

A Musical Quarrel between Ancients and Moderns in Ancient Greek: a Study on Plutarch’s on Music

【作者】 何源

【导师】 刘小枫;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在前后长达一千余年的古希腊音乐历史中,普鲁塔克的《论音乐》无疑是一个与众不同的文本。在时间顺序上,它属于这一时期的音乐文献中最晚近的一篇,在内容上,它是对古希腊音乐发展历史的概述与总结。在它之前,并没有文献系统论述过古希腊的音乐历史,更值得注意的是,它使用了会饮谈话这种具有文学意味的文体,与其它音乐文献采用的学术研究式的论文体截然不同。这明显让人想到柏拉图的对话,《论音乐》无论从文体还是观念上,都是对柏拉图的模仿和呼应。在古希腊音乐的文献之中,音乐或者和声学,都是作为纯粹的科学来讨论的,这些论著所采用的都是技术性的话语,探讨音乐中的原理、规律和技艺,这些内容是纯粹的理性思辨,不涉及道德和价值判断。《论音乐》并未延续这个研究传统,作者恰恰认为对音乐技术的理性探究不能解决音乐创作和使用中的一个根本问题:好音乐的标准是什么。《论音乐》将音乐的理论和技术视角转变成对道德和价值的追问,探寻音乐如何能体现道德上的善与崇高。在古希腊的音乐发展中,音乐家将音乐的“好”理解为技术的发展和创新,以为要获得“好”就必须有别于前人,开拓新的形式。这种观念一方面使音乐固有的形式不断被革新和颠覆,另一方面则造成音乐家盲目追求技术的复杂化和标新立异。这样做并没有使音乐变得更好,反而使音乐变得混乱无度,让人失去分辨和评价的标准,最终使音乐的发展走向衰亡。在《论音乐》的作者看来,这种追求技术发展与变化的“现代”观念,根本无法成为好音乐的标准。相反,音乐中许多美好与崇高的价值,存在于古代的音乐和古人的智慧之中,要找到好音乐的标准,就应该学习和效仿古代音乐。《论音乐》开启了音乐的古代与现代之争,同时亦是价值和技术之争。《论音乐》否弃了音乐发展的“现代”观念,将音乐的标准从和声学的桎梏中解放出来,确保音乐的品质不会因技术的无度扩展而遭致覆灭,维护音乐追求和表现美好与崇高价值的可能。古代音乐更注重音乐的品质和精神追求,更全面地探究音乐和天地万物以及人的灵魂的关系。要认识古代音乐的美好,进而真正懂得好音乐的标准,不能只学习和声学和音乐技艺,也无法凭借对古代作品的简单模仿而获得,而要在系统认识和声学以及各类优秀作品的基础上,全面学习哲学和道德知识。经过完善的音乐教育,音乐家就能鄙弃粗劣的音乐和品位,发现古代音乐的美好,建立起对崇高价值的虔敬。哲学与虔敬在最高的音乐中得到完美的统一。

【Abstract】 In the history of ancient Greek music which lasted over a thousand years,Plutarch’s On Music is undoubtedly a distinctive text. In chronological order, it is themost recent one in the musical literature of this period. According to its content, it isa comprehensive overview of the history of ancient Greek music. There are not anysimilar systematically discusses before it. What’s more noticeable is that it is aliterary dialogue on a drinking feast, which has a totally difference from the formalacademic researches on music. The text gave us a suggestive idea that it is imitatingPlato’s dialogue, and it also is an echo of Plato’s question.In the musical literature of ancient Greek, the scholars interpreted music orharmonics as a pure science. They employed technological forms to study thereasons and regular patterns in music science, which did not include moral judgments.Plutarch’s On Music are not in this research tradition. The author thought that thetechnological research of music could not solve a more fundamental theme of music:what is the judgmental standard of good music. On Music changed the technologicalpoint of view into the pursuing of the noble moral values.In the musical development of ancient Greek, the musicians recognized music’sgoodness as technology development and innovation. They tried to create new formsto be distinctive from their predecessors. The regular forms of music were broke andsubverted. The musicians were too extravagant to pursue the complexity andunconventional approach. This did not make the music better, but to make musicbecome excessive confusion. People lost resolution and evaluation criteria, andfinally pushed music to the dead end. This modern concept of musical developmentshould not be a standard of good music. However, many wonderful music and noblevalues did exist in ancients’ wisdom and their music. The author invited us to study ancient music and seek the real musical standard in them. On Music opened up amusical quarrel between ancients and moderns which is also a debate between valueand technology. The author abandoned the modern concept of musical development,and released the music from the limits of acoustic science. In this way, the goodquality of music was kept apart from the excessive expansion of technology, and italso kept the chances for music to pursue beauty and noble values.Ancient music gave more attention to the musical quality and the spiritualpursuit. Ancient musician spent more efforts on the relationship between music anduniverse, music and human soul. Music students could not study acoustic science andtechnology only, to understand the real standard of music. In addition to a systematiclearning of harmonics and musical technology, students should be familiar with allthe outstanding musical works, what’s more, philosophy and moral education areindispensable. After a comprehensive musical education, musicians could be hostileto vulgar music and poor taste. Finally they would perceive the beauty and the realstandard of music, and establish a reverence for the noble values. Philosophy andpious deity achieve their perfect unity at the highest music.

  • 【分类号】J609.1
  • 【下载频次】359

