

Researches on Development of High Plot Ratio Residence Based on Value Model of Housing in Macau

【作者】 高武洲

【导师】 孙一民;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 澳门回归后开放赌权,隨即经济获得迅猛的发展,而伴随着外地和本地资金大量涌入澳门、外地雇员和本地人口增加,住宅的供求关系失去平衡。由于澳门是陆地面积仅31.3平方公里的小城,无法象其它地区或城市一样向社会提供更多的土地,以大量大量地增加住宅。住宅价格在供求失衡的状况下高速上升,工薪阶层难以购置房屋,居住和住宅问题逐渐严重。目前,建筑学研究领域对澳门住宅的研究、居住问题产生的原因、原因之间的相互关系缺乏深入的研究。此时针对澳门特有的社会、经济情况,对澳门住宅进行一定深度、广度的研究具有深远的学术和实际意义。通过在澳门多年的工作、生活和研究,对澳门住宅价值进行了深入的研究。研究过程中,针对研究的内容对澳门居民进行了问卷调查,获得第一手的资料,并利用权威机构的数据资料,深入每一个住宅区,对住宅楼宇进行实地研究和分析,得到了充分的感性和理性认知,最终获得客观的研究成果。论文探讨了澳门住宅发展的内在问题,认为澳门住宅具有与众不同的地区特点,澳门住宅的研究需要由澳门的住宅价值研究开始。论文通过先了解事物的本质后推导出解决方法的思路进行论述。首先,通过对澳门住宅价值的研究,论文从建筑学的角度首次提出澳门住宅价值模型的概念,以此作为解读澳门住宅价值判定的方式;然后,论文提出了以高地积比的方式为澳门提供居住问题的解决方案,并对其进行论证;最后,论文提出实现高地积比的方法和建议。论文并不深入涉及澳门住宅具体设计层面的建筑细节研究,而是面向城市和社会生活的各个方面,以城市管理的政策取向、使用者的体验、开发者的行为目标等进行探讨。住宅价值模型则以数学模型的表达形式,简练地归纳住宅价值的各因素和相互关系,尽管不是严格的数学方程式,但能为后继住宅价值量化研究奠定基础。通过研究,论证了澳门住宅发展走高地积比的道路是现实的选择。实行符合社会和居民需求的高地积比住宅需要各方面的努力,包括法律制度的修订、政府公共政策的引导、专业的规范和指标、建筑领域专业人士和开发者的投入。论文谨希望为城市建筑领域提供一种理性的思考和选择。

【Abstract】 With the handover of Macau and the gamble license being opened, the rapid growth ofMacau’s economy, more international funds and local funds flow into the Macau market andlocal and expatriation population increasing, the supply-demand of residence loses balance.As Macau is a small city with is under30Km2, It is impossible to provide the society moreland to increase the amount of residence in the present way. The cost of residence increasesrapidly in the imbalance relationship between supply and demand. Working-class finds itdifficult to purchase their own properties. The residence and housing problem get worsegradually. There is practical sense to study Macau’s housing issue deeply and wildly in suchspecial social and economic situation. Presently, there is not much studies related to Macauresidence, the cause of the housing problem and the relationship between the differentreasons.Through the experience of working and living in Macau, this article studies the valueof housing deeply. In the process of the study, this article consults the authoritative datareference from different institutions. It also conducted questionnaire survey with the Macaucitizen during the research and gained first-hand information. This article researches andanalyses the situation deeply in order to gain plenty of emotional and rational cognition.Finally, it obtains the Objective research.The paper discusses the problems inherent in the residential development in the fieldof architecture for the first time, and it realizes it is full of distinctive characteristics inMacau residence. The research for Macau housing should be began with value of housing,so as to derive the solutions after understanding the nature of things. Firstly, throughstudying the value of housing in Macau, this article sums up the value model of housing, tobe the way to interpret the value of Macau housing. And then, the article raises anddemonstrates that high plot ratio is the solution to solve the housing problem for Macau.Finally, the article points out the method and suggestion for achieving the solution of highplot ratio.The paper achieve to get the idea from the creative outcomes.The paper does notinvolve in the construction detail of the residential design, but it reaches to all aspects ofurban and social life. It studies the policy of city management, the experience of end user,and the activity target of the developer. The value model of residence is expressed as amathematics model. It succinctly summarizes the factors of residential values and relationships. It becomes the basis to quantify the value of residence in future. Bysummarizing the theory and practice of ten years more, the paper firstly proposes theComfort Index of Residential Space as well, it therefore provides a benchmark for thejudgment of the quality for the residential space.The article demonstrates that High Plot Ratio for residential development in Macau isa realistic option. It requires the effort of all party to meet the needs of the society andcitizen, which is included the modification of the law, the guild line of the Government’spolicy, Professionals’ service and the work of the developers. This article would like toprovide some ideas and options for the urban Architecture sector.

  • 【分类号】F299.23;TU241
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】545
  • 攻读期成果

