

Research on the Key Problems in the Supplier Management of Trunk Liner Program

【作者】 袁文峰

【导师】 刘思峰;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 现代大型客机是由数百万个零部件及系统设备组成的大型复杂高科技产品,技术要求高,集成难度大,研制周期长,经费投入巨大。因此,大型客机研制需要大量供应商的协同和支持。供应商管理对大型客机项目的研制异常重要,波音787的首飞就因为受供应商影响而数次推迟。我国C919大型客机项目研制采用了先进的“主制造商—供应商”管理模式,是第一个完全市场化运作的大型民用飞机项目。所以,大型客机项目在供应商管理方面既没有太多的经验可循,也缺乏必要的理论支撑。在这样的背景下,本文对大型客机项目供应商管理方面的关键问题进行了识别并加以研究。其中,对大型客机供应商管理制度框架的设计研究和标准合同的制订,填补了国内航空工业在这一实践领域的空白;对供应商开发、选择、协调和考核等方面的研究不仅具有很强的实践价值,而且在相关理论研究上也取得了一定的突破。本文主要进行了以下方面的研究:(1)大型客机项目供应商管理制度框架设计。本文以当前供应商管理急需解决的问题为基础,以供应商管理流程为脉络,紧紧抓住中国商飞公司供应商管理的实际情况,初步建立了一个实用可行的供应商管理制度框架。(2)大型客机项目供应商标准合同的制定。本文通过对某国际先进航空制造企业(简称BA公司)合同文本的分析,概括了BA公司供应商合同的类型及其适用范围,分析了BA公司供应商合同具体条款的特征和内容,研究了BA公司合同管理的特色,总结了BA公司供应商合同对大型客机项目的启示,并结合中国商飞公司的实际情况和大型客机项目的需要,制定了大型客机项目供应商标准合同文本。(3)大型客机项目国内供应商开发与选择。本文创新性地设计了供应商选择质量展开屋分析平台,根据供应商选择质量展开屋所提供信息,以供应商综合能力指数最高为目标,综合考虑相关资源约束,构建非线性目标规划模型对其进行定量化表征,实现了供应商选择和开发的最优配置方案,为大型客机项目解决了国内供应商的优选决策问题。(4)主制造商协调下的利益分配问题。本文以供应商的努力程度对供应商自身利益以及供应链整体利益的影响为出发点进行研究。结果表明,主制造商—供应商模式下供应链整体利益、各个供应商和主制造商的利益(按Shapley值分配),经主制造商统一协调后,都超过了非合作、无协调情形下的收益(Nash均衡)。这说明在主制造商—供应商模式下,主制造商对供应商的统一协调和合理的利益分配,能够增加供应链整体利益,并有效调动各供应商的积极性。(5)双供应商订单分配问题。本文采用经济控制论的理论,讨论了双供应商情形下的订单分配问题。利用系统的反馈控制特性能很好地反映订单分配量和生产状况的调整情况。仿真结果符合预期,能给中国商飞公司的实际生产经营活动带来一定的启示。(6)大型客机项目供应商风险发生次数的概率分布。本文从动态的视角,在考虑大型客机项目各类供应商风险之间相互影响关系的基础上,利用极大熵模型估计大型客机项目供应商风险发生次数的概率分布,为大型客机项目的供应商风险管理提供了一定的依据。(7)基于灰靶决策的供应商绩效评价。本章构造了一种新的多目标智能灰靶决策模型,并用该模型解决大型客机项目供应商的绩效评价问题。结果表明,目前已有产品(试验样件)交付的供应商绩效都比较理想。

【Abstract】 Trunk liner is composed of millions of parts. It is a typical complex product. Its developmenthas large technical difficulty, long development cycle and huge financial input. So it is neccesaryfor the development of trunk liner to get the sufficient support from suppliers. The first flight ofBoeing787delayed several times because of the suppliers. So supplier management is veryimportant to develop a trunk liner. Main manufacturer-supplier mode is applied in the trunk linerprogram C919for the first time. Supplier management of the trunk liner program C919should beresearched. The paper focused on the key problems of the supplier management, and studied thefollowing problems.(1) The paper designed the frame of supplier management system of trunk liner program tosolve the key problems based on the supplier management flow and the fact of the CommercialAircraft Corporation of China Ltd.(2) The paper studied the text of supplier contract of BA corporation, summarized the type ofsupplier contract of BA, analyzed the character of the content of supplier contract of BA, andresearched the features of the contract management of BA. The contract of Boeing gives somegood ideas about the design of supplier contract of trunk liner program. To satify the need of trunkliner program, a standard supplier contract is estalished.(3) According to the features of the trunk liner program, the supplier selection model based onthe quality function house is crated to describe the logic procedure of supplier selection; and thenonlinear programming model is built to select the supplier.(4)Because of the uncertainty of the R&D, the effort of the suppliers has an important effecton it. So the main manufacturer will arrange the effort of each supplier through its special andpowerful position. This paper analyzed the influence of the efforts of suppliers on the benefits ofthe supply chain by applying Nash Equilibrium and Shapley Value. The results show that thecoordination by main manufacturer can improve the benefits of the whole supply chain. And thereasonable distribution of the benefits can increase the profit of each supplier and mainmanufacturer so that each supplier will be more active in the supply chain.(5) The paper presents a control model to slove the problem of supplier’s order allocation inmanufacturer-supplier model’s situation. After building mathematical model and getting transferfunction of each production processes through Laplace transform, simulation of the model inSimulink of MATLAB was implemented. And the results showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the model.(6) The risks from suppliers are relative. The maximum entropy model of the probabilitydistribution of the supplier risks in trunk liner program is created. The result is valuable for riskmanagement of trunk liner program.(7) A new multi-attribute intelligent grey target decision model is put forward in this paper.And the new model is applied to evaluate the performance of supplier. And the result shows theperformance of the suppiers are good now.


