

The Conservation and Innovation of Italian Urban Heritage in the Po River Area

【作者】 徐好好

【导师】 吴庆洲;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 论文《意大利波河流域历史城镇城市遗产的保护和更新研究》关注的是从二战结束至今近半个多世纪以来,意大利北部波河流域中小城镇在城市遗产保护与更新课题中的思考与实践。城市遗产区别于纪念性古迹,意为从过去继承下来,与历史事件和历史文化价值有关的连续性城市建成环境,包括有历史、文化、经济和社会价值,可以通过一定方式更新使用的历史建筑、历史环境、城市景观资源等。持续发展的城市遗产对城市未来而言是不可再生的战略性资源,只有根植于历史的创新才会牢固和有效。本研究来源于意大利波河流域历史城镇发达的经济文化和丰富的城市遗产资源,以及在历史地段复兴中悠久的历史和扎实的实践。通过代表性案例,进行城市遗产保护技术与社会经济背景的关联性研究,分析和阐述意大利在城市遗产研究中的经验,以及对当前中国城市遗产问题的应用和思考。论文分为六章。第一章绪论,阐明研究对象,分析研究背景、研究内容、研究意义,归纳总结当前国内外在城市遗产保护与更新领域的研究现状,并对本文研究的创新点和研究方法、条件逐一加以说明;第二章社会和经济进程中的城市遗产研究,从波河流域城市简史开始,分析古罗马、中世纪和1800年以后波河平原城市的城市分布结构、道路系统,以及形态演变,然后从20世纪50年代开始,以时间为序,研究社会体系变革对城市遗产保护与更新的影响,再分别对城市遗产研究的城市议题和景观议题进行案例式阐述;第三章从政策法规角度剖析城市遗产保护与更新研究的核心问题——城市遗产的作用和价值、历史城镇城市遗产保护规划的原则政策和工具、历史城镇中心的住宅类城市遗产问题、景观城市遗产保护的规划原则与工具,以及城市遗产对世界遗产管理体系的回应,并以时间线列出意大利的社会经济政治大事件、遗产保护法律法规、遗产保护重要实践,进行时间性比较,以检阅第二章中论述的社会和经济进程对城市遗产研究的影响;第四章和第五章的案例分析,研究城市视角的城市遗产政策法规试验和建筑视角的城市遗产更新设计方法;第六章验证意大利经验在中国实践的可行性。意大利城市遗产保护和更新的经验在于对历史地段实质干预“活着的城市遗产”。意大利学者善于在真实的历史城市中,通过可循的发展规则,合适的空间尺度,建立城市新旧结构的逻辑连续性,并预见城市的新发展,预见使用者在城市未来中的交错和冲突。历史地段中的历史信息是以固定(传统)形式存在的,通过城市遗产的复兴,可以继续历史地段的发展,表达出延伸的历史意义,利用城市遗产这一人工环境的汇合,可以统一现代语境与传统之间的内在差异。意大利学者普遍认为,现代性的危机会造成城市遗产的全面毁坏。历史城镇的城市遗产要经过数百年的历程,经历政治、经济、文化、艺术的变迁,成为城镇结构中不可分割的部分。但是在追求现代生活的名义下,不可逆的改变可能在旦夕之间毁坏城市遗产的价值。另外,从晚近的观念来看,城市遗产也不能遵从纪念性古迹的原则单纯保存,由于其鲜活的社会性,它们未来的发展也受到当代使用者行为的决定。这个观点会赋予城市遗产新的义务,以及执行城市遗产复兴的创新思路。城市遗产为地方文化和本地社区发展带来了新的机会。本文的案例研究综合了建筑学、历史学和经济学方法,挑选波河流域的几个重要历史城镇,以博洛尼亚(Bologna)和科马吉奥(Comacchio)的政策案例比较,以热那亚(Genoa)港口的复兴,以乌尔比诺(Urbino)和费拉拉(Ferrara)的空间干预案例,从城市遗产保护与更新的法律和政策试验、历史地段的复兴试验,以及具体的城市遗产干预试验三个层次展开论述。同时,本文也选择了意大利联合研究平台在珠三角中山市的研究实践案例,考察城市遗产复兴中的共性问题。最近30年来,文化倾向和消费行为的改变,学术界对个案研究价值的重新重视,为城市遗产的独特性提供了充分展示的社会背景。与此同时,环境问题、区域一体化问题和经济发展面临的城市集群化调整,为城市遗产问题带来了新的研究方向。本文强调意大利的城市遗产保护和更新是一个文化过程,包含思维方式、社会关注、权力关系和技术问题四个主要的概念。理解这个文化过程,对理解意大利经验和城市社会图景有着实际的意义。

【Abstract】 The thesis THE CONSERVATION AND INNOVATION OF ITALIAN URBANHERITAGE IN THE PO RIVER AREA is about the methodological study on the urbanheritage research in Italian medium and small towns of Po river area since1950s. Urbanheritage, differ from cultural relics, means the continuous existing built environment whichhas relations to historic events or with historic values, including historic buildings,environment and urban landscape that can be renewed and reused. It raises the concept thatthe living urban heritage is the strategic resource for the future of a historic town. The study isbased on the developed culture, economy and abundant urban heritages resources in Italy, aswell as the long history of practices on urban heritage reservation and innovation. It tookexemplary cases which concern the relations between technologies and the social andeconomic background to analyze the Italian experience and the possible application for China.The Article is divided into6chapters. The introduction illuminates the object of studyand its background, research content, significance, status and methodology. The study of thesocial and economic process is about the brief urban history and the development of the urbanheritage conservation and innovation theory and practices since1950s. It also concludes theurban and landscape topics through case study. Then the paper is talking about key issues inthe urban heritage study from an aspect of policies and regulations, lists the timeline of Itlianbig events and urban heritage practices. The next two chapters are case studies about thelegislative and regulative experiments as well as the embedment of the contemporary designinto the existing historic environment. At last it gives an example of the application in China.The Italian experience of the urban heritage conservation and innovation is to intervenethe living heritage in the historic area. Italian researchers are very good at regulating spatialrules and scales, establishing logical continuity between the old and new, foreseeing thedevelopment and conflicts of the city and of the city users in the real urban environment. Thehistoric information is inherent inside the historic area. Thus the innovation of the urbanheritage will help the extension of social meanings, the mix of artificial environment will helpto unify the difference between modern and traditional contexts.The crisis of modernity brings comprehensive damages to the urban heritage. No matterhow long it will take to form them, ruin could be in a sudden and irreversible. In another hand,the pure protection and preservation is also inappropriate because current activities alsoinfluence their future strongly. This idea gives a new duty to take urban heritage as keyelements for the social development. The more creations of innovation happen, the morechances occur. The article takes several important towns as case study through typological, historicaland economic aspects. It compares the Bologna and the Comacchio cases, analyze the Genoa,Urbino and Ferrara cases to discuss the experiments on legitimate regulations, theregeneration of historic area and the specific design intervenes. Besides, it takes the case ofZhongshan in PRD as an example for the affinities in the urban heritage study.In recent decades, the changes of the cultural tendency and consuming behaviors, as wellas the rediscovery of the important of case study, give a special social background for theunique of urban heritage. In the meantime, the environmental issues, regional integration andthe urban clusters bring new chances for the urban heritage study. The paper emphasize thatthe conservation and innovation of the Italian urban heritage is a cultural process includingthe way of thinking, the social concern, the power relations and the technological method. Tounderstand it will help the understanding of the Italian experience and social image.


