

The Study on the Soviet Areas Spirit

【作者】 熊标

【导师】 陈世润;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在苏区斗争的艰苦岁月里,毛泽东、朱德、周恩来、邓小平等老一辈无产阶级革命家团结和带领苏区军民培育了伟大的苏区精神。苏区精神是我们党在创建、保卫和发展苏区的革命实践中形成的,它集中体现了中国共产党人、中国工农红军和苏区群众的精神风貌,是苏区军民世界观、人生观和价值观的生动写照。伟大的苏区精神不仅是当年苏区军民克敌制胜的的法宝,而且成为了后来长征精神、延安精神和西柏坡精神的直接源头,在中国革命精神发展史上占有重要地位。通过对苏区革命史的研究,我们发现苏区精神的形成具有历史必然性。苏区时期,中华民族面临严重的危机,中国的社会矛盾非常尖锐,人民群众生活在水深火热之中,具有强烈的革命意愿,这为苏区精神的形成准备了良好的群众基础。大革命失败后,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人成功探索出一条农村包围城市的革命道路,开辟了广阔的苏区农村根据地,广泛进行马克思主义的宣传教育,这就为苏区精神的形成提供空间依托和思想准备。此外,创建了中华苏维埃共和国,进行了围剿与反“围剿”的生死较量,这就为苏区精神的培育奠定了实践基础。正是有了这些充分的准备,苏区精神的形成就顺理成章,体现了一种历史必然性。在苏区的革命实践中,我们党领导苏区军民铸就了以坚定信念、求真务实、一心为民、清正廉洁、艰苦奋斗、争创一流、无私奉献为主要内涵的苏区精神。这二十八个字高度浓缩,集中体现了苏区精神的本质和精髓,既有中国革命精神的共性,又突出了苏区精神的鲜明个性。苏区精神科学内涵的七个方面相互联系、相互印证,形成了一个内在有机的结构。苏区精神见证了苏区党的建设、军队建设和苏维埃共和国建设的全过程,因此,成就了治党精神、治军精神、治国精神的应然地位。尤其是在革命低潮时期,点燃了革命必胜的信念,坚定了中国特色革命道路,又见证了跟王明“左”倾教条主义的进行艰难的斗争,彰显了求真务实的理论品质,这些共同构成了苏区精神的特质。通过对这些特质的提炼,突出了苏区精神跟其他革命精神的差异,证明了苏区精神自身独特的存在和价值,有力回应了关于苏区精神的种种质疑。苏区精神作为一种经历血与火考验的革命精神,它不会因为历史方位的变换而失去自身存在的价值。通过对苏区精神时代价值的开显和发掘,笔者认为,它的时代价值至少包括以下四个方面:苏区精神是中国共产党执政合法性的见证,是中国特色社会主义事业的应然选择,是实现社会主义核心价值体系认同的宝贵资源,是赣南等原中央苏区振兴的强大精神动力。有鉴于此,在新的历史时期,我们必须大力培育和弘扬苏区精神,让苏区精神焕发出时代光芒。

【Abstract】 In the hard years of struggle in the Soviet Areas, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, ZhouEnlai, Deng Xiaoping and other proletarian revolutionists of older generation uniteand lead the army and the people in the Soviet Areas to cultivate the great SovietAreas Spirit. Soviet Areas Spirits formed in the great practice of creating,defending,regenerating Soviet Areas, which is the epitome of the mental outlook of the ChineseCommunists, the Red Army and the people in the Soviet Areas, is a vivid portrayal ofthe world outlook, outlook on life and the values of the army and the people in theSoviet Areas. The great Soviet Areas Spirits, not only as an important magic weaponthat the Chinese Communists gain mastery over the enemy, but a direct source of theLong March Spirit, Yanan Spirit, Xibaipo Spirit, occupies an important position in thedevelopment history of the Chinese revolutionary spirit.Through the study of the revolutionary history about Soviet Areas, we find thatthe formation of Soviet Areas Spirit is inevitable. In the Soviet period, the Chinesenation was facing serious crisis, social contradictions was very sharp in China, peoplewith strong revolutionary will was living in dire strait, all of these prepared a goodmass base for the formation of Soviet Areas Spirit. After the failure of the GreatRevolution, with Mao Zedong as the representative of the CPC successfully found apath of encircling the cities from rural areas, opened up a vast range of the rural basein the Soviet Areas, and carried on extensive publicity and education of Marxism,these provided the mental preparation and space support for the formation of theSoviet Areas Spirit. In addition, the creation of the China Soviet Republic and thebitter struggle between encirclement and counter encirclement prepared practicalfoundation for the formation of the Soviet Areas Spirit. Because of these preparations,the formation of the Soviet Areas Spirit is inevitable.In the practice of revolution in the Soviet Areas, the CPC lead the army and thepeople in the Soviet Areas to cultivate the Soviet Areas Spirit with main contentincluding firm belief, pragmatism, serving the people wholeheartedly, honest andupright, work hard, striving for excellence, selfless devotion. The twenty eight characters concentrate highly and embody the essence of the Soviet Areas Spirit,containing commonness of the Chinese Revolutionary Spirit and distinct character ofits own. Seven aspects of scientific content of the Soviet Areas Spirit interrelate,mutually confirm, and form an intrinsic structure. It has witnessed the whole processof construction of the CPC, the army and the China Soviet Republic, so the SovietAreas Spirit is a kind of spirit of building the CPC and the army and constructing ofthe China Soviet Republic. Especially in the revolutionary tide period, the SovietAreas Spirit lights the revolutionary belief of the army and the people in the SovietAreas, convicts the revolutionary road with the Chinese characteristics, and witnessesthe struggle against Wang Ming’s "Left" dogmatism, and demonstrates the theoreticalquality of pragmatism, all of these commonly constitute special traits of the SovietAreas Spirit. Through the refinement of these traits, the differences between theSoviet Areas Spirit and other revolutionary spirit is highlighted, its unique existenceand value of the Soviet Areas Spirit is proved, kinds of doubts about the Soviet AreasSpirit is answered best.As a kind of revolutionary spirit tested by blood and fire, the Soviet Areas Spiritwill not lose its own value because of the change of historical position. By exploringthe times value of the Soviet Areas Spirit, these values at least include the followingaspects: it is historical witness of legitimacy of the CPC, the choice of the socialistcause with Chinese characteristic, valuable resource of realizing the recognition of thecore value system of socialism, powerful spiritual force of revitalizing the CentralSoviet Areas.In view of this, in the new historical period, we must strive to foster andpromote the Soviet Areas Spirit, let the Soviet Areas Spirit exude the era light.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

