

Structure Design and Expermential Investigation of Burst Composites Canister Cover

【作者】 钱元

【导师】 周光明;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 工程力学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 导弹发射箱盖是导弹发射系统中非常重要的组成部分,在平常贮存时,箱盖保证了整个发射箱的密封,一方面阻止了箱内惰性气体的外泄,另一方面也起到了保护导弹的作用。在导弹发射时,需要箱盖能够及时地打开并释放出一定范围的空间通道令导弹能够顺利的通过。传统的机械打开盖与爆破盖有质量重、打开反应时间慢和维修费用高等缺陷,鉴于复合材料轻质高强、抗腐蚀等优点,采用复合材料发射箱盖代替传统发射箱盖的趋势不可避免。为了使复合材料发射箱盖能够更加广泛的应用于导弹发射装置中,实现发射系统的轻质化,提高导弹部队的作战反应能力,本文对采用燃气流开盖的整体冲破式复合材料发射箱盖进行了结构设计与试验研究。本文第一部分根据箱盖的性能要求设计了箱盖在贮存与冲破工况的基本形式。将箱盖分为主体、薄弱区结构和边框三部分,并着重对主体与薄弱区结构两个部件进行了初步的结构设计。提出了三种主体外型方案,通过有限元数值仿真与充压试验相结合的手段对三种结构进行变形、应力分布和薄弱区应力构成等性能的考察,选取了综合性能较优的圆帽型结构。主体与框架之间的薄弱区结构采用胶接的形式连接,综合薄弱区结构功能与密封等因素,选用双面搭接胶接接头作为薄弱区结构形式。第二部分研究了箱盖的基本材料双轴向纤维增强复合材料的强度准则。讨论Tsai-Wu张量准则应用于校核双轴向纤维增强复合材料强度可行性,并确定用双轴加载试验来测定准则中的强度参数F12。采用数值模拟方法结合Taguchi试验设计方法对双向加载十字型试件进行外型设计和参数优化。最后对十字型试件进行不同载荷比的双轴加载试验,通过试验数据计算得到强度参数F12并通过拟合得到了该材料σ1-σ2应力平面第一、三象限的强度包络线。第三部分在箱盖初步模型的基础上进一步对各区域铺层方式进行了优化设计,根据箱盖承压工况时的内力方向与应力水平分别确定了各区域的铺层角度与层数,自此决定了箱盖具体的结构形式。分析了薄弱区结构在箱盖承压时的应力构成,随后针对九种不同参数的薄弱区结构分别进行了11种竖向和横向不同比例位移载荷作用下结构强度的预测,并通过拟合得到了强度包络线。第四部分阐述了瞬态有限元软件MSC.Dytran中近似黎曼算法与耦合关系的基本理论与求解方法,在此理论基础上建立了瞬态数值模型,采用高压气体球释放后冲击预制缺陷的箱盖层合板模型的数值模拟方法对燃气流开盖过程进行仿真。根据数值模拟的结果得到了箱盖的冲破压力以及侧抛、分离整体性等冲破性能,以此为基础分析了薄弱区结构参数对箱盖冲破压力的影响并进一步调整了圈圈薄弱区结构强度以优化其冲破性能。第五部分针对箱盖的成型工艺进行了研究,制备了复合材料发射箱盖试验件。采用自行设计的模拟发射装置进行了气密、冲破压力和侧抛等性能的测试,获得了一些试验数据与现象,验证了设计方案的可行性。通过试验数据与数值结果的比对,讨论了误差形成的原因。

【Abstract】 Missile launcher canister cover is one of the most important parts in the missile launchsystem.In usual storage, sealability of the entire missle laucher canister is keepped by the cover,Because of the function of canister cover, the leakage of the inert gas in canister is stopped andthe missile is also protected against the external factors. Canister cover needs to be timelyopening for releasing the channel with a range of space so that the missile can smoothly passthrough when the missile launchering.Traditional canister covers(include mechanical canistercover and blasting canister cover) have the defects of heavy weight、slow reaction of opening andhigh costs of maintenance, so that a trend of being substituted by lightweight composites canistercover for the advantage of lightweight、high strength and corrosion-resistant is inevitable. Inorder to reduce the weight of missile launcher system and improve the response capability of themissile forces, the purpose of widely used composites canister cover in missile launcher systemis achieved, structure design and performance analysis of a integrated bursting type oflightweight composite canister cover with the lauchering method of gas flowing are performed inthe thesis.The basic forms of composites canister cover in storage and burst condition are desginedaccording to the performance requirements of missile launch system in the first part of thisdissertation. The whole cover structure is mainly divided into three parts respectively namedprincipal part, weak structure, and remain part, and structural design on principal part and theweak structure are focuses in preliminarily research stage. Three programs of overall appearanceand structure for principal part are desgined so the performances of structural deformation, stressdistribution and stress constitute of the weak stucture of cover structure in three programs areinvestgated by the methods of charge-pressure experiment and numerical simulation, the roundcap structure is selected for the best comprehensive performances in three different structures. Aform of adhesively bonded is desgined to be the weak structure inter principal part and remainpart.Strength criterion for biaxial fiber-reinforced composites, the basic material of canistercover, is investigated in the second part of this thesis. The applicability of Tsai-Wu tensorcriterion in the field of biaxial fiber-reinforced composites is discussed and one of strengthparameters in criterion F12is defined and to be determined by biaxial load experiment. Overalldesign and parameter optimization of cruciform specimen are performed by the methods ofnumerical simulation and Taguchi experiment, so a type of cruciform specimen with the properties of high stress level at central weak region and small stress concentration factor isdesigned. The specimens are tested by some biaxial load experiments at different loading ratios.Strength parameters F12at different loading ratios are calculated by experimental strength dateand the failure envelopes with different value of F12are constructed in the first and thirdquadrants of the stress plane.Ply schemes in different region of the cover structure are further optimized in the third partof this thesis. Angles and number of layers in each region is respectively determined according tothe directions and levels of the internal forces under the condition of the structure subjected touniform internal pressure and then the finally structure of canister cover is defined. The stressconstitutie of weak structure under the condition of the structure subject to uniform internalpressure is analyzed, structural strength of nine weak structures with different structuralparameters are predicted under eleven conditions of different ratio of vertical and lateraldisplacement and the strength envelopes of weak structures are fittd by the results of numericalsimulations.In the beginning of the fourth part of the thesis, The basic theories and methods for solvingof approximate algorithm of Riemann and coupling relationship in the transient finite elementsoftware MSC. Dytran are described. A transient numerical model simulated the process of gasflow impacting the cover which uses Shock wave releasing by high-pressure gas ball to impactweak-prefabricated laminates model is established on the basis of this theory. Burst pressure andthe bursting-through performance of canister cover is obtained according to the results ofnumerical simulations, as a basis for analyzing the effect of weak structural parameters for burstpressure and further optimizating bursting-through performance by adjusting the circle ofstrength of the weak structure.Molding process of canister cover is also studied and Specimens of composites canistercover are manufactured in the fifth part. The performance of airtight、burst pressure and lateralthrowing are tested through charge-pressure experiment by self-designed equipment. Feasibilityof design program is verified by experimental data and phenomena, and reasons for theformation of the error are discussed by comparison of experimental data and numerical results.


