

Integrated Control Research on Spatial Form of New Urban-centre Districts in Guangzhou

【作者】 刘立欣

【导师】 何镜堂;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的不断推进,中国的城市面貌经历着翻天覆地的变化,一片片新兴的城市中心区以惊人的速度拔地而起,在快速发展的背后却难以掩盖其开发建设中出现的诸如缺乏有效的整体性思维以及缺乏对公共利益的关注等方面的问题。城市中心区从某种意义上代表着城市的主体面貌,更决定着城市形态的发展方向。因此,探寻城市中心区空间形态整体控制理论和策略具有极强的现实意义。第二章是本文研究的基础准备,首先,对同本论题相关的理论研究进行综述;其次,考察了境外有代表性城市中心区的实践案例;再次,分析了我国城市中心区开发现状、总结了珠三角城市中心区建设成就并介绍了广州城市中心区的发展历程;最后,从理论研究和实践发展之中得到启示。第三章是本文研究的理论建构,提出了城市空间形态整体控制理论。依照回溯推理的建构思路、运用分解组合的建构方法,以“城市空间”的基本概念为对象,对其进行本体结构,进而分析结构产生的层级属性和层级属性的价值关联,以此为基础建构功能——形态——容量一体化的城市空间形态整体控制理论,并详细阐述了该理论的内涵和外延,归纳总结了各层级所包含的控制元素。第四章为本文研究的策略探求,提出了城市中心区空间形态整体控制策略。首先,分析了城市中心区空间形态整体控制策略的研究基础;其次,以建筑层级的形态控制和空间层级的形态控制两个方面为核心阐述了城市中心区空间形态整体控制策略的研究内容;再次,总结了城市中心区空间形态整体控制策略的研究意义。第五、第六和第七章是本文研究的控制分析,首先,广州珠江新城空间形态实体控制,分为宏观整体脉络和微观构成要素两个层级;其次,珠江新城空间形态量化控制,包含强度指标对空间质量的影响、用地指标对形态分布的制约、墨菲指数对空间边界的界定以及活力指标对形态发展的解读四个方面;再次,珠江新城空间形态动态控制,包括街区层级的控制策略、地块层级的建设实践以及两者之间存在的问题等内容。第八章是本文研究的实践应用,在介绍广州新城市中心区建设发展趋势的基础上,提出了广州新城市中心区空间形态控制应对建议,即微观内部优化建议、中观形态控制建议和宏观管理实施建议。

【Abstract】 With the process of urbanization, the city image of China has changed greatlyand more new urban-centre districts are built at amazing speed. But at the back ofdevelopment, such problems as the lack of effective integrated thinking and attentionof public interest in the development and construction are obvious. In a sense,urban-centre district represents the main image of a city and determines it’sdevelopment trend in future. So it is necessary to explore the theories and strategiesto control the spatial form of urban-centre district integratedly.Chapter2is the basic preparation of paper’s research. First, the chapter reviewsthe theories and tesearches related with this thesis. Second, the chapter studies thetypical practice cases of foreign urban-centre districts. Third, the chapter analyzesthe development status of Chinese urban-centre districts, summarizes theconstruction achievements of urban-centre districts in the PRD. Fourth, someinspirations form from theory research and practice development.Chapter3is the theoretical construction of paper’s research and puts forwardthe integrated control theory of urban-centre district. From basic concept of “UrbanSpace”, the chapter follows construction idea of backtracking and reasoning, usesconstruction method of decomposition and combination, structs the basic concept of“Urban Space” and analyzes the level attributes and value associations fromstructure. Then the chapter constructs “Function-Physical Form-Capacity” integratedcontrol theory of urban-centre district, elaborates the connotation and denotation ofthis theory and summarizes the control elements contained in each level.Chapter4is the strategy exploration of paper’s research and puts forward theintegrated control strategy of urban-centre district. First, the chapte analyzes theresearch base of integrated control strategy of urban-centre district’s spatial form.Second, the chapte elaborates the research contents of integrated control strategy ofurban-centre district’s spatial form based on the core of physical form control to twolevels of building and space. Third, the chapte summarizes the research significanceof integrated control strategy of urban-centre district’s spatial form.Chapter5, Chapter6and Chapter7are control analysis of paper’s research.First, the physical control of spatial form in Pearl River New Town includes two levels of macro integrated structure and micro formation element. Second, thequantization control of spatial form in Pearl River New Town includes includes fouraspects that intensity index affects the space quality, land index restricts the formdistribution, Murphy Index defines the space boundary and Vigor Index explainsinterprets the form development. Third, the dynamic control of spatial form in PearlRiver New Town includes such contents as the control theory of block level,construction practice of land mass level and the problem between two levels.Chapter8is practical application of paper’s research. Based on the introductionon construction and development trend of Guangzhou new urban-centre districts, thechapter puts forward such response proposals as micro internal optimization, mesoform control and macro implementation management to the spatial form control ofGuangzhou new urban-centre districts.


