

Study on Factors Influencing Migrant Workers Employment Quality and It’s Mechanism

【作者】 钱芳

【导师】 陈东有;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 中国正处在城镇化加快发展的阶段,将有越来越多的农村剩余劳动力逐渐转移到非农产业和城镇中来。解决好农民工的就业问题,既是关系改革发展稳定全局的迫切任务,也是建设中国特色社会主义的战略任务。本研究构建的农民工就业质量评价体系,较全面、客观地评价当前我省农民工就业质量的现状。并从人力资本、社会资本和职业流动等三个方面分析了影响农民工就业质量的因素及其作用机理。在此基础上提出了提升农民工就业质量的对策建议。1、本研究在对劳动力转移理论和就业与就业质量相关理论进行综述的基础上,界定了农民工和农民工就业质量的概念。利用大量调研的一手数据资料,从农民工工资待遇、就业权益保障和农民工职业发展等几个方面,对当前农民工就业质量的现状进行了概述。得出了目前农民工就业质量低下的结论,并从体制方面,农民工自身方面和就业的现实问题方面等三个角度阐述了原因。2、本研究在综述人力资本、社会资本和职业流动相关理论的基础上,界定了本研究中农民工人力资本、社会资本和职业流动的概念和内涵。根据农民工的具体情况,确定了测量农民工人力资本、社会资本和职业流动状况的指标,从正反两方面分析了人力资本、社会资本和职业流动三者之间的相互影响作用以及人力资本、社会资本、职业流动三个方面的因素对农民工就业质量的影响。3、本研究在一般就业理论、劳动力转移就业理论、职业搜寻和发展理论以及就业满意度理论的框架下,结合农民工就业质量的特点,采用德尔菲法和层次分析法,制定了农民工就业质量评价指标体系。4、本研究在人力资本相关理论的基础上,对样本的人力资本总体状况做出初步的判断,并实证分析了人力资本各项指标对农民工就业质量的影响。结果显示受教育年限、技能证书和健康自评与就业质量指数的相伴概率(即P值,Sig)均小于0.005,即以上三项与就业质量指数显著相关。并分析了受教育年限对就业质量各项指标的影响。结果显示,随着受教育年限的增加,农民工月收入呈上升的趋势,就业更趋于稳定。农民工对目前工作升职加薪的乐观程度、对人际关系的满意程度也不断提高,对于收入的满意度则呈现下降趋势,对于工作条件的满意度的变化则呈现倒“U”型的变化,满意度最高的是大专科学历的农民工。5、本研究在社会资本相关理论的基础上,对样本社会资本的总体状况做出初步的判断,并实证分析了社会资本对农民工就业质量的影响。衡量社会资本占有情况的三个指标中,只有网络质量这个指标与农民工就业质量指数显著正相关,其相伴概率(P值sig.)为0.001,小于显著性水平0.005。随着社会网络质量的提高,农民工就业质量均值呈上升趋势。网络质量与升职加薪的可能性和农民工个体对就业前景的看法两个变量显著正相关,其相伴概率(p值sig.)均为0.000,小于显著性水平0.005。随着农民工就业使用社会资本的规模的扩大,其就业质量指数均值呈一个U字型,即先减后增。通过强关系实现就业的农民工就业质量指数均值略高于通过弱关系实现就业的农民工就业质量指数均值,通过强关系实现就业的农民工就业质量的主观满意度更高,通过弱关系实现就业的农民工在收入、就业正规程度等客观就业质量方面更高。农民工次级社会资本的构建和拓展有利于他们就业质量的提高。6、本研究在职业流动相关理论的基础上对样本的职业流动总体状况做出初步的判断,并实证分析了职业流动对农民工就业质量的影响。结果显示随着职业流动次数的增加,农民工就业质量指数的均值先升后降,呈倒“U”字型。将流动意向作为因变量,农民工个人基本情况和务工基本情况作为自变量,SPSS18.0软件中进行logistic回归分析。从数据分析的结果来看,可以看出影响农民工流动意向的主要是就业方面的客观情况。对于农民工流动意向影响最大的是月收入及对工作条件的满意度,相伴概率(P值sig.)均为0.001。本研究在劳动力迁移的“推拉理论”、农民-农民工-市民的二阶段转移理论、马斯洛需求层次理论和行为决策理论的框架下阐述了就业质量对农民工职业流动的影响。7、本研究通过构建结构方程,分析各个因素对农民工就业质量的影响,并得出人力资本方面的因素对农民工就业质量的影响最显著。8、本研究在对农民工就业质量论述的基础上,从加强农民工基础教育及优化农民工职业培训体系、完善农民工就业的社会环境、规范用工制度及保障农民工合法权益以及其他综合措施等四个方面提出了提升农民工就业质量的建议。

【Abstract】 China is in the stage of industrialization and urbanization, there will be moreand more rural surplus labor transfer to non-agricultural industries and urbangradually. To solve the employment problem of the migrant workers, is not onlythe urgent task of maintaining the relationship among reform, development andstability, and also the strategic task of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.To build a migrant workers employment quality evaluation system, this dissertationevaluate the status quo of the current quality of migrant workers employment inJiangxi province comprehensively and objectively. It analyzes the influencing factorson the quality of the migrant workers employment and its mechanism of action fromthe perspective of human capital, social capital and occupational mobility. Accordingto the above analysis, it puts forward the countermeasures of improving the qualityof migrant workers employment advice.1、This dissertation defines the definition of migrant workers and migrantworkers employment quality and the quality of employment on the research of labortransfer theory and other related theories. Using a large amount of investigation data,the dissertation describes the current status of the quality of migrant workersemployment in Jiangxi province from such aspects as migrant workers wages,employment rights and interests of security and migrant workers’ careerdevelopment and so on. It comes to the conclusion that the quality of migrantworkers employment is low in Jiangxi province at present. And the dissertationanalyzes the cause of it from the aspects of system, the reality of the employmentand migrant workers themselves.2、This dissertation defines the definition and connotation of migrant workers’human capital, social capital and occupational mobility on the research of relatedtheories. According to the specific situation of the migrant workers, it determines theindex of measuring migrant workers’ human capital, social capital and occupationalmobility. It analyzes the mutual influence among human capital, social capital andoccupational mobility from positive and negative aspects. This dissertation illustratesthe influence of the above factors on the employment quality of migrant workers.3、According to the characteristics of migrant workers employment quality,this study set up the evaluation index system of migrant workers employment quality basing on the employment theory, labor transfer employment theory, job search anddevelopment theory and job satisfaction theory by using the Delphi method andanalytic hierarchy process (AHP).4、This dissertation describes a general picture of the human capital statusaccording to the data and makes empirical analysis on the quality of the migrantworkers employment quality on the basis of relevant theories of human capital.Results show a positive correlation between year of the education, skills certificate,self-evaluation of health and the employment quality index. Results also shows thatmonthly income of migrant workers,employment stability, the interpersonalrelationship satisfaction and the degree of optimism towards job are on the rise trendalong with the increasing years of the education. The satisfaction degree of theworking conditions rises after the first drop.5、This dissertation describes a general picture of the social capital statusmigrant workers according to the data and makes empirical analysis on the migrantworkers employment quality basing on relevant theories of social capital. Resultshows a positive correlation between network quality index and migrant workersemployment quality. With the improvement of social network quality, migrantworkers employment quality, the possibility of promotion and the degree ofoptimistic about employment prospects are on the rise. With the expansion of socialcapital using in migrant workers employment, the average index of employmentquality drops after the first rising. The average index of employment quality of themigrant workers’ who obtain employment opportunity through strong-relationshipsocial capital is slightly higher than the same of those who obtain employmentopportunity through weak-relationship social capital. The subjective satisfactiondegree of the former is higher than the same of the latter. While the income of theformer is lower than the same of the latter. The construction and expansion ofmigrant workers’ second social capital are beneficial to the improvement of thequality of their employment quality.6、This dissertation describes a general picture of the occupational mobility ofmigrant workers according to the data and makes empirical analysis on the migrantworkers employment quality basing on relevant theories of occupational mobility.Result shows that with the increase of number of changing jobs, the average index ofmigrant workers’ employment quality rise after the first drop. Using SPSS18.0, makea logistic regression analysis on the data by setting the intention of changing job as dependent variable and the migrant workers’ personal basic situations as independentvariable. The result shows that objective conditions of employment are the mainfactors affecting the intention of changing job. Among which, the monthly incomeand satisfaction of working conditions are the two biggest factors on it. Thedissertation illustrates the influence of employment quality to occupational mobilityin the framework of labor migration “push-pull” theory, two-stage-migration theoryof farmer-migrant work-citizen, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and behavioraldecision theory.7、This dissertation analyzes the effect of various factors on the migrant workersemployment quality by building SEM(Structural Equation Modeling). And it isconcluded that the human capital factor is the most significant influence factor onmigrant workers employment quality.8、Basing on the illustration of migrant workers employment quality, thedissertation put forward the following suggestion: reinforcing basic education of themigrant workers and optimizing vocational training system, improving the socialenvironment for migrant workers employment, perfecting recruitment system andsafeguarding legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers, and othercomprehensive measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

