

Flight Control of Unmanned Tiltrotor Aircraft

【作者】 郭剑东

【导师】 夏品奇;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 飞行器设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 倾转旋翼机兼有直升机与螺旋桨飞机的飞行特点,其飞行控制特别是倾转过渡阶段的飞行控制具有很大的难度。本文以小型无人倾转旋翼机为研究对象,进行了无人倾转旋翼机飞行控制技术的理论与试验研究,主要在无人倾转旋翼机的飞行动力学建模、飞行控制律设计、微小型捷联惯性导航系统设计与飞行试验等方面进行了系统的研究,主要创新有:(1)建立了无人倾转旋翼机非线性飞行动力学模型,得到了直升机飞行模式、倾转过渡飞行模式、飞机飞行模式的全模式飞行操纵规律与过渡转换路径。对非线性飞行动力学模型进行了操纵响应分析,得到了无人倾转旋翼机不同飞行模式的耦合特性。为了简化非线性模型计算,对若干线性化飞行动力学模型进行综合并模拟非线性飞行动力学模型,获得了具有一致性的操纵响应。(2)建立了无人倾转旋翼机的全模式飞行控制律。在直升机悬停与低速飞行模式,采用显模型跟踪控制技术进行飞行控制律设计;在倾转过渡与飞机飞行模式,采用H回路成形鲁棒控制技术进行飞行控制律设计,使控制系统具有良好的鲁棒稳定性。采用多模型自适应控制技术进行全模式飞行控制律的切换设计,以适应无人倾转旋翼机不同飞行模式的操纵特点,仿真表明了该全模式飞行控制律切换策略的可行性。(3)研制了用于小型无人倾转旋翼机的嵌入式飞行控制与捷联惯性导航系统,主要包括微惯性传感器与飞行控制计算机的硬件系统设计、飞行控制软件与地面测控系统开发以及通信协议定制等。在悬停与低速飞行状态,采用角速率积分建立过程方程,构造姿态估计卡尔曼滤波器,并推导出了速度、位置、高度滤波算法;在加速飞行状态,采用高精度GPS的速度微分修正机体加速度计的测量误差,设计了基于误差四元数的姿态估计算法。仿真与试验表明该捷联惯性导航系统具有良好的估计精度。(4)建立了无人倾转旋翼机的飞行试验系统,进行了无人倾转旋翼机地面联调、地面开车试验及全模式飞行试验,验证了本文建立的无人倾转旋翼机飞行控制技术的有效性。

【Abstract】 Tiltrotor aircraft has the flight characteristics of helicopter and propeller airplane. Its flightcontrol, especially in the conversion flight is very difficult. In this thesis, taking a small unmannedtiltrotor aircraft as a research example, the theoretical and experimental investigations on the flightcontrol of unmanned tiltrotor aircraft have been carried out, mainly in the modeling of nonlinear flightdynamics, design of flight control law, design of micro-strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS)and flight tests of a small unmanned tiltrotor aircraft. The main innovations include:(1) The nonlinear flight dynamic model of unmanned tiltrotor aircraft has been established toobtain the flight operation laws of the full flight modes including the helicopter flight mode,conversion flight mode and airplane flight mode and the conversion corridor. The operational analysisof the nonlinear flight dynamic model was carried out to obtain the coupling characteristics of thedifferent flight modes of unmanned tiltrotor aircraft. In order to simplify the calculation of thenonlinear model, several linear flight dynamic models were synthesized and to simulate the nonlinearflight dynamic model, obtaining the consistent operational responses.(2) The control laws of full flight modes have been established. In the helicopter hover andlow-speed flight modes, the flight control laws were designed by using the explicit model followingcontrol system. In the tilting and airplane flight modes, the flight control laws were designed by usingtheH loop shaping design procedure (LSDP), so that the control system has good robust stability.To be suitable for the operational characteristics of the different flight modes of tiltrotor aircraft, themulti-model adaptive control was use to conduct the switching design of flight control laws for fullflight modes. The simulation results verified the feasibility of the switching strategy of the full modeflight control laws.(3) The flight control and embedded strapdown inertial navigation system used for smallunmanned tiltrotor aircraft has been developed, including the hardware system design ofmicro-inertial sensors and flight control computer, development of flight control software and groundcontrol systems, and communication protocols. In the hover and low speed flight conditions, theangular velocity integration was used to establish the process equations, the Kalman filter of attitudeestimation was constructed, and the filtering algorithm of the speed, position, height was derived. Inthe accelerating flight conditions, the speed differential with high-precision GPS was used to correctthe measurement error of fuselage accelerometers, and the error quaternion based attitude estimation algorithm was designed. The simulation and experiment indicated that the strapdown inertialnavigation system had good estimation accuracy.(4) The flight test system of unmanned tiltrotor aircraft has been built. The groundcommunication test, ground engine test and full mode flight test of unmanned tiltrotor aircraft verifiedthe effectiveness of the flight control of unmanned tiltrotor aircraft established in this thesis.


