

Research on Key Technologies of Virtual Testability Verification Test for Equipments

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 邱静;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 机械工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 测试性指标是装备重要总体指标之一,是装备采办必须考虑的指标,越来越受到订购、设计、试验、使用部门的重视。随着装备研制及测试性工程的推进,国内不少装备型号正面临设计定型,承制方和订购方都迫切需要一种“快、准、好、省”的测试性验证试验技术。如何在减少测试性验证试验风险、成本、周期的同时,科学合理地对装备测试性水平进行验证和评价是工程中亟待解决的问题。本文在部委级项目和国家自然科学基金项目的支持下,针对测试性实物验证试验故障注入困难、风险大、周期长、代价高等问题,提出一种基于小子样理论与虚拟验证试验相结合的测试性综合验证总体方案,系统深入地研究其中的测试性虚拟验证试验关键技术问题。论文的主要研究内容和结论包括:1.测试性综合验证总体方案设计针对测试性小子样实物验证存在故障注入困难、先验信息不足,而复杂的整机系统建模较困难等问题,利用小子样理论和虚拟验证试验的技术优势,采取虚实结合的总体技术思路,提出基于小子样理论和虚拟验证试验相结合的测试性综合验证总体方案。重点阐述其中的测试性虚拟验证技术思路,分析指出测试性虚拟验证试验主要包括两项关键技术——功能-故障-行为-测试-环境一体化建模技术和故障样本模拟生成技术。2.功能-故障-行为-测试-环境一体化建模技术(1)针对测试性虚拟验证试验对测试性模型提出的新要求,提出一种功能-故障-行为-测试-环境一体化模型(Function-fault-behavior-test-environment model,FFBTEM),FFBTEM主要由功能、故障、行为、测试、环境等要素及其相互关联关系构成,阐述了FFBTEM的定义、数学描述和关联关系,指出各类子模型在仿真时通过变量、参数传递发生联系。(2)提出一种循序渐进的FFBTEM构建策略,并提出FFBTEM的构建过程与方法。针对定性FFBTEM,提出基于扩展多信号流图模型的构建流程和方法;针对FFBTEM具有分层、分块、跨领域的特点,采取面向对象和分层的建模策略以及基于相似原理的多领域统一建模理论,提出基于多领域统一建模法的定量FFBTEM构建方法,较好地解决了定量FFBTEM的构建。(3)为了检验并评价FFBTEM的准确性和可信度,提出FFBTEM校核、验证与确认方法,给出FFBTEM校核、验证及确认的概念及应用过程。针对FFBTEM确认中的可信度评估问题,提出基于层次分析法和模糊综合评判法的FFBTEM可信度综合评估方法。3.环境-故障-测试关联分析与建模(1)为模拟生成更逼近实际情况的故障样本,考虑环境对故障发生强度的影响,研究环境-故障耦合建模方法。提出基于故障模式、机理、环境应力分析的环境-故障定性关联分析方法和基于灰色关联分析的环境-故障定量关联分析方法,综合加权计算得到环境-故障关联因子,该因子能较准确衡量不同等级环境应力对故障发生强度的影响,该因子将引入故障统计模型,用于故障样本模拟生成。(2)为使测试性虚拟验证试验更接近真实情况,考虑测试的不确定性,研究测试不确定性建模理论和方法。分析指出影响测试不确定性的主要因素是环境影响、被测对象参数和测试仪器参数自身的不确定性。针对环境的影响,提出基于最小二乘法的环境-参数关联建模方法,研究表明,基于环境-参数关联模型可计算得到环境对参数的影响量。针对参数自身不确定,提出基于启发式统计建模法的参数随机性建模方法。研究表明,基于参数随机性模型可模拟得到参数不确定性偏差。将影响量及随机偏差代入FFBTEM中参与测试性虚拟验证试验可模拟测试的不确定性行为。4.基于故障统计模型的故障样本模拟生成技术为使测试性虚拟验证试验中的故障样本尽量逼近实际故障发生样本,全面考虑装备实际服役、维修及环境,研究基于故障统计模型的故障样本模拟生成技术。(1)针对维修效果为完美维修、维修模式为事后维修、寿命服从指数分布、考虑环境影响的情况,提出基于齐次泊松过程的故障样本模拟生成技术,通过统计仿真模拟生成故障样本。(2)针对维修效果为完美维修、维修模式为事后维修或定期维修、考虑多种寿命分布及环境影响的情况,提出基于更新过程的故障样本模拟生成技术,借助逆变换法模拟生成故障样本。(3)针对维修效果为最小维修或非完美维修、维修模式为事后维修或定期维修、考虑环境影响的情况,提出基于非齐次泊松过程的故障样本模拟生成技术,借助逆变换法和稀疏法模拟生成故障样本。研究表明,基于故障统计模型模拟生成的故障样本与实际故障统计样本的统计特征值很接近,故障样本量、样本结构较合理。5.技术应用与验证研究以某型导弹控制系统及其测试系统为对象开展技术应用与验证研究,建立虚实结合的半实物仿真平台,构建混合FFBTEM,对本文所研究的测试性虚拟验证试验关键技术进行了应用和验证。结果表明,本文所提出的测试性虚拟验证试验理论与技术正确可行、科学合理,具有风险少、成本低、效率高、故障注入受限少等优点,具有很好的工程应用前景。

【Abstract】 As the important system indicators of new equipment which should be assessed inequipment acquisition, testability indices are attracting more and more attention frompurchaser, development unit and user. With the development of testability design andtestability engineering, many newly designed types of equipment have adopted thetestability technology and transferred to the verification stage. To accelerate thedemonstration of the equipments, both the producer and the consumer are seeking atestability verification technology which has the advantages such as short test period,better accuracy and lower cost. So the testability verification plays an important role intestability engineering. It is a theoretical and practical problem that to implement thetestability verification and evaluation considering the risk, cost, time and other testfactors.This research is supported by a ministerial pre-research project and national naturalscience foundation. This thesis is aiming to solve the problems involved in the practicaltestability tests, including difficult fault injection, high risk and cost, and long period.An overall testability verification scheme is proposed based on small sample theory andvirtual test. The key technologies of testability virtual verification are studiedsystematically.The major contents and conclusions of the dissertation are as follows.1. Design for overall testability verification schemeSome faults injections are difficult both in small sample tests and entire equipmentmodeling. An overall testability verification scheme, which combines the advantages ofsmall sample test and virtual test, is proposed to settle the difficulties. The technologyroute of virtual testability verification is emphatically illustrated. There are two keytechnologies in the virtual testability verification test which include the integratedfunction-fault-behavior-test-environment modeling technology and the fault samplesimulation technology.2. Integrated function-fault-behavior-test-environment modeling technology(1) According to the requirements of the virtual testability verification tests, anintegrated function-fault-behavior-test-environment model (FFBTEM) is proposed. Theconstituents of the FFBTEM including function, fault, behavior, test and environmentare analyzed and discussed. The mathematical definition and description of theFFBTEM and its submodels are provided. The relationships among the submodels areestablished and analyzed.(2) The modeling process and strategy of FFBTEM are discussed. The qualitativeFFBTEM modeling method and process based on extended multi-signal flow model arepresented. The object-oriented and hierarchical modeling strategy and multi-domain modeling theory are used to construct the quantitative FFBTEM. This method isfeasible in quantitative FFBTEM modeling.(3) The verification, validation and accreditation (VV&A) for FFBTEM is studiedin order to evaluate its accuracy and credibility. The concept and application procedureof FFBTEM VV&A are given. Credibility evaluation method based on analytichierarchy process and fuzzy synthetic evaluation is proposed.3. Environment-fault-test relation analysis and modeling(1) Aiming to measure the impact of the environment on the fault occurrence, anenvironment-fault coupling modeling method is studied. A qualitativeenvironment-fault relationship analysis method based on failure mode, mechanism,environment stress analysis and quantitative environment-fault relationship analysismethod based on grey relationship analysis are provided. The environment-fault factorcalculation method is given. This factor reflects the relationship between environmentstress and fault occurrence rate, which can be introduced to the fault statistical model tosimulate the generation of the fault sample.(2) In order to ensure similarity between virtual testability verification tests and thepractical tests, the uncertainty test modeling method is studied considering uncertainfactors. It is analyzed and pointed out that the main factors of uncertainty areenvironment effect, and uncertainty of parameters of the under test unit and testinstrument. An environment-parameter relation modeling method is provided based onleast square method considering the effect of the environment. The proposed methodcan be used to calculate the effect of the environment on the parameters. A randomparameter modeling method is proposed based on heuristic statistical modeling methodconsidering the uncertainty of the parameters. The parameters random deviation can besimulated based on this model. It is shown that the uncertain behavior of the test in thevirtual testability test can be simulated after introducing the quantitative effect of theenvironment and the parameters random deviation into the FFBTEM.4. Fault sample simulation technology based on fault statistical modelIn order to make the fault simulation sample more similar to the actual fault sample,more actual factors are considered in fault sample simulation, such as various repaireffects, maintenance modes, lifetime distributions and the effects of the environment.(1) In case of perfect repair, breakdown maintenance, exponential lifetimedistribution, and considering environmental effect, fault sample simulation approachbased on homogeneous Poisson process is proposed. The fault sample is carried out bystochastic simulation.(2) In case of perfect repair, breakdown maintenance or scheduled maintenance,various lifetime distributions, and considering environmental effect, fault samplesimulation approach based on renewal process is proposed. The fault sample is carriedout based on inverse transform method. (3) In case of minimal or imperfect repair, breakdown maintenance or scheduledmaintenance, and considering environmental effect, fault sample simulation approachbased on nonhomogeneous Poisson process is proposed. The fault sample is carried outbased on inverse transform method and thinning algorithm.The study indicates that the sample size and structure of fault sample simulationresults are similar to the actual results and reasonable.5. Case studyA missile control system is taken as the subject of application. FFBTEM and asemi-physical simulation test-bed are developed, on which the proposed virtualtestability verification test technologies are demonstrated. The application exampleindicates that the proposed theory and technologies in virtual testability verification testare scientific and feasible. They have good prospects for engineering applications owingto low risk and cost, high efficiency, and few restrictions on fault injection.


