

Study on Constraction of Cultural and Entertainment Facilities Agglomeration Districts

【作者】 王凌

【导师】 孙一民;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 文化娱乐设施的建设与公众文化娱乐及公共生活密切相关。文化娱乐设施集聚区建设是近年在我国一种新兴并快速在许多城市开展的建设形式。对文化娱乐设施集聚区建设的研究与探讨,有助于为集聚区建设的更好开展提供参考与指引,对创造和提供多元、良好、高效的文化娱乐活动场所,更好服务公众的文化娱乐与公共生活有着重要的意义。论文除结论外共分为九章。第一章为绪论部分。主要阐述论文的研究背景与目的、相关研究综述、研究方法、涉及概念、研究思路与框架几个方面。第一章为绪论部分,主要界定相关的概念,包括文化娱乐设施、大型文化娱乐设施以及文化娱乐设施集聚区的概念,对研究的背景目的,现有的相关研究进行综述分析,并对论文的研究方法、研究思路和框架结构进行了阐述。第二章至第九章,围绕集聚这一特性,分为四个部分进行分析和探讨,从外在现象到内在机理,及至策略措施,力求能全面深入的对文化娱乐设施集聚区的建设进行研究。第一部分为第二章。选择分布在全国不同地区城市的15个已建成或基本建成的文化娱乐设施集聚区案例,进行大量资料收集及实地调研,从中分析我国文化娱乐设施集聚区的建设现状。在分析的基础上进行归纳,提出集聚是文化娱乐设施集聚区的重要特性,分析并总结我国文化娱乐设施集聚区的集聚特征及当前存在的问题。第二部分为第三章至第五章,紧密结合所选多个集聚区案例的情况分析,分别从物质要素、功能活动、管理运营行为三个方面,探讨文化娱乐设施集聚区不同层面元素的集聚表现。在物质要素方面,分析了设施集聚所形成的集聚区布局,空间集聚所产生的集聚区公共空间体系以及形体集聚所塑造的集聚区形象。在功能活动集聚方面,首先分析集聚区多元功能的集聚状况,然后探讨文化娱乐活动、公共交往活动及经济消费活动三类活动的集聚,及其分别对城市的文化娱乐、社会意义及经济发展产生的作用和影响。在管理行为方面,则根据集聚的特征,分析了集聚区内设施的管理运营、整个集聚区的管理运作及管理的前后阶段衔接,提出设置一个统一的管理机构对整个集聚区进行统筹与协调是一种良好的手段。该部分对文化娱乐设施集聚区中,集聚这一特性的表现进行了较深入和全面的剖析。第三部分为第六章与第七章,针对文化娱乐设施集聚区的集聚,对集聚区的内在机理进行了探讨。第六章基于文化娱乐设施集聚区在公益、社会价值等方面的特性,借鉴产业集聚区研究的一些理论观点,从集聚区内文化娱乐设施的相互影响、互相合作及整体联系等因由探讨文化娱乐设施集聚区产生的各种集聚效应以及集聚效应的综合作用。第七章探讨文化娱乐设施集聚区的发展演进,首先分析集聚区的发展动力——外在动力和内在动力,各自产生的主体、特征及对集聚区发展的作用。接着对应这两类发展动力,探讨集聚区自组织与他组织两种组织动力机制。最后探讨集聚区的目标追求,提出集聚区最终应形成与城市相融合的有机整体,并且实现社会效益与经济效益的协调统一。在这部分的分析探讨中,借鉴和参考了经济学与管理学领域的一些观点。第四部分为第八、九章。在第二章至第七章对文化娱乐设施集聚区深入剖析的基础之上,结合第八章对广州与香港两个集聚区规划案例的详细分析与对照研究,第九章从宏观、中观及微观层面探讨文化娱乐设施集聚区的建设策略建议,分别从关注宏观的指引与研究,从城市角度进行建设统筹与协调,考虑对集聚区规划与设计的控制进行探讨。在对集聚区的设计控制手段的研究中,提出设计导则和评价体系的框架构建及主体内容的设想。在建设策略的探讨中,还考虑了项目全周期过程的纵向联系。最后是论文的总结,提出论文的主要结论,阐述论文的创新点,并对文化娱乐设施集聚区未来的研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The constrction of a cultural and entertainment facilities agglomeration districts is closelyconnected to the cultural and public activities of citizens. Cultural and entertainment facilitiesagglomeration district is a form of development that has recently emerged and rapidly grownin many cities in China. Study and discussion on cultural and entertainment facilitiesagglomeration districts are helpful to provide reference and guidance for better development.Moreover, it has great significance for us to create and provide diverse and effective spacesfor cultural and entertainment activities, so as to better serve the cultural and public activitiesof citizens.This paper, except for the conclusion, consists of9chapters.Chapter1is the introduction of this paper. This part mainly describes several aspectsregarding this paper, including the study background and objectives, summarization of relatedstudies, study methods, referred concepts, study thoughts and framework. This chapter definesthe related concepts of this paper, such as cultural and entertainment facilities, large culturaland entertainment facilities and cultural and entertainment facilities agglomeration districts. Itthen summarizes and analyzes the study background and objectives as well as existing studieson this subject. Furthermore, it explains the study methods, study thoughts and framework ofthis paper.From Chapter2to Chapter9, it is the main body of this paper. Circling on the characteristicof agglomerate, it analyzes, discusses and explores the cultural and entertainment facilitiesagglomeration districts. These chapters can be grouped into four parts.Chapter2, the first part of the four, takes the development status quo of cultural andentertainment facilities agglomeration districts in China as the entry point of this paper. Itanalyzes the development status quo of agglomeration districts in China with information andfield research results obtained through studies on15existing or substantially completedcultural and entertainment facilities agglomeration districtss in different cities all over thecountry. It then summarizes the development status quo of cultural and entertainment facilitiesagglomeration districts in China based on the analysis and brings forward the idea thatconcentration is the fundamental nature of a agglomerate. Furthermore, it analyzes anddiscusses the concentration characteristics of the existing cultural and entertainment facilitiesagglomeration districts in China and the problems they have.The second part, comprised of Chapter3, Chapter4and Chapter5, cases of severalagglomeration districts in China, explores the concentration of different levels of elements of a agglomerate as well as the characteristics and effects caused by such concentration throughthree main aspects of physical elements, functional activities and management&operationbehaviors. In the aspect of physical elements, it analyzes the layout of a agglomerate formedthrough the concentration of cultural and entertainment facilities, the public spatial systemresulting from spatial concentration and the overall image of concentration of differentbuilding forms. In the aspect of functional activities, it firstly analyzes the diverseconcentration situations of the functions of a agglomerate. Secondly, it looks into theconcentration of three types of activities, which are respectively cultural and recreationalactivities, public activities and economic consumption activities. Thirdly, it points out theroles of these activities play in the cultural, entertainment, social and economic developmentof a city and their effects. In the aspect of management behaviors, it, based on thecharacteristics of concentration, analyzes the management and operation of facilities in aagglomerate, management and operation of the entire agglomerate as well as coordination interms of management. It then proposes that setting up a unified management organizationwould be a good way to manage and coordinate the entire agglomerate. Analysis on the abovethree aspects has an in-depth and comprehensive dissection of the characteristic,concentration, of a cultural and entertainment facilities agglomeration districts.The third part, comprised of Chapter6and Chapter7, explores the internal mechanism ofagglomerates based on the concentration of cultural and entertainment facilities. Chapter6analyzes the Agglomeration effects of the agglomeration districtss. With reference to studieson industrial agglomerates and taking into account the features of the agglomeration districtsin terms of their public welfare value and social value, this Chapter discusses all kinds ofAgglomeration effects within agglomerates and the combined action of such effects from theperspectives of interaction, cooperation and connection of the cultural and entertainmentfacilities. Chapter7explores the development and evolvement of agglomerates. Firstly, itanalyzes the development motivations of the agglomerates, including the extrinsic andintrinsic ones, main bodies, features of these two types of motivations and the role on thedevelopment of agglomerates. Secondly, it discusses the two organization mechanisms ofself-organization and hetero-organization as opposed to the two development motivations.Thirdly, it looks into the objectives and pursuit of agglomerates and points out that aagglomerate will eventually turn into an organic part that is integrated in city. In this part,references are drawn from economics and management theories obtained from studies onindustrial agglomerates.The forth part consists of Chapter8and Chapter9. On the basis of analysis on cultural and entertainment facilities agglomeration districts in the previous chapters, Chapter8has adetailed analysis and studies on the planning of the two agglomerates in Guangzhou and HongKong. Chapter9proposes planning and design strategies for realization of agglomerate effectand better fulfillment of an agglomerate’s role from the macroscopic and microcosmicperspectives as well as from the project life cycle. It also attempts to discuss the regulatoryapproaches in the design of agglomerate and develops an assessment system and a frameworkfor design guidelines.At the end, it summarizes the main conclusions deduced from the paper and sets forth theinnovative points of the paper. Furthermore, it discusses the prospects of future studies oncultural and entertainment facilities agglomeration districtss


