

Research on the Development of Agricultural Community from the Perspective of Agriculture Multiple Values in Zhengzhou Urban Fringe

【作者】 赵建华

【导师】 田银生;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 快速城镇化背景下,我国大城市郊区非农化发展倾向明显,农业的价值受到忽视和质疑,城乡空间呈现简单趋同化趋势。本研究从农业多元价值视角出发探求大城市郊区农业与空间融合发展的路径,这对于当前我国城乡一体化发展的研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。论文以郑州市为例,首先在大量调查研究的基础上分析了郑州城郊村空间演变和价值转变的阶段特征,梳理了非农化趋势下城郊村空间发展出现的新问题,指出“重形态,轻产业”是城郊农业价值流失的主要原因。当前乡村衰落、食物安全和生态污染等问题使人们重新认识到农业的重要性。在现代农业多功能发展趋势下,以土地为核心资源的农业和乡村环境能产生经济、生态、社会等多方面的价值。农业多元价值的实现,能够构建一个与城市发展互补的生产、生活、生态交融的新型城郊空间。本文通过对郑州农业发展优势的钻石模型分析,指出由于过于追求农业的经济价值,农业的生态、文化、景观等服务价值变得越来越稀缺。借鉴西方农业城市主义理论,本文指出构建城郊宜农社区是农业多元价值实现的理想途径。宜农社区是指以农业及相关产业为主导新型社区类型,由主导型社区和一般型社区组成,具有宜农的空间形态、绿色的设施支撑、和谐的社会关系、合理的空间规模4个层次的内涵特征。宜农社区的发展不仅能够为当地提供食物,缩短食物里程,还可以促进城乡要素流动,延续与传承地域文化,优化城郊空间形态,推进城乡协调发展。为了深入剖析郑州城郊农业转型与空间重构的问题,本文根据城郊地区地形地貌、农田、林地、水系等农业资源分布,绘制了农业发展机会地图,分析适宜农业发展的空间范围。并据此将郑州城郊地区划定为西南丘陵片区、北部沿黄片区、东南平原地区3个宜农片区。然后,运用AHP分析法建立宜农社区发展潜力评估体系,对片区内农业发展潜力大的村庄从经济、生态、社会价值方面进行系统评价,判断主导型社区,并以此为核心合理规划布局宜农社区单元。不同片区多样化的发展路径是农业多元价值充分实现的保障。论文对3个宜农片区的各自发展状况及特征进行了重点剖析与探究。从“农业——价值”层面揭示价值流失的原因,提炼出价值再生的机制;从“社会——空间”层面分析不同片区社会空间的变化状况,探索空间发展的措施及建议。具体结论是:西南丘陵片区林壑尤美,休闲农业发展基础较好,整体处于蓄势待发状态,适宜以社会价值激发农业多元价值的实现,引导宜农社区空间融合发展;北部沿黄片区是郑州市北部生态屏障,凭借“山、河、林、田”的黄河生态资源优势,适宜引导产业互补与空间协同发展,以生态价值带动农业多元价值的叠加实现;东南平原片区传统农业优势突出,未来依托郑汴一体化和航空港区域发展优势,以农业博览交易、商贸物流带动农业产业化,强化农业竞争力,激发经济价值的充分实现,实现空间集聚发展。最后,论文对快速城镇化过程中郑州城郊村向宜农社区转型的现实困境进行了反思,归纳出郑州城郊地区价值重组的动力机制及宜农社区的规划策略。从市场服务、经营主体、社区运作、制度补贴等方面提出实现城郊地区价值最优的操作策略和保障机制。最终,构建一个以“宜农社区”为单元的网络化城乡空间发展体系,实现有差别的城乡一体化发展。

【Abstract】 It is evident that there is a clear tendency of non-agriculturalization in the urban fringe inour country under the rapid urbanization. The value of agriculture is ignored and doubted, andthe urban-rural space appears to be simple assimilation. This research will explore for theintegration development of agriculture and space in the urban fringe from the perspective ofmultiple values of agriculture, which is of great theoretical value and realistic significancefor the urban-rural integration in our country nowadays.This paper takes Zhengzhou for an example. Firstly, it will analyze the phase features ofurban fringe villages’ spatial evolution and the changes of values, sort out the problemsoccurred in urban-rural spatial development under the non-agriculturalization trend and pointout that the main reason for the loss of agriculture value lies in “much emphasis on formswhile less on industry”.People rediscover the importance of agriculture by the decay of country, the safety offood and other problems. Under the tendency of multi-function of modern agriculture,agriculture and rural environment whose core is that land can bring many economic values,ecological values and social values. The realization of multiple values of agriculture canconstruct a new space involving production, life and ecology in the urban fringe which iscomplementary to the development of cities. After the analysis of diamond model of theadvantages of Zhengzhou’s agriculture development, it is found that the over pursuit ofeconomic values leads to the lack of agriculture service values such as ecology, culture andlandscape value.By drawing lessons from western agriculture urbanism, this paper proposes the ideal wayfor the construction of agricultural community in the urban fringe. Agricultural communityrefers to agriculture and relevant industry-orientated new types of community. It consists ofdominant community and ordinary community, which have the following four characteristics,including spatial forms suitable for agriculture, green facilities support, harmonious socialrelationship and reasonable space scale. The development of agricultural community can notonly provide food for local people, shorten the food mileage, but also lead to the flow ofurban-rural factors, continue and undertake regional culture, optimize spatial forms andadvance the harmonious development of urban and country.In order to have a deep analysis of the agricultural transition and space reconstruction inZhengzhou urban fringe, this paper draws the picture of agricultural development opportunity the development of agriculture according to the different characteristics of agriculturalresources from landforms, farmland, woodland and water distribution. And then analyzes thespace scale suitable for the development of agriculture. Based on this, Zhengzhou urbanfringe can be divided into three agriculture districts, namely, southwest hilly district, northerndistrict alongside Huanghe and eastern plain district. Then, by using the AHP analysis methodto establish the agricultural community development potential evaluation system, it will givea systematic analysis from the perspectives of economic, ecological and social values for thevillages which have high agricultural development values, judge the dominant community andlayout the agricultural unit rationally based on this.Diverse development path of different districts is the guarantee for the fully realization ofagriculture multiple values. This paper mainly analyzes and explores the development andfeatures of the three agricultural districts based on their different development conditions. Itwill not only reveal the loss of values from the perspective of “agriculture-value” and refinethe system of value reproduction, but also analyze the changes of different district socialspace from the perspectives of “society-space” and explore the measures for spacedevelopment. The concrete conclusions are the following. Southeast hilly district has beautifultrees and unique ravines topographic form and has a good development foundation for leisureagriculture development. It is ready for the development which is suitable for the realizationof agricultural multiple values based on social values and can guide the harmoniousdevelopment of agricultural community space integration development. Northern districtalongside Huanghe is the ecological defence for Zhengzhou. Based on the ecologicalresources advantages of Huanghe, including mountains, rivers, forests and farmland, it issuitable for industry complement and space synergetic development and the multi-realizationof agricultural multiple values which is brought by ecological values. While eastern sandyplain district has the advantage of traditional agricultural production, by relying on theintegration of Zhengzhou-Kaifeng and the development advantages of aviation port district,advance the agriculture industrialization by agricultural fair and commercial logistics,strengthen the agricultural competition, stimulate the fully realization of economic values andrealize the industry spatial agglomeration development.At last, this paper reflects about the actual predicaments in the transition from thevillages in Zhengzhou urban fringe to agricultural community under rapid urbanization andsummarizes the dynamic mechanism of the value reconstruction in Zhengzhou urban fringe.And then it presents the planning strategy of agricultural community. It proposes the optimaloperation strategy and guarantees mechanism of the value of urban fringe from the aspects of marketing service, business entity, community operation, subsidize system and other aspects.Finally, it will construct a networking system of urban and rural spatial development based onthe agricultural community as a unit to realize the differential urban-rural integration.

  • 【分类号】F327;TU982.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1100
  • 攻读期成果

