in Hongkong have beensuccessful, with consideration of the characteristics of the climate and environment areabridge site traffic load and high temperature and rainy, preparation of TLA mixed asphalt withTLA:70#asphalt=70:30system, analyzing the relationship between TLA mixed asphaltperformance indexes and TLA content and asphalt grade.2.In view of the high temperature stability of MA in Jiangyin bridge engineeringapplication problem, high temperature performance analysis of the admixture of70%TLAmixed asphalt from the microcosmic aspect, and based on the DMA method on the TLA mixasphalt high temperature performance of SHRP complex modulus, complex modulus ruttingfactor, and the relationship with the phase angle and frequency, temperature and content of theTLA; Based on the steady rheological test to study the variation of the zero shear viscosity indexes of theTLA mix asphalt.3.The time temperature equivalence principle of TLA mixed asphalt different content,different dosage of TLA mixture in the shift factor under different ways of loading werecalculated and analyzed; and the shear modulus CAM principal curve equation based on HighTemperature Rheological master curve of TLA mixed asphalt were analyzed, discussed therelationship between the high temperature rheological parameters and mixture content.4.Based on the repeated creep recovery tests of the different temperature,differentstress, deformation characteristics and influence factors of high temperature analysis of70%TLA mixed asphalt, and based on the rheological model to analyze the variation ofrheological parameters of high temperature deformation. Analysis of the TLA mix asphalt andSBS modified asphalt high temperature deformation characteristics, and the application of thesame mixture gradation, high temperature rutting test comparison between TLA mixed asphaltand polymer SBS modified asphalt’s high temperature deformation performance.5.Based on the application of the TLA mixed asphal in the bridge deck pavement, themixture’s high temperature stability is analyzed, Studied the high temperature stability of theTLA mixed asphalt’s effect on the MA mixtures, the high temperature stability of the outdooraccelerated loading test verified, and analyze the correlation between the dynamic stabilityand accelerated loading test rut deformation, hardness penetration, incremental penetrationand impact toughness.Comparing practical engineering applying effects with the Mastic Asphalt mixture using70%TLA mixed asphalt. These includes indoor experiment and test road pavement, andanalysis the rutting fator before and after aging asphalt; through the study on the evaluationmethod of high-temperature performance of Mastic Asphalt mixture, this research chooses thesuitable high temperature performance evaluation methods and indicators of Mastic Asphaltmixture and analyzes the connection degree of high temperature performance influentialfactors within gray relational analysis method.This paper researches the high high temperature the rheological properties of differentcontent TLA mixed asphalt, and appraises modified high temperature effect based on anexperimental basis and mixture preparation test, and providescriteria for practical applicationcriteria for practical application.


