

【作者】 周素丽

【导师】 张学智;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 中国哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 耿定向和李贽的论争,是明代中后期思想界的一段著名公案。二人论争自万历十二年(1584),至万历二十三年(1595),持续时间长达十二年。对于二人的论争,历代学者多有谈及,但过去的研究多站在李贽的立场,认为李贽为个人解放的先驱,耿定向为假道学的代表,这是不符合历史事实的。本文认为,二人皆是真诚的学者,论争根源于二人学术人格的不同,且面对明代中后期出现的学术和社会问题,他们各自有不同的思考。耿定向性格温和、保守,其为学宗旨在于维护儒家伦理纲常,安顿社会人心;而李贽性格直率、激进,其为学宗旨在于“穷究自己生死根因,探讨自家性命下落”,即追求自我心灵的安顿与解脱。正如二人好友周柳塘所说:“天台重名教,卓吾识真机”。耿定向和李贽的论争,始于互相规劝与各自辩解,但由于各持己见,皆不愿让步,也都不能说服对方,渐渐地互相不满,论争升级为比较尖锐的批评,甚至人身攻击。二人论争书信、文章在友人、弟子间传播,矛盾日益公开化。在与耿定向的论争中,李贽的思想、言行日益激进狂放,影响日众,最终受到统治者的敌视与迫害。耿李论争涉及到的问题有名教与真机、道德与情欲、出世与入世、正统与异端等,皆是中国哲学内部值得争论的问题。抛开历史的成见,站在客观的立场,心平气和地对他们的论争进行专门、细致的研究,将有助于我们对耿定向、李贽的思想有更为公允的理解,对明代中后期思想史进程有更好的把握,对中国传统哲学中个人与社会、自由与秩序、真与善等不同价值之间的矛盾与张力也会有更深的认识。本文第一章章对耿定向和李贽的生平和思想作简要介绍,以便读者了解二人论争的背景。第二章对耿李论争作历时性的考察,将耿定向和李贽论争的相关书信、文章进行梳理,结合前人的考证成果,尽量还原二人论争的全过程,将耿李论争的来龙去脉再现于世人面前。第三章侧重从“明代中后期道德与性命之学的分化”、“关于情欲问题的论争”“泰州学派的狂侠精神”三个方面,详细分析耿李论争中涉及的名教与真机、情欲与性命、正统与异端等问题,借以考察明代中后期士人的思想动向,以及中国传统思想中不同价值之间的矛盾和张力。

【Abstract】 The debate between Geng Ding-xiang and Li Zhi is a most famous controversial case in therealm of thoughts in the mid to late Ming Dynasty. Their debate, from1584to1595, lasted fortwelve years.Geng-Li debate has been studied by many scholars. Most previous scholars took Li Zhi’s side,considering Li the pioneer of individual liberation and Geng a representative of the fake Taoism,which doesn’t consist with the historical fact. In this essay, the author argues that Geng and Li areboth genuine scholars, whose debate stems from their difference in academic personalities, aswell as different thinking facing the academic and social problems that arose in the mid to lateMing Dynasty. Geng, temperate and conservative, aimed his study at maintaining the ethicsystem of Confucianism and pacifying social unrest and people’s disputes; Li, straight and radical,dedicated himself to “exploring the ultimate reasons of life and death and inquiring into the finaldestination of human beings”, i.e. pursuing the settlement and liberation of the heart. As ZhouLiu-tang said,“Geng emphasizes the orthodox Confucianism, while Li focuses on the ultimatetruth.”The debate between Geng and Li started with expostulating with each other and defendingthemselves. However, they both stuck to their own views and wouldn’t compromise. Meanwhile,no one could persuade the other. Gradually generated mutual dissatisfaction led the debate tosevere criticism, and even harsh personal abuse. Letters and articles about their debate spreadamong friends and disciples, making their dispute public. In the Geng-Li debate, Li’s thoughts andbehaviors became more and more radical and influential over time, which, finally, invited thegovernment’s hostility and persecution.Geng-Li debate covers such issues as the orthodox Confucianism and the ultimate truth,morality and desire, and orthodox and paganism. These are all Chinese philosophical issues thatdeserve debate. Getting rid of the historical prejudice and taking a neutral and objective side, wecan calmly carry on a professional and profound research on Geng-Li debate, which will help havea more comprehensive and fairer understanding of Geng’s and Li’s thoughts. Therefore, we canknow better about the process of the ideological history in the mid to late Ming Dynasty andfurther comprehend the contradictions in Chinese traditional philosophy between differentvalues, such as individuals and society, freedom and order, truth and goodness.To help readers learn the background of Geng-Li debate, the first chapter of this essaypresent a brief introduction about Geng Ding-xiang’s and Li Zhi’s life and thoughts. Chapter Twoexplores Geng-Li debate by analyzing and organizing the letters and articles about their debate.Combining with previous academic results, the author tries to present, in an objective way, thewhole process of Geng-Li debate to readers. Chapter Three analyzes in detail such issues relatedto Geng-Li debate as the orthodox Confucianism and the ultimate truth, morality and desire andorthodox and paganism. Chapter Three consists of three parts, i.e.“the separation of moralityand life in the mid to late Ming Dynasty”,“the debate on desire”, and “the zealous chivalrousnessof Tai-zhou school”. Based on the analyses above, the author does a profound study on thescholars’ ideological trend in the mid to late Ming Dynasty, as well as the contradictions betweendifferent values in the realm of Chinese traditional orthodox thoughts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】B248
  • 【下载频次】193

